StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you've never had it, I would forgo the vaxx.

Lets say it did do something, we've learned that essentially, every single vax has bad side effects.

I went to the ER one time, and while in a haze, they asked if I wanted the HPV vaccine.

I don't remember getting it, but the first dose is on all my medical records, and I've had worsened chronic abdominal pain, since then.

StanceDancing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im sorry, what run of the mill lowlife, lives in a 500k condo?? Did you even read the article??

This is an upscale place, and the woman who supposedly owns it is in her 60s.

Are you claiming this woman had four kids that she killed all in infanthood, from negligence, and hid them in her freezer???

You know you can leave babies on the steps of police stations or fire stations, with no penalty, yeah??? So why murder them?

StanceDancing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something I learned about aspirin, that is rarely talked about, is aspirin can cause tinnitus.

My grandma used to pump me full of aspirin for every ailment, and I had horrible tinnitus growing up, that made me cry.

At some point after it had cleared up, I learned about aspirin causing it, and the very next time I took it, yeah it came back for awhile

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

These people said we couldn't misgender "christina-chan", because we shouldn't be switching off our support for trans people, just because they did a crime.

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

https://myfoodjobrocks.com/plant-protein-problems/ I would not trust pea protein.

Yes, maybe there are some domestic manufactures, but the bulk of our pea protein comes from China, and they have no safety or quality standards there.

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

They've been pushing this for quite some time now. There is a reason that birth rates have been declining for awhile.

I remember being 13 and reading parenting magazines, that talked about all the money you could save, and how much of the environment you could protect, if you just didn't have that second or third kid. I'm 27 now.

Things like this have been infiltrated for awhile. I remember even webcomics and memes, that would be pushing the "Kids are bad for the planet! Kids are bad for you!" narrative.

Back then it would throw in the materialistic wealth you would have, if you didn't have kids, but now it's turned to "you're already poor, you won't be able to afford gas now if you have a kid, and also they're bad for the environment"

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bro, no food is healthy if this is their ingredient list

water, pea protein, expeller-pressed canola oil, refined coconut oil, rice protein, natural flavors, cocoa butter, mung bean protein, methylcellulose, potato starch, apple extract, pomegranate extract, salt, potassium chloride, vinegar, lemon juice concentrate, sunflower lecithin, beet juice extract.

most of this is freaking oils, and pea protein, pea protein is a waste product made in china, when they make their noodles. We import their garbage as "protein".

So this food is 10000% harmful to the population, just because they're "GMO free" means nothing if they are stuffing it with oils and waste product.

StanceDancing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, if you look at the ingredients of a lot of the fake meat, they are full of soy and solidified oils, some of the worst things you can eat.

It's like vegan stuff, which my mother has turned to, in order to be more "healthy". Everything she buys is stuffed with soy and oils, in order to make it "vegan". It's disgusting, and insanely unhealthy.

StanceDancing 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it has something to do with the "United" part, as that implies coming together, and that is 100% not what the deep state and cabal want us to do.

StanceDancing 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think its more that, girls like that are the only ones he could attract, even with his money

StanceDancing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, it would be nice if we could use rainbows, or rainbow colored stuff, and not have people automatically assume gay

StanceDancing 5 points ago +5 / -0

Homeopathy. Looking up natural cures.

Tbh tho, if you must go, find a catholic or christian based hospital network.

I go to one in IL, and all through covid, they never made a push for the vax, or mass covid testing.

StanceDancing 4 points ago +4 / -0

This so much. Please tell the hospital you're allergic to anything you're worried about, if you must go.

I've told the Doctors I'm allergic to so much stuff, The flu vax, various medications.

They'll question you on it, but if you say it happened in a hospital out of their network, or at a random clinic, they won't be able to do much about it.

The nurses who check you in, are the ones who list the allergies, or approve them (if you listed them yourself in a medical app). They are much easier to trick and fool, than actual doctors, because many of them don't stay up to date, and will take a lot of what you say at face value.

StanceDancing 7 points ago +7 / -0

I posted this to another comment, but Candace has had a pretty bad history

Owens launched SocialAutopsy.com in 2016, a website she said would expose bullies on the Internet by tracking their digital footprint.[1][3][19] The site would have solicited users to take screenshots of offensive posts and send them to the website, where they would be categorized by the user's name.[19]

many people have been mocked for not trusting her, yet her history gives us a lot of evidence why we shouldn't trust her at face value.

StanceDancing 6 points ago +6 / -0

As the other comment said, her history isn't very good.

Owens launched SocialAutopsy.com in 2016, a website she said would expose bullies on the Internet by tracking their digital footprint.[1][3][19] The site would have solicited users to take screenshots of offensive posts and send them to the website, where they would be categorized by the user's name.[19]

StanceDancing 9 points ago +9 / -0

They've exposed themselves plenty over the years, more people need to spread when they spew bullshit headlines.

They'll say what they think conservatives want to hear, up until they need to push a narrative.

I think last time everyone pushed to stop reading them, was after the 2020 election, and the articles they were pushing.

StanceDancing 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's getting easier and easier for the normies to see it. I've talked to a few, some from different countries, and even they've been waking up and noticing the concentrated attacks the media (and social media) will have on their targets.

StanceDancing 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm sorry, what? Why does TRUMP need to apologize???

He was the one constantly pushing alternative treatments, and the media constantly slandered him, and said we needed to wait for the vaccines.

DeSantis got shit all over on when he was going against the covid rules, that were being implemented in the rest of the country.

I have no idea why you think DeSantis somehow came out on top, for saying the exact same stuff Trump did.

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
StanceDancing 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of my best friends is a black boy from Curacao, who ended up escaping poverty and going to the Netherlands, because there are a few companies there who import the citizens of any countries that used to be apart of the Netherlands Antilles, and a few other countries they have deals with.

They all offer to help settle you into the country, set you up with a place, as long as you come work for them.

All day, they continually bring in new foreigners, and ship them out to other plants if their plant gets too full.

What is this, if not legal replacement of the native workforce?

Side note about Curacao. Prostitution is illegal for the habitants of the island, but legal for any foreigners. The women are housed on the property and unable to leave.

StanceDancing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just like flu is back up, after going away because everyone followed covid protocols, even tho covid cases kept going up, because no one followed covid protocols.

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

They aren't looking to make the people who survive their slave populace. It's the illlegal alien populace they keep bussing in(and asians)

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