Good. No one should fight for that houseplant. No one should fight for the lefts agenda and no men should fight for a country that tolerates them instead of celebrating them.
No one should breathe a sigh of relief. Knowing the WHO, they'll try again and try to do it under our noses when people least expect it. They're not just going to back down on trying to gain more control.
Why does that teacher look like weird al yankivic? Lol
Take it a step farther. Men are the primary casualties of war. They want equality? Send them to the front lines to catch up equally. Watch how many, "strong independent women" somehow end up pregnant and unable to serve.
Let Actiblizzard be the first of the games industry to get the Bud Light treatment.
I'll celebrate being super straight. Lol
I mean it makes sense why they do this. Kill the old voter (who would challenge them) base with the demonic jab while the immigrants (who will accept without question) are okay to be untainted.
Having lost friends like this. It pains me to think that they're only given 1 day to be honored and the LGHDTV community is given a whole month.
Most of the young will not see even 1 cent of social security when it's time to cash out. It will all be used by this corrupt government. Social security as far as I see is broke.
Might want to also add strong fathers in media. These days only single mothers are praised. Fathers? Either treated like jokes or made out to be dead beats.
Another person I can honestly say looks like they have munchausen.
The desperation is hilarious.
I want the default to happen because the first impacted will be those living off social security. The same people who voted ALL of this in while the younger generation picked up the tab. Heck now we're at a birth rate so low the chances of any newer generation seeing social security is slim to none and slim has been dead and rotting for years.
Huh... Who knew that all you needed to sober people up was a tranny as a marketing gimmick. Congrats to those who cut beer!
I'm not super straight. I'm a masculine presenting transgendered lesbian who only dates biological women. In their words I'm super gay lol.
I don't care what they do. Just leave me and mine the fuck alone. It's gotten to a point where now they're trying to shame straight people into dating these trans weirdos.
Fake money.
We know why. They're going to be here to try to hide amongst citizens for when the full invasion starts.
And they wonder why the military is missing their recruitment quotas... If this is how vets are treated there's no point enlisting.
Greater Idaho can't happen quick enough.
Interesting. Yeah I don't know much about finishing school except from second hand. Thanks for clarifying this one.
Not sure what was taught at finishing school. Only know from people who went to it. That was discontinued before I was born.
Might want to bring back finishing school for ladies who actually want to be mothers but don't know what's required for motherhood.
I guarantee if you look into some of these libs' lineage you'll find that they are descendants of slave owners. Looking at you Don Chiedle (war machine). noticed that dude stopped his pro reparations stance after that was "discovered".