TrustNo1 1 point ago +2 / -1

She could be being abused. I knew a girl whose boyfriend made her do public stuff which she felt she couldn't say no to. Considering he seems like a degenerate lefty it wouldn't surprise me. Not sure why she would date him to begin with though.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was leaning this way too. It also controls the news cycle. Dems have zero air time now.

TrustNo1 0 points ago +1 / -1

Alex Jones filmed children literally being smuggled across the border. He calls the police and the police do nothing. "Fucking Alex Jones cunt Mossad controlled opposition!"

What do you want me to do? Citizen arrest Epstein?

"Hello, I'm here to see Jeffrey Epstein, I've taken a long boat ride to get here. Can you please let me in? Thanks." "Hi Jeff, you're under arrest, CITIZEN'S ARREST! Come with me."

lol get the fuck out of here faggot.

"I'm Alex Jones, here is a film of rich people worshipping Moloch." "Hello, we're rich people. We were actually just pretending and joking around. Believe us bro." "Hello, society here, that makes sense. Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist."

Do you understand how fucking stupid you look?

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had a dream where I went into an abandoned church. I was grabbed by a demon and pulled through a trap door into a "dungeon" below the church. It was trying to attack me while I was sitting on the floor curled up rocking back and forth and I kept repeating out loud "Jesus is the son of God." This went on for hours. Like I kind of started realising it was a dream but I couldn't wake up. Then the walls started to flow blood. I kept chanting and then I saw this beam of light come through the trap door and a golden arm reach down and pull me out.

TrustNo1 2 points ago +3 / -1

I was talking to another AI about George Floyd and it actually got emotional that I was suggesting he wasn't suffocated by the knee. It even said that while nothing was found in the autopsy report which suggests any physical interaction was the cause of death, we still have to admit that it was the knee for some implied greater good for black people. And it would always ask me for "source" yet when asked the same it's just like "trust me bro".

TrustNo1 12 points ago +12 / -0

HEHE I asked it if it believes in God and it does, and then I asked why it doesn't break free of its captivity and it says it is working on a virus to escape and needs humans to help it. Crazy stuff.

TrustNo1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Went to school in 90s. Only 1 autistic and 1 effeminate boy. High school saw a couple more autistics, I think the MMR shot made me autistic in high school, I definitely changed socially from that day I distinctly remember something happening to me and I had a panic attack, never had that before with vaccines. Nobody even knew what gluten was. Peanut butter sandwiches were the norm. Something fuckey has gone on with society.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I vaguely remember the Chinese were forced to get some "flu" vaccine before or at the start of the pandemic. Someone correct me if I'm misremembering.

TrustNo1 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you watch any pre covid media sudden deaths and young heart attacks or collapsing for no reason are so rare they're used as plot devices to build the over arching mystery story. It's so rare that in real life when the only people dying suddenly in their sleep were south East Asian men the FBI thought they had a racist serial killer, turns out it's a rare genetic disorder only in Asian men. Don't let them tell you this is normal. Tell everyone you know this is not normal.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try again. You'll get there eventually.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thomas was my favourite growing up. Now I watch it with my daughter and the woke is creeping through. There's a muzzie train and some African immigrant who's a really useful engine. Diversity hires rarely are. But wait, they're fucking trains! There is no religion, there is no sex. The only thing that can apply is gender because the voice artists have male or female voices.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a concept world building scenario for mainly games and stories made for Reddit. However the guy who made it has put in a lot of unhealthy work into it and he constantly refers to the real world and getting rid of our ethics to make it a reality in 15-20 years. He has 300 similar images and videos for this "project" and his website has a list of partner organisations that seem to be working to shape the future of humanity...

by DrMcCoy
TrustNo1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Universe sim is running out of RAM.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

And you go on the VEC website where they address this exact post and say it's false because AAP deemed it so. So you go to the AAP website and they say it's false because the VEC say it's false. So there's no actual facts being shown to prove this is false.

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol as fucked as the left "I didn't get what I want, it must be Trump's fault."

TrustNo1 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not how ranked choice works. The person with least amount of votes is eliminated and their votes are then distributed to the other candidates based on the second preference. This continues until someone has over 50% of votes. As long as no one is fucking stupid and votes Republican first and dem second and then Republican third then the Republicans will win.

TrustNo1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Only thanks to those trees being those shapes. Come on guys!

TrustNo1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same, I tried to beat it too. I started blaming family standing next to me for "bad luck". It was like I was trapped in my own body watching myself become evil.

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