Vstablegenius45 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow just had a read of some of those posts, they are so far removed from reality its hilarious.

There is a hilarious post about putting money aside so they can feed their cats as they really are just npc memes at this point.

Them worrying about drug tests and bringing a packed lunch to save money. with the amount all these idiots were being paid for doing next to nothing and they still have no savings.

Someone made a "hold the line" quilt its all so hilarious.

I am sure some of it must be trolling, some advised to resist by letting your tesla self drive off a cliff, sell all your crypto lol.

Also I bet the NSA is laughing their asses off at the backdoor access they have to Reddit seeing all the people plotting in "secret" PM's lol.

Even the secure messaging on phones is no real security because pretty much all phones have hardware backdoor's in the cell phone radio hardware.

Can see Q is cleaning house and setting the stage to minimize problems when the really big news starts to drop.

Vstablegenius45 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is great i have been having trouble keeping up with all the winning, i am not tired of the winning yet but sure working up a sweat :)

Vstablegenius45 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never get the hero worship for this guy, most of you know him from mega but before that he was a con man, calling cards scams, stealing credit card numbers, various other scams, sold all his friends down the river to keep himself out of jail many times.

Kim dotcoms real history

Selling out rival competitors

He is no hero, sad that he had a stroke but don't follow these idiots. Would not surprise me he is some asset like alex jones tbh he always has that vibe to me.

Vstablegenius45 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have seen many videos of explosions have have never seen the speckles like on that 2015 video, i even looked at some other versions of that video to see if someone had added them in but no they are there on all versions i have seen.

When Q talked about the "scare event" necessary it made me think what would scare people enough to wake up, the constant mass shootings and violence, wars are just normal now and made me think something big like a nuke going off would wake people up out of their slumber.

Vstablegenius45 3 points ago +3 / -0

If a nuclear weapon was used it could be detected from the VLF waves it produces, they used to make kits back in 60s so you could detect the pulses from the nuclear tests. I am sure there are better ways to detect it now, but it would be fairly obvious to the Ham Radio community. Nuke Detector Circuit

PDF Of Magazine with Circuit diagram

Vstablegenius45 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone told me a few years back that most of the cellphone Baseband Processors that communicates to the towers had a backdoor in it, iirc that is how that isreali spyware worked, he was friends with the people who developed it and showed how they could access any phones data with just a phone number.

Basically a radio chip for phones that has its own code running on it which is closed source so you do not know what is going on in there. Wiki Baseband Processor

Since the software which runs on baseband processors is usually proprietary, it is impossible to perform an independent code audit. By reverse engineering some of the baseband chips, researchers have found security vulnerabilities that could be used to access and modify data on the phone remotely.[3][4] In March 2014, makers of the free Android derivative Replicant announced they had found a backdoor in the baseband software of Samsung Galaxy phones that allows remote access to the user data stored on the phone

Vstablegenius45 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its funny that whenever i have seen Jesus in my dreams he looks more like a nordic person tall beautiful kinda like chris hemsworth as Thor.

I recently saw him in my dreams just before there were all those news stories about people in Arab countries seeing Jesus in their dreams also and wanting to convert.

Vstablegenius45 4 points ago +4 / -0

I should mention about the Spooky2 stuff, i have bought a few things from them they have a whole community over there working on these things and sharing knowledge. Spooky2

Never had the money to buy the plasma systems but have used the direct contact zapper using their freq generator which i found does help with my sinus problems and ear ache.

The have a bunch of cool stuff that is a lot cheaper and the $3k plasma rife system also which is supposed to be one of the best in the world they have software with tons of different freqs and ideas on how to treat different things.

Felt like rather than just a store selling devices they seem to be a good community that is not just about selling things for the highest prices.

Vstablegenius45 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am thinking this is part of the plan, if the military is going to step in around the world and solve these problems things actually have to been pretty scary and terrible so they are not seen as tyrants as you know most people are idiots and will think that because of the lifetime of brainwashing.

I think the leftys are in charge for the massive economic crash that is coming, think of it If Trump was in during this time it would ruin his reputation even though he has done so much to make things better in the world, people would only remember him for being there when it came crashing down. But if he is there after the crash he will be remembered as the guy who saved the world from these monsters that are creating the crash.

This way the left takes the fall for all problems and people are taught a lesson they wont forget.

Also if you notice that all the cool moon landing stuff is after 2024 when Trump is supposed to be back in office officially and you know Trump wants to be like JFK with the moon stuff and bringing America back to when it was doing good.

"Artemis 3 (2026) is planned to be the first American crewed lunar landing since Apollo 17 in December 1972."

Would not surprise me if Trump wanted to be the first President on the Moon: That's one small step for man, one bigly leap for Magakind :)

That's my wild theory for the day.

Vstablegenius45 10 points ago +10 / -0

There was another street outlaws guy that got cancer made me think of the vaccine as they were all forced to take it to keep filming and keep their money coming in from the show.

Really sad for Lizzy always liked her and from what i knew she had been battling the cancer and had got better, so for her to suddenly pass away like this has got to be the vaccine.


Edit: I just searched for her on twitter and it auto completed "lizzy musi vaccinated" so i guess a lot of people must be thinking the same thing

Vstablegenius45 10 points ago +11 / -1

I always feel like there real purpose is to normalize stuff like worshiping satan, same as they did with the whole lgbt stuff leading into support for pedophiles with the whole MAP movement.

That is how the cabal works, they are pretty good at brainwashing people into following down the bad path.

They might be pretending to be larping but Q has told us many times the most evil people in the world all believe satan is real and what evil things they do is related to that, hillary clinton being a witch for example. They believe in it absolutely so when i see a group that is pretending they are doing for some other reason i have my doubts.

Also thought it was interesting that the founder was studying false memory syndrome in college as well because a lot of the real victims of satanic ritual abuse get attacked saying they have false memories and its used to discredit them.

Also doing a little digging he seems like a gov asset being a white supremacist at some point, going by various names, pushing flat earth nonsense, seems the leftys on reddit don't like him either

Lucien Greaves history

More info on his fascist and flat earth roots

As always look what is beneath the cabal uses many tactics to warp the youth, look at who runs pornhub, onlyfans and the like all used to subvert society and make things worse by encouraging bad behavior.

Vstablegenius45 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is crazy they want 1200 a month for those drugs, i am hoping things change in the future and everyone can benefit. The drug company's are run by psychopaths.

Also try looking into doing some short fasts to help your gut problems or do some intermittent fasting. My help a little and is free :)

May not solve everything but its been helping my health problems along with eating a lot better.

Vstablegenius45 5 points ago +5 / -0

Your dealing with a enemy that has unlimited money that can pay off millions to do whatever they want.

Sending money to help Trumps campaign is not for him its for you so you can live in a free world and help fight the evil. Its a battle and you need a big war chest to win.

Think how much they are trying to take his wealth in various fictitious crimes and also the mental toll he has to endure with endless attacks on him and his family.

Also Trump actually said before if you don't have the money don't worry about sending any, he said if your doing well you can send some otherwise don't worry.

Vstablegenius45 6 points ago +6 / -0

I can never trust Kim Dotcom as his whole life revolved around scamming people, people who only heard of him from the mega stuff think he is come kind of hero but he was always a conman.

He pretended he was a hacker and managed to start a security company, he was not really a hacker and actually got a lot of real hackers in trouble when he ratted on them.

A bit about his life before mega

Vstablegenius45 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think einstein is the first of the manufactured celeb fake scientists like neil tyson is in the modern era.

Vstablegenius45 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember reading something which i think got suppressed was company a number of years back, that could track people who were covered completely by measuring the ratio of the length of arms and legs and body as they were considered unique enough to be able to fingerprint so to speak. Never seen anyone else mention it since so either it worked well and they memory holed it or it did not work as well as they said.

Vstablegenius45 11 points ago +11 / -0

Reddit is fake and gay, its mostly bots and paid shills. Its just another arm of the fake news/cabal.

Its a dead place and not reality, just look at how twitter is now leftys get ratio'd to death and are losing 24/7, the left can only thrive under a completely controlled environment.

Vstablegenius45 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would assume all the top players are blackmailed so would be easy to control. With all we know about how people like epstein, diddy and many others operated why would they not also target big name athletes also.

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