When is this racist evil woman going to realize Blacks and Asians really hate each other
Isn't it crazy how the commentator was overtalking him and interrupting him. Almost like she was there to combat him. Is she running for President or something?
Just cross the Southern Border.
Shit, you will each get $5,000 ,Visa card too.
Contract ended 3/2015. Article claims attacks happened in 2016. What am I missing?
Sue the govt for vaccine mandate
What I don't understand is how is MAGA in line with young useful idiots? We don't support Hamas, but we also don't support Israel's stranglehold on the World.
Media Matters protecting child pedos like their David Brock.
This just came out 3-4 days ago.
No one has investigated anything.
My wife is VP of Operations for a Company that works for Govt in Fed Student Loans.
They get in trouble constantly about not hiring Blacks. They don't know the race on application and hire on qualifications, yrs experience, and scoring on interviews.
They want an unqualified, no experience, and horrible scoring Black to get a job over any White.
The govt and Watch Groups actually follow up on this and look for opportunities to sue the Company into the ground
Yeah, only took his entire term just like Clinton
Christina Kirchner? That does not sound too Argentinian
I agree, it's a pretty large God fearing group we have here
It was the most obvious case of voter fraud. They were on video and still nothing happens.
And these ballots were special, they were seperate from all the other ballots. They were so special they kept these ballots inside these black suitcase like boxes. And then if that did not make them special enough, they hid these ballots under a table with coverings over them, you know because, special.
They were so special that only Democrats could see them and they had to wait until all Republicans were told to leave. And as soon as all left and I mean AS SOON as they left they all had a plan they put into effect.
If an honest media showed that to American people in a transparent measure than all would agree that those people were doing something illegal.
Also, kind of gives an impression our own govt or those who overtook our govt was doing this to us and not a real foreign invasion
I thought I was going crazy when I saw Obamas name and then what the plot was.
I mean talk about throwing it in our face
This is fake, correct?
Truthful and satirical, but fake right?
Only way he is trustworthy is supporting Trump
Where the problem arises is donations from anyone but American citizen and larger amount than $1000.
Why can corporations, foreign govts, NGOs give money to campaigns.
I can see paying lobbyists, someone to go fight for your cause, but it should stop there and not fund any candidate or event
Kinda sad tho.
Thought there was way more of us
Election fraud by the Uniparty.
Can't fix anything until the election system is fair, free, and transparent
He is responding on his YouTube account after being reported dead and CFIUS agent is why you want to discredit him?
Weird take
I recall something to the fact
To get his placement/promotion somewhere for all the sitting on his hands & backstabbing of Trump and America
Died of Covid, lol. Can you imagine being this blind?
Showed like a show/movie. Wrong English unless maybe by purpose Last line affirms that by saying enjoy the show
Edit: good catch tho