Let us not forget that it was Tony and John Podesta who also kidnapped Madelaine McCann.
Yes... there is a fluff piece somewhere where he confirms he has an alter ego named "Skippy" who cusses and yells at people. Also. The fatherhiod video is the same voice as podesta when James Okeefe ambushed him outside the capitol one day and pissed him off.
Podesta may be the most evil of him all. Yhe fatherhood video changed my worldview.
That security detail should have walked out as soon as those words left her mouth.
I feel like you really missed an opportu ity to use Qmmunity there.
Let me guess... five months since vaxx?
I wonder if this is a comms for white hats being able to nullify digital voting fuckery. I was always wary of generational politicians beig voted in again and again like mcconnel or graham.
I hope Megyn was simply misled or too naive before when she transgressed against Trump and the American people. I always thought she had her heart in the right place and never struck me as a bad person.
I guess you don't need to know how to spell "Cufflinks" correctly to get into Harvard.
When Costa Rica is more just than America.
This movie is one of my all time favs and easily in my top ten.
Lee is a cuck.
They are trying to target Hispanics.
Same here. Pretty solid email client and they are always improving services.
Because he's a literal crackhead.
Thise blackhawks had refueling boons as well. Elite.
"Liberal men getting fixed gives me great hope for this country..."
Yeah, me too buddy!
He's always been a douchebag.
No. DC is the hub of villainy. They need to see it on their doorstep. Fuck the Superbowl.
You are 100% correct. As an American it is shameful how my countrymen have accepted this tyrannh. Bless uou Canadians. I will never say a bad thing about them again.
One can say now that Canadians are demonstrating a love of freedom and will to defend that freedom deeper than any American has (so far.)
The SC justices are all such cucks hahaha. Except Thomas, he is the alpha chad.
One of us! One of us!
You can go to the Spanish policr departments website and see the McCann suspect images for yourself, but here is a comparison...
The drawings even have Tony's birthmark over his eye.
These two are evil fucks of the highest order.