blackchop80 1 point ago +1 / -0

The FEMA approved vendor list is a very small target, amidst a high target area. Seek other targets.

blackchop80 2 points ago +2 / -0

Note that this is only for FEMA-provided goods and services. These will often sit unused due to government incompetence.

There is a separate avenue for state/ local and nonprofit provided goods and services to receive FEMA repayment, which specifically does not allow approved vendor lists. Here's the FEMA manual. But it's messy and complicated and the government can come back later and take back the money if the county didn't fill out a form correctly (see oig.dhs.gov for examples)

blackchop80 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is just bureaucracy, and money. That's it. FEMA did not close the landfills, it is a business decision for $$.

FEMA gives out big $$$ for debris removal, and any city or county hit by disaster is hard pressed to recover without it. It's at chapter 7 in the FEMA Public Assistant Program and Policy Guide (PDF link here). But to get this money, the towns and landfills have to follow very specific rules.

I would expect this same deal in all areas hit with big damage. But be precise here- it's not that FEMA won't let us; we just won't get reimbursed from FEMA unless we follow these rules; which inconvenience and traumatize the victims.

blackchop80 3 points ago +3 / -0

So the photographer with the insane shutter speed at the exact right time to catch a bullet, talks with CNN?? Count me suspicious.

blackchop80 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Technically" you're not required. If you go to browser Settings, Privacy/Security, and find Javascript (sometimes under Site Settings), then disable it for that website, then the blocking popup won't occur and you can read the article. It's a "technical" move which is difficult for some.

blackchop80 14 points ago +14 / -0

Here's a link to the USC text that they show in the video, 18 USC 611.

Also, some context.

  • The latest addition to this section was in 1996 and 2000; Clinton.
  • This "state of mind" only applies to illegals where both parents are citizens, and the illegal has been in the US since age 16. "Dreamers".
blackchop80 4 points ago +4 / -0

Speaking up is not just making a scene like a "protester" - there are other ways!! It can be calling the cops, taking a video, getting tag numbers or other evidence, forwarding to news outlets or X or the city council.

blackchop80 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, which is the primary federal law addressing human trafficking, defines human trafficking as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services.

Once again, the feds are the criminals. And it is our duty and our right to take action against criminals in our midst, such as taking videos, SPEAKING UP, and calling the sheriff.

blackchop80 7 points ago +7 / -0

We're only in trouble if there is no game-changing event/events coming up. Aren't you on a website called the "Great Awakening"? That sounds pretty game-changing to me. Things we could hardly imagine, become possible.

blackchop80 2 points ago +2 / -0

History rhymes, until one day something breaks.

blackchop80 4 points ago +4 / -0

Re-visit this post in the autumn, and reminisce when a quarter watermelon was ONLY $11.

blackchop80 9 points ago +10 / -1

“Channel 12 quotes a “senior Israeli official” pledging an ‘unprecedented response’ to Iran’s attack and urging Israelis not to go to bed due to what is coming Tehran’s way,” The Times of Israel reported.

It's just propaganda. Why should Israelis not go to bed because of a future attack on Iran? Will a future Israeli attack on Tehran disturb the sleep in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv? "I couldn't sleep because of an explosion 500 miles away". No.

But if no one watches that attack, and if people aren't panicked, then that hurts the politicians and the military politicians. Hence, "Stay awake, be panicked, watch us, we are your saviours. --IDF."

blackchop80 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is an active disinformation campaign putting out articles every day that this person above (and hundreds of others) have been arrested, tried by JAG in GTMO or a dozen other places, executed, and what you see are body doubles or clones.

Yet after thousands of these supposed executions, we have zero pictures, videos, or credible eyewitness. Zero leaks, zero evidence; no airplane crew telling what they saw, nothing. Forget 911 or JFK, this must be the most successful coverup of all time! Either that, or it DIDN'T HAPPEN. They're still around.

blackchop80 2 points ago +2 / -0

I lived a couple towns away from Danville for a while. Every town was just scraping by, so to lose 10 jobs was a huge setback, let alone 500+.

On the silver lining, we've known about the fragility for decades; so have always been interested in alternatives. You can't rely on the system! Some of us have gotten out, or survived with remote work and other creative approaches. In one sense, it prepared us for this upcoming boom!

blackchop80 3 points ago +3 / -0

False advertising is an actionable civil claim under Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act. A party who successfully sues for false advertising may be entitled to either damages or injunctive relief.


Sounds like a good idea; would take research to find good cases. For instance, here's a target movie advertisement. Narrator says "This summer, come watch a story where one woman..." and the ad shows a tranny. That's false advertising.

blackchop80 2 points ago +2 / -0

Congress sometimes gets a report from the Inspector General regarding ammo. For instance, here's one from Sep 2023 about the 235M rounds the CBP purchased in the four years between 2019-2022. Table 1 on page 2 of the report breaks down the ammo by year.

blackchop80 3 points ago +3 / -0

Many highly skilled workers are now settling for lower-paying positions or even leaving the tech industry altogether.

"Highly skilled" DEI managers are now working as fry cooks. Sounds good to me.

blackchop80 6 points ago +6 / -0

No, totally outdated information.

  • The actual bill doesn't say what you posted above. The TN General Assembly website here is not the same as the PDF above.

  • Here is the entire actual bill: "As introduced, decreases, from 180 days to 150 days, the time that the air pollution control board can have more than one vacancy after an appointing authority of the board receives sufficient information to fill the appropriate vacancy before the board is required to report to the government operations committees.".

  • Bill is not signed. It passed TN Senate 3/18 but has not passed TN House. See the above link.

What happened? I see TN websites like this promoting petitions for the above PDF and gathering signatures and sponsors. Looks like they got one in this Southerland fellow (who's on top of the PDF above). But if Southerland's bill wasn't introduced and passed, then it doesn't matter.

I know you want the best; but what you posted didn't happen.

blackchop80 3 points ago +3 / -0

So "at least four" now counts as "exact"?

A diversity hire is making mistakes, while pointing out another diversity hire's mistakes. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.

blackchop80 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aswang are evil alien creatures who have been stealing and eating people for a thousand years while covering up their crimes, so there could be some unintended truth there.

blackchop80 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's a quick link to someone else citing four studies; here. "In those who took (quercetin and bromelain), 82% saw improvement in their symptom score." "Produced results equal or better than the pharmaceuticals currently prescribed for BPH." Onions and pineapple.

Other supplements like saw palmetto can be a tossup. Here's a study showing no difference in prostate symptoms between those taking SP or taking a placebo.

blackchop80 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen studies where overall more than 140 minutes of muscle-strengthening activities a week actually increases all-cause mortality, cancer, cardiovascular disease. Optimal benefit was around 40-60 minutes a week. Can't help your little guy without blood flow. Rest is critical.

Oh, and another study showing that cold plunging had zero benefit to cardiovascular health. (here).

Look into quercetin, or onion skin. It's anti-estrogen.

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