There's an excellent, new article by David Stockman on the history of the region. It calls out the ignorance and hypocrisy of the politicians and influencers in Washington.
And the talking heads, in 2012, like Chris Wallace, were talking about the "top tier" in the primaries, and left out Ron Paul, although he was doing better than the others. Speaking of Hannity, it was because of my criticism of Hannity's treatment of Ron Paul's campaign, that I was banned from the Hannity forum. The mods didn't like the criticism of the narrative.
Russell Brand has a large audience, and, today, he talked about the Ukraine situation, in light of Nuland's testimony. He uses humor to convey a lot of info.
George Webb's investigations over the last few years are interesting.
Lindsey Graham acts like he's afraid of losing something in Ukraine, or that something he's been up to will be discovered. Here's an article from 2017, describing John McCain and Graham trying to stir up an attack by Ukraine on Russia. This was with Ukraine's previous president. The video shows Graham "egging on the Ukrainian troops to re-start hostilities with Russia."
And don't forget Disney owns ABC TV.