Law of unintended consequences in 3... 2... 1...
Dad goes after KR, but KR is fine here. Gov officials on other hand, may be on hook for allowing WI to burn. May result in a crackdown on blm/antifa riots if Gov officials know they can be held liable for results.
Lol you are all wrong... they will grift, punt, and reach across the aisle to enrich themselves, whilst you take it in the a$$.
They should care. Likeliest scenario is Newsom replacing Kamala as vp with intent to replace Biden. Preferred choice for dems is article 25. If impeachment becomes viable threat, they give him the Nixon treatment.
This is based on assumption the cheating never gets properly addressed.
They're not all virtue signalling...some are legitimate retards.
What's the over under that this is a disgruntled Twitter employee leftist?
OMfG, PuTin hAs liTeralLy iNfilTratEd tHe DeMoCratiC pArTY tOo! We MuSt NuKe HIm tO SavE OuR DeMocRaCY!!
What's to say they will release it? They could give a flying fuck what the courts says. There MO is to lose it/wipe it and then blame some low level asshat. Fire him, and investigate how to not let it happen again followed with a bs report on handling evidence.
12hrs and only 300 updoots? That's a shame. Great post, thanks.
Watch the original Rambo.
Lois Lerner has entered the chat
Unfortunately, she will likely end up on the view in a years time
Funny how Vegas was memory-holed by MSM, and no follow ups on the several strange deaths of those that attended and disputed official narrative.
GirLs hAvE cOckS tOo biGoT!
Plot against the president is good.
Clinton cash is also a good one for normies.
Monopoly (the one about vanguard and blackrock) also a great one for normies and easy to watch.
Cash people! It's small but a significant thing we the people can do to fight back.
In the last year I've gone back to withdrawing cash for the week and sticking to it as best I can. I can say I spend less bc I'm more conscious of what I'm spending, its private and it feels good too.
Agreed. I wouldn't go playing with that fire if you dont know what you're doing.
Could anyone comment on downloading the torrent behind a VPN? Would a software vpn suffice, or would you have to go hardcore with VPN hardware?
Nor would you be able to get insurance for said condominium. This argument is something a couple of my friends and I have used in the wild to great success. You dont necessarily get converts, but it gets them thinking.
^^ 100% correct on always having phsyical gold and silver (silver for day to day). I would like to add guns and ammo to protect said gold and silver.
I thought the Soviets, Brits and Americans ran it collectively. But it was America that pushed for a military trial. Soviets wanted to line them up and shoot'em but we felt it wouldn't have the same lasting effect as a trial, where evedince could be presented
Bill Cooper (the real deal) was calling out AJ back in the 90s, and there were thoughts he might be CIA or Mossad back then.
AJ spreads disinformation mixed with legitimate stories. Problem is many pedes regurticate the BS and it makes us all look retarded at times.
His bombastic delivery doesnt help either.
Not to say a lot of what AJ says is false, just be prudent and research b4 spreading his latest expose.
Fixed it for ya. Drop the horse shit globalist speak.
Happened to Kim Jung Un that one time he played golf and got 18 holes in one, then never played again.
Ya can we drop the central bankers reference and go back to the original Lords prayer? Being seeing this "debt/debtors" reference in lieu of "tresspasses/trespass" lot in last couple years.
That and sudden illness