FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

but anyone paying attention knew

C'mon social. Really?

The suggestion that if someone don't know the quote they ain't paying attention is a bit over the top, imo. (Note: English malusage deliberate for dramatic effect.)

There is TOO much information out there to pay attention to everything. I pay good attention to a lot of things, but not everything. I had no idea that this is "what Kanye's handler said to him".

Pepe's suggestion that quote marks would be helpful and instructive here is quite correct, imo.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually, he's right. Facts matter.

Note: "Facts matter" Q3628


FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's inspired me to do a full post, which I hope to write up a bit later. A good learning opportunity, imo.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

We all do this, but the need for vigilance is quite real. You mention TS, but I certainly would not take something being posted on Truth Social as any sort of mark of validity. Social media is social media.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

Given that the first four factoids given in this image are fake, with only ONE having even a very loose semblance of proximity to truth (Newsome's aunt was once married to Pelosi's brother in law, which does NOT even make him a nephew-in-law, but a loosely related extended family member by marriage), one wonders how much of the rest of the image contains actual truth....

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Most definitely.

FractalizingIron 13 points ago +13 / -0

What's curious is that there appears to be no actual blood relation between Adam Schiff (old pencil neck) and this Melissa Schiff....



Her family goes back quite a way in New York, originally from Poland (greatgrandfather), whereas Pencil Neck's family (grandfather) reportedly came from the UK.

Note also:

Gavin Newsome Father = William Newsome, sister of William Newsome previous married to Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law. So not actually "nephew".

This list, while possibly containing some actual facts, starts out with two pieces of disinformation, and seems a lot more like fake disinformation intended to discredit the truth community and undermine the truth.

We know that these families intertwine and interconnect in ways that form rather satanic (cabal and DS) connections, but disinformation is also at work to obscure this truth. Such as the story that a relative of Pencil Neck was married to Soros' son.

Anons should always check and verify if something seems to fit too easily in to our biases. There are always forces attempting to undermine the truth by injecting disinformation that gets too easily swallowed unless we apply critical and skeptical thinking.



Kerry's daughter was married to a doctor of Iranian ancestry, but HIS parents appear to be Americans or Iranians living in America.


We can see that there are some very shady connections, and it appears that the disinformation included in the OP's post may very well have been generated to obscure the actual facts and discourage normies from looking any deeper:

Propaganda websites: "Factcheckers show that George Soros' son is NOT married to Adam' Schiff's sister."

Normie: "Oh, so ALL that stuff is just fake conspiracy theories....."

This highlights something that anons should all be aware of and incorporate into their information war endeavors: disinformation (i.e. black propaganda) is frequently injected in to the information sphere in order to a) discredit people who mistakenly share it as fact and b) discourage normies from giving any credence to unusual or out of the mainstream information they here ('conspiracy theories'.

Anons and Awake Patriots have an inverted bias. Often some people will simply accept the disinformation, because it seems to paint the Cabal in a bad light or appears to expose them. So anons just accept it, and spread it, and unwittingly become the CONDUITS for the disinformation operation. Such disinformation operations target our vulnerabilities, aka biases we might hold but which we don't pay attention to.

How do we counter this sort of attack?

  1. Anons should develop the practice of questioning ALL the information that comes across our bows. When it comes via an established source that we know is legitimate and has been repeatedly verified, then we can usually omit this step. But otherwise, we should always be on the lookout for BOTH disinformation and real information.

  2. Learn to identify and become familiar with red flags. A photo image presenting a list of facts without any identifiable source MIGHT be a great meme that easily spreads powerful information, BUT it could as easily be just a dodgy piece of disinformation. Lack of source. Random image. Appealing to our biases. 'too good to be true'. etc.

  3. Realize that all powerful disinformation mixes Truth and Lies, Fact AND Fiction. Out and out fiction or false information is far less likely to trick or trigger an anon's biases. Blatant lies are often easier to spot than lies mixed in with elements of truth. The nugget of information may be in fused with a mixture of truth and lies in order to get the target (you and I and others) to accept the lies more easily. For this reason, it is important to have a skeptical mind that vets the information that comes in, and to sift truth from the disinformation.

While Qdrop 329 APPEARS to verify that the Schiff married to Soros is in fact related to Pencil neck, it does not actually do this. What it emphasizes is how marital connection are often used to build up the Cabal, and that anons should learn to "follow the wives" in order to track down those bona fide connections.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't seek out that mentor as often as I should

You, me and every other human alive

But fyi, it sounds like you are accomplishing a heck of a lot. Very impressive. So maybe relax a bit? We can only do what we can do.

Side note: I love posts like yours. It brings out the best in GAW. There are VERY few places on the interwebs where we can find such camaraderie and peer support that posts like yours elicit.

Either way, hang in there Duck.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ooooooooh..... Updoogle. Anything from Badlands is good value. Not familiar with Eric Carlson, but looking forward to getting in to this.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +4 / -1

Kek. I had to chuckle, Muckey.

Welcome to the spiritual war. You can bet your bottom dollar that there are spiritual forces around you that want to hold you down and make it hard for you to do what your heart and conscience are prompting you to do.

(Ignorance of the dimensions of spiritual influence is a great problem for humanity at large, btw)

That said, you've already gotten some really good advice in the comment section.

In talking about the spiritual dimension, I'm not suggesting that it's all just supernatural. The spiritual influences can definitely manifest in psychological symptoms, like feeling deflated, lethargic, even 'depression' at its more severe points.

In many cases, prayer (in whatever form feels most suitable to you: reflective, meditative, or just talking with the Big Man, etc) can assist. Like checking in with your mentor, letting him know what's going on. The process itself can be therapeutic, but it can also activate other spiritual forces who want to lift you up, encourage you, protect you and assist you, too.

But most of all, I really like what u/changeagent/ wrote.

Just wanted to chime in a raise a point about yeah, 'unknown influences'. These are 100% real, and sometimes it just takes mental reflection to identify them.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Real hope is grounded in solid reasoning, facts and understanding. Then, the hope becomes a very solid and powerful force.

And this is one reason for the Q operation. Knowing that there was going to be very difficult and outwardly very troubling terrain to be crossed (in order to destroy the cabal deep state), the Q operation provides a very powerful base from which anons and awakened patriots can begin to look beyond the surface and use reasoning and understanding to correctly interpret the facts.

I have found the discussions of these fellow anons to be absolutely invaluable in building my understanding of what is taking place. I strongly recommend you give them a go. (I have gone through MANY awakening commentators over the last 7 years since Q began dropping, but these guys have been my most consistent resource. They keep delivering and delivering, primarily because their whole approach is about HOW one engages with the information in the info war, not just WHAT.


FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take one step out of normie-ville and it's hard not to draw that exact conclusion. Biden has been such a red pill.... Moreover, as the one year old Jesse Watters clip indicates, actually, the good guys have ALL the goods on the Bidens, and if so, one has to conclude that it's being dripped out and released in a very controlled manner, in a delicately balanced way, so as to both keep Biden in position but to also make his position as untenable as possible.

The release of the information (and it's not really just information release, but the narrative that is built up using the information), seems to me like the layering in of a very deep dish lasagna. The average American probably pays little attention to the various layers of individual lasagna sheets, meat sauce and bechamel, but by the time it reaches the top of the dish, and the cheese topping is applied and baked, they'll be like "Wow!!! A lasagna!!!"

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, quite a good clip. The only real problem here is that if one mistakes it for a just released bomb, one will misinterpret the lay of the land.

These days, more and more I find myself concluding that Biden is indeed controlled by the WH in some form. He is too bad for the DS and too good for the Awakening. Impeaching him would not do much. But prosecuting him as an Ex-president; well, there are now great precedents for that!

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cracks in the dam wall appearing. It's a good and positive sign. Especially considering that Australia was one of the most propagandized and socially controlled populations during 20/21.

A super tanker takes quite a lot of time to turn. This is a good article. It's hard for folks to accept that they were hoodwinked, deceived, and totally went along with propaganda. You have to break it to them in pieces that they can receive and ingest.

You can't feed a baby steak.

Glad to see this article.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nup. June 12, 2023. one year old.

FractalizingIron 17 points ago +17 / -0

The LAST thing we want is Biden stepping down. He is the perfect running mate for DJT, because if the Swamp attempts to steal the Nov Election again, it will so glaringly obvious to every sane American that they could NEVER succeed.

The fact that the MSM is asking and querying about Biden, about his unfitness, and about all the issues he has indicates they are NOT happy about Biden running at all. Which further indicates that Biden is not actually under the Deep State control. Everything Biden does only furthers the Great Awakening.

Going down the comment section I see that u/LoriInNC/ tells us that this clip is ONE YEAR old. If so, another reminder that SAUCE is king and that it's better not to knee-jerk react to so-called "news".

Here is the actual sauce. June 12, 2023


So no, I don't think this actually counts as a Friday Boom. Not without a time machine taking you back a year.

FractalizingIron 18 points ago +18 / -0

An interesting read. It sort of boggles the mind to see how some of the intellectually smartest people on the planet are still subject to the conditioning and programming of the Deep State and cannot see through the noise to pick up signal.

This fellow's testimony is all the more shocking because it seems he had a false and bad impression of Trump for a long time. It's great that he's turning the corner, but yipes, it just goes to reiterate the point that Waking Up to the truth and reality is not an intellectual thing, but much more a spiritual and psychological thing (aka not a matter of intelligence, but a matter of being open to truth)

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

Snowden was CIA, and the ensuing scandal was meant to blind the prying eyes of the NSA from stopping Clowns.

If I recall correctly, Q indicated and anons figured out that Snowden was a plant that was supposed to discredit the NSA and bolster the position of the CIA. There was a struggle ongoing between NSA and CIA for supremacy in the intel community, and Snowden's mission was to disempower the NSA by means of his 'disclosure'.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. He actively prevented an appointment by Miller until the last day.

AFAIK this is correct.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

The suggestion is not that he does this himself. The suggestion is that he will lead congress as the President and work to achieve that goal.

The mere fact that he could suggest this and discuss it with the people he did implies that there is a LOT more underway than we know about.

If we think that DJT is just going to get in again as President and the Swamp and Establishment will continue as before, we're not really thinking along the Q lines or the Great Awakening.

If one looks beyond the surface level, then there are oodles of things that have transpired over the last 4 years that indicate the plan is well underway and that the shift will soon reach surface levels.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, they have a consistent pattern of taking actual news and then cramming fake sensationalist content at the headline and following sentences. In this case, they didn't need to, but to me it indicates they are getting more slimey. IMO, they are as disreputable as they come.

FractalizingIron 11 points ago +11 / -0

Just FYI, there are PLENTY of other credible and veritable sources reporting on this, so why promote The People's Voice Clickbait and disinformation site?

For example, go to the actual article and see the video being promoted at the bottom:

WEF unveils mandatory 'Brain Implants' to Eradicate Conspiracy Theories

Seriously? Supported by FAKE World Economic Forum Tweet declaring (with blue checkmark!) "We can protect humanity by controlling your brains"

In case you missed it, _The People's Voice aka NewsPunch aka YourNewsWire is a disinformation clickbait operation with 10+ years history that rebrands itself and consistently attaches to actual news in order to promote fake content and clickbait material that THEN is used by the MSM to discredit the actual truth movement.

It is run by a liberal homosexual couple (famously the first homosexual couple 'married' in the UK).

As is usual, in this case, TPV hijacks content from elsewhere (The Liberty Beacon in this case) and uses it to push their own rubbish.


The TPV is a website/operation that should NOT be promoted. They are a major source of MSM discrediting the real information that needs to get out there. Always go to the credible sources and promote them instead.

If you want to know more about TPV aka NewsPunch, here are some digs, including origins, history, methods, etc.

Intro to TPV:

Know Your CLICKBAIT: The People's Voice = NewsPunch = Your News Wire = Disinformation Packaged for Your Consumption


Cracking the Clickbait / Disinfo Methodology

The Anon's Discernment Prayer : PRS Disinfo Methodology, The Evaluation Rubric, Know Your Clickbait ~


NEWSPUNCH - Know Your Clickbait, See Something, Say Something


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