FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0


yeah, that take a sip from the giant drinking glass thing didn't really go down too well. Did he think he was Jack in the giant's kitchen, taking a drink from ... a giant's drinking glass?

Kinda clashes with the we demand respect and our dignity messaging.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good point. It is truly the cynic who sees evil everywhere, and fails to recognize the evil within his own heart.

The Awakening has a long way to go yet, folks.

FractalizingIron 17 points ago +17 / -0

And if he began to wake up people because he himself woke up? And felt genuinely moved, transformed, forgiven (by Christ) and decided to move forward?

What lesser sentence are you saying he should receive? For what crimes? Would you convict by association, regardless of facts? What crimes by Brand do you know of?

Setting yourself up as judge and jury (or anyone else) without actual factual information is very rarely a good move.

FractalizingIron 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'm surprised at how many frogs appear to feel perfectly comfortable with condemning Brand or speculating that "he is scared now" without a shred of direct evidence that he was part of Diddy's organization.

Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, but condemnation on the basis of mere association is NEVER a smart move.

Case on point: idiots who hold on to their TDS because they reason "oooh, Donald Trump, he was part of the elites for decades. He must be dirty!"

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a really significant point, I think.

Those of us all too fully aware of the evils of globalism, the satanic political elite and the metastasized UN we know today can easily fall in to the mistake of viewing the UN as something originally evil from it's genesis.

Yet, as Milei points to, while referencing the prophecies in the Book of Elijah, the concept is originally borne of God's vision for unity among nations and a unified humanity. Of course, the key point is that God has to be at the center of this unity.

Unity between God and Man is the prerequisite and the foundation for unity between man and man. This is why, wherever Marxism (aka the satanic atheistic materialism ideology) attacks and infiltrates, it focuses on destroying the relationship between God and humanity.

The basis for God's love to manifest in humanity is the family, that is, a family with God at the center. This was the model that Lucifer destroyed in the Garden of Eden, with the result that the first human family because a family with Satan at the center.

Milei's summary at the end of the article presents the fundamental principles, derived from God, that humanity needs to focus on and aspire to. Governments are created by men and women, not the other way around, and so, governments represent the servants, which is what Lucifer SHOULD have been and SHOULD have acted as in the Garden. Instead, he usurped the owner's position, and murdered Adam spiritually. Adam and Eve should have ruled over Lucifer. Not the other way around.

“We believe in the defense of life — for all. We believe in the defense of the right to property — for all,” he listed. “We believe in the freedom of expression — for all. “We believe in freedom of religion — for all. We believe in freedom of commerce — for all. And we believe in limiting governments — all of them.”

FractalizingIron 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's an extremely small march.

But it's real.

Notice, the juxtaposition of Korean, Japanese and US flags.

Patriotism isn't limited to country. Some folks know that what is happening transcends nations. The Trump movement has, is and will continue to impact the whole world. For good.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmmm.... Kinda like surfing.

you wait on your board out the back, watching the swells come in, waiting to spot the one you can position yourself on, catch and the ride as a good wave. A lot of waiting, and some attempts, but once you catch that wave, its all 100% go action.

make surfing great again

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no Great Awakening without people waking up, changing, revising their world view and view of the players.

In early 2016, I thought Donald Trump was a clown. I thought his candidacy was a joke. Then I watched a video called "the untruth about Donald Trump", a classic completely exposing the contradictions between what he was actually saying and what the media says he was saying, and I asked myself: why?

And then I listened to one speech, two speeches and then three, and I realized, he is the real deal 100%.

Imagine someone far more embedded in the system, say, a news reporter or high level journalist. How much farther someone like that might have to travel to re-orient themselves.

But the clip speaks for itself. She's powerful, and personally, I don't detect any traces of slime. Only clear straight hitback.

The point is not "now this person is good". Who is good, actually? From the spiritual perspective, no one is "good' in the full sense.

The point is, what is she doing now, this year, this month. Not what or who she was 2 3 or 8 years ago.

We cannot win without people waking up and changing. It doesn't mean we should dump our discernment, or simply fawn over words, or apparent actions. (There are some really big slimeballs out there pretending to support DJT, when its clear they are slime or even DS assets).

But discernment swings both ways. If you have doubts in this case, put it on the shelf, and continue to observe. But note: an inability to see possibilities is the fundamentalist's game.

And, in severe danger of taking this reply/comment to ridiculous lengths, (too late?), I'll also mention one possible angle to consider this from; narrative impact. Did Kelly advance or push back the DJT / Maga agenda in this interview? Were her actions a + for us, or a -?

Rather than seeking to judge personalities, we can also look at things from the vantage point of: net effect: Good or bad?

End of diatribe.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great comment in the x thread:

Megyn Kelly is the classic example of how a person ‘worked’ for the corrupt MSM, then once she got away and had a clear picture of what media bias looked like, now has seen the light! She is now a star by taking that brilliant mind and attacking that which she used to support!

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

People change. People wake up.

Transformation is the name of the game, and the name of the era we live in.

"Great awakening" means changes MUST take place. This means changes in PEOPLE. Real, actual changes.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great comment in the X thread:

Megyn Kelly is the classic example of how a person ‘worked’ for the corrupt MSM, then once she got away and had a clear picture of what media bias looked like, now has seen the light! She is now a star by taking that brilliant mind and attacking that which she used to support!

FractalizingIron 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Saucey sauce always makes a dish tastier, but secrety sauce makes a dish drab, disappointing and ultimately taste rather crappy"

~ anonymous world famous chef

FractalizingIron 9 points ago +9 / -0


The datefagging arm of the alt-media is simply a transformation of the clickbaity scooping views and clicks approach of the MSM.


Look here! Give me your attention! Focus on me! Let me engage your emotions!

Thanks, but no thanks.

Q suggested I learn critical thinking, self-thought, departure from group think, and to exit the matrix, not to swap one for another alternative one.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a very good idea.

I have suggested (and recommended) in the past that a Sticky protocol be developed for the mods to be able to apply and follow.

The mods are ALL volunteers, and they do a pretty good - not to mention crucial - job, but I get the feeling that by and large, there is no single unified approach to Stickying applied across the whole mod team. And if there is, there are certainly some weird outliers. Some of the stuff that gets stickied.... Sheesh.

Having a protocol in place would surely help. Mods could more easily refer to such when doing stickies. Here, by protocol, I mean what would essentially be a formally compiled set of guidelines for screening and evaluating the Stickyness of posts, designed for practical application.

I would like to see the formulation of such a protocol undertaken as a community project, by which I mean, a post or series of posts where the board could offer their suggestions, opinions and ideas for such a protocol (including ideas of what stickied posts should conform to or how they should be evaluated for 'stickworthiness') and then a team could even draft them up for submission for the mod team to then discuss and decide on or if they wish to adopt them as a formal protocol.

I think such would help to a) engaging the community in taking more ownership of the board by way of supporting the mod team, and b) make things easier for the mod team, by not requiring them to do all the hard work for something that is not direct modding, but rather is administrative or organizational conceptualization, and c) help to improve overall board quality if applied.

After almost quarter of a century on the Net and involvement in a significant number of long-lasting and successful internet communities, I hold fast to the conviction that the optimum foundation for long-term success and longevity of a net community (either forum, mailing list, board or group) is the relationship between the mod team (or owners) and the community that engages in that forum/board/list/group.

Idealistic, but there it is.





FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't be daft.

The story offers zero sauce. It could be 100% true, or it could be 100% false, and anything in between.

It's funny when people, in the absence of factual evidence, simply go to their biases.

FractalizingIron 9 points ago +9 / -0

As usual, you bring research, reasoning and discussion to an important topic.

I wish more frogs posted like this, frankly. Not to say that any of your conclusions etc, are correct (and not to say that they are not).

But your approach is certainly what more frogs should emulate, imo.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wouldn't it be interesting if Donald Trump actually succeeded in uniting the American People as a whole, in a way that has never quite been accomplished before.

Not only would it 'make America great again', it would pave the way for ' the best is yet to come'.

Cue: the Monkees: "I'm a believer"

FractalizingIron 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wow. Second Time, Jackie. I see these X posts just being copy/pasted here, and far too many frogs jump in to comment without (apparently) even considering

Is this sourced?

Where is the sauce? What are the facts? On what is this assertion this based?

I just ran a quick search for

"Ryan Routh garland assassination"

And NOTHING comes up, except for days old reports on what Routh was charged with at the time.

People also need to apply critical thinking.

People HAVE to be charged according to the law and the evidence. you cannot just go ahead and charge someone with attempted assassination because it seems clear this was their intent. That's not how the law works. Conspiracy to commit assassination, probably. But no actual attempt was made. So you cannot charge someone with attempted assassination of the attempt was not made.

Conspiracy, yes. Planning yes, intent even, could legally be proved. But no attempt was actually made, as far as I know.

The Banana Republic issue that Potus consistently raises is when the law is weaponized against someone. DJT is the president of Law and Order, and patriots need to remember that. Otherwise, you become the very monster you despise.

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