We need to go back to the old school ways. Some retard just beaking off about something stupid, just walk up and throw a good right hook and leave the fucktard where he lays.
When he wakes up, he should learn a couple of lessons : time and place, and don't put your shit on other people.
Why do so many Americans think we don't have guns here? Loads of 'em, no worries. We don't have enough armed citizens, I will give you that, but there's no shortage of gun owners in Canada.
And for armed citizens, that's the last province you want to be in as a gang member. Alberta is the Texas of Canada, no joke. Next in line, thank fuck, is the province I'm in : New Brunswick. There's a lot of old school redneck, anti gov't types here.
It's like you run into a burning house to save someone, yet the entire time the person is fighting you and 100% convinced the house isn't on fire. Unfortunately, most folks don't wake up until it happens to them or a family member. Even then a lot of people will never wake up.
If you're referring to my username : I would LOVE for the normies to see it. That would, undoubtedly wake the masses up in droves.
I am very curious of the darker mind of humanity. It's what started my original journey into psychology back in the day. It always amazes me the things we do to each other.
A great many people have totally lost touch with the fact that our lives are a gift. But behaviour like this clip is 100% daily norm in a lot of African and South American countries. That is very evident when you pay attention to everything else in these types of clips. Everyone just gawking with their phones out like it's a high school cat fight.
Sure, I'm a little twisted for watching them ; but who 's the sick fuck recording it on their phones and then uploading them lol.
The other reason I go to those sites is it reminds me every time to thank fuck I live where I live. Things are getting shitty here, but not like some of these places where you can literally see the cops / military guys in the background just standing there while someone gets lynched.
Very old clip, not from recent Haiti. It's a 'classic' as far as African street justice is concerned. Pretty sure this is from Nigeria or Kenya ( I can find it on the death sites ) and these guys were thieves ; potatoes if memory serves me correctly.
And there it is. The first of many to come; a mind crime. Learning anything not approved by state and media is wrong and will, eventually, be made illegal. Chalk another one to the board of reasons they will hunt us down.
Interesting take, however ; it's more than just her posting a pic of herself and her kids without "Royal approval".
Word on the street is Kate had an affair and got pregnant and had an abortion- hence the 'abdominal surgery' story as to why she hasn't been seen in public since before Christmas.
The married into Royal who was found dead from 'massive head trauma' recently is the suspected father of said aborted child.
They used to tell us about this in the late 80s when coke / crack were all the rage. Never taken a #2 in a public bathroom, ever, but that's my own little weirdness lol.
no lol I do spend a lot of time on kaotic. com and others. I love watching pieces of shit get what they ask for.
I'll be disappointed if we can't stream the executions to be honest.
So, does this apply to him for all the things he said, many times, about the non vaxxed Canadians? Funny how hypocrites work.
Me three. I have 4 pups and all knowledge is power
Fauci with the direct participation of Gates and other WEF accomplices.
Curious, as to why you don't think they were developed by these people.
Who had Dr. Fauci's job when AIDS came on the scene?
We agree that they have basically given AIDS to everyone who took the shots. AIDS targeted the gay community, specifically for a long time. So, they were trying to kill all the fags, that's obvious. Turns out though, their little creation didn't kill per say, but made the patients life long big Pharma customers. Cha ching.
Soooooooo.... create AIDS, study it for 30 years and figure out how to give it to everyone shouldn't sound outside the realm of reality for these scumbags.
lol just wait until you discover glyphosate and how much of your food has that craziness in it.
Exactly the reason I've stayed away from fast food for years.
The plot thickens... As per my comment, the only thing I saw was some " stomach surgery" for Kate. An abortion would make perfect sense actually.
Dude that shot himself? Interesting indeed...
Saw this on IG more than a month ago. Very strange to say the least
Might have something to do with the fact that Kate hasn't been seen publicly since Christmas. I've seen a few reports about some type of stomach surgery, but nothing that confirms anything - just that she has been out of public view for quite some time.
Don't forget, not long before the old convid thing, there were two Chinese nationalist that were removed / deported from a lab in Winnipeg. Guaranteed it had something to do with convid.
It's the real life " This is fine" meme with the dog lol
Happens all the time. I hardly know anyone who got what they asked for when selling their home. Pretty standard outcomes for the housing market.
If it was really "alien ufo's" doing this, it would be happening a lot more often.
This is actually a very close friend of a close friend to me. Actually was doing work on her place when trials first started. He was told, by the cops, to go a certain way and as he going this certain officer moved the pilon for some reason and dude hit this pilon.
Now, it was -20 something and if you know anything about certain plastics when they freeze, they will shatter like glass almost. The truck driver was going like 30km/hr as they had the route set up and he was driving through a check point. They basically tried to say he committed vehicular assault on a federal officer and that's what they originally were going to charge him with