Lol by Qtoad
frazzledrip 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could be another element, that I guess boils down to insecurity, but that would be validation. Quite likely there is some childhood trauma of not being seen / heard by his parents.

Would absolutely make sense for his level of narcissism ( lower end ) and need for external validation given the way his parents were - way more concerned about their public image than anything else ( cerebral narcissism basically ). Kids raised by a cerebral narc can go either way ; become a huge empath / people pleaser, or they accept the 'golden child crown' and become a narc of sorts themselves.

Kids that aren't seen / heard by their parents, and go the empath / people pleaser route generally develop an over sharing / talking too much issue as is - in a nutshell, you just want to feel like someone actually likes you for who you are.

Lol by Qtoad
frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just imagine being caught in a word salad conversation with this faggot. I'd rather light fireworks off up my nose

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

We got one in NB today too, so something's up, right.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

100% facts all of it. Very rare to come across another who is aware of Poland and Czechoslovakia's basic ethnic cleansing of Germans before the war - for years and years it was going on Hitler asked England and France twice for assistance.

I always ask folks why did the Nazi's just level Poland and Czechoslovakia, and then basically march unopposed to Paris?

All pure facts about the Jews and the banks. Another question to ask for repilling is what was going on, world wide, before WW2? The Great Depression. What brought the end to it? It wasn't the war ;)

frazzledrip 39 points ago +39 / -0

More like, people who refuse to think for themselves. People don't want to believe they are slaves, yet....look how easily they believe things that can very, very easily be disproven.

Slavery isn't just physical - these people are 100% slaves to the hive mind

frazzledrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which means my theory is correct : all the shit we've seen so far, is just the tip of the iceberg. When a bunch of the governments wrote those amendments about restructuring gov't offices in the event of a mass casualty event, I thought right away it was preparation for the shot fallout.

IIRC there was a polish virologist who did the math ( based on the test animals' deaths ) and said if you took 2 shots or more you basically had 3-5 years. Which means, it hasn't even really started yet ; this is only still the 3rd year since the shots got rolled out.

frazzledrip 1 point ago +1 / -0

For the last time :

Google images. Monkey pox. Open another tab. Google images. HIV rash.

It's the shots.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the shots.

I've long, long suspected that the cancers, strokes, died suddenlys, etc were an uncalculated by product of the shots, and the real target was the reproductive system.

They've been saying for years about population reduction, they can't just outright kill us all. The first real reports about the shots were women and their periods being all messed and then the miscarriages started.

frazzledrip 5 points ago +7 / -2

There's no UFO's from outer space, folks ; it's us.

" Oh the navy released videos of something they were tracking and couldn't tell what it was"

Right. Who best to test your current top tech against, than your own military? You really think the air force and the navy trade tech secrets?

If you actually believe an alien species has found a way to traverse the galaxy and they came HERE ( LOL ),for starters you have zero clue as to where we are in our Milky Way galaxy and just how incredibly insignificant our solar system is.

We are way, way past the outer rim, so to say. If you were to be on a planet revolving around ANY star we can see from Earth, guess what ; you wouldn't even be able to SEE our sun - it's that small.

So.... you go to the furthest end of the galaxy you can, find a very, very small star with a few planets around it, and you go ahead and search THAT solar system for life?

I've got ocean front property in Arizona if you believe that.

frazzledrip 10 points ago +10 / -0

She's one of those that has some questionable paintings on her walls involving children. Doesn't surprise me at all when I saw this thread title.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Um... no we ( Canada ) still have you beat. You must forgot that Trudope brought an actual Ukraine SS veteran soldier into the house of Parliament and they all gave him a standing ovation.

frazzledrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

Manon Rheaume. Yea, she only played in some preseason games but, she was signed to a contract with Tampa Bay

frazzledrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same thing as the convid scam ; most people actually believe they are smart enough to figure out they've been conned. Unfortunately, the national average IQ is only 88, which means MOST people actually aren't smart enough.

Part of it is also echo chamber. People tend to believe information that coincides with their belief system. For example : the magnetization of the injection sites for convid. Yes.. there were people here that believed that bullshit and they posted it like it was truth.

Part of being intelligent is knowing you WILL find the information you look for, but it's up to your own discernment to dig deeper for the actual truth.

For example : I can present 100 people with PhD's in every branch of science to prove the moon landings are real. I can also present 100 people with the exact same credentials that can prove the moon landings are fake.

The real truth is always somewhere in between what you're shown and what you think you know.

frazzledrip 10 points ago +10 / -0

I believe that about as much as I believe 'safe and effective'.

frazzledrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

You mean she basically pissed her pants in public over Trump winning to the point the police had to be called ; got it.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tell me your dad's best friend fondled you without telling me. Go get therapy you whiny fuck. God, "men" like this are worse than white liberal women.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

And wait until you find out the first 3 Indiana Jones movies were based on real events and a real person who was contracted by the O.S.S to hunt down the same treasures the Nazi's were looking for.

frazzledrip 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously... who is telling these people these things are going to happen?

Did ANY of these things happen when Trump was ALREADY the president?

I just can't believe that THIS many people are truly THIS fucking stupid.

Proof they don't have a working brain in that they don't even go and look at what Trump's policies actually are. Just easier to believe what you were told because it's what you want to believe anyway.

frazzledrip 14 points ago +14 / -0

Climate change ; brought to you by the people that can't even accurately predict the weather ONE day in advance.

Same morons that told us acid raid was going to kill us all and kill all vegetation in the 80s.

frazzledrip 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well, the Biden / Harris regime has claimed the illegals are American citizens.

When they announce Trump wins, whoever is really in control will be forced to push the button and activate the illegals to make it look like it's actual American citizens protesting the Trump win. Notice I said 'forced'.

These 'citizens' will be dispatched by the military.

Operation Warp Speed in effect. White hats in control.

frazzledrip 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Fair appraisal values"

Translation : Drop the value of homes, so illegals can buy them, but keep the property taxes the same

frazzledrip 24 points ago +24 / -0

always comes down to something sexual with the left. Maybe they should all invest in some therapy for their childhood traumas ; fucking freaks

frazzledrip 1 point ago +1 / -0

When it comes to weed, addiction is habitual only. Marijuana doesn't contain the right chemicals to get your body physically addicted. No, it doesn't.

I've been smoking weed since I was 19 and I've gone days and days, many, many times, without a puff and I felt the same as if I puffed an hour previous.

You don't know anyone that 'overdosed' on weed. You don't know anyone that smoked a joint and went on a killing spree. You don't know anyone who sold everything they owned for weed.

No, you don't.

If you've never entered the weed world, or only smoked a few times, you have zero clue what you're talking about.

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