Love Mr. Truthbomb
Watch the video - he says "we pre-planned for it before they even ask for it".
I despise the Biden admin, but when we share things that are misleading it hurts the cred.
I have both been evacuated quickly, and been stuck for multiple days on end with no power, etc, over the last few years.
Having a go bad AND a trapped plan is imperative. We had no electricity, ran out of backup generator fuel, and eventually wood in the middle of winter with no way out. It was the good will of a neighbor we could get to that saved us.
Plan, plan for the plan to go wrong, then plan some more......
If the follow the playbooks, it will be a last minute upset after a clear win is in the bag.
Or, will this one turn the tide?
Oh good Lord, this is why you never give away your health decisions to gov't "officials".
Surprising this is on CNN, but glad its out there.
I will have their backs.
They're goin' down, they're goin' timber!
Excellent analysis!
Great post Squid. It just gets sicker and sicker the more we dig.
He is hated by far more than supported.
Tampon Tool Tim
Spot on satire!
A true American hero, standing against the massive tide of deep state corruption.
My translation is by Doreal.
I have read these tablets over many times, JT1. It seems our story is much bigger than most know, eh?
This blood connection has occurred to me while reading them as well.
Perfectly and eloquently written! This is Kunstler?
Very powerful Scottty!
This is interesting. Could this be contrived, simply to get this information to the sheeple?
Brightly colored paintballs make a good marker for looters!