Go Kash!
These swatters need to be put away in prison, key lost.
Amen to that fren.
Charge them financially and criminally. They look like college students - bill the parents or pull $ from their grants/scholarships, etc.
Sick of this shite!
Can he utter just one iota of truth?
Thank you for spearheading this. Californians are lucky to have such a warrior and praying that your needed back up comes through.
I have seen moar but not poast. Thank you for the edumucation!
"Poast" = post
Intersecting timelines, dimensions.
Yes, I loved this. It is a personal mantra of mine as well.
A bunch of verbal vomit that someone actually gets paid to spew?
Liberal heads exploding in 5, 4, .........
Now do the sanctuary States!
She is filthy.
Yup! The front lines need him..
Green vomit emoji. The words are better here.
Kick them out! Adults only.
Yup, an interpreter is required for parent/teacher meetings in pub ed, for these parents here 30 years. Can't help their children with their homework!
When I objected I was told, "You don't understand. These people haven't had enough education before they left their home country." Of all the condescending, leftist, crap!
No, they just don't HAVE to learn because we coddle them.
So rich! First "ass"et to go!
Future proves past.
Our trips down memory lane are sure different than 2 decades ago. Good post OP.
The lowest of low use of brain and heart.....
I believe only those who conduct commerce on the road are required to be licensed. Therefore, the vast majority of us do not.