you ran out of meds again, eh?
green dicks with no hair???
her prison cot needs to be filled with cactii and thistles and scopions and salt.... and fire ants.
well, dude... let yourself out of your group of friends and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
then how are we gonna know which pills get us the biggest boners??
i'll call BULL SHIT on that one! look at some other posts.. NOTHING but anti-Trump and anti-Elon garbage.
good! buh bye!!!
funny.. the national "news" missed this story!
walz has got to be a white hat asset... there's no way that he's for real a democrat and thinking of running in the next election... only a white hat could put something as stupid as walz as the head of the democrat party... (that's a good thing)! but hey... they're like the guy.... the dumber the better... according to the dems!
the woman needs to carry a gun for self protection. it's only too bad that her food didn't slip off the brake...
i felt that impact!! i hope the concrete is ok!
we may have a better chance of getting bit by a shark whilst on our couch with a 5 lb bag of Cheetos and s six-pack of malt liquor!
here ya go!
more video.. notice, not one plane-looking part!
---here's lots more... have fun digging!
if you're getting ss... it's not that difficult to go to present yourself in person once in awhile. it does a body good to move about... besides.. they're NOT that busy!
those llbs can use duct tape and tape a banana on the wall in that space!
not all is well at the Eichorn household this morning!
biden should be charged with false imprisonment for now allowing Space X to go rescue the astronauts.
it cannot handle the truth!
wow.... someone needs to take a break and get some fresh air outside.... extreme "stretches" such as this make anyone who spreads this look like a looney toon!
-now do pin-ball... then do hair-ball (cats must be evil, too) .....
---reasoning such as what the poster presented is akin to the covid tests.... stretch the testing far enough to get your "false positive"
just planning ahead.... as we all know... "time is fun when you're having flies!"
lol..... instant return to Jeb's pathetic "please clap"!!! what a sad moment on a campaign trail....
we could melt it down and put up a nice sized one of President Trump!! kek... the liberal heads would explode!!
the former "resident" would have been all up in her hair!!
not so fast.... 20 million more to go.
yep... she lost a little weight!