kaizen777 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well ya, the Q drop was... but the fact that Trumps 34-second video lines up with the spirit of that may not be a coincidence! "Taking back our great country"

kaizen777 2 points ago +4 / -2

Go back to Elon's roots, that'll tell you what kind of tree grew.

Debunking Elon Musk pt1 (channel has dozens of videos on Musk and his companies) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-FGwDDc-s8

Musk is a total conman and has made a profitable career out of stepping on others, and lying every time he opens his mouth.

I LOVE watching him troll the deep state, LOVE it.

Totally not convinced he is WH. For someone who has lied to the degree he has, and CONTINUES to do so, I could never trust that person in any capacity.

You can say well ya, he's one of us NOW... but... He still lies, lies, lies about everything.

Part of the act? Maybe, but I'm not down with that.

kaizen777 4 points ago +6 / -2

I'm not saying there isn't manipulation and lies going on. I think this may have been a move to make it easier for the Kamabla campaign to get away with more fakery. This was referring to the Detroit rally, the first video link shows it clearly.

kaizen777 5 points ago +7 / -2

What's the play here, then? Maybe there is a master play that I can't see yet... but so far...

Most of us will see the sus photos and be like ya! FAKE!!! So pathetic! It lines up with what we already believe.

Now the libs will see the headlines and be like, Trump, pathetic, bla bla bla. Lines up with what they already think.

But what about those on the fence who see these stories and can clearly see evidence that Trump made this false claim?

How can this be a win for Trump? The media is showing his claim that it was fake, then they are going to easily show video to confirm it was real.

This would make me think, if I was on the fence, "Hmm... I wonder what else he says that isn't true or he just jumps to conclusions about without having all of the information?"

This opens the door for them to fake Kalama rallies or crowds and more people will believe them. They simply point to this one occurrence and say "see, the crowds are real... Trump lies".

Moves and countermoves, I know.. but it also isn't reasonable to believe that the Whitehats and Trump win every hand. (Unless you are going to that project Lookingglass thing, Q knows the future, etc)

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, I absolutely believe that humans are being cloned... but not by Clonaid. By the governments of the world and certain companies likely funded wholly or in part by governments and the elite? Absolutely.

A google search of Clonaid yields tons of info, it's been a laughing stock since the early 2000s.

kaizen777 4 points ago +9 / -5

Downvotes incoming... The problem is that many pedes have posted links to videos of the Michigan rally. That most viral photo DOES look totally sus, and it may have been photoshopped or A.I. enhanced in some way. That said, that rally has multiple videos from multiple angles available online. I don't have the links but as I said, multiple pedes here have posted multiple video links. There really was a large crowd at that rally. I think Trump was baited and took the bait. How did they get thousands that rally? Compensation, celebrity promotion, etc.

Edit, here are some links:

[@purkiss80 / MODS - you SHOULD take these links and perma-pin them for awhile, pedes NEED to see that this event was real and we took the bait... and Trump took the bait! Whoever released that AI-looking photo was likely baiting us all, and Trump! It worked!]

@cottonstreet posted this link a few days ago on another thread, this is CLEARLY demonstrating that this crowd was REAL:

"I don't know.

Somehow this Ai got the shadow of the hangar across the crowd right, there are no six-fingered hands, the text all looks correct, and it all matches up pretty well with this video...

https://x.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1821323875575329070 "

Posted by @girouxc "It seems like there really was a large crowd there.

https://x.com/detroitnews/status/1821361744381350213 https://x.com/AliceMomany/status/1821316896312225832 https://x.com/BGOnTheScene/status/1821321203023540454 https://x.com/Victorshi2020/status/1821295564845416459 https://x.com/Grady_Trimble/status/1821340230839902557 https://x.com/littlmissblunt/status/1821282582648254876 https://x.com/ourhermitage/status/1821333747180171772 "

kaizen777 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've seen other videos besides these, the crowd looked real and significant in size. I feel that "we" took the bait. The photo being passed around does look very sus... but there really were perhaps that many people actually there!

kaizen777 0 points ago +1 / -1

What does this even mean? 5 minutes to get to crooks, how do we know it was 5 minutes? And 5 minutes to get to his corpse, or what?

kaizen777 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is not what Bribem says! Pedes, stop reacting to headlines - you gotta sauce everything!

He goes on to correct himself immediately after stating "If Trump loses, I'm not confident at all". He's actually saying that he is not confident there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump LOSES.
It was completely clear. I'm seeing more and more that this DC_Draino dude misrepresents the truth or is just plain wrong. The Raskin clip floating around was from earlier this year so... that is also inaccurate in his post.

Bribem saying in correction "If Trump loses" is probably because he knows it is RIGGED.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

We need to see more videos of the same event. Video could still POSSIBLY be AI generated, what with things as crazy advanced as SORA out there.

kaizen777 4 points ago +4 / -0

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-FGwDDc-s8 You can start with that. It doesn't prove he's one of them. But he is not a good guy. That channel has dozens of painstakingly researched videos debunking Musk the fraud and his companies. Is it possible he was turned? I don't know. I love him trolling the deep state and spreading truths these days, but that doesn't mean he can be trusted.

kaizen777 3 points ago +4 / -1

You're getting ripped to shreds for this intelligent comment. Sorry about that.

There is such a thing as context, you are 100% correct and many of my fellow pedes are being triggered instead of thinking clearly.

If it had been me, I would have provided my name and address and offered to allow them to escort me to retrieve it. Would I be kneeling or giving up any rights in doing so? Would I be empowering those pigs? I can tell you what I would not be doing... I would not be traumatizing my kid over something so stupid.

I abhor what happened, but pops could have LIKELY avoided the escalation by changing his candor and approach slightly.

"What's your name and date of birth?"
"I don't know..."

Pig cops think you are sus, so you respond be behaving more sus? That's not going to end very well.

I agree he should have complied TO A POINT, in doing so this would have likely been avoided.

kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine if all branches of the current admin and 3-letter agencies were tried for documents fraud...

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

LMAO, I just posted that I see Michael Scott (Steve Carrell)

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL, I see the face of Michael Scott (Steve Carrell) from the office. 🤣🤣 Nice work, though.

Trump is much more carved out than the other four. No president is as carved as Trump. Everybody knows Trump is the most carved, like nothing you've ever seen. It's tremendous!

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

For you, my dear Muskrats on GAW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-FGwDDc-s8

Someone linked to this video on the Twitter thread. I happen to recommend this YT channel frequently, Common Sense Skeptic. He has dozens of videos exposing the reality of Musk that too many do not want to see because they are too busy idolizing him.

kaizen777 4 points ago +4 / -0

And weapons to defend it since many or most around you will not have done the same

kaizen777 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is where you also describe what you DO stock up on. =D Canned food full of crap for a short period of time is infinitely better than going hungry or starvation.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps, but boy am I having a blast with AI on the way out!

kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they really wanted to kill Trump, how hard would it be to poison his coffee or something like that? I would think something like that would be much easier to accomplish than this method? Legit question, I really don't know.

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