Looks like the type of guy who is scared by everything . Wife (?) has to kill all the scary bugs at his house.
Don't let the door hit you as you sashay your ass out waving your flag.
Get Rand Paul involved too . Review his "Festivus " lists through the years on almost laughable spending projects taken on at taxpayer expense year after year .
It would almost be laughable , but it's not. These are real wastes of the taxpayer dollars.
Rand Paul makes a list of stupid government waste every year. Ask him for his lists . They all sound insane , but they're real .
Here is the actual article
I just got back from voting in Michigan. Long lines at my voting site.
Very catchy tune , I remember this from 2020.
Please God, cradle this baby in your healing hands.
My friends and family in one photo . I finally had to admit to failure. Can't undo what has been done , and "I told you so" gives no solace to me.
Why the loud shitty music ?
Thanks for posting the archive.
Scary ! Thanks for the information !
There is a person on E bay selling the full 14 seasons on E bay. Good quality for around 50.00. I am really enjoying watching them . They come in a very nice vinyl pocketed zippered case
As my Grandson used to say at age 3 "I say "No Sank (Thank) you "
Happened to my sis. No heartbeat , D&C in OB's office. When the pathology got the
"fetal remains " there were NO FETAL CELLS. 5 days later Dr called her . Told her to hurry in . when they did the ultrasound there my nephew was high up in her uterus with a strong heartbeat. he was born full term and is now 6foot 3 inches tall. His middle initial is M for miracle..
I just made your up-vote 17 !
all the way to the bank.
I pray that the thoughtful answers from other s help him get through this .
I was just laughing at those too !
Thank you for posting this . I remember so many of these clips when they happened.
If I recall correctly he was making fun of Marco Rubio drinking so much water at a a debate for the 2016 campaign. He did this at a rally .
Thank you for your informative response .
It is said so often and I notice every time . I am always saying "Our Republic" under my breath..
She ate a salad with a comb.