What has this to do with the military operations in the Ukraine?
- Germany is actively involved in a war against Russia (economic war is also war). 2 . The Russian army soon will have no Ukranian forces left to stop them to go to Poland or even Berlin.
- Germany should be a peaceful country and not in the Nato.
- The US is leading a proxy war. I mean it is not the US, it is the Cabal, and we all know who they are.
Synopsis: General Paulus was the one who planned the invasion of the UDSSR for Adolf Hitler, called Plan Barbarossa.
But the Germans got stuck in the harsh winter with sommer cloths. Paulus managed to seize the city called Stalingrad. But then the Russians encircled them and the sixth army of 250 000 were in a trap.
Hitler demanded the battle until the last German. Eventually Paulus refused and 100 000 or the left Germans went to Russian prison. 6000 returned to Germany after Stalins death. Paulus lived his last years in Leipzig East Germany and was against the joining of West Germany to Nato.
Trust your own guts. I do eat plant based, have no weight problems,I am slim, but today I ate beacon and eggs and butter, marmelade and a french croissant. Normally i do without breakfast at all, just a coffee with some coconut milk.
98% percent of what I eat are plants, but I do not want cranks to tell me what to eat. The above picture is junk science.
Difficult case.But like a good detective like Falk do not make up your opinions to early: The date of the assasination is white hat, meaning good news: 8.7.2022=21 = 7+7+7. The work abe has done was in favor of the central banks: Abeonomics.
The delta of 169 years tells otherwise:
On July 8, 1853, the American Perry approached the Bay of Edo, the seat of the Shôgun, with a fleet of black ships. Threatening with huge guns and rifles, Perry demanded the opening of Japanese ports to American merchant ships. But the Japanese did not give in immediately. Perry turned his back on the island kingdom - but not forever. The following year he came back. With more ships, more cannons - and now the warriors of Nippon buckled. Little by little they opened up their country to western traders and diplomats. The islanders felt overwhelmed by the foreigners. The world had discovered Japan.
Delta of 169 years:
On July 8, 1853, the American Perry approached the Bay of Edo, the seat of the Shôgun, with a fleet of black ships. Threatening with huge guns and rifles, Perry demanded the opening of Japanese ports to American merchant ships. But the Japanese did not give in immediately. Perry turned his back on the island kingdom - but not forever. The following year he came back. With more ships, more cannons - and now the warriors of Nippon buckled. Little by little they opened up their country to western traders and diplomats. The islanders felt overwhelmed by the foreigners. The world had discovered Japan.
The Wagner mercenaries are active in the Dombass.