magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q is a movie.

We know the script, the top of the cabal likely also knows the script.

But there are also likely tens of thousands flying monkeys who are going to be surprised, needing prodded into acting their parts.

magavoices 5 points ago +5 / -0

Was Q dividing people when he told us the Vatican assembly hall looks like a snake?

Was Q dividing people when he said the pope was wearing Nazi symbolism?

Was Q dividing people when he said the pope would have a bad May?

I've seen Q asking us to put on the armor of God. I haven't seen Q request us to drop and give 50 hail Marys.

I'd make the point that Q is likely protestant, but I haven't gone out of my way to do that because I'm sure there are good people who are catholics here and I found no reason to antagonize them.

I don't believe Catholics are surprised that protestant Q supporters take issue with them calling a Catholic event in NY to be "God on the move" or "revival". They know it's controversial. They know it'll be divisive. They do it any way.

The non-divisive route would be Catholics not protheletizing on GAW in the first place.



magavoices 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't trust him on anything.

His entire schtick is pointing out inefficiency and corruption in the corporate world with a comic. Corporations scamming customers was his bread and butter for decades.

Yet, somehow ABSOLUTELY OBLIVIOUS to the prospect of the virus being a concoction of corporations scamming the world.

He shilled for it, hard. Harder than anyone would shill if they didn't have skin in the game. It was his assigned task to push the vaccine.

So many similarities between him and Cernovich ... both supposed hypnotists, both motivational speakers and authors, both come onto the political scene at the exact same time, pushing the exact same agendas. Coordinated pro-Trump and anti-Trump phases, coordinated pro-vaccine.

Coordinated anti-Q agendas, both attacking Q the same fashion at the same time.

It's almost like China hired professional persuasionists to push the vaccine agenda.

And Scott's apparent anti-China schtick is what he calls "pace and leading", where he mimics what his target thinks and believes so you are more inclined to trust him ... so later on when he says something you object to, you're more likely to accept his arguments.

magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

You know Twitter has been taken over and you know those numbers can be manipulated right?

Oh yes, I know. Literally everyone manipulates view count.

Every time someone looks at the tweet it gets another view.

That's why trying to correlate view count with a Q post that matches the view count is completely ridiculous.

magavoices 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wow, view count 555?

How did Q know that you would be the 555th person to look at that page?

Talk about predicting the future.


magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't need freemasons to explain that the Catholic church hierarchy is the highest per-capita organization of pedophiles in existence.

You have a lot of prejudice against the one true faith.

There it is. Cult.

I hate to break it to you, but Q really hates the Catholic church. Not the people in the church of course, the hierarchy.


And of course this classic ...


To sit there and pretend that the pope is infallible about anything is the most delusional BS I've ever seen.

You do realize you're replying in a thread where an Archbishop is protesting that the pope is fake, right?

Guess that makes him a protestant.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spanish inquisition was done to deal with those who say they are Catholic but were infiltrators and subversive, you know, like what you have going on in your government currently?

Just to be clear.

You're condoning ~300k people being killed because they "infiltrated the Church"?

Actually, why would I ask that. Of course you do, the pope ordered it and you consider popes infallible. Probably every Catholic who are pressed on the question condone the Spanish inquisition.


magavoices -1 points ago +6 / -7

How traditional?

Indulgences and Spanish Inquisition traditional or pray to dead people instead of God to earn your way out of purgatory traditional?

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

I consider all the posts after 2020 as fake.

In the past, when there was ever a question as to Q's authenticity, they reverified themselves.

For instance, Q once reverified a new trip code with a sequential photo taken above North Korea. But usually, Q would coordinate with Trump on one-minute deltas that would be impossible to explain otherwise.

A one and a half year gap warrants a reverification, especially with all the controversy that happened with the Jim Watkins apparently switching salt.

The posts are inconsequential. People hardly discussed them at the time and almost never after.

The entire Q community was already aware of the problems with mRNA long before "protect your DNA". We already didn't trust the vaccines.

Q was about predicting things that were to come, not checking in after 1 1/2 years to preach to the choir something we've already known for more than 1 1/2 years.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

If there are aliens, why would they look like primates?

Convergent evolution? What are the odds?

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

They got Capone over taxes.

All it should take is one point, even a minor point, in order to throw them out or lock them up.

And like taxes, it should be the easiest to prove point and the least controversial.

Why force someone to swallow 50 redpills when all it should take is one? Especially when fake redpills like flat earth etc. are mixed in to make you look unhinged and delusional.

magavoices 5 points ago +5 / -0

While still a senator, Obama flew to Ukraine. Specifically, to Donetsk (eastern Ukraine), to disarm them. There was a photo of him standing next to piles of ammunition and bombs that were to be dismantled/destroyed.

Then years later when he becomes president, he sent munitions to western Ukraine. He had actively been attempting to destabilize Ukraine and interfering in Russian interests from the time he was active in politics.

magavoices -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't get it. If you're a BRICS proponent, explain what magical thing you think happens when the US's reserve currency status is lost.

Trump said it would be a shame if the dollar was no longer the world's reserve currency.

BRICS countries are shit. There are five countries in the world who aren't using the Rothschild banking system, and none of them are in or ever will be in BRICS.

If tomorrow, US currency value was cut in half vs the Yuan, would you be thrilled if China suddenly bought up twice as much US land? Or if they invested twice as much money into controlling our politicians?

magavoices 0 points ago +1 / -1


If Trump isn't put back in the white house, then the whole arc that has been painstakingly fabricated by Q over the last 5+ years is moot.

I can't imagine a scenario where Trump doesn't regain the white house and patriots think it's a good outcome. Can you?

If your point is patriots will think the end of the movie sucks according to our expectations, what was the point of Q?

magavoices 4 points ago +5 / -1

Here's some inconvenient facts for those who love pushing BRICS here at GAW ...

  • There are 5 countries that do not participate in the Rothschild banking system and none of them are in, or ever will be in, BRICS.
  • Q never said anything about BRICS.
  • All BRICS countries use fiat.
  • BRICS is never going to have a gold-backed currency available for their citizens to use.

There is no reason for the incessant promotion of BRICS here. As Q cleanses the US of cabal influence, why would any patriot root for other countries that are still controlled by the cabal to thrive over the US?

I've argued the point long with those who have a thing for BRICS and it seems to me that most of them believe the US is an evil personified land mass, and US citizens are getting some kind of deserved comeuppance as their currency becomes worthless, according to the average BRICS fan ficts.

Trump says it would be a shame if we lose reserve currency status. Why do some freaks here cheer it on?

magavoices 7 points ago +10 / -3

100% of snaps are feds and their MKUltra psyop victims.

The notion that someone doesn't like something and, as a result, they lash out and commit random acts of violence, is entirely a deep state concocted phenomenon.

magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

"greatgameindia" is a dogshit website with zero credibility.

That should be apparent without any further explanation just by the domain name and layout of their pages, but I'll explain further anyways.

They steal other people's articles and pass them off as their own. In this case, they stole this article: https://earlking56.family.blog/2023/08/11/shocking-ruling-judge-denies-immunity-to-maker-of-remdesivir-under-prep-act-after-man-suffers-severe-injuries/ that was published the day before.

Serious question, if you wanted to convince someone that something is true, would you send them to "greatgameindia.com"?

magavoices 5 points ago +7 / -2

I'm sorry but who said there were 600+ planes that brought gold back from the Vatican?

Can anyone do better than "trust me bro" in sourcing actual, credible information on this?

magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

A long time ago, I was an impressionable 22 year old, and a Libertarian candidate rolled through town who was running for a 1994 congressional seat. His name was Barrie Konikov.


His meeting was essentially a starter-pack on things we all know now. He said US taxes were voluntary (that year I stopped paying, haven't paid since).

We were told about the US being a corporation, about the meaning of gold-fringed flags, about how bad the federal reserve is, etc.

We were handed out pamphlets and small stapled booklets. Wish I had kept them, they would be great souvenirs.

If you're upset it's taken 5 years, keep in mind at least some of us have been waiting 30+.

magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

You first piled in on grammar

It wasn't a grammar mistake, it was an intentional click baiting, making it seem as though something happened when it hadn't.

It is entirely possible that BRICS countries work together to return to a gold-backed currency which would have major consequences for the dollar.

For starters, BRICS are 5 nations. That leaves 95+ countries unaccounted for.

Most who cheer about BRICS potentially using gold-back currency think it means their populations will all have access to it. Spoiler alert, they won't. It's proposed as being merely for country-to-country trades.

The hypothesis of "Operation Sandman" appears to be there are a large group of countries who want nothing more than to punish the US for being the worldwide reserve currency, so they coordinate the collapsing of the US dollar.

Now, imagine for a moment you're one of these countries participating in this scheme. Let's say you're a small country, you have a loan from the IMF that totals the equivalent of 100 billion USD in the form of SDR. USD comprises 40% of the SDR, which means you're making continual interest payments on 40 billion USD.

That means, as a country, you NEED to come up with USD to make interest payments, because you NEED to come up with SDR and 40% of SDR is USD.

That demand will make USD always retain its value. Even if BRICS says "Hey, we're going to pay you in this new gold-backed currency, is that OK?", you as a country would take that gold-back currency and convert it to SDR so you can pay off your debt, ensuring demand for USD will always exist.

But even the notion that countries want to destroy the US currency is ridiculous. China continually devalues its own currency to make it better for them to export goods. Trump complained about China devaluing their currency on-purpose many times.

Why would China all of the sudden decide its going to make its currency super strong to punish the US? If, tomorrow, the USD was cut in half, would China be happy to receive only half of the money from the US they used to get? Would they initiate that on purpose?

This "Operation Sandman" is being pushed by small, low-traffic personal blogs who are attempting to scare people into buying gold. There are no credible sources for this information.

What would make someone credible? For starters, explain how they have access to know what 100+ countries are coordinating. Who coined "Operation Sandman", certainly if 100+ countries have agreed on this terminology and plan, there should be some leader of one of these countries boasting about it. That doesn't exist.

magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are you holding dollars?

My salary is based on US dollars that gets paid/converted from UK pounds and then sent to the Philippines, so I'm in a unique position to know how muh dollar collapsing is complete BS.

The amount I make now compared to 10 years ago is literally 48% higher based on nothing more than the strength increase of the US dollar. USD to PHP was approximately 37ish back then, now it's 55. Research it for yourself and do the math.

This post has you all riled up.

I get riled up when people conflate idiocy with Q, it's true. If you were on economicilliteracy.win cheering with fellow forum members about the imminent destruction of the US economy, I'd say good for you and good luck with that.

It's just a piece of information amongst many others, in a sea of disinformation.

Either you believe the post wholeheartedly or you don't. If you don't, why post it? If you do, don't be surprised when people ask about how the information is sourced and be prepared to defend it.

magavoices 5 points ago +6 / -1

Who is Chad Steingraber?

How does he have access to the leaders of 100+ countries to know that they are coordinating a crash in the US dollar?

How would you even know about muh "Operation Sandman" if it weren't for a small handful of no-traffic personal blogs LARPing how great it would be if the US dollar crashed?

I'll answer all the questions for you. Chad is a "game designer" who draws girls.

He doesn't have access to world leaders to know whether they are coordinating a collapse in the US dollar.

He found out about it like you did, a load of economically illiterate schmucks circle jerking each other's financial LARP fan ficts.

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