monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

Love the song.

Love it even more attached to this video.

Good job.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who do these kooks think they are? They don't speak for me or many others if they knew what was being cooked up under the guise of all these grand ideas.

They dress up their ideas in their videos, but everyone knows this ends in totalitarian control of everyone...and we all know how that goes.

No thanks. Anyone interested in building an alternate plan or disrupting this one can count me in.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is just their program to teach us how to live at a lower standard of living.

Only majority white western countries live in societies where the idea of being killed randomly while out living life is just about unheard of.

The NWO is trying to import the very thing that randomly kills people in 3rd world countries as part of daily life. Rampant uncontrolled crime.

They want us to get used to living on the knifes edge instead of enjoying safety. Keeps our fear threat anxiety high which makes us vulnerable.

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

American Heros Channel is nearly all Nazi all the time. I cannot remember when I have seen anything on that channel other than Nazi documentaries.

I certainly have noticed.

I can see how you might stretch the "look bad for Chinese" Mao argument but what about Lenin and Stalin. They were white as snow, so prime white persecution fodder, but not a single show about how Stalin murdered his people at random. No documentaries on the programs Stalin had where there were quotas on killing the opposition and how his people would make it a competition on who killed the most.

Nothing on that horror show.

monkeycat2010 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Sorry, but I believe they will NEVER let President Trump back into the WH.

It is going to have to come to blows, they will never acquis and accept President Trump.

When they said "any means necessary" they really mean it. ANY.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no way these numbers of illegal immigrants are just up and deciding to come to the US.

There has to be a focused effort down there beating the bushes for people to rush the US for asylum.

I would bet there is a whole organized network of immigration NGOs in league with our current administration and the PTB to round up people in these countries to come here. They are probably promising them the land of milk and honey if they would just take the trek.

You know this is a natural pattern of migration. This has to be purposefully organized and planned.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like they need to disappear into the woodwork of this country. Possibly take clues from the current illegal immigrant path of false paperwork, false ss cards, drivers licenses, et al.

As the result of mass illegal immigration there a strong network out there that will enable these people to completely disappear into the country.

monkeycat2010 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is unbelievable.

We are funding a counseling group to help troubleshoot hot button issues between groups.

I have no doubt that they counsel whites who have been affected by POC violent behavior. I am sure that they spin it as oppressors getting their payback from the oppressed. No doubt, people who are not cooperative, they use other tactics to silence the information.

On the flip side, this definitely explains why every black person affected by even the slightest offense is armed with lawyers and information on getting the sympathy media. I have always wondered how blacks get lawyered up so quickly and where the money is coming from. Now we know.


monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought that too but credit unions also rely on the banking system (i.e. big banks) to cycle their money.

The system is too intermingled, and they will be affected. Think that the people who have CU accounts deposit their paychecks, if they don't get paychecks from the banking system, then NO MONEY.

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

Senate republicans should show up in anything from now on in protest.

There was a Dilbert book "Casual Day Has Gone Too Far". On the cover people are walking around in tu-tus or naked.

That is what the senate republicans should do. Show up in bunny outfits, naked, boxer shorts, tie and whitey tidies.

monkeycat2010 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hang on, I think I can explain this.

There is HATE racism which is a person disagreeing with lefties on anything they say or do. - NOT OKAY


There is PITY racism which is what white lefties practice in that they feel terribly sorry for BIPOCs. They sympathize with the ignorant masses knowing they cannot help but be their miserable selves. They know that they have to take care of BIPOC because they are too stupid to do so. - OKAY

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was just thinking about this very topic. Yesterday, I watched as a school board threw a black gentleman out of the meeting because he insisted on reading one of those pornographic books to the school board. He had just gotten past the description of the protagonist being "fingered" by their friend and the school board shut him down.

They were so blase about it. "Sir, your excused, you cannot read that material here. Guards, please remove him". Then they just went about their business as if that did not just happen.

It occurred to me to me that those school board members cannot really be human beings. I know, in a way, I am othering people, but this is not really like that. However, I really believe that no human being in their right mind would condone a book like that for children. Across all races, religions, etc., not one human would think that material like that for children is acceptable.

So, it got me thinking, there are beings all over the world who see deviant practices in regard to children and animals as perfectly reasonable. They are beings but they are not human. What they are is still to be determined, but I am convinced more and more they are not of the human species.

The world was full of all kinds of hominids for millions of years and there is nothing but "controlled DEI" science that says we are ALL HOME SAPIENS SAPIENS now. How can that be possible? For millions of years, different hominids walked the Earth and then bam, we are all just the same. I am starting to believe that may not actually be true and the real truth is to taboo.

monkeycat2010 15 points ago +15 / -0

They have to get rid of the working welfare employees who are there because of "job making" policies, which create more red tape, slow walk processes, employees with nothing to do but collect their guberment checks.

monkeycat2010 9 points ago +9 / -0

Finally, someone else who is telling the world's people to stand up against the globalists.

Our only hope against this is for the people of each nation to stand up and say NO MORE.

The world is tired of all these wars and harm, caused by globalists. The world wants peace in each nation as it stands. We are NOT global citizens; we are children of each nation and proud to be so.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I took away from the interview is the comments about "donors".

Sounds like as long as there is money to be made on the misery of people, these people have no complaints.

I am not a socialist but making any money off the misery of people (health or war) should be forfeit. No person should be able to profit from misery caused by people on people.

monkeycat2010 5 points ago +5 / -0

They (Democrats) know that if they lose power, it is over for them.

Just like we suspected it would be if President Trump had lost 2020.

In 2019, my boss and I had a discussion on what it would be like if President Trump was defeated in 2020. I told him it would be all out oppression and retribution by the Democrats, that they would visit unholy terror on the part of the nation that chose President Trump. I knew it was going to be bad, but I was "unawake" at the time. I had no real idea that what I was saying was so prophetic.

Now that I am awake, I see that Democrats have completely abandoned the rule of law, equal justice under the law, and freedom. They are finally showing the proof that the Constitution was pushed aside in 1871 and that we have not been a country "of the people and for the people" for a long time now.

monkeycat2010 5 points ago +5 / -0

While I think the vax had a lot to do with increasing deaths, I have another theory.

What if all the efforts our government and the PTB have been putting into poisoning us is finally reaching its zenith? I don't know anyone who does not have some sort of illness (i.e. autoimmune, cancer, diabetes, MS, Lupus, etc). Even in young people there is rampant ADD, Autism, allergies, etc.

I posit that the efforts to poison us (chemicals in water, food, clothing, products etc)is finally reaching its end, where everyone in the population is experiencing the effects of the last 50 yrs of the population control program, which is evidenced by the culmination in what is going on in our world today.

Population is finally enmasse succumbing to the poison agenda and TPTB are just "cleaning up" or "consolidating" for the final solution in the next 5 to 10 yrs.

They know half the population will be dead by 2030 so now is the time to move in a start rounding out their portfolios (land grabs, mountains of money, automation, CBDC, etc.)

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have always been curious about the date April 15th.

Lincoln dies, the Titanic sinks...sounds like some sacrifices were made.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's not forget the wildlife and environment exposed to it as well.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

One might say that it wasn't a natural disaster at all.

I mean, if electricity wires were blown down by the wind and started a fire, that is not really natural at all.

Sounds to me those man-made materials (wires, poles) failed as a result of natural (wind) foreseen stressors (wires and poles should have been built to a code that took into account the nature of island winds) and did not behave as they were intended.

I would say that the fault for the failure would be the electric company who evidently did not design nor build their equipment correctly are at fault here.

Compensation to the homeowners should be rendered at the hand of the electric company.

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

Notice when he says, "reducing sickness, reducing population growth."

These people are masters as using the unsaid to underscore their messages. On the surface of his comment, if you are not awake, you would think his message is a great and good deed. However, when you are awake you hear the unsaid in the comment, "reducing sickness, reducing population growth" by killing off people who are deemed of no value to our NWO

When you wake up and learn how to listen to their speeches, you will hear how they say exactly what the zombies want to hear in a way that conveys their true message.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

She needs to check her wig. You can see the glue holding it on in the press conference.

How ghetto.

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