muzzapratt555 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like they may be done with the death jab, now they can roll onto Russia Bad and the great weather con. In N.Z they are still pushing the face nappies. They can keep that going however as it stops their facial recognition dead in the tracks. Maybe we should carry on wearing masks after making them safe to wear with a couple of hundred pin holes punched around the nose and mouth. There's no mask inspectors yet!

muzzapratt555 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love the way these dickheads show us just how stupid they are. They make it super easy to see right through them.

muzzapratt555 7 points ago +7 / -0

Dry wood placed in an oven at 371°C or 700°F. catches fire almost immediately. Green wood needs more time. At oven temperatures of 260°C or 500°F, the dry wood gradually chars and usually ignites after several hours. “Pyrophoric carbon,” formed when wood slowly chars, absorbs and combines rapidly with oxygen. Hot temperatures of 45°C or 112°F are unbearable to us humans, but to start random fires you need ignition at that temperature. We are seeing a heat wave in the UK peaking at 40°C, that's just 3°C above blood temperature. If you really believe the wild fires have started in the UK or anywhere else with a mere 40°C air temperature, you really are as thick as two planks as an ignition source is needed. The images we see on MSM from the UK show dark green grass and people walking in long pants, hardly the image you would think of in a heat wave, that's kind of strange. WTFU. Humans are responsible for starting 84% of wildfires in the USA. The link below does not go into the U.N's 2030 Global warming agenda though. That's what we are seeing unfolding now. This will take over from the Con-A-Virus on the fake news media as their number one Propaganda B.S.

muzzapratt555 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mandela was a bomb maker for the ANC and he mostly killed civilians. He and the rest of the gang killed a total of 71 people in such attacks between 1976 and 1984. Of these, 52 were civilians and 19 were security force members. So much for crimes against humanity. The more you know!

muzzapratt555 1 point ago +1 / -0

This wont be your last sticky, it's just the first of many. Never stop posting PyroDaMatchless. This is extremely well put together.

muzzapratt555 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ban all goods going into California made by CNC Routers and watch Poofyfornia sink. Furthermore, don't buy anything that comes out of this special needs state.

muzzapratt555 21 points ago +22 / -1

And of those 3.8 million Jews, we are told 6 million of them died during the holocaust? Some may need a calculator to do the math there!!!!

muzzapratt555 4 points ago +4 / -0

Name them all. Maybe give Maxwell one week off her sentence for every name. That would make her a free-bird again in no time. BTW Israel won his fight yesterday. Congrats Israel & never stop talking.

muzzapratt555 2 points ago +2 / -0

And this highlights the absolute stupidity of Politicians in the EU. These people are beyond stupid.

muzzapratt555 4 points ago +4 / -0

I could watch this over & over again. I'm loving it.

muzzapratt555 2 points ago +2 / -0

And Israel Adesanya defends his middleweight title against Jared Cannonier today. Go hard Israel, the whole of New Zealand is right behind you man.

muzzapratt555 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's simple. Target business & employees that targeted you. Self ban from ever using their services or buying their products, not for a day, a week or a month, but for life. Make them feel the pain they enforced on you. The masses will always win. And support the businesses that were not influenced by the world's biggest scam known to mankind. Build small businesses into empires while you watch the old ones tumble. It's called people power & people power will always win.

muzzapratt555 4 points ago +4 / -0

If your a Libtard, don't come to New Zealand, we have too many nutjobs already. If you are normal, you are more than welcome though. We seriously need to increase the average IQ over here before there is no coming back.

muzzapratt555 28 points ago +28 / -0

If you have had the death jab start researching now for the best outcome for you, or maybe friends and family now. Don't wait, do it now. I know there is plenty on this subject, but if you do your own research, your more likely to follow up. You have made a massive mistake, but you don't have to let them win.

muzzapratt555 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you have to think if it’s a proof, it’s not a proof.> 100% YES!!! purkiss great post and hopefully the mods will take note moving forward. We don't need proof, because we already know after years of following ~ reading ~ listening. How many times where we told of facts before the were facts. To still try to legitimize Q is just a waste of time. We are the news now, so just embrace it.

muzzapratt555 1 point ago +1 / -0

This highlights how thick the left are, or are they? Country folk are going to take shit like that. It would be a massacre. This dumb ass bitch is tiring to set that up and is totally willing to sacrifice leftards in the name of "Gun Control". This would be a good move by left-wing socialists and I believe serious thinking similar to Trump playing his next chess move is needed here. Maybe leave the guns at home and arm yourself pitchforks. Pitchforks will be harder to make illegal & it's a great way to make these sinners _ holy!

muzzapratt555 6 points ago +6 / -0

Translation ~ The Ukrainian military sacrificed more of its own people in the name of complete madness and chasing more Biden dollars with American missiles, because the timing was great to fit in with the G-7 leaders gathering in Europe.

muzzapratt555 13 points ago +13 / -0

Once Trump is back in his rightful place, one would like to think he will ban a certain non-citizen from from entering the US of A, ever again.

muzzapratt555 6 points ago +6 / -0

This was Hollywokes forerunner 43 earlier to cull the useless eaters and the deep state ran with it. Revise their plan and it's the one percenters that will disappear.

muzzapratt555 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are winning, well not the woke dopes. Freedom day is coming!!!!

muzzapratt555 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nah, Gates would receive with pleasure. I was thinking more along the line of giving him his own medicine(vaccine) once a week. You know, just to keep him healthy.

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