platinumbubble 7 points ago +7 / -0

You haven't actually read the Q drops have you.

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why does Graham write as though he thinks that PDJT doesn't 'ask God for His help'?

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the visible military is Plan B if the DS manage to pull off something really really obviously bad. If we just trundle on towards the election, the plan IMO is to keep the WH military quietly in the background providing the strength and threat of force while a 'civilian' population do the actual optics of the clean-up. So all the arrests have to come through the proper legal course, through the DOJ (seems far off I know but it's gradually happening), through congressional investigations, through the cleaned up state legislatures. The media will be replaced in time efficiently through the developing alternative media who are ready to become mainstream. Parents sacking educational boards, churches and community leaders rising up to make communities safe and ready to be prosperous. It will come first through red states and blue states who want to change, then the blue-print for breakthrough will be more obvious for those lagging. The police, cleaned up so they can provide proper law enforcement for those struggling communities. Many fed govt departments quietly hollowed out so they can't do any more damage. Bad universities closing coz too few want to go there. If you have the military ploughing through communities unless and until it is really necessary due to civil war or fighting in the streets, you won't have the GA we all desire. People will remain passive and be less creative and the void will be filled by opportunists once more ready to manipulate populations. People need to feel they can peacefully rise up and develop their own solutions for themselves, their families and communities. The arrests/prosecutions will be massive in numbers (unless many die through a pandemic or the jabs) but it will be more powerful if most are seen to be dealt with through the criminal justice system. We'd all love to see some gitmo action, maybe we will, but I don't think it will be the norm.

platinumbubble 0 points ago +1 / -1

I can't be bothered to argue with you about FE as you are either not being honest about researching it or your research skills are very limited. It's your perogative to sit in your beliefs. It's bizarre though that you really believe that you get to call me an illegitimate part of the movement. So I simply stand firmly here and state that you come across as an arrogant bully. That is what could make you an illegitimate member. But I won't even go that far, coz WWG1... Unless of course you are actually a shill. I wish you all the best in your search for the truth f you start to take it seriously :-D

platinumbubble 23 points ago +23 / -0

Is this the 2 week thing where they didn't count people as jabbed until 14 days of giving it, claiming people weren't immunized until the body fully processed the jab and established the immunity?

platinumbubble 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's hilarious. Thankfully you don't get to decide who is part of the movement, it also is self-identifying. We can at least agree on the Q movement being founded on discovering the truth, although your worldview where NASA tells the truth is very different to many of us. FE has not been debunked. Anyone who claims that has not actually researched it. There are very simple experiments that one can do to establish significant problems with the curvature of a sphere or an oblate spheroid or a ellipsoid or whatever shape they currently claim :-s

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why did you waste your time replying. You don't really carry the WWG1 culture of this movement do you.

platinumbubble 0 points ago +1 / -1

You don't really carry the benign WWG1 culture of the movement do you.

platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's like all areas, there are these layers of power. The ones at the very top are shadowy, we are not exactly sure who they are, but they are probs not prominant figures. I think that is where the strings were cut. They call the shots through the various secret societies that are run by other shadowy figures. Then come more visible figures like Gates/Soros/Klaus/Obama who understand and own the agenda and help the minions also understand the agenda. Where do the top people in the intel services sit? Probably quite high-up and they will have firm control of the chain below them who may be less aware of the big picture. The lower downs will all be comped by bad things they've witnessed or done but they are more dummyish. It's like the doctors who gave the jabs. They are the actual leaders in society who touch our lives, they do damage as they are stoopid and/or immoral but they are not responsible for the bigger plan to destroy society. They just do what they are told. As they are closer to our level and there are so many of them, they are more likely to be dealt with through truth commissions and professional discipline I think. If they committed crimes, then they should face justice, but it's hard to envisage all the docs/nurses who gave jabs being jailed for more than a few years and then what do you do with them? All the bad intel officers who did dastardly deeds, probs legions of them. Maybe the jab will get them all in the end? And truth commissions in the meantime?

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jimmy Savile is one of the biggest scandals in Britain and remains unresolved. The BBC is at the heart of the scandal as Savile worked for them on screen and behind the scenes for 30+ years. Savile is known to be the biggest pedo in modern British history. He did it under cover as an insider with the establishment/govt/BBC/royals all knowing what he was up to. The accusations against him began in the 60s but the authorities turned a blind eye to his crimes until he was dead. The BBC was a safe home and platform for him to be seen as credible and trustworthy by the public and gave him even more celebrity and influence over people. It is posited that he became an intel asset for MI5/GCHQ as he had membership/access to elite circles and was friends with Prince Charles. So apart from the intel/Govt criminals, those who ran the BBC (which is really the media outlet arm of MI5/GCHQ) were his chief enabler and allowed him to attack children and disabled patients (he had extraordinary private access to hospitalized patents through his extensive charity work) for 3+ decades. Video of Saville on TV inc. on BBC with minors, patients, elites, politicians etc

Incidentally Sir Keir Starmer, presumed next PM on July 4th (haha) also let Savile off the hook when he was national Director of Public Prosecutions (UK version of Merrick Garland). Stammer proved his woke credentials then by allowing gender based abortions (islamic tradition doesn't like too many girls born) when some doctors were arrested for it, he let them off. So now he gets to play in govt to further impose his radical beliefs on the British people. Sick world.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does anyone have a link to the clip of just the black guy?

platinumbubble 5 points ago +5 / -0

Makes me wonder how those targeted frequencies would affect the brain of the victim. Feels abusive physically as well as immoral. The govt is like an evil god.

platinumbubble 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's a playbook for leftist/progressive women where they believe that the more assertive/aggressive they are, the more powerful they will be and the more successful they will be. You see it in people like Debbie Wasserman, Fani and HRC. You have to wonder who trains the women in it or does it come from the covens? Are there levels like in masonic circles. The men have to be the opposite to be successful or just be so winsome/gay that no-one cares. And Merrick Garland always looks nervous, seems to be his way.

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

This would be fun and it would be an exposure of Johnson either way, good or bad. I lean good, but maybe not fully awake. He is quiet MAGA I believe. I don't see DS in him, although DS may have tried to control him. If he truly is a Christian, then he will have protection. If not, we will see him for what he is.

platinumbubble 7 points ago +7 / -0

Would be good to know what the 'gibberish' was in case the agent was saying the truth about something and they just decided to remove the agent to cover it up.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it would be possible for it to be made attractive for people to 'return' to their original culture/nation so it wouldn't simply be a case of enforced re-patriation. Life in the West could start to look very unattractive as we are nations in decline. The other nations can also welcome their own people and deal with their own criminals. Those who want to stay in the West would do so because they want to help re-build the country and they are drivers for success. It's not the different cultures within our borders that are wrong per se, it's how their people integrate (or don't) with Christian values as they are re-established. Those who shun what we want to achieve will either leave or will have little choice but to enter the metaverse for their existence and care. Small living acomodation with a metverse screen/wall and all the accompanying lifestyle choices that go with that. Many will choose that, indeed need it if they show VAIDS symptoms. They will earn their own keep through Pelaton style energy generation or other proscribed work. They will live with all their virtual pets and their deceased virtual loved ones until they themselves expire. On the outside life will be vibrant and productive, a new world for those who want to help develop it, new technologies, free energy, healing, true rest. Cultures living side-by-side in peace and vitality, no more govt imposed division and poverty. When you look through that kind of lense, repatriation doesn't seem like such a big issue.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Preterists believe in a 'spiritual' fulfillment of Revelation, not an earthy one. A growing number of people are seeing that there was an actual fulfillment around 70AD when the temple was destroyed. It's not preterism. The evil here now is because we have had 200 years of Revelation 20:7. Jesus has already come back, the trib has already happened. You could look at the subject of Tartaria to start to understand the concept.

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