shoafville819 6 points ago +6 / -0

So brave! Lira opened my eyes to what was really going on in Ukraine.

shoafville819 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll tell you what's weird...ss has only been around since 1930's...how did all those folks from way back even get assigned a number?

shoafville819 3 points ago +3 / -0

My cholesterol has been going up for the past 10 years (265). I thought I would try this regime as I'm due to go to the doctors next month to get my annual bloodwork. I made it through about 10 days of the protocol, but experienced diarrhea towards day 7/8. I'm not sure if it was due to the high levels of vitamin C or something else, but when I stopped taking it on day 10, I did not have any more of those symptoms. So, I'll let you know if it impacted my cholesterol at all next month...in the meantime, do you think 10 days of the routine will be helpful?

shoafville819 3 points ago +3 / -0

How does this person still have a show?

shoafville819 3 points ago +4 / -1

I don't understand how this can't be "easy" when the contrasts are so blatant. I just wonder what took you so long....

shoafville819 15 points ago +15 / -0

Why would you call on the World Health Organization to investigate when they were responsible for the aggressive push out in the first place?

shoafville819 13 points ago +13 / -0

Chuck was born in 1950. That's means in 1977 he was 27 years old. Hoe can he have a 16 year old daughter?

shoafville819 3 points ago +3 / -0

The point is that you were competing against boys until they had a girls league, and you were willing to make boys uncomfortable, to go against their faith or force them to forfeit if they didn't want to wrestle a girl so you could have your way. My friend's sons found the experience humiliating, and they beat their girl opponents...imagine how boys felt that lost. The sexual divide kept these things in perspective. You obviously considered your needs/wants/desires more important than theirs. In my mind, your actions contributed to the problem we are having now, weakening sexual distinctiveness, whether or not you can acknowledge it.

shoafville819 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a subject that has been antagonizing me for some time...years ago, my friend's sons were wrestling. They were forced to wrestle against a girl a few times in their career, starting in middle school. Having been raised to not hit, hurt or molest women, having to waller on a wrestling mat, using moves that, not in a match, would be considered sexual assault, was demeaning. But, because women pushed for it and got their way, young men had to endure. Fast forward 20 years. NOW, women are saying they need their safe spaces and separate competition. I get it, I'm a woman. However, part of me is aggrevated that now, since they are uncomfortable, it's wrong; not when they were getting their way against young men years before, making the boys uncomfortable.

shoafville819 4 points ago +4 / -0

Although I don't agree with every named item on her list, the point is I don't trust anything I hear from our government and know I have to do my own investigation. I am no longer a trusting, compliant sheep.

shoafville819 3 points ago +3 / -0

He ran an incredibly tight house race against Abigail Spanberger in 2020. His recognition came based on a speech to the VA house in 2018...https://youtu.be/KqqJKChKRzI?si=vUrCH4D6zzci5Pya Powerful, 7 + minutes in response to school shootings, worth a watch.

shoafville819 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meant to type "deter"...in too much of a rush...did not proof my comment🤪. No excuses😶

shoafville819 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't some San Francisco shop owner put Baby Shark on loop to determine homeless?

shoafville819 2 points ago +2 / -0

When our culture is torn from its anchor of a biblical worldview, then all manor of evil will rush in to replace it. Our biblical response is to stand in the face of evil, speak truth in love, love our enemies, and hold fast to God's Word. Vengeance is the Lord's. No fear!

shoafville819 1 point ago +1 / -0

He was prescient...we're just a bunch of turkeys now...look what we've done to our beautiful, courageous country...and when I say "we" I'm not talking about folks here at GAW, but rather the flaccid, weak willed, leeming like "citizens" of this once proud nation. Yep, we're just a bunch of turkeys...

shoafville819 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have a different take; I want to know what happened that was so overwhelming that these folks would want to cut off perfectly healthy, functional body parts. They are sad...they need psychological help, and the alphabet mafia is exploiting them.

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