Here's a biblical side note that happens to tie together Michael and the word Moab:
Deuteronomy 34:6ff says the precise location of Moses' burial was never disclosed, but it was in the valley of the land of Moab opposite Beth-peor. This was traditionally considered the gateway to the realm of the dead.
Jude v9 says Michael the archangel was in legal debate with the devil over Moses' body. From Deuteronomy we know his body was buried somewhere in the valley of the land of Moab east of Beth-pior and Dea Sea (trans Jordan). So you have Michael the guardian and protector of God's people Israel, rebuking the lord of the dead in the name of the Most High God, that Moses would not simply be relegated to the same cursed portion of Sheol as the disembodied spirits of the giants (rephaim), demons and so on.
Just an interesting tid bit. No clue if Q intended a biblical layer to Moab (Is Iran going to fire missiles into the realm of the dead and perturb ancient spirits? LOL)
Michael is not a universal guardian, despite church traditions and politicians reciting prayers. As an archangel, he was "one of" the chief princes; chief princes had geographically specific assignments. To guard over / fight for specific peoples/nations. Michael was the only archangel named, and showing up as a character in the story, because he was specifically prince over the people of ancient Israel, as he clearly explains to Daniel. Also, per Revelation, Michael engaged as a leader in direct conflict with Satan the fallen "shining one" and his rebelling faction, in context of the divine council in the spiritual realm. That's all we know about him.
So what makes us think Michael is fighting for us now, here, everywhere or anywhere? He is not God like. There is only one who is designated “prince of the host”, who commands all the angels, and also is called "prince of the princes" - God himself manifest in human form. But his name is not Michael.
It was a quip because yes they do want the focus to be on food. The pregnant mother, the woman diagnosed with breast cancer, the obese and T2D patient.... no its not the food that's changed in the past 50 years. It's the environment. There are much more powerful, vested interests who would much rather let the focus be on the food.
You're missing the boat. Of course no one believes fake ass franken foods in the public food supply is a good idea, who disputes that? Keep in mind that Tucker, who always seems to time things just right, brought the Means siblings on just around the tipping point where public awareness was already coming around about seed oils and processed crap. So obviously it was gamed out that their impact, social media, and politically connected boosts would be maximized.
So you NEED to ask questions when you suddenly have these Technocracy linked folks like the Means siblings now basically steering MAHA. Combine that with how the alternative wellness space has taken MAGA by storm over the past 1-2 years. Their packaging of health freedom as THE alternative to the Covid tyranny. Not only is that movement full of profit-centric shills (many of whom don't know what the hell they are doing with pushing supplements and survival packets), they are also shaping a new acceptable paradigm: "healthy" notions of data tracking.
The soft introduction to this comes in applications reasonable to people looking for answers, like preventative measures. So for example, sister Means is hawking continuous data collection/monitoring:
Along with her brother's CFR connections and association with health tech, its not too difficult to see where this particular vision of "personalized" healthcare is going. It will be the intersection of A.I. + biometrics + genomics etc. Packaging Technocracy for the Right. The "health freedom" movement is a necessary vehicle for vested interests who need our bio information for their data collecting, computational based social projects.
As soon as all these influencers and politicians start trying to convince you that government, once well meaning bureaucrats and appointees are in power, can provide answers to these longstanding healthcare crises we all suffer from, that is inevitably another step in reducing the self-sovereignty of the individual. Just because we agree to go along with these new programs instead of having them mandated doesn't make them any less controlling.
Through misdirection Big Ag is being thrown under the bus right now. By whom? Good question. There are candidates. Essentially its coming from the Technocrats on the right.
Consider Thiel's Palantir. One of those privatized version of intelligence agency projects.
Flashback to 2020:
A company called Palantir was given the contract to come up with the vaccine allocation strategy and determine the critical populations each vaccine should be distributed to. Palantir, founded by Peter Thiel, was initially funded by QTL, the CIA's venture capital arm.
The CIA was its only client for the first three years of its existence. At present, Palantir is a contractor to 17 U.S. intelligence agencies and also the U.S. military. The company is also in charge of COVID-19 data under the auspices of the HHS. Hospitals must now report their COVID-19 data to Palantir or lose their Medicaid and Medicare funding. Palantir is also involved in things like predictive policing.
Palantir is where vaccine policies, genomics, "Security" / "Public Health" and AI all intersect. Mass data collection and digital transformation of everything -- "Security, health, and wellbeing". Note that since we are being shepherded into a new phase of voluntary adoption of this entire, comprehensive AI paradigm, Palantir will have more pull in deploying its projects.
This reorienting of MAGA to include MAHA spearheaded by the Means siblings is clearly meant to bring about Technocracy that the Right will either be unaware of or be relatively cool with, because of the tightly managed narrative networks that are instructing us in yet another sheep like fashion who is responsible for our problems so their ready solutions will be accepted.
Of course. More proof MAHA is turning into a Psy Op. There are certain industries with higher risk and high vested interests to get the right levers to bury these other specific industries (Big Ag, and the non-vaccine portion of Big Pharma).
We need to ask ourselves why for example these siblings Cally and Casey Means suddenly come out of the woodwork and get national platforms to "speak truth to power" and blame our modern disease epidemics on Fruit Loops, of all things? Look specifically into how Casey Means finished residency, there's a bigger story going on here.
Bitcoin is a commodity, its backed by the mining of real world energy, and its a technology to easily and 100% verifiably convert real world energies into different mediums, for consistent transactional value across space and time like nothing ever before. Get it?
That's exactly why its legal tender in El Salvador to be the public safety net for the coming economic crisis, and all other shitcoin cryptos must register as securities in that country, i.e. treated as scams against the public. They will all go to zero against Bitcoin.
This is the hard truth. The fact that all vids / incriminating evidence against all these big names -- are now in the hands of the most extensive blackmail management organization in the country (FBI), means nothing will see the light of day. They now have whole new worlds of leverage against the famouns and powerful. Why would they waste it on "justice" and public disclosure?
This is generally true and I'm in favor of the policy, it goes back to Alexander Hamilton. But I don't think the auto industry is a good test case. The new era of illogical engineering in auto manufacturers is borderline criminal how they are developing within the paradigm of planned obsolescence. They are making them practically disposable with the inability to afford repairs.
Uncle Tony's Garage digs into this problem:
As consumers more and more catch on to this industry wide scam, they will be intentional in seeking out used vehicles that are at least affordably restorable, and also ignoring overall cost if foreign manufacturers are still prioritizing solid reliable vehicles with engineering intelligence and quality parts.
He's a funny guy. He's branded himself as the #1 advocate of the Rebellious F-U nature of hard rock n roll, but putting super smiley shiny happy faces on it at the same time like he's kissing butt of the corporate and media establishment he pretends to favor rebelling against.
Club member. If he was British he'd be knighted by now.
I don't ever watch him talk, but the one time I did, even his speech inducting Rush into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame was pretty lame.
Don't ask someone like him about who should be incarcerated. Hawley's a self proclaimed Christian Nationalist, and many many CNs in that crowd have the eventual post-republic goal of installing a "Christian Caesar" with Unitary Executive power and some form of authority over the spiritual well being of the nation. This will include enforcing penal laws against public blasphemy, heresy, and violating the Sabbath (Sunday sabbath) among other things.
So perhaps, if you are outspoken about your own tradition or faith that doesn't line up with the CNs, if you practice other religion or exercise free speech in certain ways, play football on Sunday, etc, well sorry according to that crowd you might be the one getting chained up. Or worse. Because Mosaic penal codes.
Before cheering on the remotely activated "human deactivator" among the general public, think about the broader implications of how governments identify and handle those in the population they deem a threat to safety.
Anti Maskers
Anti Covid clot shotters
Anti Lockdown
Anti Censorship of their definition of "Disinformation"
Anti "Renewables" Compliance
If you like the idea of civilian spaces being treated as the battlefield, then good luck when your behaviors, beliefs, or speech make you a state target. A state with the tech to target however they deem fit.
I surmise that some backroom deal included the stipulation for a relatively graceful and dignified exit, after Biden would be used these years to expose the level of MSM corruption and shadow government operations to the mainstream public. He agreed to be a meat puppet for 3.5 years, but the exit would actually allow for some amends and garner some sympathy.
Not a bad plan imho. But just a theory.
Precision still matters because inaccuracies are used to shut down discussion of the meaning behind anomalous items of information. Through an indirect connection via Ukraine activities, we can link Routh to Crooks about as closely as linking Hunter Biden or Zelensky to Crooks. It doesn't really illuminate much.
Not a fan of entertaining this line of thinking, even if motives are noble. There are too many entities out there with the will and the agency to ride a very fine line between happenstance crises and exploiting, reframing, or even manufacturing crises.
It sounds like a form of historic pragmatism, like what was utilized in the Project for the New American Century from the 1990s. In their thinking, a "new Pearl Harbor" must occur on U.S. soil to kick Americans out of complacency and initiate them into the new paradigm of American global hegemony over against competing and hostile interests abroad. Which then magically happened in the new century.
This all goes back to the justification of thinking behind Operation Northwoods. JFK died, in part, for opposing such evil thought experiments.
Communists and fascists both have used this kind of mass psychology to great effect over the years.
People who are not "awake" don't need something extraordinary. They need encouragement and argumentation to utilize common sense and experience of what's already around them, to question question question, and hopefully come to new personal breakthroughs.
Quick Thinking = Don't drive around at night in border town MX in the first place. For reasons like this, not to mention much more likely to get into any kind of collision at night. Tijuana is a border town you pass through in the day time to get to better destinations, unless you're going to a cheap dentist or vet in town.
These are low level goons who pull crap like this, not the "cartels" per se. Just like the mafia, the cartels run more of the legit businesses, the restaurants, the amenities, etc. and they want American tourists to get there, have a good time and spend their money. It's local scammers and thieves who don't care about Mexico's reputation to gringos.
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