by panamax
thepalagoon 7 points ago +7 / -0

She would leave me on read and never acknowledge it, and if I brought it up in person she would just walk away.

by panamax
thepalagoon 20 points ago +20 / -0

My mom is one of those intellectually lazy classical libs who buries her head in the sand and pretends the insanity doesn't exist.

She didn't like the bud light thing either but swore "no one is gonna boycott... people don't care about it that much."

She just fully ignores the issue now because it causes too much cognitive dissonance.

thepalagoon 23 points ago +23 / -0

Relieved to come here and see this is the top comment -- occam's razor and all that.

What is interesting is that Zuck agreed to do the interview anyway - I think he's trying to get ahead of something coming down the pike. The mainstream news is always significantly behind what's actually going on behind the scenes.

thepalagoon 6 points ago +6 / -0

...and then the rest of the neighborhood clapped.

10 years ago I knew what this country needed - a bold guy who didn't need / wouldn't take outside money, who wasn't part of the club, who would say things plainly and without bullshit. I probably thought Trump was an asshole at the time, too.

I can't help that he ticked all those boxes and spoke the truth. As long as that remains true, no one is going anywhere.

thepalagoon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep -- unions once served a purpose, but now they're just bloated bureaucracies with nothing to do.

thepalagoon 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's just really odd they came out and bulldozed it. Maybe there was something on the ground that the perp dropped -- we'll never know.

Unless they did the world's quickest investigation.

Not arguing your point, I guess -- it's just that I'm surprised this happened so quickly. No councils to debate it, no assessing of the damage, no zoom calls, just... yep, 12 hours later bye. It's... atypical.

thepalagoon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Isn't that a bit weird? I guess they aren't going to investigate anything, as they've already bulldozed the site.

There's definitely more to that whole thing than meets the eye.

thepalagoon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't disagree.

'Fraud' is kind of a red herring in this case.

Wisconsin we know they broke election laws in nursing homes. It's fraud-adjacent, but it's not manufactured ballots.

Georgia and Arizona were similar in how they used mules to get harvested ballots thrown into the pile. Again, fraud adjacent, but not phantom votes.

Pennsylvania is just an absolute shitshow. Specifically Philadelphia. There probably was actual fraud here, but also a LOT of harvesting/mules as well.

So while the 'fraud' number is certainly in the tens of thousands in each state, the hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of votes in the mule/harvesting scheme are something else entirely.

thepalagoon 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think ultimately you are playing with fire by giving the freaks a proxy.

Sure, there's no logical reason as to why a pedophile can't stick to hentai and toys. But humans aren't logical, and mentally ill people especially so.

Castration or a shallow ditch are the only options.

thepalagoon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I actually don't think you are wrong on this. Most people didnt vote. Or, probably, didn't know they voted by dropbox.

But still my point is that people in cities are generally low information idiots who trust government and/or media and are so self-absorbed they don't care anyway.

I think if you actually had 100% turnout in cities they would skew blue since most low info voters vote blue because the media pushes the surface level lie that they are the good people.

thepalagoon 8 points ago +8 / -0

There are liberals, and they are a significant chunk of metro areas.

You're right about the strategy to dominate several key metropolitan areas to dominate state-level politics. This is also why they want to dismantle the electoral college. But, I still think metro areas would skew slightly blue (just not 60-70%).

Most people in cities are stupid and/or ill-informed and/or narcissistic and/or lack critical thinking skills.

Now, if the media coverage was more fair, and if we valued critical thinking as part of the education of our youth, this might be different. But as it stands there are just too many sheep (for lack of a better word) in metro areas to make them dark red.

Georgia, for example, is probably a ruby red state with slight blue Atlanta and Savannah.

thepalagoon 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Founding Fathers signed the Federalist Papers with pseudonyms. Anonymous dissent is as crucial to a free society as anything.

thepalagoon 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well, it's Latin, so word order doesn't matter, it's correct in any permutation.

But Kansas' State Motto is "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

This is like if he tweeted 'Unum e pluribus'

thepalagoon 13 points ago +13 / -0

I mean... this is typical Trump talk.

"Probably won't"

"It's boring... a lot of interesting people are gone [banned]."

Clearly saying "I won't come back just because you will let me. Let's see actual changes."

thepalagoon 4 points ago +4 / -0

This has been a relatively new play in their playbook.

  1. Elevate incompetent yet loyal people to important roles. These Soros DAs and Federal diversity hires all have this in common.

  2. Talk up how competent and qualified said person is. Look at how they fawned over the most recent diversity hire to the SCOTUS.

  3. When incompetent person is incompetent, run cover for them as long as possible.

  4. When it comes out that they weren't just incompetent but shockingly criminal, do the shocked pikachu face and memory hole it as quickly as possible.

thepalagoon 9 points ago +9 / -0

Thank goodness not everyone is like you. I don't comment here often, but if you'd like me to join the chorus of people saying bad things about this place, I easily could.

Relax, fren. Save your deport button for actual enemies.

thepalagoon 20 points ago +22 / -2

We're definitely in an information war.

I'm still not 100% sold on the Q thing -- information warfare and all -- but I love the optimism, hopium, and deep dives of

The Information War went hot when antivaxxers got randomly demonized in 2018. It was all over reddit, twitter, facebook, etc-- just daily vitriol against anti-vax people (who at that time were unorganized crazies).... it's just been battle after battle since then.

thepalagoon 9 points ago +9 / -0

"Strongly" Dem is an overstatement.

I was in Taos over the 4th of July in 2020 - Taos, as you should know, is like a more liberal artsy version of Santa Fe -- and it was Trump flags everywhere up and down paseo del pueblo norte the whole weekend.

I can't discount the number of inner city midwits who vote Dem because their programming says to, but it wouldn't shock me at all if there was some cooking going on there, too.

thepalagoon 13 points ago +13 / -0

So this is how clown world dies... to thunderous honking.

Honestly, I couldn't think of a better way.

thepalagoon 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think Alex is right on with this one - no more and no less.

Facui looked panicked when confronted by Rand - appealing to the dem chairwoman like the class bully appealing to the teacher.

Vaccine failure laid bare for all to see with infections and deaths. ADE is starting. Now my wife and I know someone with GBS - booster received less than 4 weeks ago, but she blames the diarrhea she just had (LOL).

thepalagoon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mass Psychosis.

I think we literally broke them with Trump. We joked about TDS but these people divorced themselves from reality and put their trust in the swamp years ago. They can't question anything at this point because of the immense cognitive dissonance that it causes.

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