I’m 56 and I have two small children three-year-old and a seven-year-old and I’m afraid I live in the belly of the beast and I have a wife who I love but is super liberal and works in education I have been a Democrat all my life but has supported Trump from the beginning I live as a Gray man most of the time except to my close friends and wife I can lose everything I know that but how far can anyone be pushed God bless America God bless the constitution of the United States I am the silent majority
Thanks I’m on my way to Pennsylvania to see her now few hundred miles so when I see her doctor tomorrow I will talk about that also I got advice about a test called D’miner do you have any advice on that thanks so much for reaching out
I just wonder if everyone who has his antivirus program installed on their computer. Will automatically start to play videos of Bill Clinton and the rest at Epstein‘s island and other various compromising criminal videos Child sacrifices blood drinking and whatever those demons do
prayers sent