We know Trump will remain president, a few clues have been given by Q and Lin Wood.
- It will be constitutional.
- The military is the only way
- Pompeo will save the day. Whatever happened to Sidney Powell's court case? Whatever happened to releasing the Kraken? A lot of people were saying that Lin Wood was a fool for insulting Justice Roberts in the worst way well trying to appear before court. It did not matter, he never intended to win before the corrupt Supreme Court. If the Insurrection Act is declared, the military will take over the courts. It was actually best the SCOTUS made no ruling, because it would have more difficult legally for a military court to over rule. If you recall, Sidney Powell is a registered military lawyer. Sidney will (already is?) make her case before the military courts. These courts will declare the electors void. The Constitution states that if the president is not determined by January 20th, that the Speaker of the House becomes president. That of course would be Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi will not be speaker of the house as she will be arrested on treason charges. Pelosi is succeeded by Grassley who will also be removed from office. That makes Secretary of State Pompeo the acting president (smooth transition). Pompeo will select Donald Trump as his vice president, and he will then resign. Four more years of Donald Trump! (Maybe 8, as his 2nd term was an appointment, he could legally run again in four years from now.)
Don't need to rewrite the constitution.
Just need to actually follow it.
I think after all this it's going to have to be amended in order to help prevent another swamp from forming over time. More safeguards need to be out in place and the only way I can see that happening without it being tyrannical is putting more codified power in the hands of The People.
Not sure what that looks like yet but we know the most useful "weapon" they have is MSM, which was laid out in one of the first speeches Trump have around his announcement and subsequent election back in 2016. The People need to be able to keep masass media honest somehow, and I think we have the tech to do it, just needs more thought so that it doesn't infringe on inalienable rights.
a lot of laws need to be flushed
The Act of 1871, took away the original constitution and re-wrote it as the United States of America Corporation. 1787, The United States for America is the original Constitution. March 4 I believe will be the next election as stated in the original constitution and stated in NESARA. President Trump signed EO on Nov 2, 2020 and has NESARA all over it...’120 days from the announcement of NESARA, new elections begin’.
☝️he will dissolve the United states of america incorporated and we will revert back to the original. becoming the 19th president of the united states for America March 4 as originally written
I want to believe, but this will destroy every legal fiction on paper today. Maaaany people will be destroyed economically if it happens abruptly.
Not if debt is wiped out
Dont have to. And there wasnt always this rule about 2 term limits(1948 & ratified 51) Constitution works fine. People have to once again know it and have to hold officials to it.
It's not. But to reaffirm our nation's dedication to follow it Nd protect it from the devils.spawn.
The New America should get rid of term limits. Imagine what Trump could do in 4 terms - 16 years. That’s two decades of pro American policies and no BS
I'm adding this.
Now we know why Trump always taunts about getting a third term?
I REALLY like the way you think
Worth noting that military courts have cleared their schedules for the next 3 months as of Mid Dec IIRC.
This needs to be stickied
But the term expires Jan 20, regardless of who fills the office. If Pompeo steps in today through succession, his term still expires Jan 20. It's all in there. Nobody gets to be president without being elected, except to fill out the existing term of the officeholder. To me this theory doesn't hold water.
Chief Justice Clarence Thomas, after the traitors are dealt with.
Most likely Pompeo will host a new election with DJT as the only candidate which could win in a landslide and poof March 4
Kanye could run again.
Two Party System is what ruined this nation
Upvote! The fact that taxpayer money supports political parties and pays for their primaries has always been unjust, and directly oppressive to new ideas and movements. The 2-party system has worked very hard to entrench this foundational part of their corruption.
Both parties should be dismantled and forgotten.
I personally would like a new party to arise. However, if President Trump runs on a Democrat platform and gets re elected it would prove that we didn't vote party but the person who is President Trump. I assume most of us knew that the 2 party is only an illusion to make us think there is a 2 party.
Agreed. They need to create a new party such as Liberty party or something along the lines of the forefathers
Damn. I was skimming back through and transposed a couple of letters on this.
I read it as "Kenya could run again."
Fortunately he should be vacationing in eastern Cuba by then. The government can put him up in a very secure "Extended Stay America".
That is possible, but I'm not sure what the rules are for declaring a new election. Does the constitution allow it?
If the NESARA act is indeed true, calls for a new constitutional election for all seats.
People.recogni,ex the need for a "reset" nesara is the option we should take. Tbe commies wanted to just own it all.
Caesar was playing 4D chess for sure.
Pompey escaped narrowly from Italy.
Hmm. Pompey...we have pompeo.....they flee. Nancy seems to have fled....both jesus and ceased were betrayed...isn't 30 pieces of silver = 1 Pence
You gonna vote for someone besides trump? I'm not as long as he runs.
Nope it's not a fair election. One person on the docket is a communist thing. Trump wants it fair, so it'll be fair.
In theory this is one reason for electors instead of direct election of candidates. The electors can get together and discuss reasonable alternatives, if there are a bunch of nobodies and one guy who maybe gets less than half.
This explains the pressure tactics to oust President Trump before January 20th and how they are freaking out. Even Hitlary told Biden to not concede the election at all with their war game runs.
All President Trump has to do is hold firm and let everything else unfold.
This is the type of energy I need right now. I dont know why everyone on TD.win are being doomers but I faithfully believe something along these lines will happen and I can not take the Q hate anymore. How fast people lose faith when the answers are not directly fed to them.
Seriously, I'm more disappointed in self-proclaimed Trump supporters who are working overtime to black-pill people. It's one thing to be skeptical, it's another thing to outright attack fellow pedes by calling them delusional and Qtards and such for keeping the faith.
I don't believe they're deliberately trying to be malicious agents, they're just so jaded and cynical now that they've all but given up on Trump.
I have had various thoughts on this. But of late I am settling on God using this to save more people than otherwise. When all seems lost and people feel there is no hope, that is when he moves and the reversal allows the scales to fall from people's eyes and the callouses on their hearts and minds to heal. the 180 degree flip is necessary to well in Alex Jones words break the conditioning.
For the comfortable, affliction and for the affliction, comfort. So even if they are agents of the enemy, God will use them for the good ultimately.
Agreed. It is always darkest before the dawn.
I mean it’s pretty obvious why they’re dooming. Have you seen the news... most people on TD don’t believe in Q and if you don’t believe in Q it seems like we’re fucked considering the courts are corrupt, pence back stabbed Trump and it looks like Powell’s lawsuits have yielded nothing unfortunately. It’s pretty damn clear why morale is low.
New elections due for 2022 under a new republic so that rigging doesnt happen again. Remember this.
Upvoat to you for the logical argument and presentation.
Still considering all the content...
What about Grassley? Arrested too, same as Pelosi?
Probably. He voted against challenging the electors.
I can’t see Pompeo selecting Trump as a VP. Trump will have to be on the sidelines as to not influence, or appear to influence, the process.
I'd be okay with Pompeo/Flynn.
I still think this may have something to do with the Corporate USA owned by the British and the Municipal USA owned by the Vatican and that Trump will become the President of the Republic of the USA which has not had a President since before Lincoln.
I may be reaching but all the stuff that went down with the Queen and that new Quantum now time jurisdiction, I think there may be something there.
You guys should all watch this
The original video is gone from youtube but this is an updated version with the same guy from the military. I wish that original video was still available. I should have saved it.
I found the original video. This is the one to watch.
What did happen to that SCOTUS case that was pushed to the 9th? I think it was the 9th.
Nothing yet. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/slipopinion/20
Oral arguments are being heard by SCOTUS this week though (if their website is trustworthy). https://www.supremecourt.gov
Because of corrupt pedo John Roberts who did sht they dumped
You just gave me an erection.
On OPs point something never sat right with me.
If the Deep State can leverage the Supreme Court.... why refuse the case?
In other words, if you control the supreme court... why not take the case and then rule against it? That would slam the door in Trump forever and make him look foolish for continuing the fight. The way it is, he has reason to continue to call the election into question.
tf did you read my christmas wishlist?
This is not another 4 years election... Makes so much more sense now! WOW
How would Grassley be out of the picture?
She did release a huge document with all kinds of voting info. Happened a few weeks ago.
i like your analysis...why will Grassley be removed?
I love this theory. Makes all the pieces fit together nicely, has best outcome possible, and addresses GEOTUS’s hints about if we only had 4 more years beyond 2nd term.
Grassley is very compromised. Neal David Sutz is exposing him on Twitter for refusing to help in Swiss, CPS, AZ Mormon mafia case that also involves scytl election fraud. Posted pic of Grassley out of frustration that he refused to help get his sons back. Quite the story.
Here's what I think:
There may be an abrupt regime change in SA in the coming future, as well as possibly Iran. At some point in recent history, SA, Iran, and China (and maybe Russia as middlemen) took over a lot of US information infrastructure with cash, either with or without the assistance of the Obama administration.
Everything that is going on in the background right now is to prevent us from going to war with China, while at the same time extricating our country from them. A few key players (private + public) are going to be removed from the picture, and then enough information is going to be released to turn the American people around. Maybe not just the American people.
We are waiting for the EO on China because no one has any idea how to issue it without causing an economic, political, and social collapse. You can't create a hole that big in our country all at once. There is going to be a slow burn of information, probably starting today, and leading up to the 19th, that paints a clear picture of what has been happening in the US in the last few decades.
Donald Trump will not remain president. He played his role. Him leaving office will be epic. The next administration could be GOP or it could be Dem. Biden may take office with a shattered DNC behind him if he does not step down or is not removed. I think a new election is highly unlikely - it would require a degree of political coordination we are unlikely to expect from Washington, even if the DNC is shattered.
Sorry but if anyone other than Trump or someone we KNOW to be good & trustworthy like Flynn becomes POTUS on 1/20, it's game over & time for civil war.
Given the depth of the corruption, it may well be that no one is President after noon on the 20th, and the military has to serve as Acting President/Executive for a while. Think of it as a heart lung machine for the nation/Constitution while the operations to remove the cancer infesting it go on. I would expect a new election after such a thing, much like when the Constitution was implemented.
Yeah, and that's totally fine too. I'm simply stating that if xiden is actually "inaugurated" on the 20th, and there are no suprise arrests or anything; that's when I personally will give up and focus on war.
Who asked Trump to run? Where is Rogers?
Mil Intel, but you know that. :-)
Where IS Rogers; good question?
Do you know?
I hate to be mean but this is an absolutely retarded fucking take. If Biden is sworn in the plan either doesn’t exist, it was a larp, or it escorted and the deep state won. If Biden gets power it’s over you fucking fool. The DNC will be a fundraising powerhouse once Biden starts funding it with CCP money. I mean I just get how you typed this abs thought it was plausible...
What do you mean happened? Can you provide more info please?
None of us are going to have perfect information. No need to be rude. Thanks for the info.
This is what has been happening for the past few decades and no one knows it.
and this
Just like we were pinning so much hope on Pence, do you really think it's wise for us to start pinning so much hope on Pompeo?
I trust Trump; everyone else can go to hell.
I know Trump is going to do it somehow, I just don't think we should pin all our hopes on Pompeo or anyone else.....
It was my original prediction back in early November that the 12th and 20th amendment would entail congress picking Pompeo as President, and at the time, I thought the Senate would pick Pence as VP.
On OPs point something never sat right with me.
If the Deep State can leverage the Supreme Court.... why refuse the case?
In other words, if you control the supreme court... why not take the case and then rule against it? That would slam the door in Trump forever and make him look foolish for continuing the fight. The way it is, he has reason to continue to call the election into question.
I would say because it is simpler to control the narrative. You get the same result not hearing the case as hearing and ruling against but without any messiness from the peasants because you left them with just enough hope to believe another route through the states.
I was litterally just thinking about this! Who would be president if insurection act were declared and the inauguration was delayed.
Pompeo popped into my head! No reason why. Thought it was odd. Was watching him speak tho.
Wow. Synchronicity much.
I had a similar thought a few days ago:
The SoS twist is another I had considered but I wasn't sure what to think of Grassley. Does Q ever mention him?
VP confirmation is a tricky issue. I really think they intend to wait until late 2022 for the Trump as VP move to give people time to accept what has happened. If 46/47 (see my comments in the link above about an interim VP) resigns on Jan 21, 2023, then Trump's second term as president is less than 2 years, making him eligible to run again in 2024. What you said is not really correct, he cannot serve 8 more years without a constitutional amendment. But he can serve 6, plus up to 2 as VP, depending on how quickly the confirmation can be politically viable. I see what you mean about the acting President thing not really being elected in the case that no one is elected, I just have some doubt that it would be interpreted like that or that the public would accept it so soon.
New election with no mail in votes, only absentee or in person.
I think the play will be more towards NESARA. The dissolution of the U.S., Incorporated and ending of all emergencies and wars. A return to the original Constitution without all of the added laws. A fresh start.
I think it would require DJT to pass powers to the military for tribunals and also hold new elections for pretty much everything.
I am new to Q, so forgive my ignorance in asking this question. Is this the reason or is there another sinister reason there are Trump appointed people resigning from office?
Inject this into my veins!