No. We are pushing the goal posts. There is no way the operation can be conducted if we do not have the presidency too. If we genuinely believe that it will be done after, then we are living in a fantasy land. I fully support and believe in the plan. But the plan has to go down beforehand.
If it is not done by inauguration day, then we were fooled. Plane and simple. And then, it is time for us to create OUR plan. A few select generals trying to pull this off without the presidency would not work. I do not think the forces that it would require to pull this off would go with it if it involved taking down the sitting commander and chief.
just wait until your 3 squares are 1 square - if you behave - and you are weak and feeble and your 1 square is GMO Soy Slurry that makes you ill.... and your children are whisked off to some vax experimentation organ recycling camp....
Agreed. The whole point of the q drops (IF I understand correctly, ) was to give information to the public, let someone know what was coming so we could share knowledge prepair others, be ready to help others.
Allowing Biden to be swarm in would undermine all that work.
If he HAD to be sworn in to trigger some law/event/action before they could move, I would imagine that would be part of the dumps, to give clarity.
by April Commielala will be president, Bribem will pbly be dead and buried (way too many secrets) and California, Florida and Texas will be in succession proceedings and the USD will be in the crapper and bitcoin at $250k
China will have UN Blue hats lined up in Canada to swoop in and gobble up all the resources by Christmas 2021.
Trump is literally in the highest position with the most authority/influence. He will have no more power than you or me if this goes past the 20th. January 20th, all or nothing.
Yes. If they’re going to spend days and days breaking down the details of all the crimes to us, then they aren’t waiting for the last minute to have enough crimes to show us the evil of the deep state. This is why I have a problem with the otherwise good and patriotic Qanon movement. Most of the people in it contradict themselves endlessly. How could they be telling us for three years that we have mountains of evidence and now they’re telling us we have to wait to the last minute to get more evidence.
Think about it like a mob hit. Theyre always sneaky and the target doesnt see it coming. In this case they might be able to see it coming but it would look sketchy af if they back out
??? sure, that’s why they keep cancelling and acting scared fucks? Tell me, when you get a promotion of your life, do you act the same way, smart boy??
First off I'm not a boy, secondly if you think biden and gang are going to the Capitol for swearing in, you are wrong. And if you think all politicians and biden are going to be trapped in the capitol and all arrested you are delusional. We can arrest anywhere.
And if you think power is going to go off across the us for arrests, I have a few bridges to sell you.
You still haven’t answered the question, oh smart one. Enlighten us, show me a pattern of logic in their behavior and tell us once again, does this look like the guy who won presidency that he ran multiple times and finally hit it? Clearly you haven’t played any sports.
And I’m not saying all will be shown to us, but at this point you are clearly making shit up. Again, show us one similar example of this events. Just one.
You dont fucking get it. He can be sworn in at his house, his backseat, a damn airplane. They already said its virtual. If you think trump is waiting for biden to come to dc to "get him", then there is no plan. No logic on our side. Who gives af about their thinking - as long as biden gets sworn in. Period
I don't think completing the crime is the point. I think it's to flush out the traitors in the final pillar of power - the military.
We've seen how corrupt the election officials are. We've seen how corrupt politicians are. We've seen how corrupt law enforcement is. We've seen how corrupt the judiciary is. This is from local all the way up to federal. And in each of those instances, Trump has gotten a fair idea of exactly who is loyal to this country and to the Constitution.
The only pillar left? The military. They (mostly) haven't yet had their test. While traitors have already exposed themselves, I think there are many more to root out. If - big if - Biden is inaugurated, it'll be a telling litmus test in terms of the military. Who will prove themselves to be loyal to the Constitution? Who will take orders from Biden?
Of course, this is all raw speculation. I have no idea what will really happen. You have no idea what will really happen. We can all agree we want it sooner rather than later. But I feel very strongly we're in the end game now. The more heads of the hydra that can be removed the better.
ETA - my personal opinion is that if it does get all the way through the inauguration, Trump and team will take down Biden right after - as in directly after. But again, it's all just speculation at this point.
maybe it would be better for the people who haven't been paying attention if the mil overthrows Biden after hes inaugurated. No fuckin' way can they blame Trump for it then.
Biden doesn't need to be inaugurated to test the military. If Trump orders the arrest of congress, senate and other high officials, then the loyalty of the military would be show immediately by who is willing to carry out the orders.
That's the double edged sword and crux of the whole Oath of enlistment.
There are two parts to it
That you will defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC
2.That you will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over you, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice
But what the fuck happens when and if the president and/or officers are corrupt? What happens when the greatest, most vicious enemies are the pulling the strings of the Military industrial complex
We've already seen what happened after 9/11, and even most of the wars before then.
A lot of retirees end up becoming defense contractors. They make a hell of a lot more money and have a lot of pull in military operations. due to their rank when they retired.
lets be perfectly honest and admit we have absolutely no idea wtf is going on.
The objective evidence (25k troops, marines, fence) seems to point towards shenanigans on or around the 20th but this kinda reminds me of the "tunnel children" thing from 2020 and everyone getting worked up about the hospital ships and the trauma centers being setup in NYC and other places. Anons do great work but a lot of our predictions end-up getting kicked down the road.
I'm not ever sure if arrests and military tribunals would be a good play. There was BLATANT evidence of election fraud, BLATANT evidence of corruption ... and no one seems to care or even realize that the Republic is dead and we're basically vassals of the Chinese if Bai-din gets sworn in. All my friends and fam have drunk the koolaid and are firmly in the Bai-din camp. They would probably say its a "conspiracy theory" and Trump is staging a coups and he's illegal and will cry to the UN or Russia or China to send peacekeepers. They wouldn't believe the evidence (pzagate, deep state, election fraud) even if it was played on-screen 24/7 for all to see and would absolutely reject TRUMP and all the "right-wing extremists" as trying to overthrow the Republic.
There has to be something we are missing. How do you save the Republic from the deep state, expose all their crimes, convince die-hard liberals of the danger and crimes being committed, and preserve unity? Arresting pedos and military tribunals is really the easy part ... the really hard part is convincing others of the existence and crimes of the deep state and maintaining unity while beating away any UN / CCP "peacekeepers."
Biblical ... maybe Trump will make a sacrifice play like Christ did? Just a thought.
I'd rather just see the arrests and tribunals TBH.
So because we can't convince your normie friends of the facts you say give up on the plan and let the satanists carry on. I say fuck them, believe what you want but the adults in the room are here to take care of business, and let's take care of it quickly.
I’m at this point too. I have spent hours, days, months researching, listening and looking for truth. I know what’s up because i put the time in and because I care. Yet people try to tell ME what i know or don’t know and why. Let them swallow the pill, dry. Ignorance can be ignored, but pointing the finger while ignorant is a different animal
You SHOW them, declas it all, the evil disgusting perverted crimes against humanity. Completely expose them. "They won't be able to walk down the street" is not a trite catch phrase but a statement that the lives of these evil people would be forfeit at the hands of the general public if they walked the streets once exposed.
If they're that unhinged, why are you even wasting your time worrying about it? There is NOTHING that can be done to show some people the light.
The left NEVER wanted unity. The same people we want to throw in prison for life are the very people that have brainwashed the left into not wanting the same unity you're so concerned with. You'd let this nice sounding concept of unity that is already impossible to maintain get in the way of taking our country back?
Bro. I mean this in the kindest way possible, but stop being a cuck. They wouldn't care if you were dead, your children tossed in reeducation camps, and your legacy erased forever, and that's before any of these arrests happen (if they do). Stand up for yourself. They are not worthy of us sacrificing our country to coddle their feelings. Unity will not be within reach until these traitors who have stifled any progression towards unity (among their other heinous crimes) are imprisoned and no longer influencing the masses.
That’s why Trump won’t be President for a while, if at all. He needs to look like he’s not a part of it, so that the normies have no one to blame except those that committed crimes.
You'll never convince die-hard liberals. Who cares? We should never bring the world to a halt because die-hard liberals are too clinically retarded to make sense of anything. We've let them drag us down enough & it's about time we said "fuck what they think". We've given them so much control and put them on such a high pedestal that when it comes to crimes of this magnitude and taking down the deep state that has destroyed our country, we're hesitant because "omg what will the lunatic left think??!?!"
There are some people who will NEVER be happy with this outcome. But sorry, some people being upset about it does not mean we continue to stand idly by as our country slips through the cracks.
Stop giving a fuck what the left thinks. It's irrelevant.
How do you save the Republic from the deep state, expose all their crimes, convince die-hard liberals of the danger and crimes being committed, and preserve unity?
Show them that the Dems conspired to bring the China virus to the US.
What blows my mind is that the Hunter Biden story came out with all the photos and him banging hos and the Bobulinski interview with all the dirty deals the Biden's did ... and there was no uprising, no rage, only amongst conservatives. My liberal friends did not even notice that a member of the Biden family was a crack-smoking whore addict. It didn't even register on their radar. I pointed it out but they just laughed it off ......................................... do we even deserve a Republic???!?
It won't work. The left is far too gone. We have to acknowledge that "unity" has never been within our reach, and it will not be until the people influencing the left into demonizing and hating us are no longer in the positions that allow them to do so. Right now, some of the left are so radicalized that they WANT you dead simply because you're a Trump supporter. Why are we so concerned with them having a negative reaction to saving our country that we'd actually consider whether or not it's worth doing?
There is nothing you can say or show them to convince them that this is good. And that's too bad, but they've manipulated the world into caring about their feelings enough. This is the ONLY chance we have to successfully take our country back. Sacrificing America because some antifa faggot/Womens studies graduate will be upset is absolutely retarded and should not be anywhere close to being on our concern radar.
One person is saying they have to have Roberts swear them in so he can go down to. Seriously, that is not how the law works at all. And as soon as they take office, they oversee the military.
Someone has to. I get it, nothing will please you, and that's fine. Maybe you'd prefer a different board? You don't have a post above 0 votes. What would you say YOU do around here? Whine nonstop? Here's an idea: Bring a quality post to the board and I'll sticky it. I legit don't care who posted it.
The entire mod team mods this way. Again—they're not my posts. I sticky high-effort content to drive discussion. Period. If I see something high effort in NEW, I sticky that, too. I sticky about 50 things a day. Maybe four will be mine on an average day. I'm the only full-time mod here which is why my posts get stickied. I don't sticky every one of my posts. I'm not going to pussyfoot around these criticisms. Stop being butthurt about imaginary internet points. Deal with it or move along.
Sorry—do people just sit there staring at the front page? Where do you think they go once they're no longer stickied? The purpose of stickies is to emphasize high-info posts and drive discussion. When a sticky gets the attention, it doesn't "slide" off anywhere, it goes either to rising or hot. Thanks for the opinion, but the stickies will likely continue as they are.
Asking legitimate questions? I'm sorry, what was your question, again? You don't have one, just butthurt about imaginary internet points. Again—they're not my posts. I sticky high-effort content to drive discussion. Period. If I see something high effort in NEW, I sticky that, too. I sticky about 50 things a day. Maybe four will be mine on an average day. I'm the only full-time mod here which is why my posts get stickied. I'm not going to pussyfoot around these criticisms. Deal with it or move along.
What if Biden was a good guy the entire time? Time for a discussion. What if his son was actually a loving daycare provider for children? Time for a discussion.
"When Biden is president he will finish the job trump started! It's brilliant!"
They aren't my contributions. I didn't write them. Get that through your tiny little brain. I mod here to drive discussion, not to harvest updoots and be internet famous. I work for Q. You don't have a post above 100. What would you say YOU do around here? Here's an idea: Bring a quality post to the board and I'll sticky it. I legit don't care who posted it.
So sick of this BS. I'm not going to hide behind a "burner account" because some "p8riot" is going to get butthurt over a sticky. Support the mission. Or you can find somewhere else to play.
And how would Roberts swearing him in make him accountable now? Unless they were able to prove he was in on the entire thing and helped cover it up. There is no way him doing the swearing in would ever hold up.
dunno about that. Seems like a mind game telling you everything is okay and fine and let them complete the crime. If biden is inaugurated trump looses all his power, hes no longer president.
So Biden will actually take office and then supposedly something should happen a few days after that? Oof... gonna be a lot of Blackpills on the 20th then. Seems awful risky to give the enemy power of the military and expecting that same military to act.
If that is the plan, then there is no plan. And I'm ALL ABOUT the damn plan. You can check my history. But seriously, if we think something we go down after the 20th, then we are delusional. You literally can not arrest a sitting president.
what if he's not sitting president of the US though but of a defunct US corporation? Biden president of nothing but a now defunct corporation that is responsible for all the debt, Trump actual president of the renewed republic. I don't have a fucking clue how this is going to go down though, I've felt like speculation is pointless for a long time now, all we can do is wait and see what happens. Only thing I'm certain after everything that's happened the past 4 years, all the things I've seen/ knowing who Trump is, is that there absolutely is a plan and Trump has this shit in the bag.
I keep hearing this theory being thrown around and personally, I think it is insane and makes us look bad. That is my personal opinion though. But there is no way people would follow that. Zero. It would completely split the country more than it will already be split when this shit goes down.
I completely agree though. It IS going down and Trump IS the man. But I think the country being a corporation is just outlandish and it is these "theories" that make it extremely difficult to pass the message.
Crazytime, I'm mostly with you but the country is a corporation, and was incorporated in 1871. That's why it exists in DC, which isn't a state. This just is. But putting Biden in control of anything more than an electric wheel chair is an extreme mistake and won't be part of any plan.
yea I haven't seen much to back it up myself either. Corporations controlling the US? shit we've already known that for awhile. The US being a corporation though? yea I'm not sure on that one. I agree though there is alot of rampant speculation muddying the waters instead of working with what we have and see in reality. I'm just ready to see how this shit unfolds
I hope the plan is not this messy, but as it stands now for the civilians it's almost too easy...
I've encountered some "choose your side" rhetoric from pretty reputable sources the last few years and wonder if they're referring to choosing between the reborn US republic and the existing US corporation.
Yes. The now(?) defunct corporation set up for the worlds central banks & establishing the Fed (foreign owned). The IRS is a foreign owned too btw. The land that the gov’t buildings sit on is foreign owned as well. First thing I thought of when I saw all the fencing & check points. Like a FN border crossing. So who owns it? England, seat of the Rothschild bankers? Who died today? Who messed with our election? C_A, MI6(Brits)& Italy. Wonder if we can rip that gawdy golden trim off our beautiful flag & get rid of admiralty law? “Gold will bring down the Fed.”
You are correct again. I don't get how people could even think it would go down AFTER the 20th. You can't arrest a sitting president AND the president is the commander and chief. If Biden is inaugurated, then Trump is not the man we thought he was and we will all look like idiots.
Thankfully, I do not believe he will be inaugurated and I do believe Trump is the man we think he is.
I don't believe something will happen after the 20th, but if i had to imagine such a scenario, here is what i would say:
Biden is inaugurated but weirdly and mysteriously, the military (and possibly other institutions too) is not at all loyal to him. Despite delivering orders, which are covered by msm, nothing seems to happen and he is powerless. Trump comes back and begins commanding the military and the arrests begin.
Its a stretch but it would sure be one hell of a way to red pill normies, showing them that even the military has decided that it will not accept a Biden presidency.
Not true. In the video “The Plan to Save the World” it mentions that the other option if Trump lost in 2016 would have been a military takeover of Clinton. The military doesn’t need to follow the orders of a traitorous President.
The only thing they have to be afraid of is the troops, so not going would be admitting they are afraid of the troops, and the only reason to be afraid of the troops is if you have done something wrong
Well the board has been set and the pieces are in motion. We have the King in check and it's mate in 1. I'm sure the planning and setting of the stage included contingencies for situations of this nature. Likely why certain individuals were "hired" as actors for the grand finale.
Let me get this straight. We are witnessing the completion of the most elaborate and complex military operation in the history of human kind, and you think they are going to rely on the enemy going along with the plan in order to achieve victory?
It's possible that they flipped Biden, and he gave it all up and is now acting as a puppet for the Military, feeding them the China names and intel and they are now planning a China sting.
Despite his scandals, Biden once stood up for law and order. Maybe they would accept his word and allow him to proceed with caution to avoid international war over this.
That's the beauty of this situation. They can't swear Biden in with the local judge and do it in his basement like his whole campaign. There are only two acceptable places for him to be sworn in the Capital building or the Whitehouse. Anywhere else and they are basically admitting to the steal and admitting they are giant frauds that are afraid of Trump.
I've said this before but one more time. There is nowhere in this whole solar system they can hide. Name one country that can or would hide them from the US if they are labeled traitors and evidence is provided to prove it? The only one with the power to resist the USA is China and frankly the millisecond they are labeled traitors they are useless to China. There is no upside for China to set themselves even more at odds with the USA to hide a bunch of useless whiny bureaucrats.
They've already given China everything they wanted and then some and been paid for it. China has no use for them if they fail to complete their theft of POTUS. There is nowhere to run or hide.
My prediction... half of them shoot themselves or take a poison pill once the arrests start. We aren't going to watch a bunch of perp walks. We are going to watch a bunch of bodies get taken out of buildings. These people are cowards.
The stupid loud ones like AOC will be the only ones left. The ones that know everything, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, HRC etc... most of them will suck on their body guards pistol rather than give Trump the satisfaction of putting them in a cell.
I'm just hoping like hell that Soros resists and Trump drops a JDAM or 5 right on his face.
I have a lot of questions. I don't have any answers.
We know throughout this process President Trump has stepped back and allowed the Dems & RINOs to make their choices. At every juncture, they have had an opportunity to do the right thing, the Constitutionally mandated thing, or to continue with the coup. Unfortunately for them, they've all chosen to pursue the coup.
My thought is that GEOTUS is going to allow the inauguration to take place. By doing that, he will let the left put their own heads in the noose. Once they inaugurate a fraudulent president, based on a fraudulent election, they will have committed the final sin. And then I think President Trump and team will drop the hammer on them - immediately. And I think all hell will break loose, out in the open, at that time.
I think the white hats have to wait until the left truly commits to their end game, the coup, and then they can be taken down via the military in one fell swoop. I also think this is when the EBS broadcasts will begin and they will be loaded with evidence to show why the military action was necessary.
Why do I think this? Well, again, President Trump has to SHOW everyone how far the left will go to undermine our country and Constitution. There is no other way to justify the necessary and drastic actions that will have to take place afterwards. Also, the left has to commit the final crime in order to suffer the most severe consequences.
My questions:
Will the left be stupid enough to fall for it and come to the capitol building even knowing how dicey the situation is?
Will the left try to arrange an inauguration ceremony somewhere else to try to escape the locked down situation at the capitol?
If Biden is sworn in, what powers does he legally have at that point?
Can he take command of the military and its assets?
How many of them will obey him instead of Trump and his team?
Even though Biden's inauguration would be fraudulent, how many will show their true colors and turn on our true president?
And I think my 6th question is maybe the point. One HUGE silver lining GEOTUS has gotten from each step of the process and each betrayal is the clear indicators of who his enemies truly are.
This last piece of the puzzle, should it flush out those in the military who will turn their loyalties to Biden, may be the final chess move that exposes the enemies of the United States and the world. We've already seen, throughout this entire saga, exactly who are enemies are up to this point, except perhaps for in the military. This will be a telling climax.
So...yeah. Many questions. Not really any answers here.
One final thought. I 100% believe President Trump will be victorious. He's proven again and again to be a master of strategy. And he's never once given up, even after YEARS of fighting for us, for the United States, and for the world. Each roadblock and setback has only made him more resolute. I see zero reason why he would give up at this final stage of the game. Zero.
See, I typed something similar to this response as a post on TDW and I got flamed by all the doomer fags but its nice to see some similiar theories on here
love that response...gave me rebuking here just more thoughts....can inauguration location be secret from Trump..can he have ppl waiting wherever they are?
Roberts has already committed treason by arguing for the rule of the mob over accepting the valid electoral fraud cases brought before the SCOTUS. Refusing to hear these cases amounts to conspiring to give aid and comfort to the enemies of the US. That is clear.
That said, once the oath of office is given to him a president elect becomes president and it is almost impossible to arrest him. He would have to be impeached and that has to happen in the house, which is very unlikely.
Therefore, sealed indictments are ready to be unsealed and arrests are going to happen before inauguration.
It's pretty clear that's what the heavy NG presence is for - to prevent a major riot when the arrests happen.
Frenly reminder: the 19th is National Popcorn Day.
I’m willing to bet BHO gave everyone (R & D Establishment, aka the Criminals) a classified blanket pardon for any and all crimes, then left it on the resolute desk with a bow on top for DJT to find as his first order of business. Poke him in the eye if you will. In fact, I’m willing to bet that this is a periodic courtesy by every outgoing administration for decades. This is why hardly anyone is ever charged and prosecuted after the fact. The Patriots needed the Criminals to recreate their crimes or commit new ones, and they performed brilliantly. The Criminals need to impeach DJT so the next in chain of command can pardon everyone again. The longer the Patriots wait, the more crimes the Criminals undertake.
and have a huge spectacle of the arrests. The left goes nuts and starts rioting in all the capitals, all the NG is already deployed and authorized to use deadly force (speculation because I don't know if they have outside of DC).
Keep in mind, just because Biden is sworn in doesnt mean he's the president. One cannot be elected through fraud and become a legitimate president.
As far a "Moving Goal Posts," we are not and cannot move any goal posts. Only the Q team can do that. How does anyone define what the plan is when we DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS?
yes but law enforcement, govt, military junior ranks, joe public etc will not understand all that - a president is a president no matter how he got there. see LBJ for example.
you don't try to shoot a movie and win a war at the same time.
if it all goes down perfectly scripted - great
if they worm out and worm off and wriggle away - and you don't get your perfectly framed sunset happy ending - no problem - get your hands dirty and go get 'em.
finish the job off.
if the dems are no shows - game over - pick them up where ever they are skulking.
I have been thinking this also - the pressure will build - everyone knows it is fraud. They have no excuse - security is perfect. MAGA is uninterested in violence (pre inauguration). The idea they are busted, totally made, is everywhere. Nobody has the brass neck to stand up there and pretend! The art of fighting without fighting. Biden will wither.
That's your read? That because this is in print that it's part of the plan? Nobody knows what the plan is. Q doesn't lurk or post here. We learn by discussing.
Fellow Patriots; Been reading way too much the last few months and have gone down some pretty wild rabbit holes. However theres been a recent one that seems plausible thats surfaced the last week. The United States after the Civil War (we were broke then) became incorporated through the Rothchilds and there bank in London. Basically we became indentured servants from that point on. 1871 is the key and Uylsses S Grant was the last President under the true Republic. Then the banking system gets tied into the Federal Reserve at some point and we pay all our taxes to them. Our Politicians actually do not work for us they work for the Corporation. I dont know what triggers us leaving the Corporation but thats what I hear Trump is going to do. So Biden may be sworn in and control 10 acres in the District of Columbia but nothing more after that. Hopefully he assumes all the debt also! Trump is going to give the US back to the people (hes said it many times) and bring us back to a true Constitutional Republic. This seems likely since he has recently brought the Federal Reserve back into the Treasury with Steve Mnuchin is heading up. See what you think here. I predict Donald J Trump will become the 19th President of "The United States For America". Right behind Grant.
The Crimes have already occurred when the electors were finalized.
This Bull Shit line that you need the inauguration to occur to complete the crime... is utter Bull Shit.
AGREE COMPLETELY! Why do people keep pushing the goal posts?!
No. We are pushing the goal posts. There is no way the operation can be conducted if we do not have the presidency too. If we genuinely believe that it will be done after, then we are living in a fantasy land. I fully support and believe in the plan. But the plan has to go down beforehand.
If it is not done by inauguration day, then we were fooled. Plane and simple. And then, it is time for us to create OUR plan. A few select generals trying to pull this off without the presidency would not work. I do not think the forces that it would require to pull this off would go with it if it involved taking down the sitting commander and chief.
the only plan is to drain the water from the belly of the dragon - game over commies.
Why do you need Q to to hold your hand? It’s obvious that if this goes past inauguration then this was a huge LARP. Stop lying.
Inaugurating fake president from fake election would make it irresponsible to continue "trusting the plan", I don't think Biden will be president.
Hello Texas my new home to defend
just wait until your 3 squares are 1 square - if you behave - and you are weak and feeble and your 1 square is GMO Soy Slurry that makes you ill.... and your children are whisked off to some vax experimentation organ recycling camp....
go read some Solzhenitsyn
if you don't fight when you have a chance you deserve everything you get.
Agreed. The whole point of the q drops (IF I understand correctly, ) was to give information to the public, let someone know what was coming so we could share knowledge prepair others, be ready to help others.
Allowing Biden to be swarm in would undermine all that work.
If he HAD to be sworn in to trigger some law/event/action before they could move, I would imagine that would be part of the dumps, to give clarity.
"The thief is crowned, why?"
Some tidbit to give us a heads up on the event.
by April Commielala will be president, Bribem will pbly be dead and buried (way too many secrets) and California, Florida and Texas will be in succession proceedings and the USD will be in the crapper and bitcoin at $250k
China will have UN Blue hats lined up in Canada to swoop in and gobble up all the resources by Christmas 2021.
I’m not sure but if there’s no “shot heard around the world” 1/21 I’m fuckin out ?
Trump is literally in the highest position with the most authority/influence. He will have no more power than you or me if this goes past the 20th. January 20th, all or nothing.
yes, but in battle you strike when you have the kill shot and that's now
it's not in 2-3 months time you can't possibly keep the theater up that long, it will be all over.
Yes. If they’re going to spend days and days breaking down the details of all the crimes to us, then they aren’t waiting for the last minute to have enough crimes to show us the evil of the deep state. This is why I have a problem with the otherwise good and patriotic Qanon movement. Most of the people in it contradict themselves endlessly. How could they be telling us for three years that we have mountains of evidence and now they’re telling us we have to wait to the last minute to get more evidence.
Think about it like a mob hit. Theyre always sneaky and the target doesnt see it coming. In this case they might be able to see it coming but it would look sketchy af if they back out
Once sworn in GAME FUCKING OVER.
And this jail around dc is just bullshit. If trump was going to arrest Biden, we can get him anywhere. Same goes for all politicians. Lets be honest.
Then explain us the reason, you seem very confident and smart
Dramatics. They are so "scared" so Trump overdosed them with the national guard ramming it up their ass to the point of insanity.
That's almost harder to believe than it being the cage to trap them in, lol.
??? sure, that’s why they keep cancelling and acting scared fucks? Tell me, when you get a promotion of your life, do you act the same way, smart boy??
First off I'm not a boy, secondly if you think biden and gang are going to the Capitol for swearing in, you are wrong. And if you think all politicians and biden are going to be trapped in the capitol and all arrested you are delusional. We can arrest anywhere.
And if you think power is going to go off across the us for arrests, I have a few bridges to sell you.
Q makes people fucking puddinheads
You still haven’t answered the question, oh smart one. Enlighten us, show me a pattern of logic in their behavior and tell us once again, does this look like the guy who won presidency that he ran multiple times and finally hit it? Clearly you haven’t played any sports.
And I’m not saying all will be shown to us, but at this point you are clearly making shit up. Again, show us one similar example of this events. Just one.
You dont fucking get it. He can be sworn in at his house, his backseat, a damn airplane. They already said its virtual. If you think trump is waiting for biden to come to dc to "get him", then there is no plan. No logic on our side. Who gives af about their thinking - as long as biden gets sworn in. Period
Bard FM d a good theory, petals not enough are awake, will not appreciate what was lost unless they lose it. D cities hit hardest.
Bard also said dont get upset if biden takes the oath. Gtfooh with that bullshit.
Cope bullshit. Nah. Wednesday 12pm oath taken =WE ARE FUCKED.
unless the military under his command overthrows Biden immediately it's probably not going happen.
Yea fuck that let them all gather and arrest them before they get anywhere near a bible
I don't think completing the crime is the point. I think it's to flush out the traitors in the final pillar of power - the military.
We've seen how corrupt the election officials are. We've seen how corrupt politicians are. We've seen how corrupt law enforcement is. We've seen how corrupt the judiciary is. This is from local all the way up to federal. And in each of those instances, Trump has gotten a fair idea of exactly who is loyal to this country and to the Constitution.
The only pillar left? The military. They (mostly) haven't yet had their test. While traitors have already exposed themselves, I think there are many more to root out. If - big if - Biden is inaugurated, it'll be a telling litmus test in terms of the military. Who will prove themselves to be loyal to the Constitution? Who will take orders from Biden?
Of course, this is all raw speculation. I have no idea what will really happen. You have no idea what will really happen. We can all agree we want it sooner rather than later. But I feel very strongly we're in the end game now. The more heads of the hydra that can be removed the better.
ETA - my personal opinion is that if it does get all the way through the inauguration, Trump and team will take down Biden right after - as in directly after. But again, it's all just speculation at this point.
maybe it would be better for the people who haven't been paying attention if the mil overthrows Biden after hes inaugurated. No fuckin' way can they blame Trump for it then.
Biden doesn't need to be inaugurated to test the military. If Trump orders the arrest of congress, senate and other high officials, then the loyalty of the military would be show immediately by who is willing to carry out the orders.
That's the double edged sword and crux of the whole Oath of enlistment.
There are two parts to it
2.That you will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over you, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice
But what the fuck happens when and if the president and/or officers are corrupt? What happens when the greatest, most vicious enemies are the pulling the strings of the Military industrial complex We've already seen what happened after 9/11, and even most of the wars before then.
A lot of retirees end up becoming defense contractors. They make a hell of a lot more money and have a lot of pull in military operations. due to their rank when they retired.
Stickied for discussion.
I actually think something similar, like, he has a concession speech already written.
You don't need to know the plan. Sit back and watch. Oh, yeah...buckle up.
If everyone is focused on the 20th, nothing will happen on that day
look here not there.
lets be perfectly honest and admit we have absolutely no idea wtf is going on.
The objective evidence (25k troops, marines, fence) seems to point towards shenanigans on or around the 20th but this kinda reminds me of the "tunnel children" thing from 2020 and everyone getting worked up about the hospital ships and the trauma centers being setup in NYC and other places. Anons do great work but a lot of our predictions end-up getting kicked down the road.
I'm not ever sure if arrests and military tribunals would be a good play. There was BLATANT evidence of election fraud, BLATANT evidence of corruption ... and no one seems to care or even realize that the Republic is dead and we're basically vassals of the Chinese if Bai-din gets sworn in. All my friends and fam have drunk the koolaid and are firmly in the Bai-din camp. They would probably say its a "conspiracy theory" and Trump is staging a coups and he's illegal and will cry to the UN or Russia or China to send peacekeepers. They wouldn't believe the evidence (pzagate, deep state, election fraud) even if it was played on-screen 24/7 for all to see and would absolutely reject TRUMP and all the "right-wing extremists" as trying to overthrow the Republic.
There has to be something we are missing. How do you save the Republic from the deep state, expose all their crimes, convince die-hard liberals of the danger and crimes being committed, and preserve unity? Arresting pedos and military tribunals is really the easy part ... the really hard part is convincing others of the existence and crimes of the deep state and maintaining unity while beating away any UN / CCP "peacekeepers."
Biblical ... maybe Trump will make a sacrifice play like Christ did? Just a thought.
I'd rather just see the arrests and tribunals TBH.
So because we can't convince your normie friends of the facts you say give up on the plan and let the satanists carry on. I say fuck them, believe what you want but the adults in the room are here to take care of business, and let's take care of it quickly.
"I'm not ever sure if arrests and military tribunals would be a good play."
Your right, at this point it's the ONLY PLAY!
Rip the bandaid the dumb fucks will keep on doing normie shit and will ignore all of this like they ignore everything else.
I’m at this point too. I have spent hours, days, months researching, listening and looking for truth. I know what’s up because i put the time in and because I care. Yet people try to tell ME what i know or don’t know and why. Let them swallow the pill, dry. Ignorance can be ignored, but pointing the finger while ignorant is a different animal
You'll be emotionally gratified but you'll alienate the other half of the country and spark a civil war and probable foreign intervention.
How do you maintain unity AND bring the deep state to justice?
You SHOW them, declas it all, the evil disgusting perverted crimes against humanity. Completely expose them. "They won't be able to walk down the street" is not a trite catch phrase but a statement that the lives of these evil people would be forfeit at the hands of the general public if they walked the streets once exposed.
The thing is, even if you show them they'll just be like "deep fake" or they just won't care, the cognitive dissonance, IMHO, is THAT bad.
If they're that unhinged, why are you even wasting your time worrying about it? There is NOTHING that can be done to show some people the light.
The left NEVER wanted unity. The same people we want to throw in prison for life are the very people that have brainwashed the left into not wanting the same unity you're so concerned with. You'd let this nice sounding concept of unity that is already impossible to maintain get in the way of taking our country back?
Bro. I mean this in the kindest way possible, but stop being a cuck. They wouldn't care if you were dead, your children tossed in reeducation camps, and your legacy erased forever, and that's before any of these arrests happen (if they do). Stand up for yourself. They are not worthy of us sacrificing our country to coddle their feelings. Unity will not be within reach until these traitors who have stifled any progression towards unity (among their other heinous crimes) are imprisoned and no longer influencing the masses.
"Oh well let the pedos continue raping kids" is not a course of action.
To be fair that's kind of the exact same thing we do..
Speak for yourself
That’s why Trump won’t be President for a while, if at all. He needs to look like he’s not a part of it, so that the normies have no one to blame except those that committed crimes.
yeah, maybe leave the dems holding the bag.
You'll never convince die-hard liberals. Who cares? We should never bring the world to a halt because die-hard liberals are too clinically retarded to make sense of anything. We've let them drag us down enough & it's about time we said "fuck what they think". We've given them so much control and put them on such a high pedestal that when it comes to crimes of this magnitude and taking down the deep state that has destroyed our country, we're hesitant because "omg what will the lunatic left think??!?!"
There are some people who will NEVER be happy with this outcome. But sorry, some people being upset about it does not mean we continue to stand idly by as our country slips through the cracks.
Stop giving a fuck what the left thinks. It's irrelevant.
Show them that the Dems conspired to bring the China virus to the US.
What blows my mind is that the Hunter Biden story came out with all the photos and him banging hos and the Bobulinski interview with all the dirty deals the Biden's did ... and there was no uprising, no rage, only amongst conservatives. My liberal friends did not even notice that a member of the Biden family was a crack-smoking whore addict. It didn't even register on their radar. I pointed it out but they just laughed it off ......................................... do we even deserve a Republic???!?
Because nobody is voting for Hunter Biden and he would not be in the executive branch unlike Trumps family?
It won't work. The left is far too gone. We have to acknowledge that "unity" has never been within our reach, and it will not be until the people influencing the left into demonizing and hating us are no longer in the positions that allow them to do so. Right now, some of the left are so radicalized that they WANT you dead simply because you're a Trump supporter. Why are we so concerned with them having a negative reaction to saving our country that we'd actually consider whether or not it's worth doing?
There is nothing you can say or show them to convince them that this is good. And that's too bad, but they've manipulated the world into caring about their feelings enough. This is the ONLY chance we have to successfully take our country back. Sacrificing America because some antifa faggot/Womens studies graduate will be upset is absolutely retarded and should not be anywhere close to being on our concern radar.
Yeah this makes no sense. I don't know what the plan is, but this is not it
"Corn pop was a bad dude." -Joey B. Groping
Democrats: Trust the plan, braindead supporters of ours!
Can't possibly be the plan.
Why is this even stickied?
One person is saying they have to have Roberts swear them in so he can go down to. Seriously, that is not how the law works at all. And as soon as they take office, they oversee the military.
This is stickied for discussion. What do you think stickies mean? That it's debbinitely gonna habben? Calm down.
Someone has to. I get it, nothing will please you, and that's fine. Maybe you'd prefer a different board? You don't have a post above 0 votes. What would you say YOU do around here? Whine nonstop? Here's an idea: Bring a quality post to the board and I'll sticky it. I legit don't care who posted it.
The entire mod team mods this way. Again—they're not my posts. I sticky high-effort content to drive discussion. Period. If I see something high effort in NEW, I sticky that, too. I sticky about 50 things a day. Maybe four will be mine on an average day. I'm the only full-time mod here which is why my posts get stickied. I don't sticky every one of my posts. I'm not going to pussyfoot around these criticisms. Stop being butthurt about imaginary internet points. Deal with it or move along.
Sorry—do people just sit there staring at the front page? Where do you think they go once they're no longer stickied? The purpose of stickies is to emphasize high-info posts and drive discussion. When a sticky gets the attention, it doesn't "slide" off anywhere, it goes either to rising or hot. Thanks for the opinion, but the stickies will likely continue as they are.
Asking legitimate questions? I'm sorry, what was your question, again? You don't have one, just butthurt about imaginary internet points. Again—they're not my posts. I sticky high-effort content to drive discussion. Period. If I see something high effort in NEW, I sticky that, too. I sticky about 50 things a day. Maybe four will be mine on an average day. I'm the only full-time mod here which is why my posts get stickied. I'm not going to pussyfoot around these criticisms. Deal with it or move along.
It is completely irrelevant, incorrect, and not plausible. That is why I said why is this even stickied.
What if Biden was a good guy the entire time? Time for a discussion. What if his son was actually a loving daycare provider for children? Time for a discussion.
"When Biden is president he will finish the job trump started! It's brilliant!"
They aren't my contributions. I didn't write them. Get that through your tiny little brain. I mod here to drive discussion, not to harvest updoots and be internet famous. I work for Q. You don't have a post above 100. What would you say YOU do around here? Here's an idea: Bring a quality post to the board and I'll sticky it. I legit don't care who posted it.
So sick of this BS. I'm not going to hide behind a "burner account" because some "p8riot" is going to get butthurt over a sticky. Support the mission. Or you can find somewhere else to play.
Insults. Classy.
And how would Roberts swearing him in make him accountable now? Unless they were able to prove he was in on the entire thing and helped cover it up. There is no way him doing the swearing in would ever hold up.
I thought patriots controlled the NSA and the MILITARY INTELLIGENCE and have EVERYTHING on EVERYONE!
They arrested Epstein and got everything from him, but we need BIDEN to be president to get the job done? It's so stupid it hurts.
dunno about that. Seems like a mind game telling you everything is okay and fine and let them complete the crime. If biden is inaugurated trump looses all his power, hes no longer president.
Agreed, this is a brainless take. "Why the mafia needs to be in power to finally deal with the crime problem" uhhhh wut?
what even is this discussion?
So Biden will actually take office and then supposedly something should happen a few days after that? Oof... gonna be a lot of Blackpills on the 20th then. Seems awful risky to give the enemy power of the military and expecting that same military to act.
If that is the plan, then there is no plan. And I'm ALL ABOUT the damn plan. You can check my history. But seriously, if we think something we go down after the 20th, then we are delusional. You literally can not arrest a sitting president.
what if he's not sitting president of the US though but of a defunct US corporation? Biden president of nothing but a now defunct corporation that is responsible for all the debt, Trump actual president of the renewed republic. I don't have a fucking clue how this is going to go down though, I've felt like speculation is pointless for a long time now, all we can do is wait and see what happens. Only thing I'm certain after everything that's happened the past 4 years, all the things I've seen/ knowing who Trump is, is that there absolutely is a plan and Trump has this shit in the bag.
I keep hearing this theory being thrown around and personally, I think it is insane and makes us look bad. That is my personal opinion though. But there is no way people would follow that. Zero. It would completely split the country more than it will already be split when this shit goes down.
I completely agree though. It IS going down and Trump IS the man. But I think the country being a corporation is just outlandish and it is these "theories" that make it extremely difficult to pass the message.
Crazytime, I'm mostly with you but the country is a corporation, and was incorporated in 1871. That's why it exists in DC, which isn't a state. This just is. But putting Biden in control of anything more than an electric wheel chair is an extreme mistake and won't be part of any plan.
yea I haven't seen much to back it up myself either. Corporations controlling the US? shit we've already known that for awhile. The US being a corporation though? yea I'm not sure on that one. I agree though there is alot of rampant speculation muddying the waters instead of working with what we have and see in reality. I'm just ready to see how this shit unfolds
I hope the plan is not this messy, but as it stands now for the civilians it's almost too easy...
I've encountered some "choose your side" rhetoric from pretty reputable sources the last few years and wonder if they're referring to choosing between the reborn US republic and the existing US corporation.
Yes. The now(?) defunct corporation set up for the worlds central banks & establishing the Fed (foreign owned). The IRS is a foreign owned too btw. The land that the gov’t buildings sit on is foreign owned as well. First thing I thought of when I saw all the fencing & check points. Like a FN border crossing. So who owns it? England, seat of the Rothschild bankers? Who died today? Who messed with our election? C_A, MI6(Brits)& Italy. Wonder if we can rip that gawdy golden trim off our beautiful flag & get rid of admiralty law? “Gold will bring down the Fed.”
Jan 22 castle clean
Q gave us a clear end date and redline.
You are correct again. I don't get how people could even think it would go down AFTER the 20th. You can't arrest a sitting president AND the president is the commander and chief. If Biden is inaugurated, then Trump is not the man we thought he was and we will all look like idiots.
Thankfully, I do not believe he will be inaugurated and I do believe Trump is the man we think he is.
I don't believe something will happen after the 20th, but if i had to imagine such a scenario, here is what i would say:
Biden is inaugurated but weirdly and mysteriously, the military (and possibly other institutions too) is not at all loyal to him. Despite delivering orders, which are covered by msm, nothing seems to happen and he is powerless. Trump comes back and begins commanding the military and the arrests begin.
Its a stretch but it would sure be one hell of a way to red pill normies, showing them that even the military has decided that it will not accept a Biden presidency.
But the normies would get the same red pill by the military taking control before the illegitimate inauguration of Biden
Not true. In the video “The Plan to Save the World” it mentions that the other option if Trump lost in 2016 would have been a military takeover of Clinton. The military doesn’t need to follow the orders of a traitorous President.
Why would they allow for the inauguration of a traitorous president. No logic.
To throw them off. You, I, and the entire country thinks that if something is going to happen it will happen BEFORE the inauguration.
The only thing they have to be afraid of is the troops, so not going would be admitting they are afraid of the troops, and the only reason to be afraid of the troops is if you have done something wrong
We can arrest anywhere. Lets get real.
It's a beautiful thing really. The Dems (rats) want the power of the Presidency (cheese), which is inside the Capitol (trap).
Well put.
Well the board has been set and the pieces are in motion. We have the King in check and it's mate in 1. I'm sure the planning and setting of the stage included contingencies for situations of this nature. Likely why certain individuals were "hired" as actors for the grand finale.
Let me get this straight. We are witnessing the completion of the most elaborate and complex military operation in the history of human kind, and you think they are going to rely on the enemy going along with the plan in order to achieve victory?
It's possible that they flipped Biden, and he gave it all up and is now acting as a puppet for the Military, feeding them the China names and intel and they are now planning a China sting.
Despite his scandals, Biden once stood up for law and order. Maybe they would accept his word and allow him to proceed with caution to avoid international war over this.
That's the beauty of this situation. They can't swear Biden in with the local judge and do it in his basement like his whole campaign. There are only two acceptable places for him to be sworn in the Capital building or the Whitehouse. Anywhere else and they are basically admitting to the steal and admitting they are giant frauds that are afraid of Trump.
I've said this before but one more time. There is nowhere in this whole solar system they can hide. Name one country that can or would hide them from the US if they are labeled traitors and evidence is provided to prove it? The only one with the power to resist the USA is China and frankly the millisecond they are labeled traitors they are useless to China. There is no upside for China to set themselves even more at odds with the USA to hide a bunch of useless whiny bureaucrats.
They've already given China everything they wanted and then some and been paid for it. China has no use for them if they fail to complete their theft of POTUS. There is nowhere to run or hide.
My prediction... half of them shoot themselves or take a poison pill once the arrests start. We aren't going to watch a bunch of perp walks. We are going to watch a bunch of bodies get taken out of buildings. These people are cowards.
The stupid loud ones like AOC will be the only ones left. The ones that know everything, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, HRC etc... most of them will suck on their body guards pistol rather than give Trump the satisfaction of putting them in a cell.
I'm just hoping like hell that Soros resists and Trump drops a JDAM or 5 right on his face.
What if they try to have the virtual inauguration outside of DC?
Im sure it has been filmed already.
I have a lot of questions. I don't have any answers.
We know throughout this process President Trump has stepped back and allowed the Dems & RINOs to make their choices. At every juncture, they have had an opportunity to do the right thing, the Constitutionally mandated thing, or to continue with the coup. Unfortunately for them, they've all chosen to pursue the coup.
My thought is that GEOTUS is going to allow the inauguration to take place. By doing that, he will let the left put their own heads in the noose. Once they inaugurate a fraudulent president, based on a fraudulent election, they will have committed the final sin. And then I think President Trump and team will drop the hammer on them - immediately. And I think all hell will break loose, out in the open, at that time.
I think the white hats have to wait until the left truly commits to their end game, the coup, and then they can be taken down via the military in one fell swoop. I also think this is when the EBS broadcasts will begin and they will be loaded with evidence to show why the military action was necessary.
Why do I think this? Well, again, President Trump has to SHOW everyone how far the left will go to undermine our country and Constitution. There is no other way to justify the necessary and drastic actions that will have to take place afterwards. Also, the left has to commit the final crime in order to suffer the most severe consequences.
My questions:
Will the left be stupid enough to fall for it and come to the capitol building even knowing how dicey the situation is?
Will the left try to arrange an inauguration ceremony somewhere else to try to escape the locked down situation at the capitol?
If Biden is sworn in, what powers does he legally have at that point?
Can he take command of the military and its assets?
How many of them will obey him instead of Trump and his team?
Even though Biden's inauguration would be fraudulent, how many will show their true colors and turn on our true president?
And I think my 6th question is maybe the point. One HUGE silver lining GEOTUS has gotten from each step of the process and each betrayal is the clear indicators of who his enemies truly are.
This last piece of the puzzle, should it flush out those in the military who will turn their loyalties to Biden, may be the final chess move that exposes the enemies of the United States and the world. We've already seen, throughout this entire saga, exactly who are enemies are up to this point, except perhaps for in the military. This will be a telling climax.
So...yeah. Many questions. Not really any answers here.
One final thought. I 100% believe President Trump will be victorious. He's proven again and again to be a master of strategy. And he's never once given up, even after YEARS of fighting for us, for the United States, and for the world. Each roadblock and setback has only made him more resolute. I see zero reason why he would give up at this final stage of the game. Zero.
See, I typed something similar to this response as a post on TDW and I got flamed by all the doomer fags but its nice to see some similiar theories on here
love that response...gave me rebuking here just more thoughts....can inauguration location be secret from Trump..can he have ppl waiting wherever they are?
Meaning you think Biden, Pelosi, et al might not even appear on the 20th? If that’s your thinking, do tell? And who do you think wouldn’t show?
Some will show. Some won’t. There’s a plan for that.
The media will say joes doing an at home inauguration. And he’ll zoom with jutice roberts
"due to covid"
Roberts has already committed treason by arguing for the rule of the mob over accepting the valid electoral fraud cases brought before the SCOTUS. Refusing to hear these cases amounts to conspiring to give aid and comfort to the enemies of the US. That is clear.
That said, once the oath of office is given to him a president elect becomes president and it is almost impossible to arrest him. He would have to be impeached and that has to happen in the house, which is very unlikely.
Therefore, sealed indictments are ready to be unsealed and arrests are going to happen before inauguration.
It's pretty clear that's what the heavy NG presence is for - to prevent a major riot when the arrests happen.
Frenly reminder: the 19th is National Popcorn Day.
This. Are the arrests happening or not? It seems everyone is so focused on inauguration. That’s the goal line for the bad guys, not Trump and team.
I’m willing to bet BHO gave everyone (R & D Establishment, aka the Criminals) a classified blanket pardon for any and all crimes, then left it on the resolute desk with a bow on top for DJT to find as his first order of business. Poke him in the eye if you will. In fact, I’m willing to bet that this is a periodic courtesy by every outgoing administration for decades. This is why hardly anyone is ever charged and prosecuted after the fact. The Patriots needed the Criminals to recreate their crimes or commit new ones, and they performed brilliantly. The Criminals need to impeach DJT so the next in chain of command can pardon everyone again. The longer the Patriots wait, the more crimes the Criminals undertake.
It doesn't matter. It's the inauguration they finalizes everything and completes the treasonous circle
and have a huge spectacle of the arrests. The left goes nuts and starts rioting in all the capitals, all the NG is already deployed and authorized to use deadly force (speculation because I don't know if they have outside of DC).
Keep in mind, just because Biden is sworn in doesnt mean he's the president. One cannot be elected through fraud and become a legitimate president. As far a "Moving Goal Posts," we are not and cannot move any goal posts. Only the Q team can do that. How does anyone define what the plan is when we DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS?
yes but law enforcement, govt, military junior ranks, joe public etc will not understand all that - a president is a president no matter how he got there. see LBJ for example.
I think this guy is on to something
you don't try to shoot a movie and win a war at the same time.
if it all goes down perfectly scripted - great
if they worm out and worm off and wriggle away - and you don't get your perfectly framed sunset happy ending - no problem - get your hands dirty and go get 'em.
finish the job off.
if the dems are no shows - game over - pick them up where ever they are skulking.
I have been thinking this also - the pressure will build - everyone knows it is fraud. They have no excuse - security is perfect. MAGA is uninterested in violence (pre inauguration). The idea they are busted, totally made, is everywhere. Nobody has the brass neck to stand up there and pretend! The art of fighting without fighting. Biden will wither.
The Trumpians have set so many traps that offer no way out.
It's truly, Epic.
Biden gets the oath done, it's fucking game over yo.
So Roberts delivering the oath to Biden is part of the plan now?
That's your read? That because this is in print that it's part of the plan? Nobody knows what the plan is. Q doesn't lurk or post here. We learn by discussing.
What is it about "no outside comms" don't you understand?
Fellow Patriots; Been reading way too much the last few months and have gone down some pretty wild rabbit holes. However theres been a recent one that seems plausible thats surfaced the last week. The United States after the Civil War (we were broke then) became incorporated through the Rothchilds and there bank in London. Basically we became indentured servants from that point on. 1871 is the key and Uylsses S Grant was the last President under the true Republic. Then the banking system gets tied into the Federal Reserve at some point and we pay all our taxes to them. Our Politicians actually do not work for us they work for the Corporation. I dont know what triggers us leaving the Corporation but thats what I hear Trump is going to do. So Biden may be sworn in and control 10 acres in the District of Columbia but nothing more after that. Hopefully he assumes all the debt also! Trump is going to give the US back to the people (hes said it many times) and bring us back to a true Constitutional Republic. This seems likely since he has recently brought the Federal Reserve back into the Treasury with Steve Mnuchin is heading up. See what you think here. I predict Donald J Trump will become the 19th President of "The United States For America". Right behind Grant.
yes i see what you mean - give DC to Biden and the rest of the USA is a separate country - run it from Mar a Largo.
Biden becomes president of DC. good luck with that. no money, no resources, no population - nothing.
that would be really funny.
wall it off and leave it there - maybe lob in a few cruise missiles for good measure.
Yessss! I wondered if this might happen. "Go on in, Joe, the water is fine!"