Truth and the ability to see it, believe it and retain it with conviction will separate you from unbelievers better than the surgeons scalpel. Sharper than any two edges sword. The Word is the delineator.
EVERYONE PRAY FOR THE TRUTH TO BE REVEALED Because if the truth about fraud elections, 911, etc all got out, so many of us would be vindicated. ALL OF US. We would finally have our names cleared from smear and gaslighting. My ex and I broke up, even though I loved and still care for her and joke around that I don't give a shit. But knowing that they know you were right gives me closure.
Nobody promised us a 'merry awakening'. This has been the hardest 4 years of my life. But by knowing the truth I have a chance to affect the world.
I now create my own world and give it energy and prayers so that it comes to pass.
I do what I can for the revolution. That is it's own reward.
Not quite fren. Most are just misguided and no longer are compatible with him. It’s tough to go through that, but trying to keep company with those who seek to sabotage you and turn you from the truth you know to be true is better off. Best to drop red pills and lead by example such that they see your actions and resentment for evil and not resentment for them.
For most, I don't blame the individual, I blame the system that has deceived them for so long. Ronald Reagan once said that "the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so”.
Yeah exactly. I’ve had plenty of friends and family members be completely deceived. It’s like they don’t want to know the truth and refuse any reason. Leads to derangement
Cults are the ones that want to separate you from your family. They are the ones that won't let you associate with people that have different ideas than you. It's insane. They are truly brainwashed.
The truth can't help but get out with such a potent tool like the internet. If not the truth, at least a much more articulate and nuanced understanding of reality than you would have had without it.
I no longer associate with any liberals. That includes former friends from my youth and family members. They're all dead to me. Once you see and hear some of the disgusting shit they'll write and say behind your back, it is pointless, for me anyway, to act like I want to associate with these things.
I'm not suggesting everyone does what I do. Some people can overlook that kind of stuff. I don't think any more or less of people that can :-). I merely chose to stop being any part of their lives since it is pretty clear that they believe that conservatives are dogshit that needs to be scraped from their shoes.
I've grown completely sick and fucking tired of having to watch every fucking thing I say around these spoiled children. What didn't matter five years ago may trigger a liberal today if the TV tells them certain speech is now deemed to be "hate". It's simply better if we part ways if they're going to let some fucking dunce on TV dictate what they should think.
Remember, politics is a sort of game to us. To a liberal, politics is a religion. Their God is a UN run world socialist government. Their priests and priestesses are politicians. Their bishops are government approved scientists. Their popes are POTUS and other world leaders. Yes I am going a bit overboard with my metaphors, but their behavior doesn't suggest that their beliefs are much different than what I outlined.
Just remember, these people are brainwashed ... If ordered, they will turn on you like a rabid, wild animal. We would joke about Trump being GEOTUS ... Liberals believed Obama and others like him were literally that. They value their overlords, entertainers, and "experts" more than people they've known their entire lives. They can have them full time for all I care. I see no way of convincing them that they're being used. End result : fuck them! :-)
Liberals believe the dumbest stuff. And they make fun of ME for believing Trump is shadow president and that mass arrests are coming to DC soon, even though it is extremely obvious. I will have the last laugh when the mass arrests begin
I feel the same as you do. When I had a Facebook account at the start of COVID and lockdowns and mask mandates I would share information that contradicted what the media and others were wanting us to believe. It surprised me just how many family members ATTACKED me for it and immediately said I was wrong. Others in my friend’s list joined in and I had to clean the list out. Then my sister-in-law kept attacking me because I supported Trump and she supported Biden, but anytime I tried to share a link for her to check out exposing Biden Facebook jumped in and flagged it or deleted it. That’s when I decided screw it and deleted my account
That’s what I find to be ridiculous; it’s one thing for people to disagree with others, but they go a step further and are hostile to dissenting ideas. It is like a religion to those people, what they are told by the media and the “authorities”. When they are challenged with facts that challenge their beliefs, their identity feels threatened, so they retaliate viciously and go into denial mode.
I remain friends with a few leftists - mostly the ones who don’t really spend a lot of time or energy in politics.
The ones I’m not friends with anymore are the ones that are beyond misguided, the smug ones that want to see conservatives cancelled, become jobless, become beggars. The mask Karens. The Covid Karens that will turn in small businesses for operating. The ones that believe we deserve to be shot by the ATF or jailed for exercising our second amendment rights. The ones that turned a blind eye to BLM and calling patriots and people who believe election laws matters traitors and insurrectionists (my brother in law). The ones that believe Kyle Rittenhouse should have allowed himself to get beaten or killed (that’s my sister in law). Fuck them. They are dead to me.
Yea same here both my parents are biden voters! But our family is close and nothing will come in between us, gives me hope for some on the left even my father says he used to like biden but the way he got in, And what they did to trump was wrong, as he said he went to bed with trump up big then next morning and days after somehow biden won! We all know its a scam! One thing my father is big on and taught me was to have morals, never lying or being a thief both things that the left love to do!
You really only have a responsibility to get your kid to think for himself, and they are clearly his/her own person. And has been for a long time. Very few people can remain as uncompromised.
He mentioned that he only came to Christ within the past several years. It makes sense if you raise your kids in the secular world with secular ideals this reaction is bound to happen in a family unit. Forgiveness and grace arenot a thing outside of Christ. Bitterness and grudges are the name of the game.
This is of course just an opinion and an observation.
Don't worry Lin, they'll come back round when it's fashionable! They just not happy bucking the MSM trend now. Little bit of a lack of loyalty there though!
Seriously sad. No convictions, sway to and fro in desperate need of acceptance from the majority. When all is said and done, how are we expected to have fellowship with these people again? They disgust me. Lin is a strong man of God and has a big heart. I don't know if I could be the same.
That is very sad. Ignorance unfortunately knows no bounds. We all adopt Lin as our father/ grandfather and love him for all he is doing to make our country right. The Bible said this would happen and I pray that his children realize what a great man their father is.
Matthew 10:34-39 (KJV) 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes [shall be] they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Just a few truths...tragically when Lin was in high school he came home one day and his father had killed his mother. His family was very dysfunctional to say the least. He has referred to this trauma in his speeches. His whole world changed, yet he was able to become a lawyer (to his credit). He has been married multiple times (3 or 4) and has recently become a Christian. He also mentioned he hasn't touched alcohol in 8 years so that may have been a problem.
I say this not to discredit Lin, but to show the power of God's love for us and how he takes imperfect people, makes them whole through the blood of Jesus and turns them into mighty warriors. Lin is special and God has given him a platform. He is bold and is a truthteller. Sometimes we are asked to give everything up but our reward is great. I am so glad he has found the most important answer to the most important question we could ever be asked...will you follow Me? God bless him.
I also count Mike Lindell as another who was called out of a life of sin and destruction and who has been mightily used by God. These men are true warriors and I feel blessed to know their victorious stories.
I burst into tears reading this. I also have a child who disowned me due to my politics and search for the real reasons - not the divisive DS/Cabal MSM narratives - as to why this world is so messed up.
As much as it hurts, my child needs to make his own choices and learn hard lessons in this life. Sometimes suffering leads to lasting wisdom.
May God be with you, Lin Wood. May the hearts of your children be opened to the painful and terrifying as it is at this moment in time.
I am sure they would still like to be in your will!!! Stay strong in your faith and know that there are millions of us out here who thank you for what you are doing and who have a tremendous amount of respect for you and know who you are standing up to!!!.
This is the mark of a man who has found truth and those around him reject the truth. Difficult process to go through, but his freedom is now in something much more powerful.
It's why I am taking notes for my grandchildren during these times. I feel one day they will know me better from my words. I have some things written by my grandparents. It's good to look back fondly.
Lin Wood is truly an inspiration. I admire his strength in standing up firmly in his conviction for Christ. I only recently read in the Bible the passage that speaks of division. Jesus doesn't come to bring peace, he brings division. He divides houses 3 against 2, and 2 against 3, Mother against Child, sister against brother. It's funny for such an old book, to always have such poignant, relevant messages.
Lin Wood, keep on keeping on brother. I pray your children will come around. You are an inspiration to me and I'd bet others too. Thank you for fighting the good fight for all of us.
I've got leftist parents, but I've never disowned them or prevented my children from seeing them. This is maoist conditioning to the max and these leftists really need to look in the mirror and see who they really are and what they've become.
Lin became a Christian recently. I would assume they did not agree with this change in his personality
It is possible he was busy when they were younger and didn't really interact with them.
I pray that they will eventually seek him out and reconcile. It is hard being a parent and having a child push away from you.... I know bc I have the same issue with my only child who is a liberal adult, too.
I have lost family members due to politics but not my son, daughter and grandchildren. I can't imagine the pain. I pray that the Lord will heal our land and bring light to the darkness. I pray that he will heal the hearts and minds of all of us and our families. I pray he brings us peace and unity. I also ask our heavenly father to anoint Lin with his blessing and bring his family back to him and unite all of us with our friends and families once again. I humbly ask this in Jesus' name. Amem.
[22] Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God
[35] For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
[12] Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
The scriptures warn us beforehand. And I have found that they mean exactly what they say.
Please say a prayer for them that their hearts will soften and they take the blinders off, and reach out to their father.
"I come not to bring peace but a sword."
That sword is division.
"Your enemies shall be that of your own household."
The lines are drawn, choose this day whom you shall serve.
I searched for that scripture and couldn’t find it. Well done.
Thanks, fren.
Man is not without honor save in his own home.
Truth and the ability to see it, believe it and retain it with conviction will separate you from unbelievers better than the surgeons scalpel. Sharper than any two edges sword. The Word is the delineator.
What verse is that please? I can’t find… still looking….
EVERYONE PRAY FOR THE TRUTH TO BE REVEALED Because if the truth about fraud elections, 911, etc all got out, so many of us would be vindicated. ALL OF US. We would finally have our names cleared from smear and gaslighting. My ex and I broke up, even though I loved and still care for her and joke around that I don't give a shit. But knowing that they know you were right gives me closure.
So we have had awakening to:-
The fact that children are currency, minorities are currency, refugees are currency.
I would say a merry great awakening to all
Nobody promised us a 'merry awakening'. This has been the hardest 4 years of my life. But by knowing the truth I have a chance to affect the world. I now create my own world and give it energy and prayers so that it comes to pass. I do what I can for the revolution. That is it's own reward.
*Prayers sent.
Omg that's so sad. People suck
Not quite fren. Most are just misguided and no longer are compatible with him. It’s tough to go through that, but trying to keep company with those who seek to sabotage you and turn you from the truth you know to be true is better off. Best to drop red pills and lead by example such that they see your actions and resentment for evil and not resentment for them.
For most, I don't blame the individual, I blame the system that has deceived them for so long. Ronald Reagan once said that "the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so”.
Yeah exactly. I’ve had plenty of friends and family members be completely deceived. It’s like they don’t want to know the truth and refuse any reason. Leads to derangement
Not really, I mostly blame mainstream media and culture for all of this shit, it’s completely poisoned America.
That's what's so weird.
I've seen a lot of liberals that won't talk to consefvatives, but rarely any conservatives that won't talk to liberals.
Sure, it exists, but rare. Twitter/Facebook banning people is really just an amplification of this.
And yet they say that WE are in a cult lol
Cults are the ones that want to separate you from your family. They are the ones that won't let you associate with people that have different ideas than you. It's insane. They are truly brainwashed.
Truth is called a lie and lies are called truth. Been happening for too long.
Ready for the tide to turn. It is turning.
The truth can't help but get out with such a potent tool like the internet. If not the truth, at least a much more articulate and nuanced understanding of reality than you would have had without it.
Even if it just means access to certain books.
I no longer associate with any liberals. That includes former friends from my youth and family members. They're all dead to me. Once you see and hear some of the disgusting shit they'll write and say behind your back, it is pointless, for me anyway, to act like I want to associate with these things.
I'm not suggesting everyone does what I do. Some people can overlook that kind of stuff. I don't think any more or less of people that can :-). I merely chose to stop being any part of their lives since it is pretty clear that they believe that conservatives are dogshit that needs to be scraped from their shoes.
I've grown completely sick and fucking tired of having to watch every fucking thing I say around these spoiled children. What didn't matter five years ago may trigger a liberal today if the TV tells them certain speech is now deemed to be "hate". It's simply better if we part ways if they're going to let some fucking dunce on TV dictate what they should think.
Remember, politics is a sort of game to us. To a liberal, politics is a religion. Their God is a UN run world socialist government. Their priests and priestesses are politicians. Their bishops are government approved scientists. Their popes are POTUS and other world leaders. Yes I am going a bit overboard with my metaphors, but their behavior doesn't suggest that their beliefs are much different than what I outlined.
Just remember, these people are brainwashed ... If ordered, they will turn on you like a rabid, wild animal. We would joke about Trump being GEOTUS ... Liberals believed Obama and others like him were literally that. They value their overlords, entertainers, and "experts" more than people they've known their entire lives. They can have them full time for all I care. I see no way of convincing them that they're being used. End result : fuck them! :-)
Liberals believe the dumbest stuff. And they make fun of ME for believing Trump is shadow president and that mass arrests are coming to DC soon, even though it is extremely obvious. I will have the last laugh when the mass arrests begin
I feel the same as you do. When I had a Facebook account at the start of COVID and lockdowns and mask mandates I would share information that contradicted what the media and others were wanting us to believe. It surprised me just how many family members ATTACKED me for it and immediately said I was wrong. Others in my friend’s list joined in and I had to clean the list out. Then my sister-in-law kept attacking me because I supported Trump and she supported Biden, but anytime I tried to share a link for her to check out exposing Biden Facebook jumped in and flagged it or deleted it. That’s when I decided screw it and deleted my account
That’s what I find to be ridiculous; it’s one thing for people to disagree with others, but they go a step further and are hostile to dissenting ideas. It is like a religion to those people, what they are told by the media and the “authorities”. When they are challenged with facts that challenge their beliefs, their identity feels threatened, so they retaliate viciously and go into denial mode.
I remain friends with a few leftists - mostly the ones who don’t really spend a lot of time or energy in politics.
The ones I’m not friends with anymore are the ones that are beyond misguided, the smug ones that want to see conservatives cancelled, become jobless, become beggars. The mask Karens. The Covid Karens that will turn in small businesses for operating. The ones that believe we deserve to be shot by the ATF or jailed for exercising our second amendment rights. The ones that turned a blind eye to BLM and calling patriots and people who believe election laws matters traitors and insurrectionists (my brother in law). The ones that believe Kyle Rittenhouse should have allowed himself to get beaten or killed (that’s my sister in law). Fuck them. They are dead to me.
I see this alot, on farceboob, the leftists vilify any conservative, the conservatives try to reach out but are abused, shunned..
It's because of hate. Liberals think conservatives are racist, sexist and blah blah all other evil stuff.
When you have no arguments against logic, all you can do is silence those willing to talk logically.
They are not innocent.
This. They are consumed with evil, is what it is.
Agreed. He would be right if he replaced ignorant with innocent.
Yea same here both my parents are biden voters! But our family is close and nothing will come in between us, gives me hope for some on the left even my father says he used to like biden but the way he got in, And what they did to trump was wrong, as he said he went to bed with trump up big then next morning and days after somehow biden won! We all know its a scam! One thing my father is big on and taught me was to have morals, never lying or being a thief both things that the left love to do!
You really only have a responsibility to get your kid to think for himself, and they are clearly his/her own person. And has been for a long time. Very few people can remain as uncompromised.
He mentioned that he only came to Christ within the past several years. It makes sense if you raise your kids in the secular world with secular ideals this reaction is bound to happen in a family unit. Forgiveness and grace arenot a thing outside of Christ. Bitterness and grudges are the name of the game. This is of course just an opinion and an observation.
“With man, these things are impossible. But with God all things are possible.”
Yeah it makes sense that Lin has woken up. As people get older they develop a lot of things like wisdom.
Your not alone Lin. My four kids have done the same thing to me.
That's awful friend. It's unbelievable how common this appears to be once you go Q. Can't believe it happened to Lin too.
How did your kids even know you were Qpilled?
It doesn't even need to have anything to do with Q. Just saying nice things about Trump or not being OK with forced masks will do it.
As they shout at 50-80 year olds
Write all of them out of your will. Now.
Don't worry Lin, they'll come back round when it's fashionable! They just not happy bucking the MSM trend now. Little bit of a lack of loyalty there though!
Seriously sad. No convictions, sway to and fro in desperate need of acceptance from the majority. When all is said and done, how are we expected to have fellowship with these people again? They disgust me. Lin is a strong man of God and has a big heart. I don't know if I could be the same.
That is very sad. Ignorance unfortunately knows no bounds. We all adopt Lin as our father/ grandfather and love him for all he is doing to make our country right. The Bible said this would happen and I pray that his children realize what a great man their father is.
Matthew 10:34-39 (KJV) 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes [shall be] they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Just a few truths...tragically when Lin was in high school he came home one day and his father had killed his mother. His family was very dysfunctional to say the least. He has referred to this trauma in his speeches. His whole world changed, yet he was able to become a lawyer (to his credit). He has been married multiple times (3 or 4) and has recently become a Christian. He also mentioned he hasn't touched alcohol in 8 years so that may have been a problem.
I say this not to discredit Lin, but to show the power of God's love for us and how he takes imperfect people, makes them whole through the blood of Jesus and turns them into mighty warriors. Lin is special and God has given him a platform. He is bold and is a truthteller. Sometimes we are asked to give everything up but our reward is great. I am so glad he has found the most important answer to the most important question we could ever be asked...will you follow Me? God bless him.
I also count Mike Lindell as another who was called out of a life of sin and destruction and who has been mightily used by God. These men are true warriors and I feel blessed to know their victorious stories.
I burst into tears reading this. I also have a child who disowned me due to my politics and search for the real reasons - not the divisive DS/Cabal MSM narratives - as to why this world is so messed up.
As much as it hurts, my child needs to make his own choices and learn hard lessons in this life. Sometimes suffering leads to lasting wisdom.
May God be with you, Lin Wood. May the hearts of your children be opened to the painful and terrifying as it is at this moment in time.
I am sure they would still like to be in your will!!! Stay strong in your faith and know that there are millions of us out here who thank you for what you are doing and who have a tremendous amount of respect for you and know who you are standing up to!!!.
May God Bless you and keep you strong!!!
A Big Fan!
Probably because he more than likely worked his butt off making sure they got the best education money could buy.
Our universities are commie breeding grounds.
God loves Mr.Wood! and so do we as you bring evil to light!
This is the mark of a man who has found truth and those around him reject the truth. Difficult process to go through, but his freedom is now in something much more powerful.
I am saying a prayer for him, heart breaking ?
The gradchildren will become conservative, the children will regret later on, realizing their disservice to both parents & kids...
Bless Lin Wood!
No one should raise kids and have them ashamed of them, deny them and turn on them as adults. God please heal this family and let your truth be known.
God bless Lin Wood, man of faith, courageous. He will be vindicated.
It's why I am taking notes for my grandchildren during these times. I feel one day they will know me better from my words. I have some things written by my grandparents. It's good to look back fondly.
Lin Wood is truly an inspiration. I admire his strength in standing up firmly in his conviction for Christ. I only recently read in the Bible the passage that speaks of division. Jesus doesn't come to bring peace, he brings division. He divides houses 3 against 2, and 2 against 3, Mother against Child, sister against brother. It's funny for such an old book, to always have such poignant, relevant messages.
Lin Wood, keep on keeping on brother. I pray your children will come around. You are an inspiration to me and I'd bet others too. Thank you for fighting the good fight for all of us.
For such Patriots we should pray daily.
Lin is “all in” on the battle.
I've got leftist parents, but I've never disowned them or prevented my children from seeing them. This is maoist conditioning to the max and these leftists really need to look in the mirror and see who they really are and what they've become.
here's a man that stands for something against a tidal wave of assaults, much like Trump
This is what happens when you allow these leftist teachers to brainwash your children.
That is disgusting.
Lin Wood I pray for you brother wherever you are.
Lin became a Christian recently. I would assume they did not agree with this change in his personality
It is possible he was busy when they were younger and didn't really interact with them.
I pray that they will eventually seek him out and reconcile. It is hard being a parent and having a child push away from you.... I know bc I have the same issue with my only child who is a liberal adult, too.
I have lost family members due to politics but not my son, daughter and grandchildren. I can't imagine the pain. I pray that the Lord will heal our land and bring light to the darkness. I pray that he will heal the hearts and minds of all of us and our families. I pray he brings us peace and unity. I also ask our heavenly father to anoint Lin with his blessing and bring his family back to him and unite all of us with our friends and families once again. I humbly ask this in Jesus' name. Amem.
Don't give up on your grandson, Lin. I've heard more than once of grandchildren seeking out their grandparents as teens.
The scriptures warn us beforehand. And I have found that they mean exactly what they say.
Dan Bongino says it perfectly: Conservatives think liberals are people with bad ideas; liberals think conservatives are bad people with ideas.