If the anon hit on something , and it really is 30 months, that would be end of September this year. I can't stand the thought of having to wait all spring and summer while watching this shitass burn our country down. Having faith is important, but so is steering the ship away from the rocks
On the topic of McCain's death, here's the post that predicted it. Exactly one month later, McCain was pronounced dead at 4:28 PM, which is the same timestamp on Q's post. All of Q's other posts about "John M" or "no name" (they hate him so much they refuse to say his name) indicate that he was executed for treason and that Q was privy to the exact minute for which his execution was scheduled.
She was awfully bitter considering that most terminal cancer patients and their families are usually at the "it's a mercy his suffering has ended" stage by the time of death.
there's a theory that John McCain was executed. One of the senators slipped by saying, "You can't kill him again." and the flag on his casket was wrinkled. Also the boot was weird, he had it on the wrong leg one time. (Many thinking he was on house arrest) Finally there were some questions about the brain surgery he received, he didn't have the typical signs associated with his specific surgery afterwards. So yea, it's circumstantial.
Senior Status is another name for "forced into retirement". Sullivan isn't immune from being charged with crimes. He will be among the first or second wave of traitors arrested for treason, bribery, extortion, money laundering, RICO, etc...
And the beautiful thing is he'll be charged & tried in a Military Tribunal. Yes, a Military Courtroom. These JAGS have a long memory of what the pathetic Sullivan did to their General Michael Flynn.
Time and time again, Q has been proven to be right. It's stopped being coincidences a long time ago. It makes me wonder if Q had a role in the #metoo movement because that, at its core, was to expose rapists in positions of power and in some of those instances with underage people which adds the pedo element.
If someone will rape and fuck a child then truly what would they not do? If someone will rape a woman, what else would they do given the opportunity? We've seen lots of resignations, retirements from people in power all over the world. It's been happening in recent months to the extent that something truly is going on that we do not yet know about.
You speak of confirmation bias. There is none here. They control the show and know exactly when they'll do what they do. They tell us and then we watch it happen.
As far as I know 0 deltas do not have to predict something. A 0 delta is if Q posts something and within a minute Trump tweets. I did not verify this claim, but apparently this happend 30 times with three (!) on one day. Keep in mind that Trump sent Tweets mostly in the morning, but Q did not post in the morning. Thus it is even more unlikely to be a coincidence. For me this is the strongest Q proof.
I do, however, agree with you in this matter:
People desperately wanting something to be true so they make their own connections
Just one example the date fagging for Jan 20 (which I was guilty of as well). To avoid this in the future I decided to finally read all Q posts for myself to form an opinion.
Look into the 30 deltas and see how many were in the same time zone,
Your link showed how difficult it is to research this, however, agrees that there are 0 deltas. Indeed it is on my list to do my own research and invite you to do your own as well.
also, 30 out of the amount of Q drops (and amount of Trump tweets) is not a significant amount.
You may have missed my point: if you want to have many 0 deltas one could easily post at the same times as Trump tweets. But Q did not do that. Every 0 Delta can be a coincidence, but this point makes it at least more unlikely.
Three in the same day also doesn't really 'prove' anything. It could still be a coincidence, a big one, but a coincidence nonetheless.
Another coincidence, but a really big one. Other anons tried to calculate the possibility and long story short, very very unlikely.
Add these to the other Q proofs and you have to ask what Q once asked: how many coincidences until it is impossible?
My opinion on Q is irrelevant
I disagree! I would love to hear your opinion! Please tell me just a bit of your thoughts about Q.
Would it matter if Q knows Trump or not though? The whole point of Q is to get people talking more and researching more. We don't need Trump as president to have our country fixed. Those over at donald.win or think it's patriots.win, they seem to believe that their only true hope lies with Trump.
Trump is a very old man, even with good health, he's on the last legs of life. Regardless if everything Q says happens or not, life will go on. I know my life will keep on going because I don't need a savior or anything magical. I just like knowledge, sharing information and above all despise criminals.
No matter what though, it's up to the people to change things. If someone wants to get into politics, they can start locally and work from that. The most important change still comes at local levels. A governor can still tell the federal government to get fucked and fuck off, just saying.
Nope but the -5 points proves my point that, by nature, people are sheep and want someone to tell them what to do, how to think, how to live. If you live through life depending on someone else to solve your problems then your problems may never truly go away.
Society does need structure and leadership to maintain order to avoid chaos but that shouldn't come at the expense of one's own true free will to think for themselves.
People have to decide for themselves what they choose to believe and not believe but people should not simply mindlessly follow Q because then they would be no different than the mindless liberals that believe everything they see on CNN. If people feel the need to have a leader tell them what to do then aren't they basically sheep that follow a different master?
I wouldn't doubt it lol. Even those on sites like this that claim they welcome free speech will lash out if someone says something not in line with what they want to believe.
That video dives into some things and is 3hr long but the guy presents evidence and proof to support it but even with evidence and proof there can still be doubt that something is as it seems to be.
Unlike many though, I'm always open for discussion even if opinions and views are completely opposite. This site is supposed to be regarding the great awakening which is supposed to open people's eyes to what has been going on in the shadows for centuries but many on here want things to revolve about Q, a letter without a name on the internet.
I've known about much of what governments have done throughout history, including bankers, people like the Rockefellers and more but I've always liked knowing things and learning new things. One thing that will remain absolutely true though is if the cabal and all these people are as it seems and have done what they are believed to have done then taking them out will only delay what they do because others will take their place.
Those old families have passed down their wealth through generations and are not arrogant to require a feeling of self importance. They will do what they do even if some of it happens after they are dead. Most normal people are far more self centered and only want to do something if there's a direct benefit in it for them.
Judge Advocate Generals, which are Navy lawyers. There was a popular television show about them called "JAG" in the 1990s (which NCIS is a spinoff of).
So what. 45 will be back in office and 70% of Congress will be in Jail or in a hole. 45 will rebuild the judiciary and the legislative branches the way they were intended to be. Making America Great Again!
Holding the line!
Hm, DOJ effectively dropped the case early May 2020 (though "Judge" Sullivan refused to dismiss for apparently no reason), Flynn was pardoned Nov 25th 2020, case was finally dismissed Dec 8th. Q predicted Sept 29 2020 as the over/under on Flynn being free, ended up being 32 months and change. Perhaps they didn't expect Sullivan to unilaterally decide that the DOJ wasn't allowed to drop a case over exculpatory evidence being "discovered"? Although, it's also an interesting interpretation that his guilty plea standing, and being pardoned rather than found innocent, allowed evidence to be entered into public record where otherwise it was too classified for Flynn to ever divulge.
This is so ironic that this same Judge Emmet was the good judge in Sidney Powell's fight against prosecutorial corruption. In her book License to Lie she describes him as a good judge.
But in Flynn's case, he has already turned into a monster. This shows that almost every person will get turn to the dark when the oppurtunity presents itself, and very few people stay intact. If there was even one skeleton in your closet, you have no choice but to turn to the dark (since even if you decide to commit suicide, the DS will hurt your family. So there is no escaping)
Emmet's skeleton in the closet was his son. There was an incident between his son and his gf (who was another Judge's daughter) and either she was badly hurt or killed by the son, and he had to sell out a lot to save him that time. I am pretty sure this is the leverage they used on him.
He was being blackmailed for his crimes. Controlled by the deepstste. He could afford to fight corruption as long S it wasn't deep state corruption. Basically Sidney was taking out their trash or competition.
“Helped shape prosecutors’ obligation to disclose evidence in criminal trials” top kek, these people are so stupid and ridiculous. Iron levels soaring. I can’t wait for trump and military to crush our enemies, see them swaying before us, and to hear the lamentation of xir tri-gendered wamans
not to be nitpicky but he isn't semi-retiring until April of this year. if that holds true Q was close in date and minus accurate by suggesting he'd retire.
Oooff.... Right on the money! This faggot will not be sleeping well, is that an Amazon van parked in front of your house or a van filled with US Marshals?
Can someone create a superthread and have it stickied for all time so we can all refer to it in one link when normies say Q is all lies and never come true etc??
Pure speculation with an attempt to think ahead/like my enemy.
These sick clowns needed to put Biden in at any cost, they lost too much of the judiciary & needed to be able to replace some of the older deepest swamp with puppets.
As predicted in this drop: https://qalerts.app/?n=4770
If the anon hit on something , and it really is 30 months, that would be end of September this year. I can't stand the thought of having to wait all spring and summer while watching this shitass burn our country down. Having faith is important, but so is steering the ship away from the rocks
That delicious sauce
I'm so sorry fren. It's super shitty humans are being such dicks about this.
Wtf you meowing about?
How was this predicted 2 years before? The post from 2 years ago actually dropped then? How is this possible?
Hello welcome to Q, you must be new here.
Just wait ‘til you learn Q “predicted” John McCain’s death to the exact minute.
Sheepishly (but awake)... “yeah”
But seriously how is it possible?
Q's answer to the same question...
i.e. not predicting, which is a fool’s errand, but MAKING IT F’ING HAPPEN.
Even better
On the topic of McCain's death, here's the post that predicted it. Exactly one month later, McCain was pronounced dead at 4:28 PM, which is the same timestamp on Q's post. All of Q's other posts about "John M" or "no name" (they hate him so much they refuse to say his name) indicate that he was executed for treason and that Q was privy to the exact minute for which his execution was scheduled.
John McCain. Treason. 'Put to Death'
You can't kill him again, but whateverrrr
It was no brain tumor that took him down.
She was awfully bitter considering that most terminal cancer patients and their families are usually at the "it's a mercy his suffering has ended" stage by the time of death.
18 is 6 Pm not 4
I am curious, did they mention why they hated him so much?
Sum of all fears
"To the minute" is pretty good...
Coincidences lmfao
Youre watching a movie
Get the popcorn enjoy the show they said. Some are of little believing
Like they control the future or they control the situation?
Spez: rhetorical question
Can you link or explain that one to me? I only followed for the last 6 months or so.
wait...really? How the hell is that even possible?
Looking Glass is real.
No it isn't.
because they knew the time when they would shoot him.
there's a theory that John McCain was executed. One of the senators slipped by saying, "You can't kill him again." and the flag on his casket was wrinkled. Also the boot was weird, he had it on the wrong leg one time. (Many thinking he was on house arrest) Finally there were some questions about the brain surgery he received, he didn't have the typical signs associated with his specific surgery afterwards. So yea, it's circumstantial.
People still think Biden is president???
Because there's a plan.
The mark of a good commander is to pick the precise time and location to bring their foes to battle.
4D5 chess, actually.
I'm so happy to see comments like yours. You're so welcome here!
I hope you're closer to understanding why we're here and why telling those close to you about this as best you can is important.
The no name on National dog day was amazing too! Wasn’t that predicted to the hour or something?
Ooh, tell me more!
I’m still fairly Q-new.
Predicted to the minute... was insane.
Senior Status is another name for "forced into retirement". Sullivan isn't immune from being charged with crimes. He will be among the first or second wave of traitors arrested for treason, bribery, extortion, money laundering, RICO, etc... And the beautiful thing is he'll be charged & tried in a Military Tribunal. Yes, a Military Courtroom. These JAGS have a long memory of what the pathetic Sullivan did to their General Michael Flynn.
Time and time again, Q has been proven to be right. It's stopped being coincidences a long time ago. It makes me wonder if Q had a role in the #metoo movement because that, at its core, was to expose rapists in positions of power and in some of those instances with underage people which adds the pedo element.
If someone will rape and fuck a child then truly what would they not do? If someone will rape a woman, what else would they do given the opportunity? We've seen lots of resignations, retirements from people in power all over the world. It's been happening in recent months to the extent that something truly is going on that we do not yet know about.
You speak of confirmation bias. There is none here. They control the show and know exactly when they'll do what they do. They tell us and then we watch it happen.
As far as I know 0 deltas do not have to predict something. A 0 delta is if Q posts something and within a minute Trump tweets. I did not verify this claim, but apparently this happend 30 times with three (!) on one day. Keep in mind that Trump sent Tweets mostly in the morning, but Q did not post in the morning. Thus it is even more unlikely to be a coincidence. For me this is the strongest Q proof.
I do, however, agree with you in this matter:
Just one example the date fagging for Jan 20 (which I was guilty of as well). To avoid this in the future I decided to finally read all Q posts for myself to form an opinion.
May I ask what you think about Q?
You should stick.to your disbelief. The left spen 4 years trying to discredit Q and failed.
Your link showed how difficult it is to research this, however, agrees that there are 0 deltas. Indeed it is on my list to do my own research and invite you to do your own as well.
You may have missed my point: if you want to have many 0 deltas one could easily post at the same times as Trump tweets. But Q did not do that. Every 0 Delta can be a coincidence, but this point makes it at least more unlikely.
Another coincidence, but a really big one. Other anons tried to calculate the possibility and long story short, very very unlikely.
Add these to the other Q proofs and you have to ask what Q once asked: how many coincidences until it is impossible?
I disagree! I would love to hear your opinion! Please tell me just a bit of your thoughts about Q.
Would it matter if Q knows Trump or not though? The whole point of Q is to get people talking more and researching more. We don't need Trump as president to have our country fixed. Those over at donald.win or think it's patriots.win, they seem to believe that their only true hope lies with Trump.
Trump is a very old man, even with good health, he's on the last legs of life. Regardless if everything Q says happens or not, life will go on. I know my life will keep on going because I don't need a savior or anything magical. I just like knowledge, sharing information and above all despise criminals.
No matter what though, it's up to the people to change things. If someone wants to get into politics, they can start locally and work from that. The most important change still comes at local levels. A governor can still tell the federal government to get fucked and fuck off, just saying.
Sounds like you gave up.
Nope but the -5 points proves my point that, by nature, people are sheep and want someone to tell them what to do, how to think, how to live. If you live through life depending on someone else to solve your problems then your problems may never truly go away.
Society does need structure and leadership to maintain order to avoid chaos but that shouldn't come at the expense of one's own true free will to think for themselves.
People have to decide for themselves what they choose to believe and not believe but people should not simply mindlessly follow Q because then they would be no different than the mindless liberals that believe everything they see on CNN. If people feel the need to have a leader tell them what to do then aren't they basically sheep that follow a different master?
I wouldn't doubt it lol. Even those on sites like this that claim they welcome free speech will lash out if someone says something not in line with what they want to believe.
That video dives into some things and is 3hr long but the guy presents evidence and proof to support it but even with evidence and proof there can still be doubt that something is as it seems to be.
Unlike many though, I'm always open for discussion even if opinions and views are completely opposite. This site is supposed to be regarding the great awakening which is supposed to open people's eyes to what has been going on in the shadows for centuries but many on here want things to revolve about Q, a letter without a name on the internet.
I've known about much of what governments have done throughout history, including bankers, people like the Rockefellers and more but I've always liked knowing things and learning new things. One thing that will remain absolutely true though is if the cabal and all these people are as it seems and have done what they are believed to have done then taking them out will only delay what they do because others will take their place.
Those old families have passed down their wealth through generations and are not arrogant to require a feeling of self importance. They will do what they do even if some of it happens after they are dead. Most normal people are far more self centered and only want to do something if there's a direct benefit in it for them.
JAG (U.S. military acronym for Judge Advocate General)
The capitalized s probably threw you off.
Judge Advocate Generals, which are Navy lawyers. There was a popular television show about them called "JAG" in the 1990s (which NCIS is a spinoff of).
I leave for a week and I come back and this place has only gotten fucking cooler. WE GOT GIFS NOW
Have to spoon feed some of you, here:
Seems like we're ahead of schedule :)
The mark of the Trump. We are under budget too, spent nothing but time.
That's your most valuable asset. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
I'm happy to invest my time in MAGA.
March 2021 is 30 day window. You gave yourself no fact to base your assumption on. Wtf?
Sigh indeed
Thank you daddy
NOTHING Biden does will be allowed to stand.
I predict Sullivan will be arrested and face the Tribunal. Framing a US General will not go unpunished.
Gotta get his affairs in order before his long vacation in Cuba.
Heard a place called Gitmo right off of Cuba was nice this time of year.
Actually it is in cuba.
So what. 45 will be back in office and 70% of Congress will be in Jail or in a hole. 45 will rebuild the judiciary and the legislative branches the way they were intended to be. Making America Great Again! WWG1WGA Holding the line!
I just feel sad
Did that hurt your feelings mr 30 minute handshake account?
I love the spin WAPO puts on it lmao
insane hopium, this is killing me though everyone thinks im crazy I just want it to happen already
Hm, DOJ effectively dropped the case early May 2020 (though "Judge" Sullivan refused to dismiss for apparently no reason), Flynn was pardoned Nov 25th 2020, case was finally dismissed Dec 8th. Q predicted Sept 29 2020 as the over/under on Flynn being free, ended up being 32 months and change. Perhaps they didn't expect Sullivan to unilaterally decide that the DOJ wasn't allowed to drop a case over exculpatory evidence being "discovered"? Although, it's also an interesting interpretation that his guilty plea standing, and being pardoned rather than found innocent, allowed evidence to be entered into public record where otherwise it was too classified for Flynn to ever divulge.
And what happened on September 29, 2020?
Check out this comment for more hopium-
Ah, awesome, thanks!
This is so ironic that this same Judge Emmet was the good judge in Sidney Powell's fight against prosecutorial corruption. In her book License to Lie she describes him as a good judge.
But in Flynn's case, he has already turned into a monster. This shows that almost every person will get turn to the dark when the oppurtunity presents itself, and very few people stay intact. If there was even one skeleton in your closet, you have no choice but to turn to the dark (since even if you decide to commit suicide, the DS will hurt your family. So there is no escaping)
Emmet's skeleton in the closet was his son. There was an incident between his son and his gf (who was another Judge's daughter) and either she was badly hurt or killed by the son, and he had to sell out a lot to save him that time. I am pretty sure this is the leverage they used on him.
He was being blackmailed for his crimes. Controlled by the deepstste. He could afford to fight corruption as long S it wasn't deep state corruption. Basically Sidney was taking out their trash or competition.
Go deeper...
Next https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?d1=27&m1=3&y1=2018&d2=29&m2=9&y2=2020
And bingo https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michael-flynns-attorney-asked-trump-to-hold-off-on-pardon/#app
9/29/20 as predicted by Q ??
Stockpiling more popcorn then. ?
“Helped shape prosecutors’ obligation to disclose evidence in criminal trials” top kek, these people are so stupid and ridiculous. Iron levels soaring. I can’t wait for trump and military to crush our enemies, see them swaying before us, and to hear the lamentation of xir tri-gendered wamans
His ticket to Gitmo just got stamped.
I found Q's mode of transportation:
God the hopium has been so good ?
not to be nitpicky but he isn't semi-retiring until April of this year. if that holds true Q was close in date and minus accurate by suggesting he'd retire.
Says Bloomberg.
Oooff.... Right on the money! This faggot will not be sleeping well, is that an Amazon van parked in front of your house or a van filled with US Marshals?
Can someone create a superthread and have it stickied for all time so we can all refer to it in one link when normies say Q is all lies and never come true etc??
Pure speculation with an attempt to think ahead/like my enemy.
These sick clowns needed to put Biden in at any cost, they lost too much of the judiciary & needed to be able to replace some of the older deepest swamp with puppets.
Biden isn't president except on TV. This is an episode of west wing.
I agree & it looks like the Castle Rock set is the one used.
That said, is any activity going on in DC? Was Boden put in because he is too incompetent to realize where he is?
The public perception is that he is the POTUS.
oh yes, oh yessss
When does a bird sing?
Even though Q is real I don't think they've quite given up yet. Cabal wont go down without a fight.