???So we shut down our entire economy when 400,000 people died from Covid. But in 2019 one 400,000 children went missing and disappeared, we didn’t even hear about it on any news channels. Something is not right with that. Big time???
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More people die from abortions than COVID every single year, and we never shut down the country for those poor souls.
It's because they don't care about people. It's about how they can line their pockets while becoming more powerful.
they trade in fetal blood and body parts
they literally EAT aborted fetuses and put them in beauty products
Nearly a million Americans are murdered by abortion every year.
More die from abortions by an order of magnitude. That's even with all of the covid numbers being inflated 10-20x.
To make matters worse, a peer-reviewed study found that fewer than 10,000 people actually died from COVID. Link to study: https://jdfor2020.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/adf864_165a103206974fdbb14ada6bf8af1541.pdf
Link to article the study was in: https://100percentfedup.com/cdc-exposed-inflated-covid-deaths-by-1600-throughout-the-election-peer-reviewed-study-finds-brave-state-local-governments-must-act/
Closer to 10,000 using pre 3/2020 reporting criteria
I'm sorry I work in science but wtf is this. This is hardly a credible source, you can do better. This is not peer-reviewed science.
The CDC website itself released an article outlining the deaths from COVID alone versus comorbidities. It was less than 10k. I would need to find the study/link but I did post it to my social media at the time specifically saying this is a source straight from the very source the left trusts.
But didn't covid exacerbate those comorbidities?
No. They counted EVERY death as COVID:
-Heart Attack? COVID
-Aneurism? COVID
-Kidney Failures? COVID
-Old Age? COVID
-Cancer? COVID
-Car Crash? COVID
COVID is nothing more than the common cold....the sniffles. It's wearing the MASKS that exacerbate the sick germs of a cold or flu that trap them in your mouth, nose and lungs. This in turn exponentially maximizes bacterial growth that settles into the lungs. THAT causes Bacterial Pneumonia, which is highly deadly.
It was proven already that 86% of the people that got it were mask wearers...the other 14% were very old people with compromised immune systems to begin with.
Also, look up "Hypercapnia"...even if you dont get Bacterial Pneumonia because of a good immune system, it still can cause long term Health issues.
[They] knew this from the beginning. Think about how much money government could save in Health Care if you kill off a bunch of idiots making themselves sick and die, all under the guise of "keeping them safe"?
...and it worked...and still is...
Yeah that would be a better source.
"I work in science" sounds like something a person who isn't a scientist would say. Like, "I work in computers."
Its like saying “I work in IT.” Just used the broad term “science” because we were referring to peer reviewed science in general not specific to biology. Im a researcher with a masters in immunology specializing in autoimmune disorders.
Can you provide a better source of the same information
Sorry I didn’t have time was at work, the person above mentioned that you could go to the cdc website. Deaths with no comorbidity is around 10k. Comorbidity range is fairly broad.
man - wise up and stop posting BS
the missing persons reports are THE REPORTS filed in the year
after the drunk husband comes home, or little johnny who ran away for a day came back it's no longer a missing person any more is it !
if 450,000 kids were missing - that's nearly 1M parents - not to mention siblings, aunts and uncles etc that are missing their children out of let's say 200M parents in the US - don't you think you might be hearing a little something about that ?
this man right here is right,
the number of real missing children (reportedly) is not even in the 10s of thousands.
Oh is that all? Thank the Lord!
Makes you wonder why they deliberately obfuscate missing children with more common run-always, oh wait it’s because they want more missing permanently.
Yes! This is accurate. Also, if they change a report, or a person goes missing 2+ times in a year( not uncommon with trouble teens) it counts each report in the total. The vast majority of kids are taken by a family member.
They say 400K disappeared.
Wiseman above dares to ask how many reappeared?
Too be fair you can die from a car crash and they call it COVID so what's the difference
Last I heard even the CDC said only 9210 people died from covid. I guess we will really never know the real numbers, because the COUNTERS control the data. What happens when those counters are communists with " Ends justifies the Means " motto ? Can u think of anything else recently where " The Counters " have caused such chaos with their lies ?
Birx even said it herself " All deaths are covid deaths ". So it's even worse than OP's comparison, altho he's 100% right. However we do live in a luciferian world and they invert everything. That's why our world is ass backwards and upside down.
True, so most likely more children went missing than covid deaths... And the news hardly even mentioned them... the kids.
If by died from Covid you mean died from something else and called it Covid.
Yes, that too.
The Covid pandemic is a scam.
‘Since the coronavirus pandemic hit, the number of patients visiting emergency rooms nationwide has dropped by 40 to 50 percent, says William Jaquis, M.D., an emergency medicine physician in Aventura, Fla., and president of the American College of Emergency Physicians. ‘“We are afraid that patients could potentially die at home,” Jaquis warns. Older adults are especially at risk because they are more likely to have cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic medical conditions that make putting off emergency care especially risky, doctors say. ‘Dale Criner, M.D., an emergency room physician in Memphis, Tenn., says paramedics there are reporting an increase in the number of cardiac calls they've responded to where the patient died before they arrived. ‘“When they talk to the family, it turns out the patient had chest pain or shortness of breath for a few days but was too afraid to come to the hospital,” he says. “It's heartbreaking."’
This stuff is spreading to the UK as well. We have parmogate happening right now! First roarey the lion was busted and now this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/mark-page-radio-dj-court-19793605.amp
Sorry I only have a MSM link.
There is a cult running out of our football club and they are exchanging parmos for kids. Sick stuff. We need trump back in as he is the only one who can stop it. He was seen in South Bank a few years ago and his cover was that he wanted to open another luxury golf resort there but I'm sure that he was working to stop this stuff.
10 kids under 10 have gone missing in 2 months in my hometown with no leads. Just heard about this last night, thats insane and no ones actually talking about it. had trouble finding any talk this morning when I went to bring it up
This is not to mention the insanely inflated numbers that are being reported. Also all of the available meds that were pushed as ‘dangerous’ (namely Hydroxychloroquine and more recently Ivermectin). The numbers are a joke.
Looks like a lot of people are worried about missing child numbers here. Maybe we should more concerned with where they are than over the numbers. "Its all about the children."
Wanna know what will really blow your mind? They calculate COVID cases and deaths with the inclusion of ALL of the US territories, AND they count NYC separately as an individual entity.
. . especially when the coronavirus numbers are a LIE
400,000 didn't die from Covid. And if the Marxist MSM hadn't lied about HCQ even less people would have died.
We will never really know how many people actually died from covid. They used it to help them steal the election. Every death from covid or resulting from the lock downs has been caused by the Marxist lust for power.
Every drug OD. Every suicide every person who died from not being able to recieve elective surgeries. All of it caused by this Marxist coup. And now another fake impeachment attempt by people who should not only be impeached but jailed themselves.
Wait. Is that 400k world wide or 400k just in the USA???
Covid "exclusively" is an estimated 6% of of the reported 400K. Even 6% is suspect.
I'm talking about 400k abductions. Sorry should have been more clear. That's a shit-ton of people to be abducted in a country of less than 400 mil. It's literally one in every thousand people. Seems insanely high for one country.
400k abductions in just the USA in just one year? There is no way that's correct. That's one in every 1,000 people.
4% of 400,000.
I guess now that the adults numbers match the children’s numbers, we know what the children feel like every single year, don’t we? Now all of the sudden it matters.
Fuck, I didnt realize 400k kids missing in the US.
You Americans seriously need to up your game.
CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act By Patty McMurray Published February 9, 2021
Medical mistakes = 430,000 annually
Fortunately the numbers aren’t quite so dire: If you pull up the full document, you’ll see that those are the TOTAL number of REPORTS for the year, the vast majority of which are then closed, because the missing person is found (or returns) or the initial report is turns out to be erroneous. “Active” records at the end of the year—kids under 18 who still hadn’t been found—were about 30,600 as of the end of 2019, and presumably many of those were subsequently found. The top-line statistics don’t tell us how many of those missing kids are victims of serious crimes (and of course, even one is too many) versus teens who ran away and came back a week later.
Q helped awaken me to this global problem... is that such a bad thing?
Drug trafficking, enabled by governments worldwide, correct? Human/child trafficking, also enabled by governments worldwide? Is it really so hard to believe that government worldwide would be involved in both?
This says it all. Now that we're awake, time for it to stop.
Sick twisted bastards infiltrated every institution in our personal lives and government. They've forced twisted demonic destruction of our families and each of us as a person. The institutions need to be completely redone or demolished and STAFFED ONLY WITH PATRIOTS.
This number isn’t representative of what you think it is. Just like 95% of Amber Alerts are over custody disputes between patents (kids just aren’t getting legitimately kidnapped as much anymore).
We need to start demanding sources and context before getting too uppity about info that at first glance seems to confirms our suspicions or what we believe to be true. We end up discrediting the site and the movement when we don’t.
AND that number for Covid deaths is totally bogus. Probably half that.
Almost all of those 400k children came back home. It counts kids who run away in a temper tantrum, so quit spreading misleading news.
Why is this post still so high. We have context now. This now qualifies as massively misleading. Come on mods, at least bump it off the first page.
Thank you. I believe you are right. But please do us all a favor and cite that.
Everyone see this? Can we tank this post to oblivion now? Something tells me the cabal's pipeline of children is not a bunch of kidnapped American kids.
Yes, that's what i heard. A 17 year old run-away count's as missing. And parents taking their kids in a custody dispute also counts as abduction.