I most definitely am not a flat earther. I’m not one who believes every contrail is a chemtrail either. Nice try, troll. Nice diversion attempt from the fact you just posted screenshot evidence of how clueless you mods are with all your friendly fire, how you won’t own it, and for you even tried to flame this guy based on a lie.
Imagine being retarded enough to think my post about the universe being created by NYAN CAT wasn’t satire. Once again you demonstrate why we’re fortunate that you aren’t a Mod anymore.
Here’s a screenshot of my meme album dedicated to disproving Flat Earth by the way.
But if he wasn't a believer, and now he is, is that not the mission mods just wrote an entire paragraph about? Why shame someone for what they used to not believe? Unless he still doesn't believe and is just taking up space.
There was some shill I got into it with before inaug, kept saying Q was a larp and a "complete waste of time" but suddenly was trying to give new opinions on what certain Q posts meant. It wasn't even really an argument, just me asking "so you admit your past comments were wrong and you now support Q?" and he couldn't give a straight answer that wasn't a derailment "Dude, what are you talking about?" "Why are you being such a snowflake?" "I NEVER said that Q is a larp (deleted his old comments)" Then went straight back to TD to brag about how much he dislikes Qtards and such.
It reminds me of that mod on TD Reddit that was straight up a top user of TopMinds and ChapoTrapHouse and AHS and on the same account bragged about how much he had "those drumpfists fooled" but when anyone tried to say, hey this guy is a lefty shill they got banned because "Q sells tshirts" presumably by the same mod getting called out.
So while people can have a change of heart, we also have to be cautious and vigilant.
Why can I message other mods I have a discourse with and get a reply, but not you? I sent you a real message about a discussion we had. Then you ignored it and DID NOT reply. What sort of guardian are you?
His post stands regardless - I don’t really see this as a “gotcha” moment. I do look down upon derailing the energy or the beliefs here, don’t get me wrong.
But if a word on the internet causes someone so much anguish that it’s disallowed to be said, they need to seek help with their mental fortitude. People say the “N-WORD” to get a reaction out of people, when posts get stickied making a big deal about it and banning its usage, your just drawing attention to it and basically giving them exactly what they want, a reaction. Why can’t it just be ignored in the same fashion as someone typing literally anything off-topic, in bad taste or trolling/inciting?
As long as people continue to demonize words and try to erase them from existence, they will live on indefinitely and you’ve given away that it bothers you which just invites its usage even more. I’ll never accept any form of censorship because it’s self-defeating and actually has the opposite effect of what it’s stated intent is - reserved for those who only wish to wield some sort of empty authority over others. How people haven’t caught onto that i have no idea, .win communities are basically exactly that phenomena.
What's the point of using the n-word? Its a degenerate word that doesnt help at all with communicating our views. It derails the conversation and it helps create a divide between all of us. As a non-black minority if I hear you say the n-word it automatically makes me suspicious of you. The conversation should be geared around nationalist vs. globalist.
The desire to use the n-word is so short-sighted that it just makes me wonder if you're a shill.
This post is a great opportunity to talk about this .WIN's mission. As a member of the TDW .WIN community, we have a different Q focus than what it was on Voat or elsewhere. Our mission is to red-pill the normies. That's a different audience. Voat was a self-contained community where you could say whatever "the fuck" you wanted and any of whatever the most supposedly 'evil' codewords were just fine because everyone knew what they really meant. But we are a .WIN. Everyone's ID and PW work on all the .WINs. Normies from other .WINs could soon find themselves looking at our content. Sure, we're never going to treat them like idiots, but they're not as "advanced" into Q and the underlying issues as we are, and they need a bit more of a kid glove approach. Every post might be the only chance a normie gives us.
And there are some issues that are a huge turnoff to them, some of the, er, deeper conspiracy stuff (hence the "fringe conspiracies" sticky). There is a http://conspiracies.WIN for those. You won't be censored over there. But here, we will remain tightly focused on Q, and related habbenings, and the .WIN will be curated to reflect that.
Lastly, conduct. If you don't want a .WIN with basic participation standards, go elsewhere. This isn't censorship—it's taking out the TRASH. Posting this kind garbage, folks, will get you permanently invited to play elsewhere, and fast. The fact that this controversy all started with a sticky asking y'all to tone down all the obvious offensive language says everything anyone needs to know about this subject. WE are the guests. Normies coming here who are confused, seeking answers, and wondering what the hell is going on—that's who this .WIN is for. And this .WIN will continue to be curated to reflect that. KEEP IT CLASSY.
We're not the chans. We're not your moms. I'm leaving this post up, heck, I'll sticky it. We don't mind meta discussion about how our .WIN can evolve and improve, especially with the influx of new peeps who have their own passions and needs. But the mod team is not modding any differently than we have been during the past almost year we've been up. We want to accommodate you. Frankly, the board has really livened up with you guys here, and we're loving that. But, please say hello to the .WIN mission as laid out on the sidebar, because, as Q said, we have a mission. BE READY, because people are going to start freaking out when the events start coming fast. That's our mission.
This post is a great opportunity to once again state that the way you are handling this is in general terrible.
You guys conveniently ignore your own rules when it suits you and that's not cool.
For the fiftieth time in case you want to ree at me, I'm good with banning people for being egregious with that.
An unmoderated forum becomes Voat and that was a total cesspool.
But we don't need snarky posts attacking people, we don't need straw mans or ad hominems when we tell you we don't like it, and we don't need the attitude that you guys have shown.
I agreed with you on separating those conspiracy theories from this and relegating them to the conspiracy win. However, you broke the rules you set up for everyone else by calling everyone who believed in those "retards" -- I did not agree with that.
The post that sparked all this was a virtue signalling post that was poorly handled, attacking people in this community and trying to act like the people who were upset were the people doing it.
The mod hid behind statements of "I think they're shills", yet still continued in the comments section accusing other people of being the ones to do it.
When people bring how bad this is being handled up, yet another mod comes out and says "don't be dramatic" when it has totally distracted the community and created a divide that did not exist before the virtue signalling.
I will give you props for finally stickying something that isn't inflammatory towards users but I'm not sure the divide is going to be fixable if this behavior continues.
Please post this exact comment in the main stream? It's not visible to anyone here and it deserves to me. We can take the constructive criticism like this, ALL DAY, and we're grateful for it, and will be better.
EDIT, also, please know that we recently let a mod go, for, doing exactly this
Ah okay I saw Evspra stepped down from actual mod duties but retained it for site design access, so I was worried since I hadn't seen him really do anything relating to this.
I appreciate you taking my criticism in stride. Today has been very frustrating. I've been accused of things that I would never do just because I don't like how this has been handled, and I know it's been frustrating from your side too.
Absolutely, fren. I take your strong words as coming from a passionate place. I feel the same way. Being a mod can suuuuuck—everything you do gets questioned, and admitting a mistake opens the floodgates of bullshit. We'll do it anyway... make mistakes, admit them, grow. The mods have to shake it off, it's your job to shake it off, too. Let's help each other. Thanks again for your comments and for supporting the WIN's mission.
The fact that this controversy all started with a sticky asking y'all to tone down all the obvious offensive language says everything anyone needs to know about this subject.
I don't appreciate this continued misrepresentation of why people are upset. The controversy started because of the sudden announcement that one slur above all others was now forbidden with apparently no exceptions. Also, despite initially claiming that only shills were using said language, UhtredRagnarok proceeded to direct his warning at users in general with an accusatory and threatening tone (e.g. "I shouldn't have to say this," and "Stop it, or else"). When people then expressed concern that this could be the start of a slippery slope, many of his replies were dismissive, mocking, and unprofessional, which did nothing to inspire confidence and only served to fan the flames. To make matters worse, I've yet to see a single mod acknowledge this, instead opting to conduct themselves similarly and accuse other users of being racists or shills.
Regardless of the content of his message, UhtredRagnarok objectively handled the situation badly. He could've just alerted the community to the uptick in shill activity and that we should report anyone we see using the N-word, rather than insinuating that a significant number of legitimate users were using the word and threatening them with permanent bans. He also should've structured his replies to be less disparaging. Had either of these been done, this situation could've largely been avoided.
The only people dividing the site are people like you. I'm glad that they banned it. It's helping separate the wheat from the chaff. If not being able to use the word bothers you, I don't care to communicate with you anyhow.
I mean, it was already pretty much banned. We deported them anyway. Was their a need to paint our whole community as secret racist boogymen? If anything the shills will probably use their post as the gotcha. "see Q supporters are racists, they need to be told to keep it to themselves" I just seems to have caused more problems than it solved.
I think maybe bc there is an actual conspiracy.win board. Some are not Q involved and the rules seem to be to focus on Q and info that relates. When u deport a thread, even the options for the reason include the choice "not Q related". As far as the N word, allowing it just gives the mainstream more ammo agst us. In other words, stop bitchin shill.
This is a common shill complaint every time they get banned for the various stupid things they post - after which they always come crying to the forums with posts about "free speech".
Fortunately, the mods here at GA are good, and way too smart to fall for any of that crap.
use other boards that allow n-slur and other foul language.
I agree any language should be allowed so long as its not real world threats/talks of violence.
but theyre also not wrong that shills post to these boards posting any kind of hate. screen shot their posts and prop them up as examples of who we are.
its a tactic ive seen time and again and been in anti Q chats where they talk about doing this.
you'll get about all the same info on the different sites that have Q discussion. only difference is the language.
heres one board if you want to freely express your foul language.
At first I was like wtf would a mod sticky this. Than I read the first post. Thanks MOD... BTW Shills getting smarter they make some decent post at first than post hate and racists shit to make GA look like a bunch of racist.
Thanks for the support. It really increases the workload on us, not going to lie. We end up looking at everyone's history, etc., etc., and we make more mistakes. ATTACKS WILL INTENSIFY.
Doing a GREAT job, and so happy to see the post stickied, with the response below. Excellent approach, one that indicates a real absence of ego or power-tripping.
Side comment: On REDDIT GA, towards the end, mods started banning people who raised criticisms, instead of airing them and responding transparently. That kind of soured things towards the end, before we got purged.
Nice to meet you, and THANK YOU for all the work and sacrifice. r/GreatAwakening was a brilliant location, with excellent camaraderie, content and community, although it did sour somewhat towards the end (in my view).
It seems to me that all forums like this will devolve as they grow, become targeted, or expand.... unless certain actions and principles are upheld by mods.
Key is (A) having a Clear and well-defined purpose (objective) and then upholding it against 'all enemies, foreign and domestic'.
Today, we see the Communists and their puppets tearing the US constitution to shreds. Same thing. The constitution defines and encodes the objective (purpose) of the nation ("A more better union" by We, the People.
) and must be upheld.
Evil always attacks purpose, and seeks to pervert it, destroy it, and enslave for its own false purpose.
Next is (B): putting the purpose of the whole (defined by the constitution/rules) above the purpose of the individual is key. This means, mods have a responsibility to be as ego-free as possible, honest, transparent, etc. A mod really needs to be the model of a good citizen (member) and citizens need to understand the correct heart and character of a mod, even if they are not.
But I wax on. I'd be interested to hear your reflections, thoughts, and views re: r/greatawakening, as well as GAW too.
Good point about devolving. I've seen it happen to numerous blogs that just aren't around anymore. It always starts with getting off the original theme or focus.
Thank you so much for all the hard work. I don't like seeing that kind of language. It only seeks to further divide us by race which is just what the commies want. It adds nothing productive to the conversation as it's an insult based purely on a person's race and not based on their character or actual actions. That's just my two cents. I appreciate y'all taking the heat for this, but it makes me a little sick that people are making such a big deal about this.
Stop virtue signaling, you're going to run this board into the ground. People that you worked so hard to bring to this board supposedly, they will go somewhere else. People want boards that aren't ran by people with severe deep-state mental programming.
If the moderation team were trying to ban free speech, they would be actively trying to shutter other communities that allow certain words. They are not doing this. They actually encourage you to visit those communities if you don't feel like you can follow the house rules here. They are not doing it out of some sort of self-rightous sense of colour-guilt. They are trying to keep everyone here off of the goddamn front page of any of the lying fake news media's propandgist publications.
This whole n-word nontroversy is one giant-ass forum slide distracting people from educating others and waking them up to the deep-state corruption that they have been sleeping on for too long. If you want to piss in the pool, go use someone else's pool before you attract the health department to ours.
Mods are a breath of fresh air here compared to voat which had nothing to offer at the end but endless shills and garbage posts. Win reminds me of the old CBTS reddit board where discussions were had and information shared.
if you frequented voat/GreatAwakening, you'll know it was different to the other 2 larger Q channels. Fiercely admined, monitored, which built a reasonably good quality of content and a good signal to noise ratio. QRV was pretty bad, tho, and if that's what you are thinking about in your statement vis-a-vis "voat" then I agree with you.
Personally, I def agree with you about the mods here. PURPOSE must define the parameters, and u/catsfive communicates the purpose clearly and well.
When someone challenges the purpose and attempts to wedge in another definition for defining parameters, well, that's basically a communist / satanic tactic.
I'm not saying the OP is communist or satanic, but rather commenting on what the action, well intentioned or not, essentially is.
I will rarely participate in a site that permits racism. For one, its not biblical. There are no "races". Race is a term invented by Lucifer. Genesis 10 is the table of nations descended from the sons of Noah. There is only one race, the human race, divided into many nations.
Divide and conquer is the oldest tactic in the book. The Marxist have played this like pro's.
They have painted all conservatives as racist and it has served them well. I dont really believe it serves the patriot cause to prove them right. Anyone regardless of national origin creed or religion who supports our country should be welcomed to the cause and not slandered.
I challenge anyone to walk in the national military cemeteries and tell me what the color nationality and religion of the person buried there was. If it isn't already on the grave marker such as a star of David instead of a cross then how will you tell believer from atheist from white brown black?
I'm not sure what you are getting at. Dogs are animals. Man has since the beginning bred dogs for specific characteristics.
I suppose you could point out that slavery does the same thing. Or royalty. Selective breeding.
But human DNA is human DNA. Any human can mate with another human and produce another human. Genetic defects are present all across the human genetic spectrum.
Environmental pressures over time will affect DNA. it can take generations. But it does happen.
Today, the entire genome is altered. I myself would be dead already if it were not for modern medical science. People who would normally not survive live to reproduce.
It is no longer the survival of the fittest/strongest. It is survival of those who have access to the best tech.
In developing nations poverty disease lack of proper housing education food etc all eventually effect genetic/mental development.
Agree with everything that you have said, except the last line.
Why? The mod stickied this post, and responded below (catsfive). This is NOT blackhawkclowns site. As the mod explained, its actually here for the normies who will visit and learn.
Neither the creators, the curators nor the mods here want racism....
Thats very good to hear. My reply was to a general audience. Not anyone specific. A couple friends of mine keep trying to convince of the truth of Q.
To be honest I have my doubts. Places they keep telling me will convince me are normally full of hate and racism. Voat was pretty bad.
I got kicked of Facebook for posting about election fraud. I found a nice home at Parler but we all know what happened there. So a Q friend sent me a link to this site.
Just cruising around looking at this and that commenting here and there. There is some interesting stuff here.
Conservatives are being pushed off the web. These are dark times.
I saw all this coming many years ago. When the gay movement began in the 80's and so called staunch conservatives flipped to pro gay marriage over night i said watch. Normalization of pedophilia will be next. I said some day socialism will be a real threat in this country. Everybody laughed at me. Well here we are.
I am a perfect example of why the current policy is a solid choice.
I was a normie until rather recently. I was mostly conservative but liberal on a few issues. Then things stopped adding up for me. As I did a little research, I ended up on r/The_Donald. From there, watching the-place-that-shall-not-be-named scorn, censor, and denigrate Trump supporters, I really started opening my eyes. Once TDW (Patriots) opened up, I was all over that place like white on rice. That .WIN is what led me here, to the fine anons who support and research Q.
It was a gradual process. My perspective was a slow shift. I had to make sense of small nonsensical practices and philosophies which then opened my eyes to larger issues within the liberal mind set. From there, I was able to embrace my own mistakes & misconceptions and course correct - based on facts and research.
If I would have stumbled onto the wild west that is 4Chan in the beginning stages of my journey, I would almost certainly have turned away in disgust. And that would have been a huge loss to the Q movement. NOT BECAUSE I PERSONALLY AM SO WONDERFUL, but because we need each and every person on this planet who is capable of rational thought to understand the war at hand!
It serves no good purpose to alienate newcomers before they have had an opportunity to confront reality and to begin the fight for what is right and just.
Am I saying there is no place for deeper conspiracies or for a more rough and tumble environment? No. No, I am not. But this is not that place. This is the gateway to true understanding. If new visitors are overwhelmed by miscellaneous negativity muddying the message, they will turn away. The whole concept of Q is already enough for normies to contend with when it challenges the very foundation of what someone previously believed to be real.
If people want a more free-wheeling, rough around the edges, anything goes atmosphere in which to discuss all things Q, etc., then there are places to go to do that. Nobody is taking that away from anons. So why do you [general you] get to demand that a more measured introduction as is provided here be taken away from those who need it? This place serves a very necessary purpose. It shouldn't be diluted. It should stand as is.
Q tells us we must stay united to be powerful. We should heed that message.
I was about to recommend this site to a some people and now I cannot until all of this is fully resolved.
Much like you, I've been around.
I'm personally tired of being around undisciplined, erratic, hateful, paranoid, vicious and uncompassionate people who have decided it's their right to "do what thou wilt" everywhere at all times.
I've left many sites because of this and if the end goal was to have people roam the streets and internet "doing what thou wilt" everywhere at all times than I would be finished with it all because that sounds like hell on earth.
A controlled Totalitarian State vs. an Anarchist State are equally unappealing to me.
"At least Reddit didn’t pretend to be helping the community when they censored us"
Do you even Reddit, bro? All they do it frame censoring subs as helping the larger community.
If you've honestly noticed a difference in discussing Q related topics now you can't talk about flat earth or drop N-bombs, then there's something wrong with you.
I've not been able to actively mod the past couple of weeks for personal reasons, but I have been monitoring this drama over the past couple of days. I can confirm that nothing in the moderation style has changed. This is a public representation of the Great Awakening. We are much more accessible and open that any other place to discuss Q on the internet. As such, we have a responsibility to not only be right, but be seen to be right by those who come here looking for information.
There are a multitude of sounds that the human mouth can make, and just as many ways to mark a page. Free speech is nonsense in an abstract sense. We all self-censor our speech into intelligible words and language because being understood and heard is more important that excercising our freedom to express ourselves in any way we see fit. We have learned the lesson of the Tower of Babel. In the same vein, speech on this site is curated so that it is not just heard, but understood.
Ideology will fail you. It assumes a world where perfection is possible. We are not perfect. We hold "free speech" as an ideal but not one that consumes and defeats our true mission: to awaken the world.
(Reposted at catsfive's request in the main thread)
This post is a great opportunity to once again state that the way you are handling this is in general terrible.
You guys conveniently ignore your own rules when it suits you and that's not cool.
For the fiftieth time in case you want to ree at me, I'm good with banning people for being egregious with that.
An unmoderated forum becomes Voat and that was a total cesspool.
But we don't need snarky posts attacking people, we don't need straw mans or ad hominems when we tell you we don't like it, and we don't need the attitude that you guys have shown.
I agreed with you on separating those conspiracy theories from this and relegating them to the conspiracy win. However, you broke the rules you set up for everyone else by calling everyone who believed in those "retards" -- I did not agree with that.
The post that sparked all this was a virtue signalling post that was poorly handled, attacking people in this community and trying to act like the people who were upset were the people doing it.
The mod hid behind statements of "I think they're shills", yet still continued in the comments section accusing other people of being the ones to do it.
When people bring how bad this is being handled up, yet another mod comes out and says "don't be dramatic" when it has totally distracted the community and created a divide that did not exist before the virtue signalling.
I will give you props for finally stickying something that isn't inflammatory towards users but I'm not sure the divide is going to be fixable if this behavior continues.
Exactly! I believe in free speech and that I can say that word, but I'm not upset I can't say it here. I never could. But this leftist mod drama about this word, that you've been removing the whole time the site has existed, is just like the sleeper mods who ruin other alternative communities. If you have such distain upon the people you moderate, you need to fucking leave. We don't need passive aggressive liberals in positions of power, especially here.
This really helped me understand why it’s necessary to keep a tight ship conversationally on these boards. I respect the efforts of the mods. I also understand the frustration of those feeling censored, unfortunately I think we find ourselves in a position where who we walk next to and what they scream reflects on us, and matters. If the mods allow false and negative claims, division, bullying or slander for “freedom of speech sake” it degrades the sites ability to get Truth out to those willing and free to listen.
Respect for others is a healthy Biblical boundary to have.
Here we go. I wish I could sticky other people's comments.
One thing that I see all the time is that there's no "middle speed" to all this. With no moderation, the .WIN goes to shit quickly, and when we're moderating too tightly, things go, well, like this.
If you're capable of this kind of work (and it's MAGA solid) then why don't we deserve this kind of work from you all the time?
I don't know. Black people throw that word around constantly. Every rap song is loaded with it. They essentially took that word and repurposed it, denying its power by embracing it. Much like MAGA did with deplorable. Now white people are lining up to fall on their swords acting like that never happened. It's absurd. Saying the N Word just puts that word your head. We are giving this word more power than it has had in generations. I understand we don't want to look like a bunch of racists, but they'll call us racist regardless. We are playing their game by their rules. We aren't going to win.
I just wanna know how so many of y’all in the comments are talking about how sites shouldn’t permit racism (which they shouldn’t) but it’s okay to throw faggot into every every other sentence or word. Awfully contradictory, but ??
I can see both sides of the argument here really, but im gonna have to give it to the mods. The board does have a stated purpose and why the actual f is the N-word coming up in ANY context in a board about Q???
I agree with the OP completely. Mods make rules about sticking to Q then break them with their own stickies. Plus all of the "post it in comspiracies.win" BS. The rules here are completely diven by the left. Too many rules for thee but not for me.
Anymore I just scan posts and ignore comments, because the hypocrisy has attracted too many rude people in the comments as a result of this culture fostered by the mods.
Agreed. Mods don’t need to really monitor content so long as the votes are legal. If someone is manipulating votes then it’s fair to moderate, but we get to upvote posts we like. If this community decides it likes a particular post, be it flat earth posts or posts with scary words in it, then who are the moderators really to say that post isn’t allowed. Although it is nice to keep the feed relatively clean.
Personally, I don’t post things about flat earth or the N word, so it doesn’t effect me. But I don’t like censorship. We’re in this whole mess mostly because of secrecy and censorship.
"If this community decides it likes a particular post, be it flat earth posts or posts with scary words in it, then who are the moderators really to say that post isn’t allowed."
I meant you don't let the mob run the most important patriot forum on the internet.
Choosing the format and rules of the forum and gently enforcing them is one of the most important things the Mods do for us. If done well, the forum survives and grows.
Can’t we all just get along??? We are all on the same side, except for the shills. Being civil is an evolution of society, not censorship. I don’t curse around my mother and I swear like a sailor normally. Is it so hard to adapt for your audience? Let’s not use freedom of speech to argue for the right to use all words in any context, rather it’s the idea behind the words that needs a right. Grow up and get with the plan.
I came here to learn more about Q. NOT to listen to racist diatribe or totally unrelated topics. Lately that purpose has been LOST to this garbage and I've personally been distracted from my real intention of coming here in the first place.
I find those who argue for ultimate, unfettered Free Speech, everywhere and at all times, are nothing but "Do what thou wilt" cultists.
I AM unequivocally for Free Speech and would recommend that anyone who has that desire to set up a /FreeSpeech.Win community for THAT purpose and general discussion, unfiltered.
There can be a .Win for all of our wants and purposes.
I trust the plan.
I began with TCBS
Then reddit the great awakening.
Then voat.
Then here.
Then ?
But i think the n world does not help the cause.
The normies hate the n world and why not?
I don't like this world but I'm french so I DONT CARE OF YOUR BORING DEBATE^^
He walks among us now! Hope you are happier just being a regular anon. Cheers
Thanks for taking those slings and arrows for us. Good luck with school brotha
Flat Earth is the most obvious fake conspiracy theory.
It is only used to discredit other conspiracy theories. That's why you see people bring it up so often.
I most definitely am not a flat earther. I’m not one who believes every contrail is a chemtrail either. Nice try, troll. Nice diversion attempt from the fact you just posted screenshot evidence of how clueless you mods are with all your friendly fire, how you won’t own it, and for you even tried to flame this guy based on a lie.
Imagine being retarded enough to think my post about the universe being created by NYAN CAT wasn’t satire. Once again you demonstrate why we’re fortunate that you aren’t a Mod anymore.
Here’s a screenshot of my meme album dedicated to disproving Flat Earth by the way. https://maga.win/oRUuE
The difference is significant.
"The Left" does it to score group or personal Social cred to seem smarter than they are.
"We" do it to hold people accountable to potential bullshit they may be peddling with no fucks at all about social cred. It's about truth and facts.
But if he wasn't a believer, and now he is, is that not the mission mods just wrote an entire paragraph about? Why shame someone for what they used to not believe? Unless he still doesn't believe and is just taking up space.
There was some shill I got into it with before inaug, kept saying Q was a larp and a "complete waste of time" but suddenly was trying to give new opinions on what certain Q posts meant. It wasn't even really an argument, just me asking "so you admit your past comments were wrong and you now support Q?" and he couldn't give a straight answer that wasn't a derailment "Dude, what are you talking about?" "Why are you being such a snowflake?" "I NEVER said that Q is a larp (deleted his old comments)" Then went straight back to TD to brag about how much he dislikes Qtards and such.
It reminds me of that mod on TD Reddit that was straight up a top user of TopMinds and ChapoTrapHouse and AHS and on the same account bragged about how much he had "those drumpfists fooled" but when anyone tried to say, hey this guy is a lefty shill they got banned because "Q sells tshirts" presumably by the same mod getting called out.
So while people can have a change of heart, we also have to be cautious and vigilant.
Guardians of the KEK
Why can I message other mods I have a discourse with and get a reply, but not you? I sent you a real message about a discussion we had. Then you ignored it and DID NOT reply. What sort of guardian are you?
not even a reply to this?
You should have been a mod :)
no one survives the "this u?"
His post stands regardless - I don’t really see this as a “gotcha” moment. I do look down upon derailing the energy or the beliefs here, don’t get me wrong. But if a word on the internet causes someone so much anguish that it’s disallowed to be said, they need to seek help with their mental fortitude. People say the “N-WORD” to get a reaction out of people, when posts get stickied making a big deal about it and banning its usage, your just drawing attention to it and basically giving them exactly what they want, a reaction. Why can’t it just be ignored in the same fashion as someone typing literally anything off-topic, in bad taste or trolling/inciting? As long as people continue to demonize words and try to erase them from existence, they will live on indefinitely and you’ve given away that it bothers you which just invites its usage even more. I’ll never accept any form of censorship because it’s self-defeating and actually has the opposite effect of what it’s stated intent is - reserved for those who only wish to wield some sort of empty authority over others. How people haven’t caught onto that i have no idea, .win communities are basically exactly that phenomena.
What's the point of using the n-word? Its a degenerate word that doesnt help at all with communicating our views. It derails the conversation and it helps create a divide between all of us. As a non-black minority if I hear you say the n-word it automatically makes me suspicious of you. The conversation should be geared around nationalist vs. globalist.
The desire to use the n-word is so short-sighted that it just makes me wonder if you're a shill.
This post is a great opportunity to talk about this .WIN's mission. As a member of the TDW .WIN community, we have a different Q focus than what it was on Voat or elsewhere. Our mission is to red-pill the normies. That's a different audience. Voat was a self-contained community where you could say whatever "the fuck" you wanted and any of whatever the most supposedly 'evil' codewords were just fine because everyone knew what they really meant. But we are a .WIN. Everyone's ID and PW work on all the .WINs. Normies from other .WINs could soon find themselves looking at our content. Sure, we're never going to treat them like idiots, but they're not as "advanced" into Q and the underlying issues as we are, and they need a bit more of a kid glove approach. Every post might be the only chance a normie gives us.
And there are some issues that are a huge turnoff to them, some of the, er, deeper conspiracy stuff (hence the "fringe conspiracies" sticky). There is a http://conspiracies.WIN for those. You won't be censored over there. But here, we will remain tightly focused on Q, and related habbenings, and the .WIN will be curated to reflect that.
Lastly, conduct. If you don't want a .WIN with basic participation standards, go elsewhere. This isn't censorship—it's taking out the TRASH. Posting this kind garbage, folks, will get you permanently invited to play elsewhere, and fast. The fact that this controversy all started with a sticky asking y'all to tone down all the obvious offensive language says everything anyone needs to know about this subject. WE are the guests. Normies coming here who are confused, seeking answers, and wondering what the hell is going on—that's who this .WIN is for. And this .WIN will continue to be curated to reflect that. KEEP IT CLASSY.
We're not the chans. We're not your moms. I'm leaving this post up, heck, I'll sticky it. We don't mind meta discussion about how our .WIN can evolve and improve, especially with the influx of new peeps who have their own passions and needs. But the mod team is not modding any differently than we have been during the past almost year we've been up. We want to accommodate you. Frankly, the board has really livened up with you guys here, and we're loving that. But, please say hello to the .WIN mission as laid out on the sidebar, because, as Q said, we have a mission. BE READY, because people are going to start freaking out when the events start coming fast. That's our mission.
This post is a great opportunity to once again state that the way you are handling this is in general terrible.
You guys conveniently ignore your own rules when it suits you and that's not cool.
For the fiftieth time in case you want to ree at me, I'm good with banning people for being egregious with that.
An unmoderated forum becomes Voat and that was a total cesspool.
But we don't need snarky posts attacking people, we don't need straw mans or ad hominems when we tell you we don't like it, and we don't need the attitude that you guys have shown.
I agreed with you on separating those conspiracy theories from this and relegating them to the conspiracy win. However, you broke the rules you set up for everyone else by calling everyone who believed in those "retards" -- I did not agree with that.
The post that sparked all this was a virtue signalling post that was poorly handled, attacking people in this community and trying to act like the people who were upset were the people doing it.
The mod hid behind statements of "I think they're shills", yet still continued in the comments section accusing other people of being the ones to do it.
When people bring how bad this is being handled up, yet another mod comes out and says "don't be dramatic" when it has totally distracted the community and created a divide that did not exist before the virtue signalling.
I will give you props for finally stickying something that isn't inflammatory towards users but I'm not sure the divide is going to be fixable if this behavior continues.
Please post this exact comment in the main stream? It's not visible to anyone here and it deserves to me. We can take the constructive criticism like this, ALL DAY, and we're grateful for it, and will be better.
EDIT, also, please know that we recently let a mod go, for, doing exactly this
Wait, was Evspra who was let go? Ahhhhhh
No, a different mod. Evspra is still on the mods list --------->
Ah okay I saw Evspra stepped down from actual mod duties but retained it for site design access, so I was worried since I hadn't seen him really do anything relating to this.
I appreciate you taking my criticism in stride. Today has been very frustrating. I've been accused of things that I would never do just because I don't like how this has been handled, and I know it's been frustrating from your side too.
Absolutely, fren. I take your strong words as coming from a passionate place. I feel the same way. Being a mod can suuuuuck—everything you do gets questioned, and admitting a mistake opens the floodgates of bullshit. We'll do it anyway... make mistakes, admit them, grow. The mods have to shake it off, it's your job to shake it off, too. Let's help each other. Thanks again for your comments and for supporting the WIN's mission.
Consider it shook, I'd definitely like to be refocused back on stuff that matters!
Well put!
Thanks mate
I don't appreciate this continued misrepresentation of why people are upset. The controversy started because of the sudden announcement that one slur above all others was now forbidden with apparently no exceptions. Also, despite initially claiming that only shills were using said language, UhtredRagnarok proceeded to direct his warning at users in general with an accusatory and threatening tone (e.g. "I shouldn't have to say this," and "Stop it, or else"). When people then expressed concern that this could be the start of a slippery slope, many of his replies were dismissive, mocking, and unprofessional, which did nothing to inspire confidence and only served to fan the flames. To make matters worse, I've yet to see a single mod acknowledge this, instead opting to conduct themselves similarly and accuse other users of being racists or shills.
Regardless of the content of his message, UhtredRagnarok objectively handled the situation badly. He could've just alerted the community to the uptick in shill activity and that we should report anyone we see using the N-word, rather than insinuating that a significant number of legitimate users were using the word and threatening them with permanent bans. He also should've structured his replies to be less disparaging. Had either of these been done, this situation could've largely been avoided.
Can I use the N word if I’m quoting Joe Biden?
The only people dividing the site are people like you. I'm glad that they banned it. It's helping separate the wheat from the chaff. If not being able to use the word bothers you, I don't care to communicate with you anyhow.
I mean, it was already pretty much banned. We deported them anyway. Was their a need to paint our whole community as secret racist boogymen? If anything the shills will probably use their post as the gotcha. "see Q supporters are racists, they need to be told to keep it to themselves" I just seems to have caused more problems than it solved.
Exactly. I never noticed it till the brought it to light.
Theres a lot of people who want to make this 4chan. Thanks mods!!!
There's a lot of people who are, in real life, the obnoxious channers. They deserve their own space but they derail other conversations.
I think maybe bc there is an actual conspiracy.win board. Some are not Q involved and the rules seem to be to focus on Q and info that relates. When u deport a thread, even the options for the reason include the choice "not Q related". As far as the N word, allowing it just gives the mainstream more ammo agst us. In other words, stop bitchin shill.
Nice try shill. If you wanna be racist do it on 4chan
This is a common shill complaint every time they get banned for the various stupid things they post - after which they always come crying to the forums with posts about "free speech".
Fortunately, the mods here at GA are good, and way too smart to fall for any of that crap.
What have the mods done to restrict your discussions of Q? Based on your submission history, I'd say nothing.
Virtue signalled their way into a massive divisive distraction
Your other comment was better
Indeed, very thorough, well-expressed, and exactly how I feel on the matter. This one I would describe as succinct.
It was more detailed about the dynamics and presentation, but I have to say the summary statement has the basics.
use other boards that allow n-slur and other foul language.
I agree any language should be allowed so long as its not real world threats/talks of violence.
but theyre also not wrong that shills post to these boards posting any kind of hate. screen shot their posts and prop them up as examples of who we are.
its a tactic ive seen time and again and been in anti Q chats where they talk about doing this.
you'll get about all the same info on the different sites that have Q discussion. only difference is the language.
heres one board if you want to freely express your foul language.
At first I was like wtf would a mod sticky this. Than I read the first post. Thanks MOD... BTW Shills getting smarter they make some decent post at first than post hate and racists shit to make GA look like a bunch of racist.
Thanks for the support. It really increases the workload on us, not going to lie. We end up looking at everyone's history, etc., etc., and we make more mistakes. ATTACKS WILL INTENSIFY.
Doing a GREAT job, and so happy to see the post stickied, with the response below. Excellent approach, one that indicates a real absence of ego or power-tripping.
Side comment: On REDDIT GA, towards the end, mods started banning people who raised criticisms, instead of airing them and responding transparently. That kind of soured things towards the end, before we got purged.
PS. Any idea how many subscribers are there here?
Nice to meet you, and THANK YOU for all the work and sacrifice. r/GreatAwakening was a brilliant location, with excellent camaraderie, content and community, although it did sour somewhat towards the end (in my view).
It seems to me that all forums like this will devolve as they grow, become targeted, or expand.... unless certain actions and principles are upheld by mods.
Key is (A) having a Clear and well-defined purpose (objective) and then upholding it against 'all enemies, foreign and domestic'.
Today, we see the Communists and their puppets tearing the US constitution to shreds. Same thing. The constitution defines and encodes the objective (purpose) of the nation ("A more better union" by We, the People. ) and must be upheld.
Evil always attacks purpose, and seeks to pervert it, destroy it, and enslave for its own false purpose.
Next is (B): putting the purpose of the whole (defined by the constitution/rules) above the purpose of the individual is key. This means, mods have a responsibility to be as ego-free as possible, honest, transparent, etc. A mod really needs to be the model of a good citizen (member) and citizens need to understand the correct heart and character of a mod, even if they are not.
But I wax on. I'd be interested to hear your reflections, thoughts, and views re: r/greatawakening, as well as GAW too.
Good point about devolving. I've seen it happen to numerous blogs that just aren't around anymore. It always starts with getting off the original theme or focus.
Thank you so much for all the hard work. I don't like seeing that kind of language. It only seeks to further divide us by race which is just what the commies want. It adds nothing productive to the conversation as it's an insult based purely on a person's race and not based on their character or actual actions. That's just my two cents. I appreciate y'all taking the heat for this, but it makes me a little sick that people are making such a big deal about this.
Yep, they're shills. And some are probably getting paid for it.
Stop virtue signaling, you're going to run this board into the ground. People that you worked so hard to bring to this board supposedly, they will go somewhere else. People want boards that aren't ran by people with severe deep-state mental programming.
Indeed. If things don't improve, I guarantee that many will look for another site.
If the moderation team were trying to ban free speech, they would be actively trying to shutter other communities that allow certain words. They are not doing this. They actually encourage you to visit those communities if you don't feel like you can follow the house rules here. They are not doing it out of some sort of self-rightous sense of colour-guilt. They are trying to keep everyone here off of the goddamn front page of any of the lying fake news media's propandgist publications.
This whole n-word nontroversy is one giant-ass forum slide distracting people from educating others and waking them up to the deep-state corruption that they have been sleeping on for too long. If you want to piss in the pool, go use someone else's pool before you attract the health department to ours.
Mods are a breath of fresh air here compared to voat which had nothing to offer at the end but endless shills and garbage posts. Win reminds me of the old CBTS reddit board where discussions were had and information shared.
if you frequented voat/GreatAwakening, you'll know it was different to the other 2 larger Q channels. Fiercely admined, monitored, which built a reasonably good quality of content and a good signal to noise ratio. QRV was pretty bad, tho, and if that's what you are thinking about in your statement vis-a-vis "voat" then I agree with you.
Personally, I def agree with you about the mods here. PURPOSE must define the parameters, and u/catsfive communicates the purpose clearly and well.
When someone challenges the purpose and attempts to wedge in another definition for defining parameters, well, that's basically a communist / satanic tactic.
I'm not saying the OP is communist or satanic, but rather commenting on what the action, well intentioned or not, essentially is.
Just my 2 cents.
I will rarely participate in a site that permits racism. For one, its not biblical. There are no "races". Race is a term invented by Lucifer. Genesis 10 is the table of nations descended from the sons of Noah. There is only one race, the human race, divided into many nations.
Divide and conquer is the oldest tactic in the book. The Marxist have played this like pro's.
They have painted all conservatives as racist and it has served them well. I dont really believe it serves the patriot cause to prove them right. Anyone regardless of national origin creed or religion who supports our country should be welcomed to the cause and not slandered.
I challenge anyone to walk in the national military cemeteries and tell me what the color nationality and religion of the person buried there was. If it isn't already on the grave marker such as a star of David instead of a cross then how will you tell believer from atheist from white brown black?
But its your site. If you want racism have at it.
Are there various dog breeds? With various inherent abilities?
I'm not sure what you are getting at. Dogs are animals. Man has since the beginning bred dogs for specific characteristics.
I suppose you could point out that slavery does the same thing. Or royalty. Selective breeding.
But human DNA is human DNA. Any human can mate with another human and produce another human. Genetic defects are present all across the human genetic spectrum.
Environmental pressures over time will affect DNA. it can take generations. But it does happen.
Today, the entire genome is altered. I myself would be dead already if it were not for modern medical science. People who would normally not survive live to reproduce.
It is no longer the survival of the fittest/strongest. It is survival of those who have access to the best tech.
In developing nations poverty disease lack of proper housing education food etc all eventually effect genetic/mental development.
Can all dogs be walking dogs?
Are some breeds inherently more aggressive than others?
Agree with everything that you have said, except the last line.
Why? The mod stickied this post, and responded below (catsfive). This is NOT blackhawkclowns site. As the mod explained, its actually here for the normies who will visit and learn.
Neither the creators, the curators nor the mods here want racism....
Thats very good to hear. My reply was to a general audience. Not anyone specific. A couple friends of mine keep trying to convince of the truth of Q.
To be honest I have my doubts. Places they keep telling me will convince me are normally full of hate and racism. Voat was pretty bad.
I got kicked of Facebook for posting about election fraud. I found a nice home at Parler but we all know what happened there. So a Q friend sent me a link to this site.
Just cruising around looking at this and that commenting here and there. There is some interesting stuff here.
Conservatives are being pushed off the web. These are dark times.
I saw all this coming many years ago. When the gay movement began in the 80's and so called staunch conservatives flipped to pro gay marriage over night i said watch. Normalization of pedophilia will be next. I said some day socialism will be a real threat in this country. Everybody laughed at me. Well here we are.
Welcome. You will find that there is a healthy amount of skepticism and hopium to go around. We are all just praying for justice to be served
I disagree with OP.
Stop trying to shit on the street.
Concern fag.
I feel everyone here knows what this message board is for, your trying to sow division with this post.
I am a perfect example of why the current policy is a solid choice.
I was a normie until rather recently. I was mostly conservative but liberal on a few issues. Then things stopped adding up for me. As I did a little research, I ended up on r/The_Donald. From there, watching the-place-that-shall-not-be-named scorn, censor, and denigrate Trump supporters, I really started opening my eyes. Once TDW (Patriots) opened up, I was all over that place like white on rice. That .WIN is what led me here, to the fine anons who support and research Q.
It was a gradual process. My perspective was a slow shift. I had to make sense of small nonsensical practices and philosophies which then opened my eyes to larger issues within the liberal mind set. From there, I was able to embrace my own mistakes & misconceptions and course correct - based on facts and research.
If I would have stumbled onto the wild west that is 4Chan in the beginning stages of my journey, I would almost certainly have turned away in disgust. And that would have been a huge loss to the Q movement. NOT BECAUSE I PERSONALLY AM SO WONDERFUL, but because we need each and every person on this planet who is capable of rational thought to understand the war at hand!
It serves no good purpose to alienate newcomers before they have had an opportunity to confront reality and to begin the fight for what is right and just.
Am I saying there is no place for deeper conspiracies or for a more rough and tumble environment? No. No, I am not. But this is not that place. This is the gateway to true understanding. If new visitors are overwhelmed by miscellaneous negativity muddying the message, they will turn away. The whole concept of Q is already enough for normies to contend with when it challenges the very foundation of what someone previously believed to be real.
If people want a more free-wheeling, rough around the edges, anything goes atmosphere in which to discuss all things Q, etc., then there are places to go to do that. Nobody is taking that away from anons. So why do you [general you] get to demand that a more measured introduction as is provided here be taken away from those who need it? This place serves a very necessary purpose. It shouldn't be diluted. It should stand as is.
Q tells us we must stay united to be powerful. We should heed that message.
I was about to recommend this site to a some people and now I cannot until all of this is fully resolved.
Much like you, I've been around.
I'm personally tired of being around undisciplined, erratic, hateful, paranoid, vicious and uncompassionate people who have decided it's their right to "do what thou wilt" everywhere at all times.
I've left many sites because of this and if the end goal was to have people roam the streets and internet "doing what thou wilt" everywhere at all times than I would be finished with it all because that sounds like hell on earth.
A controlled Totalitarian State vs. an Anarchist State are equally unappealing to me.
Cheers mate ?
Do you even Reddit, bro? All they do it frame censoring subs as helping the larger community.
If you've honestly noticed a difference in discussing Q related topics now you can't talk about flat earth or drop N-bombs, then there's something wrong with you.
I've not been able to actively mod the past couple of weeks for personal reasons, but I have been monitoring this drama over the past couple of days. I can confirm that nothing in the moderation style has changed. This is a public representation of the Great Awakening. We are much more accessible and open that any other place to discuss Q on the internet. As such, we have a responsibility to not only be right, but be seen to be right by those who come here looking for information.
There are a multitude of sounds that the human mouth can make, and just as many ways to mark a page. Free speech is nonsense in an abstract sense. We all self-censor our speech into intelligible words and language because being understood and heard is more important that excercising our freedom to express ourselves in any way we see fit. We have learned the lesson of the Tower of Babel. In the same vein, speech on this site is curated so that it is not just heard, but understood.
Ideology will fail you. It assumes a world where perfection is possible. We are not perfect. We hold "free speech" as an ideal but not one that consumes and defeats our true mission: to awaken the world.
(Reposted at catsfive's request in the main thread)
This post is a great opportunity to once again state that the way you are handling this is in general terrible.
You guys conveniently ignore your own rules when it suits you and that's not cool.
For the fiftieth time in case you want to ree at me, I'm good with banning people for being egregious with that.
An unmoderated forum becomes Voat and that was a total cesspool.
But we don't need snarky posts attacking people, we don't need straw mans or ad hominems when we tell you we don't like it, and we don't need the attitude that you guys have shown.
I agreed with you on separating those conspiracy theories from this and relegating them to the conspiracy win. However, you broke the rules you set up for everyone else by calling everyone who believed in those "retards" -- I did not agree with that.
The post that sparked all this was a virtue signalling post that was poorly handled, attacking people in this community and trying to act like the people who were upset were the people doing it.
The mod hid behind statements of "I think they're shills", yet still continued in the comments section accusing other people of being the ones to do it.
When people bring how bad this is being handled up, yet another mod comes out and says "don't be dramatic" when it has totally distracted the community and created a divide that did not exist before the virtue signalling.
I will give you props for finally stickying something that isn't inflammatory towards users but I'm not sure the divide is going to be fixable if this behavior continues.
If this doesn't get resolved, there's going to be another fucking board made 100%. We don't want power tripping leftist mods HERE of all places
Catsfive reacted positively to my criticism. I believe that the point has been made. Bridging the gap isn't going to be easy though.
Most people weren't upset about the banning of the word -- we already knew it was against the rules.
We are just frustrated with the virtue signalling and how it was handled.
Exactly! I believe in free speech and that I can say that word, but I'm not upset I can't say it here. I never could. But this leftist mod drama about this word, that you've been removing the whole time the site has existed, is just like the sleeper mods who ruin other alternative communities. If you have such distain upon the people you moderate, you need to fucking leave. We don't need passive aggressive liberals in positions of power, especially here.
About the shills from td.wn mods. Why changing the subject is an issue etc. good for understanding tactics.
This really helped me understand why it’s necessary to keep a tight ship conversationally on these boards. I respect the efforts of the mods. I also understand the frustration of those feeling censored, unfortunately I think we find ourselves in a position where who we walk next to and what they scream reflects on us, and matters. If the mods allow false and negative claims, division, bullying or slander for “freedom of speech sake” it degrades the sites ability to get Truth out to those willing and free to listen. Respect for others is a healthy Biblical boundary to have.
I was hoping someone would post that link. All your answers are there.
No they haven't. Go away.
Here we go. I wish I could sticky other people's comments.
One thing that I see all the time is that there's no "middle speed" to all this. With no moderation, the .WIN goes to shit quickly, and when we're moderating too tightly, things go, well, like this.
If you're capable of this kind of work (and it's MAGA solid) then why don't we deserve this kind of work from you all the time?
I don't know. Black people throw that word around constantly. Every rap song is loaded with it. They essentially took that word and repurposed it, denying its power by embracing it. Much like MAGA did with deplorable. Now white people are lining up to fall on their swords acting like that never happened. It's absurd. Saying the N Word just puts that word your head. We are giving this word more power than it has had in generations. I understand we don't want to look like a bunch of racists, but they'll call us racist regardless. We are playing their game by their rules. We aren't going to win.
This is a Q board
Not breaking news
Not general politics
Not general conspiracy
Not td2
if you dont like it leave
I just wanna know how so many of y’all in the comments are talking about how sites shouldn’t permit racism (which they shouldn’t) but it’s okay to throw faggot into every every other sentence or word. Awfully contradictory, but ??
First it’ll be the N word, then it’ll be words like faggot and tranny.
Did these mods come from Reddit?
Unless someone is just blatantly being racist I don’t see the point in banning people just for saying a word.
But dropping the ol Nincompoop is "stifling conversation". How are we to navigate these heavily modded waters!!
I can see both sides of the argument here really, but im gonna have to give it to the mods. The board does have a stated purpose and why the actual f is the N-word coming up in ANY context in a board about Q???
They're finding weaknesses in order to destroy this board, and many here are gobbling up the bait hungrily.
Don't feed the trolls. Do you notice the massive word count in this useless thread?
Maybe they’re quoting Joe Biden
lmao this is true
I agree with the OP completely. Mods make rules about sticking to Q then break them with their own stickies. Plus all of the "post it in comspiracies.win" BS. The rules here are completely diven by the left. Too many rules for thee but not for me.
Anymore I just scan posts and ignore comments, because the hypocrisy has attracted too many rude people in the comments as a result of this culture fostered by the mods.
Agreed. Mods don’t need to really monitor content so long as the votes are legal. If someone is manipulating votes then it’s fair to moderate, but we get to upvote posts we like. If this community decides it likes a particular post, be it flat earth posts or posts with scary words in it, then who are the moderators really to say that post isn’t allowed. Although it is nice to keep the feed relatively clean.
Personally, I don’t post things about flat earth or the N word, so it doesn’t effect me. But I don’t like censorship. We’re in this whole mess mostly because of secrecy and censorship.
Don't let the mob run the store.
This isnt a store. Its a speech platform.
"If this community decides it likes a particular post, be it flat earth posts or posts with scary words in it, then who are the moderators really to say that post isn’t allowed."
I meant you don't let the mob run the most important patriot forum on the internet.
Choosing the format and rules of the forum and gently enforcing them is one of the most important things the Mods do for us. If done well, the forum survives and grows.
This isn't a free speech forum. It's a Q rally.
Enemies of Q must absolutely be banned. You don't let the enemy into your strategy room. You don't let the enemy shape strategy.
Can’t we all just get along??? We are all on the same side, except for the shills. Being civil is an evolution of society, not censorship. I don’t curse around my mother and I swear like a sailor normally. Is it so hard to adapt for your audience? Let’s not use freedom of speech to argue for the right to use all words in any context, rather it’s the idea behind the words that needs a right. Grow up and get with the plan.
I see no value in using the N word because it's not productive.
But there's a fine line between controlled speech and free speech.
OP's post is complete bullshit.
Billionaire can throw pocket change to hire consensus crackers to come in here and make Q followers look like a bunch of Nazis.
Every other post could be "Hitler did nothing wrong" and disparaging minorities.
Learn the difference between CENSORSHIP and NOT RELEVANT.
If you go to a knitting forum to post about drag racing, you're doing it wrong.
If you go to a knitting forum to convince everyone how shitty the hobby of knitting is, you're doing it wrong.
Would you cry "muh free speech" when you're banned in said circumstances? Nobody gives a shit.
Nazis and "white nationalists" who object to being called Nazis can GTFO.
I came here to learn more about Q. NOT to listen to racist diatribe or totally unrelated topics. Lately that purpose has been LOST to this garbage and I've personally been distracted from my real intention of coming here in the first place.
I find those who argue for ultimate, unfettered Free Speech, everywhere and at all times, are nothing but "Do what thou wilt" cultists.
I AM unequivocally for Free Speech and would recommend that anyone who has that desire to set up a /FreeSpeech.Win community for THAT purpose and general discussion, unfiltered.
There can be a .Win for all of our wants and purposes.
Cheers and my thanks to the Mods.
I trust the plan. I began with TCBS Then reddit the great awakening. Then voat. Then here. Then ?
But i think the n world does not help the cause. The normies hate the n world and why not? I don't like this world but I'm french so I DONT CARE OF YOUR BORING DEBATE^^