You know, just a few weeks a guy made a joke like this in one of the pedo-takedown threads and everyone went bananas about how he shouldn't make jokes about pedophilia.
Jeez these coincidences are insane! I know Q said there are no coincidence's, but wtf where does logic and reasoning come in? 1/2 the coincidences must be bull when using logic... But what half? Maybe this is why it had to be this way... You can't tell the enemy.. blah blah blah
Wow I didn't take the two seconds to do the math, but judging on the up vote your vetted and trusted. In the end its just another date fag...Or a coincidence that we all overlooked? Great Dig!
Nope thats tomorrow, however I and glad you reminded me of this, because it strengthens my 1,2,3 year delta thread that points to TOMORROW being the day of days and possibly some kind of PEAS testing today. Did you make sure the calculator considers a leap year? In theory, of course it does! But people who program these things make mistakes, so...
I see no one questioning whether this could've been an arkancide. Perhaps he was going to talk. These types of people are connected to others like themselves.
I was about to suggest this but glad someone else brought it up besides me. It is quite possible they got to him first before he could talk like they have done others in an attempt to desperately cover their tracks
It’s certainly possible. I mean when I first heard the news about it the first thing that jumped to my mind was that the cabal took him out. When I learned he was hospitalized and didn’t die I noticed that all the news coverage was using language that insinuates that he was dead already and had an illustrious career that we would miss. It could have been just because it’s black history month but it sounded weird.
I believe you're correct that this is intentional sarcasm but it is phrased as a question since people's behavior is not always predictable. Q could be saying that at this point it is possible that we might see suicides of famous/powerful people. Their behavior here is assumed but not guaranteed. They proven they are truly insane so some might fight to the death even though it is a losing battle, so suicide may not happen.
There is a theory that Trump is a time traveler and/or the Q team uses a quantum computer from operation through the looking glass which can simulate all scenarios letting the Q team be 5 steps ahead of the deep state.
Project Looking Glass was directly brought up by Q. It is (allegedly) a very advanced machine that is essentially a reverse engineered pineal gland. When used, it shows the operator the most likely future series of events at the given time.
Crazy, but the crazier thing is that I first heard about Looking Glass technology 8 years ago from David Wilcock
It’s all true, at this point I’m going all in with the craziest of conspiracy “theories” and assuming they’ll be proven right. What have I got to lose? I already look like a raving lunatic to my family and friends, can’t get any worse.
It's annoying that many things will probably never be fully declassed and revealed go give us peace of mind but I hope it will get to a point where it won't matter
The first time I heard of "Project Looking Glass" was the Bob Lazar video in the early '90s. "This had something to do with using gravity to look forward in time but I wasn't working on that one."
Well crap if this one turns out true how much else did we have leaked to us over the years that we thought was bull that was the truth all along?
Yes, the time traveller theory seems one of the more likely options.
Looking glass tech is supposedly something of a time machine or maybe just a projection.
Now, I have no way to definitively say that this exists or is possible, but what I CAN say is that when you produce high voltage at extremely high frequencies (1khz or more) in low amp circuits there are some very strange behaviors that can occur.
I know what project looking glass is, but I'm saying that the current spy plane technology is a far more likely explanation than time travel for why Q mentions looking glass.
"Established by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in July 2010, the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) supports Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC)..."
It is either a huge amount of luck or a shit ton of planning to use NCSWIC for the abbreviation of the agency. Seems to me they started with "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" and went backwards to name the agency to match the abbreviation. Also notice this agency was created in 2010; almost 11 years ago.
If you're going to take down a global cabal that runs the world, you're going to need a serious multi-year, hell multi-decade, plan.
One thing I've heard and think is more likely is that they calculated all possible scenarios and encoded them into the different q posts.
There's one thread that seems to imply a civil war scenario where the military tells us all to stay home while they quell any riots going on. This could be riots that occur if trump had won the election. The post says a number will be posted and to call the number if we see rioting.
My thoughts are that they calculated all the possible outcomes and encoded them into the different Q drops. The person behind this is a genius strategist.
This post was about John McCain. In drop 1706 Q said he was returning to headlines. He included a pic of McCain with his hands up. 30 days later McCain was dead, ToD at 4:28. Drop 1706 was timestamped at 18:28.
If today, Feb 26, is meant to be a big day and a big weekend then that’s quite interesting. September 29, 2016 I had to euthanize my eldest cat. There was apparently election fraud back then but President Trump pulled through the victor. Now today, Feb 26, my last remaining cat is scheduled to be euthanized. If great news comes of today then.. all I can say is coincidence?
As a side note fren, my condolences on your furry ones. I know what your are going through. My guy has cancer and while he is still hanging in there, I can see what is coming down the road here pretty quick. I will say a little prayer for you.
Thank you so much, fren. I was present for the whole euthanasia process; it’s kinda freaky but I wanted to be there for him. Now it’s just adjusting to not having a cat around which in my 27 years has never occurred. It’s weird, and I still have moments where I think I need to take care of him or I think I hear his toenails on the wood floor.
My bud had health issues but I’ve never had one with cancer. I’ll pray for you and your furry friend as well. It’s much easier knowing you’ve done the right thing to end their suffering, but the adjustment of not having him will take time as I am discovering.
Could be lol. It’s definitely a strange coincidence. My hope now my buddy is gone is Trump can take back his rightful place as president. We all know he got ripped off. Hopefully more people are seeing how bad Biden as president really is and that some red-pilling is occurring. I really miss the lower gas prices right now..
Are they guiding us through our own questions as we connect the dots? My first thought was no way thats crazy (almost impossible). They point impossible out. My second thought was that could be a coincidence. They point that out. Like they know our thought process and what we will first think. And then they confirm they are in control and a big week is coming.
“Hands up?”
Every time a gymnast completes their performance on an event, they salute the judges by raising their arms up in a V.
Edit: they do it at the start too. Also, both male and female gymnasts do the same salute except for the way their hands/fingers are.
V as in Victory, or V as in what Geddert demanded in the locker room?
V For Vendetta
Beat me to it. I think of that movie a lot lately.
It’s worth a watch if it’s been a while.
I’ve probably seen it 5 times when it came out. Then recently. Just as good if not better than I remember.
Now I wanna watch it again. Never gets old.
Watch it every 5th of November.
You know, just a few weeks a guy made a joke like this in one of the pedo-takedown threads and everyone went bananas about how he shouldn't make jokes about pedophilia.
I'm surprised no one has shrieked about this yet.
Jeez these coincidences are insane! I know Q said there are no coincidence's, but wtf where does logic and reasoning come in? 1/2 the coincidences must be bull when using logic... But what half? Maybe this is why it had to be this way... You can't tell the enemy.. blah blah blah
Ok. This actually may he sonething
u/#emopepedance u/#emopepedance u/#emopepedance u/#emopepedance u/#emopepedance u/#emopepedance u/#emopepedance
Where do you see 26? Did you mean 28?
Wow I didn't take the two seconds to do the math, but judging on the up vote your vetted and trusted. In the end its just another date fag...Or a coincidence that we all overlooked? Great Dig!
Nope thats tomorrow, however I and glad you reminded me of this, because it strengthens my 1,2,3 year delta thread that points to TOMORROW being the day of days and possibly some kind of PEAS testing today.
agreed! well unless you include leap day. also I never expected deltas to be perfect.
Time and date calculator figured all that out. Adding 30 months is exactly that.
Presidential Emergency Alert System
Presidential Emergency Alert System if I’m not mistaken.
My daughter works at a bank the federal reserve went offline for 5 hours yesterday
Did they ever release an official story for why that happened or they just hoping we don’t notice.
Same as Las Vegas shooting; just stop talking about it and it will go away.
No official story ever finished for that fucking abortion either.
Did you see SEC just changed/reduced fees? Got that notice yesterday.
Also, perhaps, [0:28] = 820:
Was there a leap year in those 40 months? Was that accounted for?
Again, that was using time and date calculator.
That site literally ONLY calculates dates. Does that answer your question?
It sounds like it would factor leap year -- I hadn't read the posts about the site b4 I posted-- Did you make sure the calculator considers a leap year? In theory, of course it does! But people who program these things make mistakes, so...
No, you didn't answer the question.
Can you link the thread, please?
February 28 which is this Sunday the same day Trump is on CPAC
I see no one questioning whether this could've been an arkancide. Perhaps he was going to talk. These types of people are connected to others like themselves.
I was about to suggest this but glad someone else brought it up besides me. It is quite possible they got to him first before he could talk like they have done others in an attempt to desperately cover their tracks
Tiger? Going to spill beans on someone?
It’s certainly possible. I mean when I first heard the news about it the first thing that jumped to my mind was that the cabal took him out. When I learned he was hospitalized and didn’t die I noticed that all the news coverage was using language that insinuates that he was dead already and had an illustrious career that we would miss. It could have been just because it’s black history month but it sounded weird.
I want to start ‘white history month’ and watch all the fucking heads esplode. Racists!
Fair point.
I believe you're correct that this is intentional sarcasm but it is phrased as a question since people's behavior is not always predictable. Q could be saying that at this point it is possible that we might see suicides of famous/powerful people. Their behavior here is assumed but not guaranteed. They proven they are truly insane so some might fight to the death even though it is a losing battle, so suicide may not happen.
?February 26 2021???
Unless Q is a time traveler, how the fuck does he know these things years before they happen??? Anyone have theories?
There is a theory that Trump is a time traveler and/or the Q team uses a quantum computer from operation through the looking glass which can simulate all scenarios letting the Q team be 5 steps ahead of the deep state.
Project Looking Glass was directly brought up by Q. It is (allegedly) a very advanced machine that is essentially a reverse engineered pineal gland. When used, it shows the operator the most likely future series of events at the given time.
Crazy, but the crazier thing is that I first heard about Looking Glass technology 8 years ago from David Wilcock
It’s all true, at this point I’m going all in with the craziest of conspiracy “theories” and assuming they’ll be proven right. What have I got to lose? I already look like a raving lunatic to my family and friends, can’t get any worse.
It's annoying that many things will probably never be fully declassed and revealed go give us peace of mind but I hope it will get to a point where it won't matter
The first time I heard of "Project Looking Glass" was the Bob Lazar video in the early '90s. "This had something to do with using gravity to look forward in time but I wasn't working on that one."
Well crap if this one turns out true how much else did we have leaked to us over the years that we thought was bull that was the truth all along?
"The Looking Glass aircraft is an EC-135, a Boeing 707 airframe loaded with high-tech communication equipment."
Post 3585
Project LOOKING GLASS? Going Forward in Order to Look Back.
Doesn't sound like an aircraft to me.
Denzel Washington in DeJavu.
6/19/16 # 77777777 Trump will win
1/3/21 300000000 Christ is King.
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible
Yes, the time traveller theory seems one of the more likely options.
Looking glass tech is supposedly something of a time machine or maybe just a projection.
Now, I have no way to definitively say that this exists or is possible, but what I CAN say is that when you produce high voltage at extremely high frequencies (1khz or more) in low amp circuits there are some very strange behaviors that can occur.
Military precision. Wargaming every scenario. Scheduling things. Who knows?
"The Looking Glass aircraft is an EC-135, a Boeing 707 airframe loaded with high-tech communication equipment."
did you google "looking glass" or "project looking glass"?
I know what project looking glass is, but I'm saying that the current spy plane technology is a far more likely explanation than time travel for why Q mentions looking glass.
Project LOOKING GLASS? Going Forward in Order to Look Back. Q
Q has been asked about this before. The simple answer is the Patriots are in control.
"How do you know the future?" (someone asked)
"Control." (Q replied)
Over and over Q talks about being in control.
Understand that The Plan is old. This has been coming long before Trump took office. Trump plays a role in The Plan. Trump isn't The Plan.
Here is one of the last Q drops that pounds this idea home.
Shall we play a game?
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
"Established by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in July 2010, the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) supports Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC)..."
It is either a huge amount of luck or a shit ton of planning to use NCSWIC for the abbreviation of the agency. Seems to me they started with "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" and went backwards to name the agency to match the abbreviation. Also notice this agency was created in 2010; almost 11 years ago.
If you're going to take down a global cabal that runs the world, you're going to need a serious multi-year, hell multi-decade, plan.
One thing I've heard and think is more likely is that they calculated all possible scenarios and encoded them into the different q posts.
There's one thread that seems to imply a civil war scenario where the military tells us all to stay home while they quell any riots going on. This could be riots that occur if trump had won the election. The post says a number will be posted and to call the number if we see rioting.
My thoughts are that they calculated all the possible outcomes and encoded them into the different Q drops. The person behind this is a genius strategist.
Oh yea, the part I'm not certain about though is how the enemy's actions happen to fall on precise dates. Those are real mind-blowing.
Wow, hopefully it’s beginning
50 50 it is
This post was about John McCain. In drop 1706 Q said he was returning to headlines. He included a pic of McCain with his hands up. 30 days later McCain was dead, ToD at 4:28. Drop 1706 was timestamped at 18:28.
Thank you
Always seemed like some weird stuff going on with female gymnasts and their trainors.
Whistleblowers are suicided.
Wonder who's next? ?
How many are commuting suicide that we don't even know? Cause likely if there were many openly confirmed suicides, people would catch on too quickly
Dropping from COVID, most likely.
Yup! BIG week ahead!!!
1933 was also the last year we had an inauguration on March 4th.
If today, Feb 26, is meant to be a big day and a big weekend then that’s quite interesting. September 29, 2016 I had to euthanize my eldest cat. There was apparently election fraud back then but President Trump pulled through the victor. Now today, Feb 26, my last remaining cat is scheduled to be euthanized. If great news comes of today then.. all I can say is coincidence?
As a side note fren, my condolences on your furry ones. I know what your are going through. My guy has cancer and while he is still hanging in there, I can see what is coming down the road here pretty quick. I will say a little prayer for you.
Thank you so much, fren. I was present for the whole euthanasia process; it’s kinda freaky but I wanted to be there for him. Now it’s just adjusting to not having a cat around which in my 27 years has never occurred. It’s weird, and I still have moments where I think I need to take care of him or I think I hear his toenails on the wood floor.
My bud had health issues but I’ve never had one with cancer. I’ll pray for you and your furry friend as well. It’s much easier knowing you’ve done the right thing to end their suffering, but the adjustment of not having him will take time as I am discovering.
Perhaps just another way to make you pay attention and notice things
Could be lol. It’s definitely a strange coincidence. My hope now my buddy is gone is Trump can take back his rightful place as president. We all know he got ripped off. Hopefully more people are seeing how bad Biden as president really is and that some red-pilling is occurring. I really miss the lower gas prices right now..
also possible with wolframalpha
Whats significant about 30 months?
There were many references to "d o n e in 30", so I believe that was a check on whether that referred to months (instead of days or weeks)... IMHO
Or how about Trumps V shape economic recovery as in having more than one meaning as well... 0:28 Feb. this year 28 days
Holy sheeeeeeet mon
I wonder how he did it; I want juicy details
Single gun shot, at a rest stop. Boring.
A rest stop? Was he thinking about fleeing?
I feel like we're growing an immunity to hopium. Let's not forget how insane this news on it's own is
0:28. February has 28 days. Dasting.
A massive suicide weekend would be good because then we wouldn't have to wonder if this or that person will ever face justice.
Anyone have a current list of all the pedo/human traffickers that have been busted/suicides in recent months? Map you requested!
Impossible? Coincidence?
Are they guiding us through our own questions as we connect the dots? My first thought was no way thats crazy (almost impossible). They point impossible out. My second thought was that could be a coincidence. They point that out. Like they know our thought process and what we will first think. And then they confirm they are in control and a big week is coming.
But it happened on a Wednesday:/
Considering the current volitility there's a good chance the stock market will crash today. So that could potentially factor in to things.
K talk to you Saturday to compare notes
On Feb 9: [Next Week] [Next Week] [Next Week] Suicide weekend __
Here's hoping