Except when you see what the prices are after tax rates, it is very clear they were done intentionally. One room tier literally equates to $1775.98 while others equate to other extremely coincidental things that require some further digging to understand.
And then there's the fact that the Q Drop correlating to the rooms' tax rates (14.95%) leads to Q quoting a passage from the Declaration of Independence. (Like, really? After taxes? That's what it leads to? History geeks, kek.) Another coincidence that is extremely mathematically improbable.
What are the chances those would be the exact numbers for tax & prices after tax if they were just influenced by mostly random economic fluctuations?
1/200,000 for the room rates? That's assuming roughly equal chance of each price to the cent between $500 & $2500, the approximate range of hotel room prices. Even more complicated (read "less likely") when weights according to economic trends are factored in.
1/100 for the tax rate? D.C. sales tax is 6%. How you get to 14.95% from there, I dunno. But the chances that 1 of Q's 4,000+ posts happens to be the tax rate is about that or even less. I'm being generous.
Put all those coincidences together & multiply the probabilities of them happening, and you get about 1/20,000,000 or less which is a very tiny number.
I wrote a chain of comments digging into it, if you would like to go deeper.
Just fyi - How you get to 14.95% -- hotel rooms are a service that general sales tax does not apply to, and there is usually a separate law specifying the hotel rate tax. In Georgia they also add a fee.
Haven't looked into it myself, but I heard that other hotels in the area remain at relatively normal prices. If it were truly Q people booking these hotels, why would they only be booking Trump's hotel? Why pay an extra 1,000 to stay at a Trump hotel instead of booking a local Marriott or something?
So what? On January 6th people didn't just stay in Trump's hotel. There were Trump people all over in every hotel. The idea that Q people are packing ONLY Trump's hotel even at triple the price over nearby alternatives is non-sensical.
Can you confirm with facts that hits on websites equate to higher prices?
One would assume via basic capitalism that the prices of the hotel rooms would increase as the scarcity of them also increases. (ie, people are using the rooms for something)
edit: 4 people don't like fact-based assertions or what?
I think we saw a head-fake with the higher prices at the Trump hotel for that date. It seemed to freak out the left, and I think that was the intention.
Quite possible. I dont think the real inauguration will be in DC. Tribunals though, might be there. But regardless, they wont make it happen when the whole DS expects it.
Election ordered by the Military is on the horizon...
Did you hear him allude to this tonight? All I kept hearing was we got 4 years of dystopian future followed by another "election" of Trump vs. Dominion.
The theory is that he cannot allude to it, isn't it? It needs to be completely plain as day that Trump doesn't expect any kind of intervention to happen.
Honestly, I hate it when he has make public appearances these days, because God knows how desperate the deep state is. But I know he has the best security detail ever.
Same but we needed this. There’s simply no comparison to what he just did vs resident Biden’s taped 7 minute readings or fake one on one interviews with his wife sitting right next to him but off screen.
We watched on OANN, and it was mentioned that the secret service were putting up a "shield" around the area the President will speak. They said this is done for all current and former Pres.
Please, Dear Lord, keep Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, along with their loved ones and all good Patriots fighting for humanity, safe and protected — in Jesus’ Name. GODSPEED
IMO, I think that all Federal offices that were up for election should be run again. That would also mean we could possibly kick out some of the asshole RINO's and replace them with someone else to run on the ticket.
The military is the only way since SCOTUS failed to act. They can call for a re-do of the election whenever they want. Maybe we can use blockchain technology for security...
If military was going to act wouldn't they have done so right away like what happened in myanamar?
I'm not sure of the mechanics either, just hoping it starts soon before I give birth to my 1st child in July. I'd like them to be born into a secure republic with all its advantages.
Myanmar was a test balloon. The whole point of bringing Trump in was to ensure this is done in an orderly way, and to make sure as many people will wake up as physically possible. When the patriots are in firm control, there is no reason to rush.
Or, paper ballots, id's required, and dip people's fingers in ink after they vote. Military supervision of chain of custody, maybe live-stream the counting? Blockchain or whatever tech-oriented methods are just asking for more trouble, I think, at this point. Too many weasels eager to come up with features like fractional votes and adjustable scanning error rates.
I think there is a group of the military thats the special ops and some other divisions that are under the patriots control. I also think Trump's EOs and other things he did effectively gives control to this group. This is the reason, for instance, you dont see the US military invading Myanmar to restore the Deep State puppet, or starting wars with whatever next DS target is.
We don't have a whole lot of time but scheduling an election by November 2021 is entirely realistic, but we would need at least 4 months at the very minimum, for filings, vote campaigns and an fair and equal process. So, if nothing happens by July of this year, then this thing just isn't happening.
I'm a little on my own here but I believe a convention of states would be best. Things are really fucked right now and I'm not keen on the military angle. A convention of states to amend the constitution can solve almost any problem.
Playing devil's advocate, while following along with Lin's assertion:
One possibility is a Senate or House run in the midterms. Not as president.
Possibly earlier than 2022 if Ted Deutch (bag) has to step down from "unforeseen circumstances" and Ron "America's Governor" DeSantis appoints a rep to take his place.
Your talking about things that are captured along with 2024! We don’t fix 2020 it’s all captured do you people not get that ? This isn’t gonna happen through politics or the court PERIOD
There's a thread or two on this. Basically going back to the states with MAGA AGs to investigate and charge corrupt reps with state charges, getting them removed fron the house / senate.
Then appoint the MAGA candidate in their place to take back control of the senate and house, hold a new speaker election and start impeaching.
Someone over on TDW built out a list a couple months back. TX, FL, and SD figure heavily in the plan.
It's the only potential plan that can succeed without military running the show or armed intervention by citizens.
I think there will be redo elections for President and many of the house and senate seats. There will probably be official arrests of the fraud squad and more, opening up more seats.
Based on Trump saying "We will take back the house, the senate and a republican will be the president, I wonder who it is". And the fact he never said he is running for 2024
Not only that, but if Trump is technically still the legitimate president, then he can't run for a lower tier office while serving as the current commander in chief.
In some states they absolutely do. That's how we ended up with Gillibrand in NY, and AZ did Jon Kyl and Martha McSally. Mind you, those were Senate appointments, but the mechanism is the same.
This is incorrect. The constitution is very clear on this. Senate vacancies can be temporarily filled by gubernatorial appointments but house vacancies can be filled only by election.
Lin posted last night that one of two things needed to happen:
(1) The military audits the 2020 election state by state OR
(2) Military/FEMA have a re-do election with paper ballots.
He doesn't seem like a guy content to wait until 2024 and try again with the fraud machines. I don't think Trump is either. Military is coming into the picture. Might be they're setting Biden up for 25 amendment, and something has to step in to keep us all from getting nuked.
He is hinting that a new election will be held very soon. The thing is, no matter what "proofs" thy can show that Trump won in a landslide, nothing beats seeing him win live, and covered honestly by the media. Thats why they will have a new election.
Well, Sydney Powell and Lin Wood have gotten remarkably quiet (incl Flynn btw) about the Dominion, and the Frankfurt Server, and the Italian satellite and Italian coding specialist - all of that stuff is still percolating in the background. If there were no movement on these items, Powell and Wood would still be squawking about them. Also, Patrick Byrne. All are laying low. Probably told to do so.
In scenario 2: What happens to the chain? Wouldn't it go kamala than speaker than senate and on down the line if they 25th amendment him? Trump wouldn't even be on the short list in that case
I think so too, but the treason will have to envelope all of them together-rico style. They're all in cahoots with CCP, justifying a massive military move.
I remember Pieczenik, McInerny and others saying that the ballots all had quantum dot watermarks that were traceable. Think that would make quick work of the auditing process.
That blew me away when we couldnt get 4 of 5 conservative justices to even hear the case about the DOCUMENTED OBVIOUS ELECTION FRAUD
Yeah. I still can't believe that's real. Especially with Kavanaugh, who knows the horrors of the Left better than any of us (hopefully) ever will, and ACB, who just took the bench a few months ago. Especially with it being almost necessary to allow the military to get involved.
But I also can't believe they would possibly rule against their beliefs (and the evidence!) in service of this plan... absent compelling reasons to do so put in front of them for them to do so in that moment.
This Supreme Court thing, and Pence to a lesser degree, I just can't make sense out of it, no matter which way I look at it. But it's ok... I don't really have to. ?
Well..... if that means he won in 2016, 2020 (counting correctly but not sitting in the DC White House) and the next 2024 election then count me out. WE ALL KNEW there was major election fraud coming and if the President couldn’t have “switched the voting machine COUNTS by adding another 10mm illegal votes to his “tally” to secure the win then WTH. They were able to watch the fraud occur in REAL TIME so that little see-saw pendulum swings 2 ways.
Maybe in 3 freaking years I will feel differently BUT I DONT THINK there ever will be a fair election again.
NOW IF Lin WOOD MEANT: Trump will be the 19th President of the new Corporation for 2 more terms....I am 100% in
He hints that the 3rd election will be sooner than that. What does that mean? How can an election be sooner than 2024? I am thinking Myanmar. I am thinking a new election held by the Military
The next election? Really! I’m sorry I can’t and won’t support a Republican after what just happened. Just seen a telegram post by Trump asking for WINRED donations. All I got from this speech is “Vote Republican and accept you stolen 2020 vote will get em in 2024 guys!” We should be in there right now instead Republicans took a knee to the Uniparty. We need more than a motivational speech by Trump, we need action.
Goddamn right. Telling us to fuckin' trust the republucan party we know now for a fact to be almost as corrupt as the democrats to have the balls to ban Dominion and its sister systems and then vote those very same republicans out of office?
Can you imagine the collective REEEEE that would emanate from leftist city centers all over the Globe? It would be enough to alter the trajectory of the earths orbit.
If they did this anytime before Jan 20th, this would have been the case.
The whole point of the current exercise is to avoid that. Its to make even those leftists start questioning what the hell is up with the dems, and to make sure even they can understand there was election fraud. I think we are pretty close to the end now, so just gotta wait.
It is easy to dismiss that the leftist REEEEE wont matter and they should have just pulled the bandage. But the real problem is, it would give the left a solid narrative to teach the next generation, and if you couple it with any future false flags, they could easily paint Trump as another notorious dictator from the past.
The moment I realized that the plan did not and would not go down like I thought it would, it repeatedly happened to me, I found peace. It took me a long time to get there. I hit bottom before I could clearly see the light. I now know too much for it to all be coincidence. I put my trust in God and am enjoying the show. There is a calmness in my life now and I don't obsess and research all hours of the day and night. We have it all. They have it all. The cabal is fucked and nothing can stop what is coming. There is no peace in their lives because they are constantly waiting for the hammer to drop. Be at peace Patriots. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+31&version=NKJV
Yeah I understand this sentiment and its the same for me. The Belief in the plan just comes automatically at one point when everything clicks into place in our mind. There is no going back. You just know this is the Plan and they have everything under control and it does not matter how long this goes for.
After that you dont really need Q proofs, decodes, secret comms etc, even though those things continue to amaze us and entertain us.
I was very low last night when he announced our goal as 2022 and 2024. This helps alleviate the "winter is coming" warning and the dread of another campaign with a useless election at it's end
Interesting choice of words. Not “A” or “an” or “the” but “THAT” election. Hmmmm, has he already been told there will be another presidential election prior to 2024? ?
why the fuck is he talking about elections? is it rigged or not? cause you been saying it's rigged, what the fuck does a third fucking rigged election do dipshit? nobody is ever going to vote again except democrats.
Military knows clearly that if they fail to act in time no one can control what comes next. Even if the BQQMs came differently (like before Jan20th) they would have been much bloodshed. This way the left will be too dazed with the shenanigans Bidan and the dems are pulling, to put up a fight (beyond the few antifa terrorists who have been infiltrated from top to bottom.)
Election ordered by the Military is on the horizon....enjoy the show. NCSWIC
Remember how expensive the hotel rooms are this week in DC ? Do we see some tribunals first, before the elections are ordered?
Except when you see what the prices are after tax rates, it is very clear they were done intentionally. One room tier literally equates to $1775.98 while others equate to other extremely coincidental things that require some further digging to understand.
And then there's the fact that the Q Drop correlating to the rooms' tax rates (14.95%) leads to Q quoting a passage from the Declaration of Independence. (Like, really? After taxes? That's what it leads to? History geeks, kek.) Another coincidence that is extremely mathematically improbable.
What are the chances those would be the exact numbers for tax & prices after tax if they were just influenced by mostly random economic fluctuations?
Put all those coincidences together & multiply the probabilities of them happening, and you get about 1/20,000,000 or less which is a very tiny number.
I wrote a chain of comments digging into it, if you would like to go deeper.
Just fyi - How you get to 14.95% -- hotel rooms are a service that general sales tax does not apply to, and there is usually a separate law specifying the hotel rate tax. In Georgia they also add a fee.
So the general sales tax is irrelevant and there is a specific tax rate for hotel rooms listed here: https://cfo.dc.gov/page/tax-rates-and-revenues-sales-and-use-taxes-alcoholic-beverage-taxes-and-tobacco-taxes
Still, good writeup, no coincidences here.
Thank you, that one was driving me crazy!
No problem!
Haven't looked into it myself, but I heard that other hotels in the area remain at relatively normal prices. If it were truly Q people booking these hotels, why would they only be booking Trump's hotel? Why pay an extra 1,000 to stay at a Trump hotel instead of booking a local Marriott or something?
So what? On January 6th people didn't just stay in Trump's hotel. There were Trump people all over in every hotel. The idea that Q people are packing ONLY Trump's hotel even at triple the price over nearby alternatives is non-sensical.
How many rooms does Trumps hotel even have? Are we imagining people stacked like 20 to a room or something?
LOL. I agree. That's the only reason some of us would need.
Ive only stayed in 1 and it was the best.
Can you confirm with facts that hits on websites equate to higher prices?
One would assume via basic capitalism that the prices of the hotel rooms would increase as the scarcity of them also increases. (ie, people are using the rooms for something)
edit: 4 people don't like fact-based assertions or what?
Why are you asserting things as fact without the ability to provide evidence? What you say could be true, but you haven't posted any support for it.
It’s only Trump’s hotel that is high. The thought is, maybe they know something because, we’ll, Trump.
I think we saw a head-fake with the higher prices at the Trump hotel for that date. It seemed to freak out the left, and I think that was the intention.
Quite possible. I dont think the real inauguration will be in DC. Tribunals though, might be there. But regardless, they wont make it happen when the whole DS expects it.
No. We won't see tribunals any time soon.
Did you hear him allude to this tonight? All I kept hearing was we got 4 years of dystopian future followed by another "election" of Trump vs. Dominion.
Hopium withdrawals :p
The theory is that he cannot allude to it, isn't it? It needs to be completely plain as day that Trump doesn't expect any kind of intervention to happen.
He made a point about SCOTUS not doing their job and my immediate thought was; THE MILITARY IS THE ONLY ANSWER.
Mission accomplished.
This. All I see straws. Straws everywhere. Grasped. Torn to shreds. Gnawed at. But at the end of the day, straws.
I believe this is what's going to happen. As soon as the "global" issues have been resolved, everything will be revealed.
Honestly, I hate it when he has make public appearances these days, because God knows how desperate the deep state is. But I know he has the best security detail ever.
Same but we needed this. There’s simply no comparison to what he just did vs resident Biden’s taped 7 minute readings or fake one on one interviews with his wife sitting right next to him but off screen.
We watched on OANN, and it was mentioned that the secret service were putting up a "shield" around the area the President will speak. They said this is done for all current and former Pres.
Good to know. I was thinking something like that would be in place. I have great doubts whether any former presidents had that.
Yes. I always worry.
you drinking too much koolaid fren
I think he’s been sleeping on a good pillow. Not enough good sleep.
Please, Dear Lord, keep Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, along with their loved ones and all good Patriots fighting for humanity, safe and protected — in Jesus’ Name. GODSPEED
Our founders had hours long prayer sessions inviting God into all their plans.
Wow! I did not know that. ThanQ! God wins.
Because they didn't.
They did. All the time. Its part of public record and easy to find the details even.
Ok, so post the easy to find public record details link.
here ya go buddy, https://wallbuilders.com/founding-fathers-prayer/
I'm pretty sure that GOD is Trump's fortress.
What I am trying to figure out.
What are the legal options to have a new election? The Supreme Court isn’t going to do anything.
IMO, I think that all Federal offices that were up for election should be run again. That would also mean we could possibly kick out some of the asshole RINO's and replace them with someone else to run on the ticket.
Lets not worry about the exact mechanics, since we know its going to happen. I am just gonna relax and enjoy the show
I hear you. But that needs to be discussed.
Because if there aren’t any real options. We need to be up front with each other.
I think the Myanmar gave us the rough blueprint for how this would happen.
I am not sure the whole military would be United to do something like this.
The military is the only way since SCOTUS failed to act. They can call for a re-do of the election whenever they want. Maybe we can use blockchain technology for security...
If military was going to act wouldn't they have done so right away like what happened in myanamar?
I'm not sure of the mechanics either, just hoping it starts soon before I give birth to my 1st child in July. I'd like them to be born into a secure republic with all its advantages.
We are far larger and in a much more complex situation than Myanmar. Its not apples to apples.
Myanmar was a test balloon. The whole point of bringing Trump in was to ensure this is done in an orderly way, and to make sure as many people will wake up as physically possible. When the patriots are in firm control, there is no reason to rush.
Congrats on the baby
Or, paper ballots, id's required, and dip people's fingers in ink after they vote. Military supervision of chain of custody, maybe live-stream the counting? Blockchain or whatever tech-oriented methods are just asking for more trouble, I think, at this point. Too many weasels eager to come up with features like fractional votes and adjustable scanning error rates.
I think there is a group of the military thats the special ops and some other divisions that are under the patriots control. I also think Trump's EOs and other things he did effectively gives control to this group. This is the reason, for instance, you dont see the US military invading Myanmar to restore the Deep State puppet, or starting wars with whatever next DS target is.
Every one under Ezra Cohen Watnick for sure, but more too.
You have valid points. We will see what happens.
I see it a 50/50 situation.
I want this mentality back
After that speech I'm like WHAT elections in 2022 and 2024! WTF
Finally....I'm there with you!
Hold the line! Its not too long now.
We don't have a whole lot of time but scheduling an election by November 2021 is entirely realistic, but we would need at least 4 months at the very minimum, for filings, vote campaigns and an fair and equal process. So, if nothing happens by July of this year, then this thing just isn't happening.
I'm a little on my own here but I believe a convention of states would be best. Things are really fucked right now and I'm not keen on the military angle. A convention of states to amend the constitution can solve almost any problem.
I have heard about this before. How does that happen?
Playing devil's advocate, while following along with Lin's assertion: One possibility is a Senate or House run in the midterms. Not as president.
Possibly earlier than 2022 if Ted Deutch (bag) has to step down from "unforeseen circumstances" and Ron "America's Governor" DeSantis appoints a rep to take his place.
Your talking about things that are captured along with 2024! We don’t fix 2020 it’s all captured do you people not get that ? This isn’t gonna happen through politics or the court PERIOD
There's a thread or two on this. Basically going back to the states with MAGA AGs to investigate and charge corrupt reps with state charges, getting them removed fron the house / senate.
Then appoint the MAGA candidate in their place to take back control of the senate and house, hold a new speaker election and start impeaching.
Someone over on TDW built out a list a couple months back. TX, FL, and SD figure heavily in the plan.
It's the only potential plan that can succeed without military running the show or armed intervention by citizens.
Note that he made a point tonight about the necessity of states taking charge.
I think there will be redo elections for President and many of the house and senate seats. There will probably be official arrests of the fraud squad and more, opening up more seats.
Based on Trump saying "We will take back the house, the senate and a republican will be the president, I wonder who it is". And the fact he never said he is running for 2024
Trump's ego is too big (in a good way) to ever run as a Senate or House candidate. His personality is too big for those positions.
It's either President or nothing.
This. Trump is a supreme leader, that's all there is to it.
Not only that, but if Trump is technically still the legitimate president, then he can't run for a lower tier office while serving as the current commander in chief.
Governor doesn't fill vacancy in House of Representatives by appointment.
In some states they absolutely do. That's how we ended up with Gillibrand in NY, and AZ did Jon Kyl and Martha McSally. Mind you, those were Senate appointments, but the mechanism is the same.
It's dependent on the state's constitution.
This is incorrect. The constitution is very clear on this. Senate vacancies can be temporarily filled by gubernatorial appointments but house vacancies can be filled only by election.
You're right... I was thinking of when Cuomo appointed someone to "take over" Louise Slaughter's office (NY CD-25) until the special election.
I did not realize it was a sham appointment and he had no voting rights.
My state's Gov can do that and has done it.
Lin posted last night that one of two things needed to happen:
(1) The military audits the 2020 election state by state OR
(2) Military/FEMA have a re-do election with paper ballots.
He doesn't seem like a guy content to wait until 2024 and try again with the fraud machines. I don't think Trump is either. Military is coming into the picture. Might be they're setting Biden up for 25 amendment, and something has to step in to keep us all from getting nuked.
President Trump said “they’ve already lost the Whitehouse”. Military in charge.
He meant on Nov. 3 when Biden lost the election to him.
Now this is interesting!
He is hinting that a new election will be held very soon. The thing is, no matter what "proofs" thy can show that Trump won in a landslide, nothing beats seeing him win live, and covered honestly by the media. Thats why they will have a new election.
Well, Sydney Powell and Lin Wood have gotten remarkably quiet (incl Flynn btw) about the Dominion, and the Frankfurt Server, and the Italian satellite and Italian coding specialist - all of that stuff is still percolating in the background. If there were no movement on these items, Powell and Wood would still be squawking about them. Also, Patrick Byrne. All are laying low. Probably told to do so.
Patrick Byrne is like the canary in the coal mine. If things arent moving he will start screaming. As long as he is silent, all is good.
PB isn't completely laying low. Did an interview with Sarah Westall recently:
In scenario 2: What happens to the chain? Wouldn't it go kamala than speaker than senate and on down the line if they 25th amendment him? Trump wouldn't even be on the short list in that case
I think it would have to be scenario 1.
I think so too, but the treason will have to envelope all of them together-rico style. They're all in cahoots with CCP, justifying a massive military move.
I remember Pieczenik, McInerny and others saying that the ballots all had quantum dot watermarks that were traceable. Think that would make quick work of the auditing process.
Yeah, but there are patents on these watermarks, so I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility.
Also more votes than voters is a quick and easy way to prove fraud that vitiates electrons
I think the military would step in to somehow stop that from happening.
I was thinking if he was taken out in the 25th amendment and she was proven intelligible by birth status of both parents being foreigners.
Ugh what a thought. But then all of them from biden down give me the creeps and my spine tingles.
"Fraud vitiates everything." The entire endeavor (election) is tainted and therefore the results must be thrown out.
If [F]/[D] actors caused the fraud, then that represents an act of war, and treason.
If SC fails to act, Military is the ONLY way.
Hence Q saying "Military is the only way"
Must have known SC would fail to act
That blew me away when we couldnt get 4 of 5 conservative justices to even hear the case about the DOCUMENTED OBVIOUS ELECTION FRAUD
Yeah. I still can't believe that's real. Especially with Kavanaugh, who knows the horrors of the Left better than any of us (hopefully) ever will, and ACB, who just took the bench a few months ago. Especially with it being almost necessary to allow the military to get involved.
But I also can't believe they would possibly rule against their beliefs (and the evidence!) in service of this plan... absent compelling reasons to do so put in front of them for them to do so in that moment.
This Supreme Court thing, and Pence to a lesser degree, I just can't make sense out of it, no matter which way I look at it. But it's ok... I don't really have to. ?
Yeah, this is the scoop. Election this year.
Well..... if that means he won in 2016, 2020 (counting correctly but not sitting in the DC White House) and the next 2024 election then count me out. WE ALL KNEW there was major election fraud coming and if the President couldn’t have “switched the voting machine COUNTS by adding another 10mm illegal votes to his “tally” to secure the win then WTH. They were able to watch the fraud occur in REAL TIME so that little see-saw pendulum swings 2 ways.
Maybe in 3 freaking years I will feel differently BUT I DONT THINK there ever will be a fair election again.
NOW IF Lin WOOD MEANT: Trump will be the 19th President of the new Corporation for 2 more terms....I am 100% in
He hints that the 3rd election will be sooner than that. What does that mean? How can an election be sooner than 2024? I am thinking Myanmar. I am thinking a new election held by the Military
whether BQQMs will happen soon or not, one thing I am certain. Trump is not running for 2024.
Bro don't feed the trolls
Except he just indicated it tonight as clearly as possible without officially announcing.
It would seem that way only if you can't or dont want to read the code.
Vote using a system that was, quite literally, just proven compromised.
You serious?
I understand now that you are being sarcastic. I share your ire.
What the fuck, dude? Fuckin' vote, bruh? Using a system we just saw was totally corrupted to the core...my god, we truly are in clown world.
I hope something else is going on behind the scenes because, at face value, this shits retarded.
Lord please circle Lin in your love and protection. Amen.
The next election? Really! I’m sorry I can’t and won’t support a Republican after what just happened. Just seen a telegram post by Trump asking for WINRED donations. All I got from this speech is “Vote Republican and accept you stolen 2020 vote will get em in 2024 guys!” We should be in there right now instead Republicans took a knee to the Uniparty. We need more than a motivational speech by Trump, we need action.
Goddamn right. Telling us to fuckin' trust the republucan party we know now for a fact to be almost as corrupt as the democrats to have the balls to ban Dominion and its sister systems and then vote those very same republicans out of office?
What. The. Fuck.
And We the People LOVE Lin Wood!
Yes! WE WON! Lets get on with it!
Mmm, posts like this keep the DS up at night. Then, when they do sleep, it's nightmares of what's is coming.
Love it.
Can you imagine the collective REEEEE that would emanate from leftist city centers all over the Globe? It would be enough to alter the trajectory of the earths orbit.
If they did this anytime before Jan 20th, this would have been the case.
The whole point of the current exercise is to avoid that. Its to make even those leftists start questioning what the hell is up with the dems, and to make sure even they can understand there was election fraud. I think we are pretty close to the end now, so just gotta wait.
It is easy to dismiss that the leftist REEEEE wont matter and they should have just pulled the bandage. But the real problem is, it would give the left a solid narrative to teach the next generation, and if you couple it with any future false flags, they could easily paint Trump as another notorious dictator from the past.
That is the real reason for the great awakening.
The moment I realized that the plan did not and would not go down like I thought it would, it repeatedly happened to me, I found peace. It took me a long time to get there. I hit bottom before I could clearly see the light. I now know too much for it to all be coincidence. I put my trust in God and am enjoying the show. There is a calmness in my life now and I don't obsess and research all hours of the day and night. We have it all. They have it all. The cabal is fucked and nothing can stop what is coming. There is no peace in their lives because they are constantly waiting for the hammer to drop. Be at peace Patriots. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+31&version=NKJV
Yeah I understand this sentiment and its the same for me. The Belief in the plan just comes automatically at one point when everything clicks into place in our mind. There is no going back. You just know this is the Plan and they have everything under control and it does not matter how long this goes for.
After that you dont really need Q proofs, decodes, secret comms etc, even though those things continue to amaze us and entertain us.
"I sure hope?"
This guy was saying a few months ago with certainty that Trump was going to be president for four more years.
And he is still saying it. Just read it carefully.
I was very low last night when he announced our goal as 2022 and 2024. This helps alleviate the "winter is coming" warning and the dread of another campaign with a useless election at it's end
Did he definitively mention his goal was 2022/2024? As far as I remember he kept the time frames very vague.
We need to go by the lawful winner of the last election. I'm not voting g again fuck that game.
“that election”.
Interesting choice of words. Not “A” or “an” or “the” but “THAT” election. Hmmmm, has he already been told there will be another presidential election prior to 2024? ?
I got a strong hint of that
Sure seems we are under a new Constitution!
why the fuck is he talking about elections? is it rigged or not? cause you been saying it's rigged, what the fuck does a third fucking rigged election do dipshit? nobody is ever going to vote again except democrats.
Lin for AG! ?
If not federal, at least Georgia AG
You're right!
There will be an opening there very soon!
Actually there needs to be a TON of openings for Gov & AG in several states! PA, GA, NV, AZ, MI, WI, NM, VA for starters
Actually there needs to be a TON of openings for Gov & AG in several states! PA, GA, NV, AZ, MI, WI, NM, VA for starters
If 2024 happens I expect that every one of y'all to be out in the fucking streets being as visible as possible.
If 2020 was stolen anyone running in 2024 is fucking complicit.
Whole point of his tweet is that its not going to be 2024 election.
We'll see.
Actual link?
Thank you
wins for a third time? Doesn't mean shit if cheating is openly allowed
I would assume the re-do of the election (which will be held shortly) will be under military control
Do you think that the Arizona audit will open a can of worms and act like a domino effect? I hope so, but my faith is wearing really thin right now :(
Military knows clearly that if they fail to act in time no one can control what comes next. Even if the BQQMs came differently (like before Jan20th) they would have been much bloodshed. This way the left will be too dazed with the shenanigans Bidan and the dems are pulling, to put up a fight (beyond the few antifa terrorists who have been infiltrated from top to bottom.)
I'm a Lin fan, but has anything he posted recently come true?
Nothing he hasn’t already said a hundred times