Evspra made a couple of posts showing good reasons to believe George News is a paytriot and possible controlled opposition pretending to be close to Trump/military.
For stated reasons, Evspra banned George News telegram/etc as a source for posts.
People got mad that Evspra burned down their hopium stash and started getting personal/attacking him
You have been here about a month and I can tell that you have little to no clue how much Evspra made this board what it is.
They made constant efforts to clean the board when we got attacked by lefties and libbies on the 6th, on the 20th and plenty other times too. You wouldn't see such a nice community if it wasn't for their efforts.
That is the problem with new users. They come on and make ridiculous assumptions because they are not familiar with the crowd. Evspra made GIFS work on this board. So yes, it does fucking suck that now they are gone.
Evspra left to remove the focus from Evspra. Shills still out attacking for Evspra digging into corrupt Georgenews. Weird that the sheep are still upset at calling out obvious Paytriot BS.
Shills is a word used quite freely around this place. I mean, if you call having an open debate, and the person on the side that isn't your side is a shill, I guess you have that right. However, I saw very few say anything that would make a moderator run out of the room crying. He opened the floor for debate, and as soon as his side wasn't popular, he closed the debate. Then when people addressed that issue, poof, he's out of here. Can't take the criticism.
I thought he was just getting back into highly contributing and I was loving it. This morning he was actively here it seemed and this evening I check to find this out. What a shame.
Mod flames another user by posting a screenshot of his deleted comment to accuse him of not being a Q supporter.
I point out that the deleted comment the Mod showed us was OBVIOUS sarcasm. Looking at the users comment history easily confirmed it.
Mod retaliates against me by posting an obviously satirical comment I made in the flat earth thread claiming earth was actually a cylindrical ring created by Nyan Cat (a meme) to try to flame me and save face.
I point out to Mod that once again he is unable to detect obvious sarcasm/satire.
Mod gives me a 3 day ban for “targeted harassment”.
Mod deletes his embarrassing comments in the thread.
It is,whole post of u/bojackjohnson indicates NOTHING.
It is probably those old dog and nothing what could prove mr Trump was in WH today/yesterday or so available in exif data.
Nobody ever said Trump was in the White House. This is a picture from when Trump awarded a medal to the dog because he captured a bad guy. Jim Jordan posted this in jest because Biden’s dogs were just removed from the White House yesterday.
Dog on a leash.... Not two German shepherds but one....this has to mean something! Also original Trump rug and desk not the Clinton blue rug that Biden has supposedly been using. Any other clues you see? What a way to brighten my day! ??
respawnedhandshake1 commented on another post that a recent video of Biden had odd video effects; the edges of Biden were fuzzy, and when the Biden head swayed back and forth, the background wallpaper patters also were affected! I looked into this and found another Biden speech with the odd border effects (background gets distorted when his head moves left or right): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwjxQoTyVAE
Notice absolutely zero edge distortion! I think respawnedhandshake1 is definitely on to something!
After reading through the posts on that thread, I took a nap (reviewing GA posts can be exhausting :) ), and when I woke, I had one of those weird dreams/ideas that went like this: During Biden's live, nationwide covid speech on the 11th, when EVERYONE is watching to see if Biden's dementia shows up, the image of Biden fades out as Trump's fades in, and alas, it is Trump in the real Oval Office in the real White House, and he goes on to explain what has been happening in the past few months, and introduces the masses to "The Great Awakening". (hey, we can dream, can't we?)
Wow something’s going on with these dog comms holy sh...
Edit- I gave it a little thought. The initial impression of the picture overwhelmed me. As with everything about Trump, the image is filled with confidence, positivity, power.
Based wraassler
Did someone say wrassling?
u/#Vincewhat u/#Trumpbeatdown u/#Vincenut
Dang, I can’t see a GIF now without missing Evspra
Lmfao your user tag thing
Missing evspra? What'd I miss?
Evspra made a couple of posts showing good reasons to believe George News is a paytriot and possible controlled opposition pretending to be close to Trump/military.
For stated reasons, Evspra banned George News telegram/etc as a source for posts.
People got mad that Evspra burned down their hopium stash and started getting personal/attacking him
Evspra deleted their account
You have been here about a month and I can tell that you have little to no clue how much Evspra made this board what it is.
They made constant efforts to clean the board when we got attacked by lefties and libbies on the 6th, on the 20th and plenty other times too. You wouldn't see such a nice community if it wasn't for their efforts.
That is the problem with new users. They come on and make ridiculous assumptions because they are not familiar with the crowd. Evspra made GIFS work on this board. So yes, it does fucking suck that now they are gone.
This shit used to be just a bunch of boring text.
Community stylings
What did I miss today? Damn. What happened to Evspra? Please fill me in.
Evspra left to remove the focus from Evspra. Shills still out attacking for Evspra digging into corrupt Georgenews. Weird that the sheep are still upset at calling out obvious Paytriot BS.
Shills is a word used quite freely around this place. I mean, if you call having an open debate, and the person on the side that isn't your side is a shill, I guess you have that right. However, I saw very few say anything that would make a moderator run out of the room crying. He opened the floor for debate, and as soon as his side wasn't popular, he closed the debate. Then when people addressed that issue, poof, he's out of here. Can't take the criticism.
The fuck I'm gone for a short time today and suddenly Evspra left?
I thought he was just getting back into highly contributing and I was loving it. This morning he was actively here it seemed and this evening I check to find this out. What a shame.
Pretty sure guy is a girl.
Disinformation is necessary ??
Interesting avatar for a guy.
Am guy, same avatar
Is this related to his GeorgeNews ban? Did that verdict get overturned? I missed it.
We'll see. Are we still going to upvote BS?
Can confirm. Example:
Link: https://greatawakening.win/p/12hRGsyxR3/mods-have-done-a-great-job-divid/c/4Dx4L5daMar
But hey, he made the site pretty, so somehow that means he’s a great mod to most people here.
It is 3 combined gifs.
u / # Vincewhat Trumpbeatdown Vincenut
Just remove the spaces between the 'u' '/' '#' and gif name
Is that not the dog who chased someone down the tunnels and got a medal for it?
Should have scrolled down before posting. I think that you're correct.
Yes, maybe he was undercover in the Whitehouse. His cover may have been blown yesterday.
It is,whole post of u/bojackjohnson indicates NOTHING. It is probably those old dog and nothing what could prove mr Trump was in WH today/yesterday or so available in exif data.
Nobody ever said Trump was in the White House. This is a picture from when Trump awarded a medal to the dog because he captured a bad guy. Jim Jordan posted this in jest because Biden’s dogs were just removed from the White House yesterday.
Neither Biden nor his dogs were in the white house at all. They are in a studio.
lol, well said
DC is having a winter at the moment, so...
More dog comms? I fully expect Bidan to get the boot really soon.
Pardon the shameless piggyback on your comment:
I would say this pic of POTUS in the Oval Office with a dog is significant.
But still... it’s way too obvious. Huge dog comm in my novice opinion...
Edit- may I venture an interpretation?
Biden has no control of [dog]
Trump has control of [dog]
Thank you for the correction, as a a Mal owner ;)
Found this: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-trump-welcomes-conan-hero-dog-al-baghdadi/story?id=67295115
Super good doge!
Dog on a leash.... Not two German shepherds but one....this has to mean something! Also original Trump rug and desk not the Clinton blue rug that Biden has supposedly been using. Any other clues you see? What a way to brighten my day! ??
To add.... This is probably an old pic but wow the Trump smile sure looks like similar recent photos (maybe photo shopped)
Dogs are better than Biden.
Specifically that dog.
Orange Man Rad needs some bully dogs.
Is that the hero dog that nailed whatever terrorist in the cave.. Conan?
Yes, its a joke about how Joe Biden’s dog bit a SS agent and got removed from the White House.
Was that a hiden dog?
respawnedhandshake1 commented on another post that a recent video of Biden had odd video effects; the edges of Biden were fuzzy, and when the Biden head swayed back and forth, the background wallpaper patters also were affected! I looked into this and found another Biden speech with the odd border effects (background gets distorted when his head moves left or right): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwjxQoTyVAE
And here's a Trump speech from last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6bHghu6Juk
Notice absolutely zero edge distortion! I think respawnedhandshake1 is definitely on to something!
After reading through the posts on that thread, I took a nap (reviewing GA posts can be exhausting :) ), and when I woke, I had one of those weird dreams/ideas that went like this: During Biden's live, nationwide covid speech on the 11th, when EVERYONE is watching to see if Biden's dementia shows up, the image of Biden fades out as Trump's fades in, and alas, it is Trump in the real Oval Office in the real White House, and he goes on to explain what has been happening in the past few months, and introduces the masses to "The Great Awakening". (hey, we can dream, can't we?)
I like that dream! Could you imagine the shock and awe of that happening?
Jim Jordan also said Trump 2024. NOPE Trump 2020 Based Trump 2024 Cucked
Mark Dice has 2024 shirts just to trigger liberals
Isn't that the dog that received a medal of honor? Maybe dog comms?
More dog coms. Dan scavino posted a clip of the rapper “Pit Bull” talking about being a Cuban American and Event 202 pandemic practice.
Conan the dog! She bites ??
Wow something’s going on with these dog comms holy sh...
Edit- I gave it a little thought. The initial impression of the picture overwhelmed me. As with everything about Trump, the image is filled with confidence, positivity, power.
Biden has no control of [dog]
Trump has control of [dog]
I agree. It seems a clear message.
Didnt dogs get kidnapped and shot recently
Now that Lady Gaga got her bulldogs back no one gives a shit how the dogwalker who got shot is doing.
Trolling with the best of them! Love Jim Jordan!
Every dog has its day...
Is that No Name on the right or is it Natl Dog Day again already?
Old photo https://munrkazmir.medium.com/top-dog-receives-top-honors-at-the-white-house-9c896e36a50
Bidens dog bit the body double
That’s the dog that chased that muzzie ISIS terrorist through the tunnel
Aw I didn’t know Trump had a dog. Good boy.
Count the full stars on the flag..... :)
that White House visitor didn't have to go home to the "farm" in Deleware
...and yet another "dog" post....
bidens poor dog probably ran away
Is that Biden’s dog?
Whose dog is this?
Good Doggo!
I'll see your 2 maladjusted Biden pets and raise you one war hero.