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Revelation 6:15 :And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains". Hide in your DUMB's as much as you want, demons. You stole from humanity for untold centuries, robbed us from our freedom and our Lord. No longer. Nothing Can Stop What's Coming. Blessed be the Lamb of God, praised be the roaring Lion of Judah. Amen, Amen, Hallelujah !!!
why does "its going to be biblical" have to be interpreted as the end of the world??? isnt destroying a global satan cult biblical enough? why are people like you actively cheering for the end of the world?
You're the one seeing it this way. I would rather interpret it through the historic lens. You see, giant empires rise all the time, their tyrranny and their pride in their strenght above everything. Then they crumble and die, while those who follow God sincerely and wholeheartly always survive and thrive. I ask you : Where's Babylon ? Where's Persia ? Where's Rome ? Where is the Soviet Union ? They all crumbled under the weight of their greed and hatred. As they fell, so will, God willing, the Deep State fall. And so will happen, time after time after time, until the end of days, when Jesus will return. Until then, we fight the good fight. Press on, soldier.
Yes. It's called "the pride cycle".
This is exactly what I've been thinking the last year or so. We're Babylon, and we MUST turn back to the Almighty. So very many of us won't, but those of us that pursue a relationship with Christ will have everlasting life, regardless of what happens here on Earth. We just need to keep our faith in His plan. THAT'S the plan we need to trust.
There is no “end of the world” ever. There is a destruction of the kingdom of satan and a recreation of the heavens and the earth with the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Heaven. Sounds pretty great to me.
But “getting biblical” doesn’t have to mean that. It means the Lord moving in undeniable power.
Pretty much this. This world is fallen. So for Christ to make his triumphant return would be the best possible outcome for our existence. That being said, the destruction of a global satanic cabal is still pretty great and up there in the list.
Chapter and verse please?
This is just what I see from a plain reading of revelation, as far as the “end of the world” goes.
As for “getting biblical” that’s just a figure of speech people use. It is not in the Bible.
Revelation was about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 A.D. not the world.
If it was about the world why would God tell people to flee to the mountains to avoid it (which is what Christians at the time did when Rome came and they survived)
If it is only by the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, why does it talk about the resurrection of the dead and the final judgement then?
Q says it will be biblical and several of Trump's lawyers have repeated the phrase.
Yes, they were the OG datefags.
Indeed. If you read the Bible you will discover that Christianity is really a doomsday cult that has been dragging on for 2000 years now. They were writing like this shit was going to happen at any moment, not (at the very least) thousands of years later.
Not quite 2000, the guy people call Jesus (not His real name) died 300 years or so before Christianity was cooked up.. The books were compiled out of order and carefully curated as to only support the chosen narrative. Having spent 37 years as a prisoner of the Church and its indoctrination, it's easy to see why people get confused with the timeline, since Christians keep Him perpetually on the cross.. Only time they let Him down is around Christmas (not His real birthday), and then it's back up on the cross until Easter when he gets a 3 day rest.
A great book to read is The Last Hour by Amir Tsarfati. It provides a great understanding of the meaning of Revelation. Written from the perspective of an Israeli Christian, Amir is a great Bible teacher.
I'm thinking it's more the end of their world. "They won't be able to walk the streets" and such.
Revelation does not talk about the end of the world. It describes the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
I think it means "think easter" 4th Apr. The last episodes called "game over" from the HBO show airs that date as well. Coincidence?
while your in Revelations go back a few pages to ''Revelations 2:9 & Revelations 3:9''
u/#lightning You aren't a pedo are you sir?
This is a great meme. Saved
Sure are alot of people moving on to other 'projects'
I've noticed that as well.
This guy and Wexner or whatever from Victoria's Secret.
Pedo Joe and the DemonRats are in control then why all these people fleeing?
Because people get new jobs, progress in their careers, make decisions to try something new. What is so surprising about this?
You either clearly don't get it making you an idiot or you are simply here to muddy the waters. I'll let you determine which category you fall into while letting you know that thus far you've only succeeded in appearing to be an idiot.
I suspect you aren’t a white collar professional with experience moving around to new roles and new firms. This is not atypical, rather it is normal course. Sorry to burst your narrative.
lmao you think the 80+ year old billionaire who is accused of human trafficking just decided to get a new job. haha.
If the picture in the article is recent and accurate, the exec looks around 35 - 40.
What are you even talking about? The linked article is about some VP-level dude who looks to be in his 40s or 50s?
im talking about les wexner who was half of the post that you responded to; try to keep up
The linked article — the entire topic of the original post — is about one person leaving Google and that is not Les Wexner.
Agree. People don't typically stay at jobs as long as they used to in the past.
I’ll give you the google guy being possibly random business.
Since you are a white collar professional, explain why Jeff Bezos walked away from Amazon without any shareholder warning. No transition announcement. He just randomly decided to not be CEO anymore.
In what universe is it normal for the CEO of one of the largest businesses on earth to do this? And even crazier, no ones even seems to have noticed. Or the media did notice, especially financial media, and decided not to talk about it.
You remember Enron. A CEO of this level just quietly leaving one day only means one thing. It wasn’t planned.
Wexner and Bezos cannot be explained, if you are viewing them through the lens of typical white collar behavior.
Believe it or not, yes, even CEOs sometimes spontaneously decide to do something different, to take time off, etc. That is quite literally the ending for every CEO who doesn’t retire at the end of tenure or otherwise isn’t terminated sooner. And the Enron comparison is really not useful, sorry to say.
Of course it’s useful. Skilling leaving without any warning or transition plan for unspecified family reasons is the kick that started the dominos.
I just can’t take you seriously if you actually think it’s normal for CEOs at that level to not inform shareholders ahead of time when CEOs transition. You are objectively wrong.
We are looking at information for things that tie in with Q's predictions. I'm sure you think Q is crazy non-sense, but Q said multiple times to look for resignations and to keep lists of resignations. It's not to say that everything that occurs is related to Q, but we take it into account. Q proves that what he says is legitimate by a series of coincidences, with the tagline of "How many coincidences until mathematically impossible?" So when big resignations happen, we are of course looking at it. Is every one of them related to Q? Are any of them related to Q? That remains to be seen.
I agree. Just because an exec moves on, which happens all the time, doesn't necessarily mean there were other forces at play.
incase you dont know how to scroll up to read the post that you responded to... it said:
"This guy and Wexner or whatever from Victoria's Secret. Pedo Joe and the DemonRats are in control then why all these people fleeing?"
Xoogler checking in, this seems more plausible. This guy is not a "top executive" in the same way Wexner is, he is a VP of something, and there are a lot, a whole lot, of those at Google. Too many. It is one of the reasons they suck so much now.
Stadia was released? Damn I didn't even hear about it.
The only reason to get stadia anymore is the controller that you get with the service and can use it on steam/epic/GOG. Or just get an xbox controller like everyone else
I thought that open world RPG would do really well. Glad Google failed tbh.
He says he's going to set up another company. So the rat scatters and sets up another shop??
Hmm. Caesar Sengupta isn't a top exec at Google. A top exec is someone who holds an SVP title or higher. Someone like Susan, or Sundar.
This is like saying a general manager who resigns at Microsoft as a sign of a storm brewing when it could really be that the guy is burnt out or wants to switch careers after an extended vacation.
He is the VP of Google's Next Billion Users. It's an operation to implement a massive spying network in India (hence billion users). He is a top Google executive and this is big news.
Also, the resignations of the big guys already happened in the past. Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Eric Schmidt all already resigned in the past when trump was president. My guess is trump already got them pretty early. They are still hiring obama croonies though, and only Sundar and SVPs can drive that policy decision.
Someone at his level doesn't make policy decisions. NBU is google's efforts to make GMS work on cheap phones from India.
I write android apps for a living and follow Google pretty closely, including multiple friends in Google. So, I know this guy's level is no more than a manager level.
What an incredibly odd statement to make.
Wheels up? Dan Scavino post today showing trump with a wheel in the background. Coincidence?
As it says in Act 1:7 KJV And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. This strongly suggests that we can't really know the timing of events unfolding.
But in the books of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, and Zechariah we can see the revealing of prophetic events that will happen. When we start to see an event or events starting to show up it gives us a clue as to where we potentially stand in respect to the timing of events. People myself included would like things to be more precise but is not going to happen.
In Revelation chapter 6 to ch 11 we see the unsealing of the book that only the Lamb of God was qualified to open. The seven seals are opened sequentially of the events that are going to take place leading up to the 1000 year reign of Christ.
Some of the main characters in Revelation that one can easily assume are a part of the deep state (Cabal, illuminati etc) is the dragon (devil Rev 12), the beast emerging out of the sea Rev 13:1 with ⁷ heads and 10 horns, the 2nd beast Rev 11:13 rising out the earth that has 2 horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon (the false prophet Rev 16:13), and the great city Babylon.
For those who are interested this will give you a foundation on which you can begin your study and learn about the events that will be happening at some point.
The more beautiful part of the book is the victory that we see the Christ getting over this dark and evil force and the rejoicing of those who were redeemed and yielded themselves to the Christ nature within.
As of this moment, google, gmail, and amazon are all experiencing spikes in crashing and going down. I use gmail for work and I can't even open on my phone. It immediately crashes.
Is there any confirmation that all these "resignations" are abnormal? Isn't this something that happens with companies every so often? I want to believe...
Next billion in fines, maybe, Sengupta.
Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...
I mean, hes starting another company, he isn't being arrested or anything. can yall stop being retarded