Just asked a based doctor I know because this made sense at first glance.
Apparently our saliva is acidic and it kills the virus. The virus isn’t spread from our mouth, it comes from the lungs.
These swabs looked fucked up though. I’ll ask them to watch the video and see what they have to say.
Not letting them give me one of those things.
Edit: apparently this info angered someone enough to go through my profile and downvote every comment. We can’t be like the socialist NPCs we make fun of and just go with whatever suits our beliefs.
We need to hold each other accountable and be sure to not spread bs or fake news.
I’ve had 2 now over time. One they had me blow my nose into tissue, then very very lightly tickled the inside of the nostril. The 2nd one (same clinic)- they didn’t ask me blow my nose, and went a little further up my nose on where it starts to narrow, just above the nostrils. Very very lightly they twisted in both sides. This was for Covid, flu A and B. All came back negative. Bc I still had major symptom, high fever (after all kinds of tests), they ran a second longer test, but did this from blood, after apologizing profusely for having to draw blood a 2nd time.
So I think if you ask for it to be a blood test, it may can be, but not sure if insurance would cover it if it was your choice. Or if clinic would even let you in to draw blood if you had symptoms! They only let me in bc rapid test came back negative. I had to sit in parking lot and wait 20 mins for test results.
The pH level of 14 is the most alkaline, and the pH level of 0 is the most acidic. In the center of the spectrum is pH 7, the pH level for pure water.
For example, black coffee and vinegar are acidic and fall below pH 7. Seawater and antacids are alkaline and test above pH 7. With a pH just above 7, healthy human blood is just a little on the alkaline side.
The normal pH range for saliva is 6.2 to 7.6.
Food and drink change the pH level of saliva. For example, bacteria in your mouth break down the carbohydrates you consume, releasing lactic acid, butyric acid, and aspartic acid. This lowers the pH level of your saliva.
Apparently our saliva is acidic and it kills the virus.
I don't know if that is accurate or not (I have no reason to believe it is not accurate).
If it is, then it means that a virus cannot come into the human body by way of the mouth, as the saliva in the mouth would kill it.
That leaves only the nose ... or vaccine injection.
It would also seriously question the narrative that eating a dead bat was the original source of Covid19 in humans (I do not believe it, but this would prove it).
BTW, I have never had any test for any virus (flu, etc.), and I have never had a swab up my nose (much less my backside). Is the nose the way it is ALWAYS done for ALL viruses, or is it usually/often done by swabbing the mouth (which is what I assumed)?
So somehow we can spread droplets by just talking to each other, it is able to come all the way from the lungs and never touch your saliva? Sounds like BS to me. Are these droplets microscopic
It's called microscopic water vapor droplets. Have you ever seen someone breathing outside when it's below freezing out? You can visualize it that way.
Yeah, saw this on another posting here last night. Creepy, alright. Bottom line, NEVER trust anything from China. Don't buy their food imports, and we MUST get our pharmaceutical manufacturing away from them and made in America once again.
Disturbing. Maybe there is more to those hypothesis about the PCR tests being designed to "calcify" the pineal gland than I thought. Nobody ever provided any reason to suspect it before, but this is concerning.
Don't feel dumb...be angry! A lot of people got these stupid tests because we were "required" to for medical procedures or for other reasons. My husband and I both had procedures last summer and got "tested." I'm furious about it!
I literally held off on an operation for a year because of this. I refused any medical treatment until I found a bad ass surgeon who didn't require it just last week. He could tell I wasn't about it either.
Fortunately my problem wasn't to debilitating that I didn't need immediate surgery. I feel for you.
Well luckily for me I haven't started a family yet. So my responsibilities are to myself mostly. You have much more responsibility and had to make tough decisions. We just have to keep praying the white hats are in control and they don't let something as evil as this happen.
Also I lost trust in doctors and definitely nurses since this china virus happened. I don't fear going to the doctors, but I really just no longer trust them. Nor the scientists. I don't think I am alone and we will probably unfortunately see people die because they don't want to use our medical system any longer.
We will get through this though. Our side is a strongly knit community. Unlike theirs.
I had to be tested last year, needed surgery that couldn’t be held off, appendicitis. But nurse didn’t swab way back like they did at beginning, it wasn’t even as bad as they do for the flu test. My husband had one about a few months ago because he had some sinus issues, works around many people so got tested and said same thing, both of us were negative. Of course at that time I didn’t know about the test swabs.
I was thinking this when kiwis test positive, the swabs are likely the culprit. Why bother with the jab, when you can distribute gene therapy via the test, itself
Got my test. They definitely record your name. I got a letter from the state about what to do because I tested positive for covid. They definitely send it out to a lab for testing, and they definitely have to use their own swab to make sure it's sterile.
There is no test for SARS COV2...... the test they use is the PCR test which cannot detect COVID-19......
The test is used to see if you have any virus cells in your system..... the Corona virus that is, BUT it cannot differentiate between any Virus cells such as the Flu.... also the test cannot say when you had the Corona virus as any viral cells remain in your body.... so if you test positive then they don’t know when you had a virus or if you are still carrying the live Corona virus..... nor can they tell if it’s the Corona Virus or any virus like Flu or Bird Flu etc....
Then add to that, that the PCR test is not accurate about someone having any virus because the current PCR tests across the world are set to measure your viral cells using a high cycle rate.... to be accurate the PCR test must be ‘set’ to identify viral cells at less than 20 cycles to be accurate.... however all PCR testing equipment is set at between 39 to 45 cycles..... that means that any PCR you use will have a false positive of over 98.6%.... so our governments across the world are using a test that cannot test for SARS Cov 2 and that has a false positive of over 98% for detecting any virus cells present in the body at the time of the test.....!
So every single test used to detect SARS Cov 2 cannot do so and what it can detect is totally inaccurate....!
Even the creator of the PCR test has been shouting out to everyone that will listen that the test is being misused to diagnose Corona Virus....
You must Think of Corona Virus and COVID-19 as 2 different issues.... in the same way that HIV and AIDS are different.....
Corona virus is a viral infection..... COVID is the disease that you can get if you have Corona Virus.....
That’s why it really only effects those over 65 plus and/or those with an existing known condition or even unknown conditions.... it is the latter that is the main cause of deaths of people under 30 or so.....
It’s like you hear of friends or family that tell you about their relative going into hospital with a hip complaint (say) and dying within a few weeks of pneumonia for example....!
This makes me want to cry! My son had to have surgery and had to get tested. My husband had to be tested like 4 times because of work, every time someone got it he had to go get tested.
Don't be to upset about this. I understand your feelings. My brother is a Detroit fireman. He probably got tested 10 fucking times. Same with his whole family.
If there truly is a plan and you believe in the plan and god your family will be okay. COVID 21 hopefully never happens. I feel for you truly. But I believe we will see justice before the depopulation plan is put into full throttle.
Wow, that is bizarre.
I would like to see a verification of this from several other scientist or laboratories.
I will send this to the Health Ranger, Mike Adams. He has a laboratory that can duplicate this test.
If other labs can repeat with the same results than we need to find out what that swab is and what the black fibers are...
It’s called a Flocked Swab. I just looked up the difference between it and a “normal” cotton one and the results are bizarre. Just throw that term into a search engine and find what you can.
Low accuracy, intrusiveness and potential health risks of the tests aside, I would always refuse on principle to get a wuflu test, purely because any info from the test would be used to attack my interests. To harm where I live and my friends and neighbours, to impose lockdowns, mask mandates, restrictions on businesses and travel. Deny people this info, and no harm can happen.
If governments want to position themselves as an enemy and order billions of dollars in harm done against innocent people, then denial of info to ones enemy is the first law of warfare.
Almost looks like asbestos fibers. I would not be surprised if they found some way to cause local injury and sensitivity to viruses to make people more susceptible to the flu.
Evil knows no bounds - they can shut down the DS any day now.
Pretty f-ing compelling...have been against the test since before they started setting up drive-thru testing sites...all I can say is my eyes have been opened WIDE over the last few years...I mean the depth and breadth of the globalist master fuckery is astounding...
Oh interesting. I didn't see that. One more perspective to add is that the swab companies, the testing companies, and test kit providers don't have legal immunity like the vaccine companies. So, if there's shit like this in the testing kits, a lawyer could setup a class action lawsuits. That's also why I find it difficult for this to be widespread... Though, knowing the stuff the CCP pulls off, this is also entirely possible they mucked with the test swabs on purpose.
Optical fibers getting stuck in your fingers absolutely suck. I can’t imagine willingly subjecting myself to this type of shit. Definitely looks like fiberglass...
Ok, I'm skeptical and have to be because I'll get called out were I ever to post this for a group that has great critical thinking skills. "He" carefully showed the cotton swab coming out of a package but didn't do the same for the Covid swab?
look i hate to burst any bubbles here... but stopping shit like this before it gets started is important if we want people to take us seriously.
a man wearing black gloves was handling a medical swab.
black fibers are now on the swab.
you can clearly see the helical pattern of the black fibers just like manufactured thread you would find in the gloves he's wearing.
the only thing that makes this video freaky is that most people have never seen a bristle swab under magnification, we are all familiar with smooth cotton swabs, not micro bristle brushes.
That said, there is nothing stopping them from infecting the bristle swabs with something prior to sealing the packaging.
nobody is sticking anything up my nose (or anywhere else) without at least letting it cook under a UV-C light for a while. rotisserie that fucker with germicidal rays for at least 5 minutes... and even then it'll have to be a gun to my head.
Has anyone actually tested the fibers from a cov19 unused test swab yet to see what it’s made of? I have no idea how it can be done, but just wondered. And how it differs from a normal cotton swab? And is the Cov19 test swabs different than other swabs they use to test with, like when testing you for the flu? I always assumed it was a sterile cotton swab they tested you with. Now I know they aren’t.
If this disease is so damn spreadable by people coughing and sneezing, we ought to be able to spit in a test tube and get accurately tested that way.
Heey, who gave you permission to use logic! =P
Just asked a based doctor I know because this made sense at first glance.
Apparently our saliva is acidic and it kills the virus. The virus isn’t spread from our mouth, it comes from the lungs.
These swabs looked fucked up though. I’ll ask them to watch the video and see what they have to say.
Not letting them give me one of those things.
Edit: apparently this info angered someone enough to go through my profile and downvote every comment. We can’t be like the socialist NPCs we make fun of and just go with whatever suits our beliefs.
We need to hold each other accountable and be sure to not spread bs or fake news.
I’ve had 2 now over time. One they had me blow my nose into tissue, then very very lightly tickled the inside of the nostril. The 2nd one (same clinic)- they didn’t ask me blow my nose, and went a little further up my nose on where it starts to narrow, just above the nostrils. Very very lightly they twisted in both sides. This was for Covid, flu A and B. All came back negative. Bc I still had major symptom, high fever (after all kinds of tests), they ran a second longer test, but did this from blood, after apologizing profusely for having to draw blood a 2nd time.
So I think if you ask for it to be a blood test, it may can be, but not sure if insurance would cover it if it was your choice. Or if clinic would even let you in to draw blood if you had symptoms! They only let me in bc rapid test came back negative. I had to sit in parking lot and wait 20 mins for test results.
The pH level of 14 is the most alkaline, and the pH level of 0 is the most acidic. In the center of the spectrum is pH 7, the pH level for pure water.
For example, black coffee and vinegar are acidic and fall below pH 7. Seawater and antacids are alkaline and test above pH 7. With a pH just above 7, healthy human blood is just a little on the alkaline side.
The normal pH range for saliva is 6.2 to 7.6.
Food and drink change the pH level of saliva. For example, bacteria in your mouth break down the carbohydrates you consume, releasing lactic acid, butyric acid, and aspartic acid. This lowers the pH level of your saliva.
Yeah I learned this in highschool.
Are you a doctor?
Some saliva is acidic depending on diet. Not all.
Majority is acidic though. Especially in America woth all the coffee and carbs we consume.
What are you, a doctor?
pH scale is logarithmic, a difference of 1 pH is 10x difference in acidity
Yes please
That’s great stuff!! Do you know how we reverse these morgellons or extract them from our bodies/brains?
I don't know if that is accurate or not (I have no reason to believe it is not accurate).
If it is, then it means that a virus cannot come into the human body by way of the mouth, as the saliva in the mouth would kill it.
That leaves only the nose ... or vaccine injection.
It would also seriously question the narrative that eating a dead bat was the original source of Covid19 in humans (I do not believe it, but this would prove it).
BTW, I have never had any test for any virus (flu, etc.), and I have never had a swab up my nose (much less my backside). Is the nose the way it is ALWAYS done for ALL viruses, or is it usually/often done by swabbing the mouth (which is what I assumed)?
Oh so then how can "droplets" spread the virus
They come from the lungs and mucus. Never touching the saliva.
So somehow we can spread droplets by just talking to each other, it is able to come all the way from the lungs and never touch your saliva? Sounds like BS to me. Are these droplets microscopic
I never said that. Fake news did.
I’m just saying what a doctor I trust told me. Talk to a doctor you trust and ask why there isn’t a saliva test.
I think the lockdown and everything that’s gone on is bullshit. Just explaining why we don’t use a saliva tests.
Yeah I wasn't accusing you I was kind of strawmanning the main argument. Sorry I didn't mean to come off as aggressive towards you personally.
It's called microscopic water vapor droplets. Have you ever seen someone breathing outside when it's below freezing out? You can visualize it that way.
Of course it’s BS. It’s not even a virus!
Anal swabs are the best way to detect a lung disease. Trust the doctors, biggots!
that is why Hussein, every time Big Mike has paid him an anal visit, he speaks with consumption.
You mean like the spit test designed by Rutgers research professor Andrew Brooks? Seems he died “unexpectedly” at the ripe age of 51.
I went to a testing station last year that did saliva tests
Yeah, saw this on another posting here last night. Creepy, alright. Bottom line, NEVER trust anything from China. Don't buy their food imports, and we MUST get our pharmaceutical manufacturing away from them and made in America once again.
Oh it was posted already? Didn't know that. This is the first time I saw that and wanted to share as I didn't see it last night lol.
But yeah fuck Chinese made products...
Haven't seen it, thanks for posting.
Reposts are good. People visit at different time and different days.
Search doesn’t work either
Disturbing. Maybe there is more to those hypothesis about the PCR tests being designed to "calcify" the pineal gland than I thought. Nobody ever provided any reason to suspect it before, but this is concerning.
Yeah what in the actual fuck. I feel dumb for getting a swab last year now. Who would think even the swabs are suspicious?
Don't feel dumb...be angry! A lot of people got these stupid tests because we were "required" to for medical procedures or for other reasons. My husband and I both had procedures last summer and got "tested." I'm furious about it!
I literally held off on an operation for a year because of this. I refused any medical treatment until I found a bad ass surgeon who didn't require it just last week. He could tell I wasn't about it either.
Fortunately my problem wasn't to debilitating that I didn't need immediate surgery. I feel for you.
Thank you. I'm so glad for you that you could wait. My doctor wouldn't refill one of my medications until I had the procedure. SMH
Well luckily for me I haven't started a family yet. So my responsibilities are to myself mostly. You have much more responsibility and had to make tough decisions. We just have to keep praying the white hats are in control and they don't let something as evil as this happen.
Also I lost trust in doctors and definitely nurses since this china virus happened. I don't fear going to the doctors, but I really just no longer trust them. Nor the scientists. I don't think I am alone and we will probably unfortunately see people die because they don't want to use our medical system any longer.
We will get through this though. Our side is a strongly knit community. Unlike theirs.
I haven't trusted the medical mafia since 1970. There are individual doctors that are worth our trust but I'd say that they are few and far between
That is just wrong. So many need to hang.
I had to be tested last year, needed surgery that couldn’t be held off, appendicitis. But nurse didn’t swab way back like they did at beginning, it wasn’t even as bad as they do for the flu test. My husband had one about a few months ago because he had some sinus issues, works around many people so got tested and said same thing, both of us were negative. Of course at that time I didn’t know about the test swabs.
It’s a parasite! It looks like a threadworm!
Or a Morgellons fiber
That was my thought too.
What is a threadworm & a Morgellons fiber?
Looks like morgellons.
I was thinking this when kiwis test positive, the swabs are likely the culprit. Why bother with the jab, when you can distribute gene therapy via the test, itself
Do the testing sites record your name & other info in a database after they swab your nose?
Where does the Q-tip go after they stick it up your nose - is it thrown away on site or sent out? Can you bring your own?
This is scary shit. God knows what is on those Q-tips, or what they're doing with your DNA ?
Got my test. They definitely record your name. I got a letter from the state about what to do because I tested positive for covid. They definitely send it out to a lab for testing, and they definitely have to use their own swab to make sure it's sterile.
It's crazy stuff
They are working with another company to create a DNA database from the swabs
Shit is exported to Dubai .... there is a huge datacenter with all genectic material.
There is no test for SARS COV2...... the test they use is the PCR test which cannot detect COVID-19......
The test is used to see if you have any virus cells in your system..... the Corona virus that is, BUT it cannot differentiate between any Virus cells such as the Flu.... also the test cannot say when you had the Corona virus as any viral cells remain in your body.... so if you test positive then they don’t know when you had a virus or if you are still carrying the live Corona virus..... nor can they tell if it’s the Corona Virus or any virus like Flu or Bird Flu etc....
Then add to that, that the PCR test is not accurate about someone having any virus because the current PCR tests across the world are set to measure your viral cells using a high cycle rate.... to be accurate the PCR test must be ‘set’ to identify viral cells at less than 20 cycles to be accurate.... however all PCR testing equipment is set at between 39 to 45 cycles..... that means that any PCR you use will have a false positive of over 98.6%.... so our governments across the world are using a test that cannot test for SARS Cov 2 and that has a false positive of over 98% for detecting any virus cells present in the body at the time of the test.....!
So every single test used to detect SARS Cov 2 cannot do so and what it can detect is totally inaccurate....!
Even the creator of the PCR test has been shouting out to everyone that will listen that the test is being misused to diagnose Corona Virus....
You must Think of Corona Virus and COVID-19 as 2 different issues.... in the same way that HIV and AIDS are different.....
Corona virus is a viral infection..... COVID is the disease that you can get if you have Corona Virus.....
That’s why it really only effects those over 65 plus and/or those with an existing known condition or even unknown conditions.... it is the latter that is the main cause of deaths of people under 30 or so.....
It’s like you hear of friends or family that tell you about their relative going into hospital with a hip complaint (say) and dying within a few weeks of pneumonia for example....!
I copy pasta you patriot! I'm getting ppl angry in response. It's wonderful
Thank you so much
This makes me want to cry! My son had to have surgery and had to get tested. My husband had to be tested like 4 times because of work, every time someone got it he had to go get tested.
Don't be to upset about this. I understand your feelings. My brother is a Detroit fireman. He probably got tested 10 fucking times. Same with his whole family.
If there truly is a plan and you believe in the plan and god your family will be okay. COVID 21 hopefully never happens. I feel for you truly. But I believe we will see justice before the depopulation plan is put into full throttle.
Thank you! I feel better, I’m trusting God for sure
Did anyone else think Morgellons when you saw that black nano fiber twitching? Terrifying. “I am Legend” is about to become a documentary.
Wow, that is bizarre. I would like to see a verification of this from several other scientist or laboratories. I will send this to the Health Ranger, Mike Adams. He has a laboratory that can duplicate this test. If other labs can repeat with the same results than we need to find out what that swab is and what the black fibers are...
It’s called a Flocked Swab. I just looked up the difference between it and a “normal” cotton one and the results are bizarre. Just throw that term into a search engine and find what you can.
Here's one company that manufactures flocked swab and tries to explain the difference
Low accuracy, intrusiveness and potential health risks of the tests aside, I would always refuse on principle to get a wuflu test, purely because any info from the test would be used to attack my interests. To harm where I live and my friends and neighbours, to impose lockdowns, mask mandates, restrictions on businesses and travel. Deny people this info, and no harm can happen.
If governments want to position themselves as an enemy and order billions of dollars in harm done against innocent people, then denial of info to ones enemy is the first law of warfare.
This is great and true, matches what I'm doing but cannot verbalize. Thanks
Almost looks like asbestos fibers. I would not be surprised if they found some way to cause local injury and sensitivity to viruses to make people more susceptible to the flu.
Evil knows no bounds - they can shut down the DS any day now.
It is almost what this seems like. If you are penetrating membranes and making holes that would make you more likely to contract
Pretty f-ing compelling...have been against the test since before they started setting up drive-thru testing sites...all I can say is my eyes have been opened WIDE over the last few years...I mean the depth and breadth of the globalist master fuckery is astounding...
Hmm. This person is wearing black gloves. Is it possible the black fiber comes from the glove s/he is wearing ?
Oh interesting. I didn't see that. One more perspective to add is that the swab companies, the testing companies, and test kit providers don't have legal immunity like the vaccine companies. So, if there's shit like this in the testing kits, a lawyer could setup a class action lawsuits. That's also why I find it difficult for this to be widespread... Though, knowing the stuff the CCP pulls off, this is also entirely possible they mucked with the test swabs on purpose.
The clear strands look like glass fibers, like you would get in a comms cable.
Are you suggesting these are some kind of self replicating fibers? Morgellons?
Optical fibers getting stuck in your fingers absolutely suck. I can’t imagine willingly subjecting myself to this type of shit. Definitely looks like fiberglass...
Maybe that's why they break off so easily....
No I thought we had to do anal swabs??? being sarcastic !
They could put the fibres in the toilet paper
This is fucked up!!!
Higher quality here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHHwUdUiHrA
Perhaps the black fibre came off his glove. But the white fibres detaching from the swab and getting implanted in the meat is disconcerting.
Ok, I'm skeptical and have to be because I'll get called out were I ever to post this for a group that has great critical thinking skills. "He" carefully showed the cotton swab coming out of a package but didn't do the same for the Covid swab?
The covid swab is what was pulled out of the plaatic
I’m pretty sure that was the Covid swan he took out and then said I am going to show you the cotton swab
Would like to hear what debunkers have to say about this. It's been floating around for a while.
look i hate to burst any bubbles here... but stopping shit like this before it gets started is important if we want people to take us seriously.
a man wearing black gloves was handling a medical swab.
black fibers are now on the swab.
you can clearly see the helical pattern of the black fibers just like manufactured thread you would find in the gloves he's wearing.
the only thing that makes this video freaky is that most people have never seen a bristle swab under magnification, we are all familiar with smooth cotton swabs, not micro bristle brushes.
That said, there is nothing stopping them from infecting the bristle swabs with something prior to sealing the packaging.
nobody is sticking anything up my nose (or anywhere else) without at least letting it cook under a UV-C light for a while. rotisserie that fucker with germicidal rays for at least 5 minutes... and even then it'll have to be a gun to my head.
If I'm forced to take a test, I'm not sticking this goddamn swab up my nose regardless of what it does. I'm getting a blood test.
I’m not getting SHIT, PERIOD
Is there a difference between the rapid test (that doesn’t go as far up the nose) vs the deep brain barrier breaking one?
If covid is in my butt shouldn’t it be mandatory to wear panties?
Has anyone actually tested the fibers from a cov19 unused test swab yet to see what it’s made of? I have no idea how it can be done, but just wondered. And how it differs from a normal cotton swab? And is the Cov19 test swabs different than other swabs they use to test with, like when testing you for the flu? I always assumed it was a sterile cotton swab they tested you with. Now I know they aren’t.