One of the things i hope will be done ASAP, is the opening / release of the Vatican Archives, Km's of tunnels full of secrets about mankind, every time something relevant has been found, may it be a book, text, or proofs (like the Giants of which we have quite a lot of proofs specially in Sardinia), it gets sized / stolen and buried there
You seem to know a lot about the Jesuits. I don’t know anything about them. Have you ever read Shogun? The Dutch captain was deadly scared of their priest. Do you know why?
Freemasons/Enlightenment/theosophy/Qabballah/Frankism/Gnosticism is all the same ideology at war with Logos and Logos Incarnate (Jesus).
Helena Blavatsky hated the Jesuits and swore to infiltrate. Read her book ISIS Unveiled. If a demon like Blavatsky hates you...think about it...
Watch that playlist though. He spells it all out in a 90 video series. Seriously interesting stuff. You don't hear history told from a Catholic perspective, even in Catholic schools because even THOSE are compromised by Enlightenment/Freemasonic thinking at this point.
The Vatican stuff has to be a treasure. It and the Smithsonian. What's kind of funny is having all the knowledge for all of us will mean no one can use as an advantage like when it's a secret. You'll actually have to put in the work if you want to take advantage of the knowledge. Not being ahead by holding others back. Getting me all giddy.
Yeah, but then supposedly there has been a secret space program since the Nazi era, man made ufo’s, bases on the dark side of moon and on mars. Who knows what the F is real?
If he wasn't authorized to share that truth at that moment he wouldn't have and obviously didn't. Would have been a little distracting no? This is about the children first.
The pyramids are very explainable. Read Revelations 21, then read it again and again until you figure out what John is describing in his vision of the new heaven coming down to Earth. Hint: key is in 21:17 where he describes the size of the ‘city’ being 12,000 stadia on each side, and as wide and HIGH as it was long. He is describing a 3 dimensional city that is 1,308 miles wide, long, and high. Our limited experience and precepts tell us that a ‘city’ is generally described in 2D format, or square area. What geometric shape is as long and wide as it is HIGH.? Yes, it could be a cube - but given the ancients propensity and disposition towards building similar pyramids all over this planet I’m gonna bet that’s what John is describing.
Who and why were they built? This is alluded to in Genesis 6 when the sons of God decided that the daughters of humans were beautiful - and they took of them that they wanted and had children with them. The children were the ‘heroes of old; men of renown.’ Kinda sounds like the offspring had supernatural powers and abilities akin to Greek mythos perhaps? Why the pyramids? Perhaps they were homesick and trying to recreate that which they had chosen to ‘fall’ from.?
They have hidden the truth in every venue of human inquiry. Archaeology, paleontology, physics, astronomy, biology, etc. are all compromised through various controls. You can't even question an established theory when the evidence piles up against it because you will be ridiculed and lose your job or your funding. But things are slowly beginning to move. The big shift will happen when the shame of being wrong outweighs the shame of being right. When those who hold onto failing theories have to submit to hard evidence or look like utter fools, then the lies will collapse and things will change. The only reason it has gone on as long as it has is because they had enough control of the top echelons of science to succeed in hiding what didn't fit the narrative, and the media helped them. BTW, for those who respect famous astronomers and astrophysicists, stop that because they don't deserve it. There is no such thing as magnetic "field line" reconnection--no such thing--and there is no such thing as a self-existing magnetic field, both of which these "educated" fools assert like facts to explain things they observe on the sun and in space. The laws of physics matter, and neither of those things is possible in our universe under any circumstances. They just made them up because they don't understand how electromagnetism actually works. (Sorry for the indulgence in that last bit. It's a pet peeve of mine.)
People didn't start to question the existence of God until atheists became a thing. Science, real science, is totally compatible with Christianity and the Bible. Indeed, it is a simple matter to show that they are one and the same.
That '"separation of church and science" started mostly due to Marxism. Marxists used Darwin as absolute proof that we are nothing more than the aftermath of a primordial soup. Marxism cannot exist if a sizable part of the population believes in God.
Some scummy religious leaders didn't help matters. Instead of encouraging followers to learn about the science, they went the dark ages route and dismissed it outright having not researched any of it.
Prior to Marxism, there wasn't any kind of science/religion separation. Many priests were astronomers. It didn't matter. Only the results mattered.
7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
9 If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.
One of the most quoted phrases in the Bible includes "do not live in fear."
Put on that Armor of God, fear Not, knowing we are frontline soldiers, warriors of Truth, apparently selected if not Chosen (?) ones to be here for these very times. Play your role as actors in this epic movie which, aparently, God is directing-- one that will be told for generations long after our own closing credits fade. A tale only surpassed by the Bible itself....Biblical indeed. For, where we go one...
How about the tech that enables the illusion? Indeed, a real manufactured matrix. This is to say, perhaps the illusion is not only in this dimension but the next as well? To be genuinely free, we might have to break through more than one level of the illusion.
There are many discoveries which align with what is said in scripture that have been hidden from us. In this first video, the ark of the covenant was found by Ron Wyatt in 1982 and Jesus' blood was analyzed. The best part begins at the 12 minute mark.
Maybe not gods but they had tech that's more advanced than even what we have today. We can tell by the machining marks on surfaces, the size and width of the cutting wheels as well as material removed per rotation. Also there's evidence of a global civilization way before our time that probably also built the pyramids. There's polygonal masonry all over the world, fitting so tight that you can't even slide paper between the stones. I love this topic and spend a lot of time learning about it. Brien Foerster on youtube is an amazing resource. He just shows the facts instead of talking about the theories.
At least you get it. He goes against two main things Q told us. The moon landing and JFK Jr. Ezra is such an obvious LARP but people get a Hopium rush and he is crushing all the other anons on telegram by a huge margin.
i dont care if he is a LARP. Just because i like the hopium doesnt mean I believe everything he says. Its just a nice comfort until things kick off. You can still watch his channel and discern what is likely true and what may be dodgy and just ignore it.
It isn’t really flat but it is to people who can only think in 2 dimensions. Yes those people really exist. Sure there are looney bins too out there also who subscribe to flat earth. People have different phases of development. We should all be a tad more understanding if at all possible.
One of the things i hope will be done ASAP, is the opening / release of the Vatican Archives, Km's of tunnels full of secrets about mankind, every time something relevant has been found, may it be a book, text, or proofs (like the Giants of which we have quite a lot of proofs specially in Sardinia), it gets sized / stolen and buried there
The Jesuit invented the false world we live in. The education, arts, media etc...corrupted science, history, English and if possible even math.
lol honey, the Jesuits are the Freemasonic boogeyman.
Helena Blavatsky HATED the Jesuits.
All twisted history is told from the Freemasonic perspective.
Freemasons believe no one has a right to rule, except...they do because you are the profane and they are the sacred.
"The Jesuits" were infiltrated.
Some of the best men were Jesuits.
They've been infiltrated and corrupted. Read the Alta Vendita.
Watch that playlist.
You seem to know a lot about the Jesuits. I don’t know anything about them. Have you ever read Shogun? The Dutch captain was deadly scared of their priest. Do you know why?
I have not! Page reference? Sounds interesting.
Check out anything E Michael Jones has put out about the Jesuits. This is a great playlist
Freemasons/Enlightenment/theosophy/Qabballah/Frankism/Gnosticism is all the same ideology at war with Logos and Logos Incarnate (Jesus).
Helena Blavatsky hated the Jesuits and swore to infiltrate. Read her book ISIS Unveiled. If a demon like Blavatsky hates you...think about it...
Watch that playlist though. He spells it all out in a 90 video series. Seriously interesting stuff. You don't hear history told from a Catholic perspective, even in Catholic schools because even THOSE are compromised by Enlightenment/Freemasonic thinking at this point.
More on Jesuits and the war against them if your interest is peaked after that playlist:
I don't care if math is actually a part of this Jesuit scheme in your theory, you still have to finish your Calculus assignment for Monday.
Not math! I finally got the hang of it, and now I'll have to learn a whole new system.
I’m looking forward to it
The Vatican stuff has to be a treasure. It and the Smithsonian. What's kind of funny is having all the knowledge for all of us will mean no one can use as an advantage like when it's a secret. You'll actually have to put in the work if you want to take advantage of the knowledge. Not being ahead by holding others back. Getting me all giddy.
goliath was 6,4 if i reme correctly
He might've been short compared to antediluvian people. I wonder if we'll ever know.
Goliath was “four cubits and a span,” (a cubit was about 18 inches and a span about 9 inches) so around 6-foot 9-inches tall.
ehh off by about half foot. I recalled hearing that about 25 years ago and nothing else correlated it. moved 3-4 times since then.
Not even that. Just another cabal scam.
Yeah, but then supposedly there has been a secret space program since the Nazi era, man made ufo’s, bases on the dark side of moon and on mars. Who knows what the F is real?
Adam & Eve.
God set them up perfect.
Did ugly things exist outside or in the garden? Yes. But they didn’t need to know. God protected them.
If you stare into darkness, darkness also stares back into you.
Those who know can’t sleep.
Q was asked about the moon landing and he said we were on the moon.
If he wasn't authorized to share that truth at that moment he wouldn't have and obviously didn't. Would have been a little distracting no? This is about the children first.
I met buzz aldrin and Niel Armstrong when I was ten.
Buzz said to me “when we landed they were already there watching us.”
Neil stopped him from saying more.
I ask “who was ?”
“Maybe when you grow up you will find out.”
Space Command had their own Mercury and saw countless accidents. NASA only got programs ready for prime time they were confident wouldn’t blow.
Pretty sure he meant other guys were already there and proved it was possible before we fucked up and lost some guys in a very public event.
I mean think about it. No possible way they didn’t do a dry run first.
Stonehenge has been solved.
The pyramids are very explainable. Read Revelations 21, then read it again and again until you figure out what John is describing in his vision of the new heaven coming down to Earth. Hint: key is in 21:17 where he describes the size of the ‘city’ being 12,000 stadia on each side, and as wide and HIGH as it was long. He is describing a 3 dimensional city that is 1,308 miles wide, long, and high. Our limited experience and precepts tell us that a ‘city’ is generally described in 2D format, or square area. What geometric shape is as long and wide as it is HIGH.? Yes, it could be a cube - but given the ancients propensity and disposition towards building similar pyramids all over this planet I’m gonna bet that’s what John is describing.
Who and why were they built? This is alluded to in Genesis 6 when the sons of God decided that the daughters of humans were beautiful - and they took of them that they wanted and had children with them. The children were the ‘heroes of old; men of renown.’ Kinda sounds like the offspring had supernatural powers and abilities akin to Greek mythos perhaps? Why the pyramids? Perhaps they were homesick and trying to recreate that which they had chosen to ‘fall’ from.?
Very good info, thanks! BTW the words to the hymn "The Holy City" have always intrigued me. Sounds like they're describing some sort of portal.
So a Borg cube.
The cabal like screwing with stuff. Are they Pyramids or Octahedrons?
Pyramids generated power through water
They have hidden the truth in every venue of human inquiry. Archaeology, paleontology, physics, astronomy, biology, etc. are all compromised through various controls. You can't even question an established theory when the evidence piles up against it because you will be ridiculed and lose your job or your funding. But things are slowly beginning to move. The big shift will happen when the shame of being wrong outweighs the shame of being right. When those who hold onto failing theories have to submit to hard evidence or look like utter fools, then the lies will collapse and things will change. The only reason it has gone on as long as it has is because they had enough control of the top echelons of science to succeed in hiding what didn't fit the narrative, and the media helped them. BTW, for those who respect famous astronomers and astrophysicists, stop that because they don't deserve it. There is no such thing as magnetic "field line" reconnection--no such thing--and there is no such thing as a self-existing magnetic field, both of which these "educated" fools assert like facts to explain things they observe on the sun and in space. The laws of physics matter, and neither of those things is possible in our universe under any circumstances. They just made them up because they don't understand how electromagnetism actually works. (Sorry for the indulgence in that last bit. It's a pet peeve of mine.)
Indeed, a plasma universe!
People didn't start to question the existence of God until atheists became a thing. Science, real science, is totally compatible with Christianity and the Bible. Indeed, it is a simple matter to show that they are one and the same.
That '"separation of church and science" started mostly due to Marxism. Marxists used Darwin as absolute proof that we are nothing more than the aftermath of a primordial soup. Marxism cannot exist if a sizable part of the population believes in God.
Some scummy religious leaders didn't help matters. Instead of encouraging followers to learn about the science, they went the dark ages route and dismissed it outright having not researched any of it.
Prior to Marxism, there wasn't any kind of science/religion separation. Many priests were astronomers. It didn't matter. Only the results mattered.
Yes, I think it will be Biblical in scope. So exciting!
1 John 5:7-9 KJV
Ezra is a larp
yeah I stopped following him a few weeks ago..
One of the most quoted phrases in the Bible includes "do not live in fear."
Put on that Armor of God, fear Not, knowing we are frontline soldiers, warriors of Truth, apparently selected if not Chosen (?) ones to be here for these very times. Play your role as actors in this epic movie which, aparently, God is directing-- one that will be told for generations long after our own closing credits fade. A tale only surpassed by the Bible itself....Biblical indeed. For, where we go one...
How about the tech that enables the illusion? Indeed, a real manufactured matrix. This is to say, perhaps the illusion is not only in this dimension but the next as well? To be genuinely free, we might have to break through more than one level of the illusion.
Sounds cool, guess we'll see what happens but one thing is for sure: Result good = God. Result bad = everyone else's fault.
Sweet deal! Wonder how he swung that one
Just because he owns a bunch of real estate and universes, and invented existence, he thinks he's G----
Hey wait a second, no fair!
I’ve been awakened
I am more excited for Easter than any “Holiday” in a long time.
I needed this boost. ??????
There are many discoveries which align with what is said in scripture that have been hidden from us. In this first video, the ark of the covenant was found by Ron Wyatt in 1982 and Jesus' blood was analyzed. The best part begins at the 12 minute mark.
The Ark of the Covenant & The Blood of Jesus Christ
Here is a 4 minute clip of him giving the full account of what transpired at the lab when they tested the blood.
Ron Wyatt Discovers ARK OF COVENANT and JESUS BLOOD SAMPLE Full Testimony - (1 OF 4)
Outstanding! Thank you.
What if the bible is the cabel's agenda?
That line near the end, "Live a little longer........" comes at a good time for me. Probably others too.
Ok ghost ezra, if you're so sure then please let us know the evidence.
Going to be fun with all that knowledge. Just learning out how they corrupted the system will make for some interesting connects.
The great pyramid of Egypt was built by gods. School teachers certainly won't teach kids this.
Maybe not gods but they had tech that's more advanced than even what we have today. We can tell by the machining marks on surfaces, the size and width of the cutting wheels as well as material removed per rotation. Also there's evidence of a global civilization way before our time that probably also built the pyramids. There's polygonal masonry all over the world, fitting so tight that you can't even slide paper between the stones. I love this topic and spend a lot of time learning about it. Brien Foerster on youtube is an amazing resource. He just shows the facts instead of talking about the theories.
We can start by understanding that only one race comes from Adam.
At least you get it. He goes against two main things Q told us. The moon landing and JFK Jr. Ezra is such an obvious LARP but people get a Hopium rush and he is crushing all the other anons on telegram by a huge margin.
I followed him for a while, but (very) quickly knew him to be a larp. Still followed for giggles for a while lol.
i dont care if he is a LARP. Just because i like the hopium doesnt mean I believe everything he says. Its just a nice comfort until things kick off. You can still watch his channel and discern what is likely true and what may be dodgy and just ignore it.
It isn’t really flat but it is to people who can only think in 2 dimensions. Yes those people really exist. Sure there are looney bins too out there also who subscribe to flat earth. People have different phases of development. We should all be a tad more understanding if at all possible.