Fren, I'm sure some or many on the GAW will relate, but I literally went from being atheist to praying/meditating and feeling better every. single. day. without even understanding why.
Fun fact, I'll always remember the day that I first started meditating, which is the day that I understood that there was something watching over us all day every day. It was on November 11th, and for a month, at least two or three times a day, I'd see 1111 or 111 basically everywhere. Once you open yourself to the truth, the truth won't leave you. NCSWIC. Glad to be awake to see it all go down in front of our eyes.
The last time I ever went to a "gentleman's club" was down in the Florida Keys.
Almost every frigging dancer there was an attractive woman in their mid 20s with what sounded like an Eastern European accent (I could pick out the Russian ones, but there were others)!!! At first I thought I was in heaven (Eastern European women are frigging HOT). However, they all looked MISERABLE. They didn't seem drugged up or anything ... just miserable.
I had to leave after experiencing about 15 minutes of that. My friends at the time stayed behind (they probably thought I was being a douchebag, but it bothered me how run down / tired they all looked).
I've been to plenty of those kinds of bars ... the women at least acted like they wanted to be there to get tips. These women didn't ... they seemed more robotic if anything. I don't care what level of pig you are (and I was a proud one then), if you are on this site and if you would have seen this, you would have left too. That was the last time I ever set foot in strip bar.
I was much younger then ... this would have been in mid 2006. I would have assumed they were there on visa or something. Looks like I was fucking there witnessing a bunch of modern day slaves "working" right here in the USA!
After reading your post, I'd have to think that if they were there just to 'dance' they wouldn't have looked that miserable. I wouldn't be surprised to learn they were also hookers there against their will. If that was the case, there had better be busts of a lot of strip joints in high traffic vacation areas when things go down ... there is no fucking way those girls were there on their own accord.
Soros began his fuckery in Eastern Europe after the collapse of the USSR ... these women would have been around 12 at that time (let's say 1992) ... man, the more I think back to that, the more I wonder if these girls were slaves plucked out of their homeland, used and abused, then bought by scumbags here once they were no longer "young". Fuck this makes me sick!
First time I heard that most "actors" in porn films were trafficked as kids was the last time I thought porn fell into the category of "Whatever. No harm to anyone else, so who cares?".
When one thinks of how big the online porn industry is.... how horrible and vast is this problem?
When you ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, the answers are a doctor, a baseball player, a vet, a farmer, a soldier. No kid says 'I want to be a porn star/prostitute. '
No, they do not. Once I was aware of this...this thing with kids who have been raped or sold....I remembered something. When I was 12 I went to school with a girl who was pretty well developed for a 12 year old. Had the figure of a grown woman.
She talked about sexual stuff with her "boyfriend" that none of us understood. We literally didn't know the terminology she was using, so it didn't have much impact beyond all of us being amazed that we knew someone who was doing "it". About 15 years later I saw this very distinct-looking girl (now a young woman) in a porn movie. She looked about 45, though I know she would not have even been 30. I didn't know until many years later that people like her didn't get that way by choice. :( It's unlikely she is still alive.
strangely not true, when i was in 2nd grade 2 of my friends and myself wanted to be hookers. i think we had seen some movie (mid 70's) and it looked glamourous, just saying
I should have added "grooming" to trafficking as a source for the porn industry.
I first heard on 8chan, after about a year of Q. That might have become a thing of the past though, if we went the way of Europe - because it's apparently even worse in Europe....most of them don't live to adulthood.
Thanks for posting that. This part of what's coming and what's about to be exposed is going to be awful. I don't know if anyone CAN be ready to hear about it all.
Could be? I’m intrigued by the Evergreen/Suez situation for this...the Egyptian (PM?) said they’re about to begin unloading containers. Setting the captives (children?) free similar to the Israelites escaping their Egyptian bondages.
My own interpretation of that: Satan has always had an active interest in "winning" Jerusalem, because it is the city claimed by God. You probably already know that someday there will be a third temple in Jerusalem, and that the antichrist will seize it and defile it.
Satan has also always had an interest in corrupting or killing the nation (Israel is a people, not just a geographic location) that God calls the apple of His eye and His servants. There's a reason the Satanist Cabal shills the Internet so hard trying to make everyone hate NONSatanist, normal everyday Jews. If they won't be corrupted, they must be killed. Satanists hope that they can get the entire world to join in by making all of this seem like the fault of Jews. Why is this SO important? Because Jesus said of the Jews: I will not come again until you say "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord". When Jesus comes, He will destroy ALL who serve Satan, ALL who took the mark of the Beast, and He will cause Satan to be bound for 1000 years.
So the Satanist Cabal seeks to either corrupt them so badly that no one WILL say it, or kill them so no one CAN say it. Look at all of the Satanic symbolism they've covered Israel (the land) in. We already know that our govt was infiltrated and co-opted by Satanists. Israel was an even more firmly entrenched target of theirs. Spiritual battle. The Cabal feels that acquiring the land of Israel and Jerusalem, and subjugating/corrupting the people Israel grants them power. You'll note that the Cabal made sure rampant abortion and homosexuality were brought into the land.
Look at how they've used Israel to foment nonstop war all of these years, all the way down to inventing a new (non-existent) nation, "Palestinians", who were actually Jordanian, Arabs, Yemenis, Egyptians who happened to be in the land.
Getting the Satanist Cabal out of Israel is like removing their crown jewel.
The bloodline families who claim to be Jews while serving Satan will be eradicated. They believe themselves to be descended from the Nephilim - which means they are an illegal life form. And that's no longer going to be allowed.
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
Revelation 3:9 NIV
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9 NIV
Reminds me of the Q post "Hillary about to be arrested 2018 will be glorious"
And yet here we are, on this website. If you think it is impossible to ignore the date as data, then you won't be able to consider 'parting the Red Sea' to mean clogging the Suez Canal on purpose with the Evergreen ship.
For many watching, it does appear like the Red Sea has parted splitting and stopping the endless canal traffic. Time will tell if this event was planned in the way some suspect.
I remember hearing about 20 years ago that religion and astrology were deeply connected. That Jesus represented the Age of Pisces. I find it really interesting that we are talking about change of biblical proportion as the Age of Pisces is coming to an end and the Age of Aquarius begins.
Yes, there are all sorts of "false dichotomies" present in religious and spiritual dogmas, and I believe they are meant to divide people using the belief of "my faith is right and your faith is wrong" when in reality, multiple things can be (and are) true.
For instance, even if you have one capital G creator God who is supreme, why couldn't you also have lesser plural gods or godlike entities? Why does it have to be one or the other? Look how often similar archetypes and personality traits appear in different deities of old religions, even if each has a different name for it. Why can't Christianity and astrology both be valid? If Jesus was a human man who was also the son of God, and said that all of us were also children of God who would someday do the things he could, then why is it such a stretch to believe that other prophets and divine figures might also exist?
I keep an open mind about such things and have a sort of working model that is constantly evolving. I don't get hung up on old stereotypes of God from thousands of years ago, because the idea that he hasn't evolved at all in all of that time seems ridiculous to me. He evolved so much even from just the Old Testament to the New Testament!
I might even get attacked on here for pointing these things out, but I am getting tired of insecure bullying dogmatists arguing over whose version of reality is "correct" when each of them only has one piece of the puzzle so NOBODY is incorrect, it's just they don't have the FULL PICTURE yet. To me, it just seems more like cultures and belief systems egoically fighting for dominance rather than searching for the truth, which in my experience is far more complex to the point where I'm still struggling to learn and understand it after 15+ years of study. But then, I think the money- and power-hungry leaders of so many of these religions/faith communities engineer it that way by design: "I have the truth, the only truth, and I'll let you know what it is if you just give me enough money and allegiance."
I'll tell you one thing I know for sure: it doesn't cost anything to have a personal connection/relationship with God, and don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise.
Anyone know what behind Joes datefag comment..... I ain’t seen anything evidence wise to expect everything to start next week or this “precipice “ Joe mentions..... I know we are heading towards it before anything can and will happen once that “Precipice “ is reached... but I have missed why Joe is justifying why we have reached that “precipice “ .....
I have read and seen lots of comments and info sent out by JoeM and I have always liked the guy and still do but this twat worries me as it’s unlike Joe to be so specific date wise or be a doomfag..... I really don’t want to say it out loud but given our previous experience with datefag or doomfag type twats from ‘well followed’ individuals, my knee jerk reaction to this twat brought back those previous similar aimed twats by guys with same standing in our (Q) community .....
Hope that I am being a total twat with that thinking....!
Biblical Times.
It's going to be BIBLICAL!
There is a strange connection between New Beginnings and First Fruits and Nisan 17th. Jesus was resurrected 3 days after his death on Nisan 14th, on Nisan 17th.
Other New Beginnings
• Nisan 17, Noah’s Ark safely rested on Mt. Ararat (Gen 8:4) Note that the seventh month was later designated as the first month at the time of the Exodus (Ex. 12:2).
• Nisan 17, Hebrews entered Egypt (Exo 12:40-41) 430 years before deliverance.
• Nisan 17, Moses led the Israelites through the Parting of the Red Sea (Exo 3:18, 5:3)
• Nisan 17, Israel entered and ate the first fruit of the Promised Land (Joshua 5:10-12)
• Nisan 17, The cleansing of the Temple by Hezekiah (eight hundred years after entering the promised land. (2 Chronicles 29:1-28)
• Nisan 17, Queen Esther saved the Jews from Elimination (Esther 3:12, 5:1)
• Nisan 17, The Resurrection of Messiah
The odds of just two of these events both happening accidentally on the same day of the Hebrew year (360 days) are one in 129,000.
The odds of these events all happening coincidentally on the same day of the Hebrew year are one in 783 quadrillions, 864 trillion, 876 Billion, 960 Million (783,864,876,960,000,000).
No fair, he meant 2020, he wasn't faking people out thinking it would be over then when he knew he meant some later year. What kind of sadistic freak would he have to be.
COVID being done suggests it was ever anything like the hysterical overexaggeration they made of it.
This is how they're going to rule us all. Medical hegemony. They tried religious and political hegemony, but people can disagree religiously and politically.
Medically they can't and don't disagree. They bend over and let you shove swabs up their ass and a needle in their bloodstream, and THANK you for it.
They trust doctors in priestly white robes instead of their own common sense. (Think: If you'd shown up at work pre-2020 wearing a flimsy cloth mask, and told everyone you were ill with a deadly contagious viral disease, but EVERYONE'S PERFECTLY SAFE NOW because of your damp chin diaper ***blocking the viruses from ever getting to them...***what would have happened? You'd have been harshly mocked, ridiculed, scolded, and shown the door—maybe for good. This is how far we've come from common sense.)
Passover, Good Friday & Easter always coincide though the dates change year to year because Christ went to the cross during Passover. Passover, and therefore Good Friday and Easter change year to year due to a tradition going back to the 1st Passover which states that it will always come after the 1st full moon after the vernal equinox.
yes i had that sense tho not thinking of jewish holidays. i've had an Armageddon feel for a few yrs. seeing this '17' list is very overwhelming for me.
No worries - we are NOT headed for Armageddon. Yet. The world gets a reprieve. The Cabal does NOT control prophetic events. They cannot CHOOSE to begin the reign of the Antichrist.
When President Trump kept saying "the best is yet to come" he did not mean "most of the world's remaining population destroyed on the plains of Megiddo".
This war will end, and there ARE good things ahead.
So if you’ve never done it, Now would be a good time to ask Jesus to come into your heart and save your eternal soul
In the end, that's the only thing that matters.
I always liked the quote (I think it was from CS Lewis?) - "If Heaven isn't real, nothing matters. If Heaven IS real, nothing else matters."
Daaaang. I'm keeping this. Thanks, Anon!
Fren, I'm sure some or many on the GAW will relate, but I literally went from being atheist to praying/meditating and feeling better every. single. day. without even understanding why.
Fun fact, I'll always remember the day that I first started meditating, which is the day that I understood that there was something watching over us all day every day. It was on November 11th, and for a month, at least two or three times a day, I'd see 1111 or 111 basically everywhere. Once you open yourself to the truth, the truth won't leave you. NCSWIC. Glad to be awake to see it all go down in front of our eyes.
I need to ask some of my brothers here....
Has no one wondered why there were so many young Russian speaking prostitutes when Soros collapsed Eastern European nations??
And if you ever thought about that, what do you think will happen to your children when he makes a profit selling Canadian/American slaves???
Your post just triggered a memory of mine ...
The last time I ever went to a "gentleman's club" was down in the Florida Keys. Almost every frigging dancer there was an attractive woman in their mid 20s with what sounded like an Eastern European accent (I could pick out the Russian ones, but there were others)!!! At first I thought I was in heaven (Eastern European women are frigging HOT). However, they all looked MISERABLE. They didn't seem drugged up or anything ... just miserable.
I had to leave after experiencing about 15 minutes of that. My friends at the time stayed behind (they probably thought I was being a douchebag, but it bothered me how run down / tired they all looked).
I've been to plenty of those kinds of bars ... the women at least acted like they wanted to be there to get tips. These women didn't ... they seemed more robotic if anything. I don't care what level of pig you are (and I was a proud one then), if you are on this site and if you would have seen this, you would have left too. That was the last time I ever set foot in strip bar.
I was much younger then ... this would have been in mid 2006. I would have assumed they were there on visa or something. Looks like I was fucking there witnessing a bunch of modern day slaves "working" right here in the USA!
After reading your post, I'd have to think that if they were there just to 'dance' they wouldn't have looked that miserable. I wouldn't be surprised to learn they were also hookers there against their will. If that was the case, there had better be busts of a lot of strip joints in high traffic vacation areas when things go down ... there is no fucking way those girls were there on their own accord.
Soros began his fuckery in Eastern Europe after the collapse of the USSR ... these women would have been around 12 at that time (let's say 1992) ... man, the more I think back to that, the more I wonder if these girls were slaves plucked out of their homeland, used and abused, then bought by scumbags here once they were no longer "young". Fuck this makes me sick!
First time I heard that most "actors" in porn films were trafficked as kids was the last time I thought porn fell into the category of "Whatever. No harm to anyone else, so who cares?".
When one thinks of how big the online porn industry is.... how horrible and vast is this problem?
When you ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, the answers are a doctor, a baseball player, a vet, a farmer, a soldier. No kid says 'I want to be a porn star/prostitute. '
No, they do not. Once I was aware of this...this thing with kids who have been raped or sold....I remembered something. When I was 12 I went to school with a girl who was pretty well developed for a 12 year old. Had the figure of a grown woman.
She talked about sexual stuff with her "boyfriend" that none of us understood. We literally didn't know the terminology she was using, so it didn't have much impact beyond all of us being amazed that we knew someone who was doing "it". About 15 years later I saw this very distinct-looking girl (now a young woman) in a porn movie. She looked about 45, though I know she would not have even been 30. I didn't know until many years later that people like her didn't get that way by choice. :( It's unlikely she is still alive.
strangely not true, when i was in 2nd grade 2 of my friends and myself wanted to be hookers. i think we had seen some movie (mid 70's) and it looked glamourous, just saying
I should have added "grooming" to trafficking as a source for the porn industry.
I first heard on 8chan, after about a year of Q. That might have become a thing of the past though, if we went the way of Europe - because it's apparently even worse in Europe....most of them don't live to adulthood.
Thanks for posting that. This part of what's coming and what's about to be exposed is going to be awful. I don't know if anyone CAN be ready to hear about it all.
Now you get the financial incentive behind Merkel & Trudeau's forced assimilations
Great comment.
I may be off but could this be what is meant by Israel is last? No smartass comments are necessary if I'm off. I'm here learning too.
Could be? I’m intrigued by the Evergreen/Suez situation for this...the Egyptian (PM?) said they’re about to begin unloading containers. Setting the captives (children?) free similar to the Israelites escaping their Egyptian bondages.
Oh I am too. I pray . what a beautiful way to spend the holiest time of year...waking people up and bringing an end to this slavery.
What a beautiful thought. I will add this to my prayers. Blessings of peace on you and those you love.
My own interpretation of that: Satan has always had an active interest in "winning" Jerusalem, because it is the city claimed by God. You probably already know that someday there will be a third temple in Jerusalem, and that the antichrist will seize it and defile it.
Satan has also always had an interest in corrupting or killing the nation (Israel is a people, not just a geographic location) that God calls the apple of His eye and His servants. There's a reason the Satanist Cabal shills the Internet so hard trying to make everyone hate NONSatanist, normal everyday Jews. If they won't be corrupted, they must be killed. Satanists hope that they can get the entire world to join in by making all of this seem like the fault of Jews. Why is this SO important? Because Jesus said of the Jews: I will not come again until you say "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord". When Jesus comes, He will destroy ALL who serve Satan, ALL who took the mark of the Beast, and He will cause Satan to be bound for 1000 years.
So the Satanist Cabal seeks to either corrupt them so badly that no one WILL say it, or kill them so no one CAN say it. Look at all of the Satanic symbolism they've covered Israel (the land) in. We already know that our govt was infiltrated and co-opted by Satanists. Israel was an even more firmly entrenched target of theirs. Spiritual battle. The Cabal feels that acquiring the land of Israel and Jerusalem, and subjugating/corrupting the people Israel grants them power. You'll note that the Cabal made sure rampant abortion and homosexuality were brought into the land.
Look at how they've used Israel to foment nonstop war all of these years, all the way down to inventing a new (non-existent) nation, "Palestinians", who were actually Jordanian, Arabs, Yemenis, Egyptians who happened to be in the land. Getting the Satanist Cabal out of Israel is like removing their crown jewel.
The bloodline families who claim to be Jews while serving Satan will be eradicated. They believe themselves to be descended from the Nephilim - which means they are an illegal life form. And that's no longer going to be allowed.
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Revelation 3:9 NIV
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9 NIV
The children would be coming from China do you think? To the ME and Europe?
He posted it on Jan. 16, 2021 at 11:50AM on Telegram.
I believe this is correct. If not, please correct it.
If you're right this post is worthless.
The date part would be worthless. The Red Sea mention would still be relevant but mistimed.
Reminds me of the Q post "Hillary about to be arrested 2018 will be glorious"
And yet here we are, on this website. If you think it is impossible to ignore the date as data, then you won't be able to consider 'parting the Red Sea' to mean clogging the Suez Canal on purpose with the Evergreen ship.
For many watching, it does appear like the Red Sea has parted splitting and stopping the endless canal traffic. Time will tell if this event was planned in the way some suspect.
I remember hearing about 20 years ago that religion and astrology were deeply connected. That Jesus represented the Age of Pisces. I find it really interesting that we are talking about change of biblical proportion as the Age of Pisces is coming to an end and the Age of Aquarius begins.
Yes, there are all sorts of "false dichotomies" present in religious and spiritual dogmas, and I believe they are meant to divide people using the belief of "my faith is right and your faith is wrong" when in reality, multiple things can be (and are) true.
For instance, even if you have one capital G creator God who is supreme, why couldn't you also have lesser plural gods or godlike entities? Why does it have to be one or the other? Look how often similar archetypes and personality traits appear in different deities of old religions, even if each has a different name for it. Why can't Christianity and astrology both be valid? If Jesus was a human man who was also the son of God, and said that all of us were also children of God who would someday do the things he could, then why is it such a stretch to believe that other prophets and divine figures might also exist?
I keep an open mind about such things and have a sort of working model that is constantly evolving. I don't get hung up on old stereotypes of God from thousands of years ago, because the idea that he hasn't evolved at all in all of that time seems ridiculous to me. He evolved so much even from just the Old Testament to the New Testament!
I might even get attacked on here for pointing these things out, but I am getting tired of insecure bullying dogmatists arguing over whose version of reality is "correct" when each of them only has one piece of the puzzle so NOBODY is incorrect, it's just they don't have the FULL PICTURE yet. To me, it just seems more like cultures and belief systems egoically fighting for dominance rather than searching for the truth, which in my experience is far more complex to the point where I'm still struggling to learn and understand it after 15+ years of study. But then, I think the money- and power-hungry leaders of so many of these religions/faith communities engineer it that way by design: "I have the truth, the only truth, and I'll let you know what it is if you just give me enough money and allegiance."
I'll tell you one thing I know for sure: it doesn't cost anything to have a personal connection/relationship with God, and don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise.
Most definitely ??
The letter Q is a symbol depicting the round opening of a water jug with the water pouring out, per how Aquarius is shown.
Shit that's right...
What was the date on that?
I’m agreeing with JoeM completely. You can feeeel the tension. I think it’s about to break? (Not a datefag).
I absolutely agree. Things are definitely getting ready to break
The tension is that we are stuck on the precipice because we haven’t followed through with our part! At least BLM/Antifa burn, loot & murder!
We are suppose to be so moved being on the precipice, that WE change. How & what are we suppose to change?
Its from GAB January 16th
Ohhh Q post 228. 8,7,6,5..... 4/3/21?
This was posted January 16th.
Anyone know what behind Joes datefag comment..... I ain’t seen anything evidence wise to expect everything to start next week or this “precipice “ Joe mentions..... I know we are heading towards it before anything can and will happen once that “Precipice “ is reached... but I have missed why Joe is justifying why we have reached that “precipice “ .....
I have read and seen lots of comments and info sent out by JoeM and I have always liked the guy and still do but this twat worries me as it’s unlike Joe to be so specific date wise or be a doomfag..... I really don’t want to say it out loud but given our previous experience with datefag or doomfag type twats from ‘well followed’ individuals, my knee jerk reaction to this twat brought back those previous similar aimed twats by guys with same standing in our (Q) community .....
Hope that I am being a total twat with that thinking....!
This was rather interesting too!
The True Reporter ( INCREDIBLE: Robin Bullock Knew About The Suez Canal Ship BEFORE It Happened! - The True Reporter
That is incredible!!!!
So based upon the date it was originally posted... Q is an orchestrated hoax...
For all practical purposes, the blockage is the parting. If the Red Sea were parted, it would be impassable to commerce, human commerce included.
I M praying for the latter as well and believe it is already a done deal.
Hebrews: faith is the substance of things prayed for, the evidence they are yours before they are seen.
Wasn't this right before the Inauguration? Didn't Dan Scavino mention precipice about a month ago?
I remember his last tweet being different . Saying he would be back when it will matter most...where did you capture this from?
When did he post this? There is no date above
I don't know who Joe M is, but that is exactly how I feel. ? I can't wait to meet my savior again, but this mess that's coming has me amped up. Pray.
Overlooking that this post was datefagging, I hope he's right in the end.
he wasn't right because he posted this in january
I meant the end could and hopefully will turn out as described
Biblical Times. Q It's going to be BIBLICAL! THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q
There is a strange connection between New Beginnings and First Fruits and Nisan 17th. Jesus was resurrected 3 days after his death on Nisan 14th, on Nisan 17th.
Other New Beginnings • Nisan 17, Noah’s Ark safely rested on Mt. Ararat (Gen 8:4) Note that the seventh month was later designated as the first month at the time of the Exodus (Ex. 12:2). • Nisan 17, Hebrews entered Egypt (Exo 12:40-41) 430 years before deliverance. • Nisan 17, Moses led the Israelites through the Parting of the Red Sea (Exo 3:18, 5:3) • Nisan 17, Israel entered and ate the first fruit of the Promised Land (Joshua 5:10-12) • Nisan 17, The cleansing of the Temple by Hezekiah (eight hundred years after entering the promised land. (2 Chronicles 29:1-28) • Nisan 17, Queen Esther saved the Jews from Elimination (Esther 3:12, 5:1) • Nisan 17, The Resurrection of Messiah
The odds of just two of these events both happening accidentally on the same day of the Hebrew year (360 days) are one in 129,000. The odds of these events all happening coincidentally on the same day of the Hebrew year are one in 783 quadrillions, 864 trillion, 876 Billion, 960 Million (783,864,876,960,000,000).
This blows my mind...TY ??
mine too!! yvw
thx!! amazing to me how many times 17 shows up
Yes! I keep thinking there really can’t be this many coincidences!
Remember when Trump said something about covid being done by April (but didn't say which April) & mentioned Easter too?
No fair, he meant 2020, he wasn't faking people out thinking it would be over then when he knew he meant some later year. What kind of sadistic freak would he have to be.
COVID being done suggests it was ever anything like the hysterical overexaggeration they made of it.
This is how they're going to rule us all. Medical hegemony. They tried religious and political hegemony, but people can disagree religiously and politically.
Medically they can't and don't disagree. They bend over and let you shove swabs up their ass and a needle in their bloodstream, and THANK you for it.
They trust doctors in priestly white robes instead of their own common sense. (Think: If you'd shown up at work pre-2020 wearing a flimsy cloth mask, and told everyone you were ill with a deadly contagious viral disease, but EVERYONE'S PERFECTLY SAFE NOW because of your damp chin diaper ***blocking the viruses from ever getting to them...***what would have happened? You'd have been harshly mocked, ridiculed, scolded, and shown the door—maybe for good. This is how far we've come from common sense.)
Passover, Good Friday & Easter always coincide though the dates change year to year because Christ went to the cross during Passover. Passover, and therefore Good Friday and Easter change year to year due to a tradition going back to the 1st Passover which states that it will always come after the 1st full moon after the vernal equinox.
Also, Trump did say he was the "chosen one" awhile back. Creeping Death by Metallica comes to mind. Good times.
So let it be written, so let it be done. I'm sent here by the Chosen One...
Reminds me of Metallica’s « Creeping Death » lyrics...
Say Hi for us, please.
yes i had that sense tho not thinking of jewish holidays. i've had an Armageddon feel for a few yrs. seeing this '17' list is very overwhelming for me.
No worries - we are NOT headed for Armageddon. Yet. The world gets a reprieve. The Cabal does NOT control prophetic events. They cannot CHOOSE to begin the reign of the Antichrist.
When President Trump kept saying "the best is yet to come" he did not mean "most of the world's remaining population destroyed on the plains of Megiddo".
This war will end, and there ARE good things ahead.
Smart. I’m not orthodox but this happening over Passover is huge.
Just ask him “how many coincidences?” and show him all the coincidences. You’ll basically be forcing him to take the red pill or the blue pill.
Didn’t Q post about some people who will see all the evidence and still reject it?
Something big is definitely about to happen. I can feel it. This time, it really will happen.