Lot of vaccinated diseases can kill you before you know it. If the risk doesn't compare then the vaccine is likely worth it. Put people's posited less-than-medically-mainstream to as much scrutiny, because a LOT of medical science is truly correct and legitimate, and tends to get exposed to a lot more people that might whistleblow.
In general, the deception in medicine tends to be less about fabricated science and fabricated treatments, and more about withholding of what could be.
Also, can talk to people that lived long enough to see many of these now mostly eradicated diseases killing people. Just look at your data and do your risk reward assessments honestly.
I am SO SICK of hearing people say this kind of stupid shit.
I have worked in virology labs for 27 years now, testing experimental drugs and vaccines against many dozens of very different viruses. And yes, we have had COVID-19 in our labs for nearly a year now, and we have a large contract with the NIH to test drugs and vaccines that they submit to us. I do not work directly with COVID-19 (I test against viruses that are MUCH worse), but many of my coworkers work with it every day.
COVID-19 is a REAL VIRUS. It is a new, distinct coronavirus, almost certainly modified in a lab from a different coronavirus by adding functions to it. It did not occur naturally from bats or pangolins or any other animal.
Saying that COVID-19 is just the flu is as stupid as insisting that a walrus is really a gazelle. Such a statement literally is that incredibly stupid, and you make yourself look like a braindead moron when you spout stupid shit like that.
Most of my colleagues and coworkers are brainwashed to think that drugs like HCQ are worthless and do not work because they have only seen results of testing HCQ by itself (which does not work), not in combination with other materials such as zinc and Azithromycin. The brainwashing is DEEP within the virology community.
The reason that cases of the flu have been almost nonexistant over the last year is not because COVID-19 is really the flu, but because they share some respiratory symptoms in common and doctors/hospitals/researchers are being given financial incentives by governments to intentionally misdiagnose flu cases as being COVID-19 instead. COVID tests are intentionally being run through far too many amplification cycles so that they give a positive result when they would normally give a negative result.
Masks and face coverings do NOT stop viruses, although most of my coworkers have been brainwashed to believe otherwise. With COVID-19 and the much worse viruses I work with, we wear powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) that filter the air through a HEPA filter before you breathe it. I have had CDC inspectors make fun of us for wearing surgical masks under our PAPRs because "you do know that surgical masks don't stop viruses, right?". I have to explain to them that we don't wear them to stop viruses, but to catch the snot and spittle if we sneeze inside our respirators so that we don't mess up the inside of our face shields.
I would say that <5% of the COVidiots out there are actively and knowingly involved in this PLANdemic, and the rest of them are simply people (mostly well-intentioned) who have been successfully brainwashed and will need to be deprogrammed somehow. Every single one of my colleagues are good people who truly believe the misinformation that they have been brainwashed with, and are not and never would be knowingly involved with these kinds of lies and deceptions. But they have been unknowingly coopted into the entire conspiracy as pawns. I imagine 99% of doctors/nurses/medical workers are the same.
Please stop spouting stupid shit you heard on a youtube video or read on some sketchy website. You clearly have no idea how incredibly stupid you make yourself look when you do. Use your brain and learn to tell the difference between truth and bullshit.
Probably because they're trying to isolate it from people who don't have it. The CDC recently admitted on their own website that up to 94% of the so called 'cases' are actually false positives. This is probably because they're running nearly double the normal number of amplification cycles on the COVID-19 rt-pcr tests. There's a big difference between someone who has a couple of viral particles in their nostril and someone who is clinically infected with a virus, and if you keep amplifying a couple of viral particles enough times, eventually the test will give you a (false) positive result. Then if you try to isolate the virus from a person who isn't actually clinically infected, how are you supposed to do that?
The virus is real. It isn't the flu. It's not even closely related to influenza viruses. It's almost certainly man made by modifying one of the other coronaviruses, maybe SARS-CoV-1, maybe one of the coronaviruses that is responsible for most cases of the common cold.
I never said every false COVID positive was the flu. I said that up to 94% of the so called COVID cases were actually false positives, I didn't say they were always flu. They could be flu, or RSV, or one of the many common cold viruses, or several other things, but they're rigging the tests to show a COVID result when it's really something other than COVID.
Both theories can be true: 94% of WuFlu cases ARE the various seasonal Flus (is that the plural of Flu?). 6% are potentially WuFlu (maybe less).
WuFlu does exist, and is a thing, but is not a pandemic. The SCAMdemic is entirely statistical manipulation (just like Biden's votes). Think of the 5 governors massacring the nursing homes as the "2am Bump" in the curve.
LMFAO relax Francis, it was a joke, hence, why I started my sentence with “but.” If you’re that easily offended you need to seek professional help. And please, whatever you do - because I sense some anger issues - don’t shoot up you local post office or god forbid the lab you work in. There’s no fucking way I’m reading that novel you wrote... so sadly, much of your anger is for naught. Cheers fren, upwards and onwards... and maybe be a tad bit less judgmental in the future before you sanctimoniously jump down people’s throats.
This 'virus' has NEVER been isolated, therefore, doesn't exist. PCR testing is the only reason for positive COVID cases....ur also brainwashed, my friend
The flu hasn't gone anywhere, it's still everywhere it was before. It's just being mislabeled and called something else. Someone comes into the doctor with influenza, they test them for COVID-19 and then report it as a COVID infection because the government is giving them extra money for every COVID patient that they wouldn't get for an influenza case.
If everybody suddenly stops calling grass grass and starts calling it aspen trees, does that mean that all the lawns have suddenly disappeared?
COVID-19 is not the flu, and the flu hasn't disappeared. They're just calling COVID infections COVID, and also calling influenza infections COVID. They're also calling fatal motorcycle accidents COVID, and it wouldn't surprise me if they're calling genital warts COVID as well.
Yeah id say that's exactly what's happening. The flu deaths that happen are probably being deliberately categorised as covid to keep death numbers relatively scary.
It's Gates' vaccine. Gates want to cull the population. It's experimental, untested, released due to "emergency", and not FDA approved. Vaccine mfrs are exempt from liability if they harm or kill you. There are other remedies that work fine. Still think it's a good idea to get vaxxed?
Isn't Gates responsible for one of them and Trump for another? I remember Trump touting his vaccine before the deep state shutdown his Twitter, but I don't know which one is which
Good. Thats probably the best state to be in mentally right now, as this is a very high risk situation right now. Err on the side of caution and do nothing is my advice. No vax for at least another 6 months here.
The disease for which this vaccine is ostensibly for is mostly harmless.
The biggest risk of death from SARS-cov-2 seems to be from vitamin D/zinc/magnesium deficiency.
There is both official data and numerous anecdotal accounts that these vaccines are harmful, causing numerous serious adverse effects including thousands of deaths.
This information is completely suppressed.
We are in a disinformation war.
What is more likely:
a) Many thousands of pieces of evidence for both the "not that bad" natures of SARS and the bad nature of the vaccines, and Flynn's denouncement of the vaccine are disinformation.
b) Trumps few times offering minimal support for getting the vaccine is disinformation.
This is a disinformation war. I don't need to know why someone would put out disinformation to know that they might be, and thus all information and statements must be approached with skepticism and critical thought. This is exactly what Q taught us. To think that everything Trump says is above board now, when we have seen that is not true in the past would be a lack of proper discernment brought on by a fear of the unknown.
In this case however, there are good reasons why Trump might promote a vaccine that is harmful. First, the data suggests it isn't THAT harmful (at least not so far). It may be worse for some age or comorbidity groups than the virus itself. It may be worse for ALL groups than the virus itself, but it isn't so bad that a sizable portion of the population is dying to it, just a whole lot more than we are being informed of.
Second, It gives him good optics from those that want to get it. If he came out against it it would give power to those against him. His support neuters that avenue completely.
Third, the fast rollout of the vaccine itself was absolutely necessary to end the pandemic in a timely fashion, and bring to light the hypocrisies of the media, politicians and health officials. It also brings to light the evil intents of the drug companies, the politicians, and the world economic forum and their Great Reset. The exposure the vaccine gave us is massive. We would have to wait years for the precipice to arrive without it.
Even if people die from the vaccine, it was absolutely necessary. This is the war to end all wars. People have died, more will die. That is what happens in war. It is a whole lot less than it could be, so be happy for that.
Do you need to be told what to do for everything? You have a brain, and since you're posting on a message board you clearly have the ability to access the internet. Do your own research, use discernment, and pray for guidance.
If Q has taught us anything, it is to use critical thinking, suspect everything and come to our own conclusions. That doesn't mean you don't trust anyone, but you should never trust anyone completely. That is handing over your thinking capabilities to someone else just because they have been a trusted source in the past. Listen to trusted sources, never blindly follow them.
Trump said "you should get the vaccine" immediately followed by "people should have the right to choose for themselves." But Trump is not a doctor. He has given no reasons to get the vaccine. So if you ignore Trump's weak endorsement for a moment, what does your brain and/or your gut tell you?
I believe Q is listing things the cabal have contaminated to attack us: drugs, water/air pollution, tobacco, pain killers, vaccines (but not all are bad). I'm not sure this is covid vax specific... but if so, then not all the covid vaxs are poison.
There is video out there from a 2005 conference where they were discussing mass vaccination - ostensibly to curb the “god gene” that supposedly makes people fanatical (i.e. as in terrorists) and how this “vaccine” would change DNA and basically take away a person’s “ideological passion”. Don’t be so naive as to believe any of this is new. They’ve been planning for years. You don’t create a “New World Order” in 4 yrs time, and especially not because some people decide they don’t like a particular President of the US. We have been sold so many lies - we need to get out of the comfort box and expand our thinking. I was actually watching a video today of a family visiting “Disneyland” and was shocked at how suspicious I felt towards the Princess “actresses” hugging innocent little kids. I don’t trust anyone but God anymore.
The cabal has been pushing for universal vaccination as a means to implement a global ID and global government for more than 100 year’s. They have implemented previous fake pandemics (including 1918) to achieve these ends. It’s not a secret
I think Q is talking about all the toxins and positions in our water (fluoride, arsenic, birth control, pharmaceuticals - antidepressants), air pollution, home cleaning products, tobacco use etc are all designed to slowly make us sick. Then we become dependent on big pharma to “feel better” which gives them more money however we end up dying (depopulation). Makes sense they push the things that make you sick then get you to spend a bunch of money to get better then you die. Hence ultimate win (money + death).
Vaccine science is based on a flaky foundation. The Polio vaccine was invented around the same time automobiles and industrialization were becoming a thing. Horses stopped shitting on the streets as much and people had more access to food/nutrition. Also, back then people thought washing hands was a "conspiracy theory".
I think it means NOT ALL people will get the vaccine which is truth. There are good things and bad things on the list. Water and Air are good. What if vaccines are good but this is a warning that NOT ALL will get them. But maybe it’s the BAD list because its above tobacco so that’s bad and healthy. Sooooo confusing
I have been really into the germatrix translator. I took from "vaccines [not all]" and copied all the way to the bottom and pasted it into this site and got some weird results.
sorry but you dont just gematrix calculate everything you see. dont think thats how it works. you can get all sorts of results gematria calculating literally ANYTHING.
for example, I just copy paste my paragraph above and calcuated it with some crazy results.. check it out for yourself! Much WOW
I posit not all vaccines are bad....and that is true.
You saying that makes you an anti-vaxer, why do you hate society? Why do you want people to die?
‘Twas sarcasm, fren. o7
me too bigot.
Me three trigot.
Oh, okay. I am estoopit. Love you fren.
Risk/reward assessments and do research.
Lot of vaccinated diseases can kill you before you know it. If the risk doesn't compare then the vaccine is likely worth it. Put people's posited less-than-medically-mainstream to as much scrutiny, because a LOT of medical science is truly correct and legitimate, and tends to get exposed to a lot more people that might whistleblow.
In general, the deception in medicine tends to be less about fabricated science and fabricated treatments, and more about withholding of what could be.
Also, can talk to people that lived long enough to see many of these now mostly eradicated diseases killing people. Just look at your data and do your risk reward assessments honestly.
Not Trumps supply?
It matters not the efficacy of a vaccine, when the survival rate of the virus it is intended to treat is 99.98%.
99.9999999999% unless you're elderly and sick.
Under 65, the flu has a higher mortality rate.
But it is the flu.
I am SO SICK of hearing people say this kind of stupid shit.
I have worked in virology labs for 27 years now, testing experimental drugs and vaccines against many dozens of very different viruses. And yes, we have had COVID-19 in our labs for nearly a year now, and we have a large contract with the NIH to test drugs and vaccines that they submit to us. I do not work directly with COVID-19 (I test against viruses that are MUCH worse), but many of my coworkers work with it every day.
I would say that <5% of the COVidiots out there are actively and knowingly involved in this PLANdemic, and the rest of them are simply people (mostly well-intentioned) who have been successfully brainwashed and will need to be deprogrammed somehow. Every single one of my colleagues are good people who truly believe the misinformation that they have been brainwashed with, and are not and never would be knowingly involved with these kinds of lies and deceptions. But they have been unknowingly coopted into the entire conspiracy as pawns. I imagine 99% of doctors/nurses/medical workers are the same.
Please stop spouting stupid shit you heard on a youtube video or read on some sketchy website. You clearly have no idea how incredibly stupid you make yourself look when you do. Use your brain and learn to tell the difference between truth and bullshit.
Could you please advise why other doctors and researchers have not yet been able to isolate the actual virus in the public?
Probably because they're trying to isolate it from people who don't have it. The CDC recently admitted on their own website that up to 94% of the so called 'cases' are actually false positives. This is probably because they're running nearly double the normal number of amplification cycles on the COVID-19 rt-pcr tests. There's a big difference between someone who has a couple of viral particles in their nostril and someone who is clinically infected with a virus, and if you keep amplifying a couple of viral particles enough times, eventually the test will give you a (false) positive result. Then if you try to isolate the virus from a person who isn't actually clinically infected, how are you supposed to do that?
The virus is real. It isn't the flu. It's not even closely related to influenza viruses. It's almost certainly man made by modifying one of the other coronaviruses, maybe SARS-CoV-1, maybe one of the coronaviruses that is responsible for most cases of the common cold.
Except like you mentioned in your previous post 94% of the time it is the flu which is misdiagnosed as the CCP virus.
I never said every false COVID positive was the flu. I said that up to 94% of the so called COVID cases were actually false positives, I didn't say they were always flu. They could be flu, or RSV, or one of the many common cold viruses, or several other things, but they're rigging the tests to show a COVID result when it's really something other than COVID.
Reading comprehension ftw!
Where has the flu gone then?
Both theories can be true: 94% of WuFlu cases ARE the various seasonal Flus (is that the plural of Flu?). 6% are potentially WuFlu (maybe less).
WuFlu does exist, and is a thing, but is not a pandemic. The SCAMdemic is entirely statistical manipulation (just like Biden's votes). Think of the 5 governors massacring the nursing homes as the "2am Bump" in the curve.
LMFAO relax Francis, it was a joke, hence, why I started my sentence with “but.” If you’re that easily offended you need to seek professional help. And please, whatever you do - because I sense some anger issues - don’t shoot up you local post office or god forbid the lab you work in. There’s no fucking way I’m reading that novel you wrote... so sadly, much of your anger is for naught. Cheers fren, upwards and onwards... and maybe be a tad bit less judgmental in the future before you sanctimoniously jump down people’s throats.
This 'virus' has NEVER been isolated, therefore, doesn't exist. PCR testing is the only reason for positive COVID cases....ur also brainwashed, my friend
He (or is it she?) said that regular flu got lumped in with covid because of similar symptoms (bullet #4).
If you have 2 viruses with similar mortality, why would the mortality numbers change just because you called one of them by the wrong name?
The flu hasn't gone anywhere, it's still everywhere it was before. It's just being mislabeled and called something else. Someone comes into the doctor with influenza, they test them for COVID-19 and then report it as a COVID infection because the government is giving them extra money for every COVID patient that they wouldn't get for an influenza case.
If everybody suddenly stops calling grass grass and starts calling it aspen trees, does that mean that all the lawns have suddenly disappeared?
COVID-19 is not the flu, and the flu hasn't disappeared. They're just calling COVID infections COVID, and also calling influenza infections COVID. They're also calling fatal motorcycle accidents COVID, and it wouldn't surprise me if they're calling genital warts COVID as well.
Yeah id say that's exactly what's happening. The flu deaths that happen are probably being deliberately categorised as covid to keep death numbers relatively scary.
Appreciate the input.
Coronavirus is common cold
Not according to everyone on the Left who are pushing this vaccine.
Thats interesting i shared that post last year.
Is it possible the vaccines are good but news articles we are finding about adverse effects the fake news we were warned about???
Either way,i dont want it
Doesn't matter. I'm still not fucking taking it.
They got the media to scare people. I've got a 27 year old neighbor who's a former meth addict who thinks this virus will kill him.
It's a bad cold. If the media would shut up, everyone would realize it is no different than any other year
That’s a really good point
It's Gates' vaccine. Gates want to cull the population. It's experimental, untested, released due to "emergency", and not FDA approved. Vaccine mfrs are exempt from liability if they harm or kill you. There are other remedies that work fine. Still think it's a good idea to get vaxxed?
Isn't Gates responsible for one of them and Trump for another? I remember Trump touting his vaccine before the deep state shutdown his Twitter, but I don't know which one is which
"His vaccine?" Touting a vaccine? I seem to remember his urging people to make their own choices.
I would think the Pfizer one. Israel also only gave their people the Pfizer one, and then didn't pay the bill.
I personally wouldn't take either one.
Good. Thats probably the best state to be in mentally right now, as this is a very high risk situation right now. Err on the side of caution and do nothing is my advice. No vax for at least another 6 months here.
Then do more research. Particularly on the non Gates vaxxs. Like the AZ vax, i read hes not a fan of it for some reason.
Watch this to get the right signal fren!
You should never stop using your brain. Consider:
The disease for which this vaccine is ostensibly for is mostly harmless.
The biggest risk of death from SARS-cov-2 seems to be from vitamin D/zinc/magnesium deficiency.
There is both official data and numerous anecdotal accounts that these vaccines are harmful, causing numerous serious adverse effects including thousands of deaths.
This information is completely suppressed.
We are in a disinformation war.
What is more likely:
a) Many thousands of pieces of evidence for both the "not that bad" natures of SARS and the bad nature of the vaccines, and Flynn's denouncement of the vaccine are disinformation.
b) Trumps few times offering minimal support for getting the vaccine is disinformation.
This is a disinformation war. I don't need to know why someone would put out disinformation to know that they might be, and thus all information and statements must be approached with skepticism and critical thought. This is exactly what Q taught us. To think that everything Trump says is above board now, when we have seen that is not true in the past would be a lack of proper discernment brought on by a fear of the unknown.
In this case however, there are good reasons why Trump might promote a vaccine that is harmful. First, the data suggests it isn't THAT harmful (at least not so far). It may be worse for some age or comorbidity groups than the virus itself. It may be worse for ALL groups than the virus itself, but it isn't so bad that a sizable portion of the population is dying to it, just a whole lot more than we are being informed of.
Second, It gives him good optics from those that want to get it. If he came out against it it would give power to those against him. His support neuters that avenue completely.
Third, the fast rollout of the vaccine itself was absolutely necessary to end the pandemic in a timely fashion, and bring to light the hypocrisies of the media, politicians and health officials. It also brings to light the evil intents of the drug companies, the politicians, and the world economic forum and their Great Reset. The exposure the vaccine gave us is massive. We would have to wait years for the precipice to arrive without it.
Even if people die from the vaccine, it was absolutely necessary. This is the war to end all wars. People have died, more will die. That is what happens in war. It is a whole lot less than it could be, so be happy for that.
Do you need to be told what to do for everything? You have a brain, and since you're posting on a message board you clearly have the ability to access the internet. Do your own research, use discernment, and pray for guidance.
Do you not trust him?
Not blindly follow anyone's word and do research for yourself. How is that confusing? Why do you want a figure to direct you?
If Q has taught us anything, it is to use critical thinking, suspect everything and come to our own conclusions. That doesn't mean you don't trust anyone, but you should never trust anyone completely. That is handing over your thinking capabilities to someone else just because they have been a trusted source in the past. Listen to trusted sources, never blindly follow them.
Trump said "you should get the vaccine" immediately followed by "people should have the right to choose for themselves." But Trump is not a doctor. He has given no reasons to get the vaccine. So if you ignore Trump's weak endorsement for a moment, what does your brain and/or your gut tell you?
He would NOT misinform. He got the vaccine so I got the vaccine. I trust TRUMP. He is responsible for Operation Warp Speed. It’s his LEGACY
still no.
I believe Q is listing things the cabal have contaminated to attack us: drugs, water/air pollution, tobacco, pain killers, vaccines (but not all are bad). I'm not sure this is covid vax specific... but if so, then not all the covid vaxs are poison.
This is it death+money=win
Basically look at what happens at the end of someone’s life when they have cancer
Exactly. And all their life they were exposed to things that made them develop cancer.
But NOT worth playing Jab Russian Roulette
How could he have known about the upcoming vaccines in 2018 wtf
Project Looking Glass
That, or they had spies and covert operatives in the Deep State ranks.
I think PLG sounds much more epic though...
Who says the two are mutually exclusive
I’m curious your thoughts on PLG. I just came across the Bill Wood interview a few weeks ago and it really intrigued me
NSA listening in on China’s plan
Future proves past.
Saw a link to doctor in Wyoming who defected from USSR that said this scenario has been in the works for 20 years.
There is video out there from a 2005 conference where they were discussing mass vaccination - ostensibly to curb the “god gene” that supposedly makes people fanatical (i.e. as in terrorists) and how this “vaccine” would change DNA and basically take away a person’s “ideological passion”. Don’t be so naive as to believe any of this is new. They’ve been planning for years. You don’t create a “New World Order” in 4 yrs time, and especially not because some people decide they don’t like a particular President of the US. We have been sold so many lies - we need to get out of the comfort box and expand our thinking. I was actually watching a video today of a family visiting “Disneyland” and was shocked at how suspicious I felt towards the Princess “actresses” hugging innocent little kids. I don’t trust anyone but God anymore.
Dude, vaccines have been around before 2019.
The cabal has been pushing for universal vaccination as a means to implement a global ID and global government for more than 100 year’s. They have implemented previous fake pandemics (including 1918) to achieve these ends. It’s not a secret
is it ironic that after the big virus outbreaks in history wars are waged?
The 2018 flu epidemic began after WWI had already begun. (WW1 began in 1914). Not sure what other big virus outbreaks you are referring to.
Get ‘em Q. Unleash the hounds.
Not all are vaccines, is my guess.
Apparently the designation “immunization” is not a synonym.
I haven’t researched a single vaccine thus far that has glowing reviews, (“side“) effects and immune problems.
Some vaccines are bad but not all.
I encourage everyone to watch this video. He explains the "Trump Vaccine" really well!!
I think Q is talking about all the toxins and positions in our water (fluoride, arsenic, birth control, pharmaceuticals - antidepressants), air pollution, home cleaning products, tobacco use etc are all designed to slowly make us sick. Then we become dependent on big pharma to “feel better” which gives them more money however we end up dying (depopulation). Makes sense they push the things that make you sick then get you to spend a bunch of money to get better then you die. Hence ultimate win (money + death).
Vaccine science is based on a flaky foundation. The Polio vaccine was invented around the same time automobiles and industrialization were becoming a thing. Horses stopped shitting on the streets as much and people had more access to food/nutrition. Also, back then people thought washing hands was a "conspiracy theory".
Polio vaccine invented by Jonas Salk in the early 1950s.
The stupidity of some on this site is pretty discouraging sometimes :) I wonder if they are the "shills" that are mentioned so often.
Just throwing this out there but the last drop was "We're Not Gonna Take It" on the very same day as vax was announced. Qincidence.
I think it means NOT ALL people will get the vaccine which is truth. There are good things and bad things on the list. Water and Air are good. What if vaccines are good but this is a warning that NOT ALL will get them. But maybe it’s the BAD list because its above tobacco so that’s bad and healthy. Sooooo confusing
I have been really into the germatrix translator. I took from "vaccines [not all]" and copied all the way to the bottom and pasted it into this site and got some weird results.
sorry but you dont just gematrix calculate everything you see. dont think thats how it works. you can get all sorts of results gematria calculating literally ANYTHING.
for example, I just copy paste my paragraph above and calcuated it with some crazy results.. check it out for yourself! Much WOW
Fair point