The mother almost certainly believed this was the best way to stay healthy and protect her baby. The government and media have spent a year and a fortune on this psyop and months pushing these vaccines. Many doctors are recommending them and some jobs and schools are strongly encouraging them.
Skeptics know better, but the majority of people still trust our government agencies, media, and their own doctors. Losing a child causes the worst pain a parent can experience, and learning too late that your own actions caused your child's death must be agonizing. I feel very sorry for this mother.
Yeah I'm with you. I still cry over a miscarriage I suffered 11 years ago. I can't even fathom having had the baby, held it in my arms, and then ended up finding that something I did ended that baby's life; having to bury him/her. She must be literally pulling her hair out and screaming at the sky. This isn't just horrible, it's horrific.
How many times has the therapy shot changed due to variants? There was ONE option trump talked about, now we got three companies releasing infinite trials.
Yeah, it's really difficult for me to feel bad for these people. They're making really, really, really, reckless, careless and absolutely stupid decisions when it comes to their health.
If a person is under 70, they're virtually immune from dying from COVID. Yet, they incur unnecessary risks to innoculate themselves from it... Some of those risks appear to be something like this. It's experimental and we don't fucking know all the damage it can cause... People need to be questioning the doctors pushing this shit! Where's the common sense, where's the looking out and caring for others?
Any doctor that pushes this shit is a sellout and not fit to be caring for the well-being of others. There are zero excuses for it.
WTF! The science is right there. These stupid vax are causing blood clots and fucking killing people. Stop taking these fucking stupid shots you fucking idiots... yeah I know I'm preaching to the choir.
I was reading that TTP is considered pretty rare normally. But it also comes up easily if you search for TTP from Covid vaccine. Meaning there must be enough people searching that. What a sad way to die. Basically causing your blood to clot within your veins. What are people doing???
The symptoms of TPP seem to match up exactly with all the vaccine blood cloth cases I've read about.
It also seems from the wiki (I'm not a doctor) that many cases are latent and need a trigger. So it seems likely that only some people can get this reaction, but when it DOES happen it goes ballistic and deadly very quickly. Problem is there's no way of knowing who is susceptible or not.
Its so much worse than we might imagine. When the blood clots cut off the blood flow the tissue dies but its still attached so as it dies the nerves die with it. Thus you feel it die over a long period of time. Many people believe burning to death is the worst way to go. Truth is in a hot fully covering fire the nerve endings in the skin are burned up. Its hurts a lot for a very short time then you feel nothing. The nerve is destroyed.
Dying from TTP like this baby would be the opposite. It would be a long agonizing never ending painful, miserable death. The people pushing this poison should be executed in public. IMHO they should be injected with blood clotting drugs on a drip so they die the exact same way as their victims... slowly and painfully.
My sister-in-law (who I love very much but she’s so ignorant) got the j&j vaccine a month ago and is still breastfeeding my nephew who is seven months old. I’m so angry at her but she just won’t listen. When I asked her why she got it while she was still breastfeeding, she said “well I read that it was safe.” I am just shocked at the number of supposedly smart people that refuse to think critically about this. Conspiracy or not, there is no way for them to know it’s safe in such a short time frame! It makes me sad, mad, frustrated as all hell. I just don’t get it. Last time I saw them, I held my nephew and just prayed over him and his health the whole time. It’s not his fault his parents are complete idiots.
I watched an old friend get the second dose the other day after running into her at the store. She is 8 months pregnant. She told me they have a family member they are protecting because they are at risk and have been very careful. All I could do is scream inside. If I had known before. If there was any chance they would snap out of it I would have bombarded them with information. Who knows what birth defects will result. Women are miscarrying. So much wrong with this stupid non vaccine. I'm devistated with the lack of concern and stunned to see such trust of the government and doctors. The heartbreak will be so severe from all of this. I really need things to .......I'm so depressed. I feel like I'm just putting one foot in front of the other each day....waiting. waiting on Jesus and for the world to wake up. The waiting and watching is so hard. For now we all need to prioritize our lives. Spend time with those who matter most, pray and get close to our Savior.
You’re link has gone dead.
When I read about it, sounded much more horrific than blood clots. Platelet loss, bruising and bleeding out internally. Horrific way to die.
Lord have mercy! What an absolutely irresponsible thing to do, these people are sick because of their propaganda a mother killed her child and she will forever blame herself for this.
And here is the "factcheck" wherein they say it didn't happen. They can't prove that it didn't happen, but it didn't happen, so get your shot! (took me less than a minute to pull up the VAERS report)
Pfizer's protocols for the COVID mRNA testing, Nov 2020. Read section 8.3.5. There's a whole section on "EDP", "Exposure during pregnancy". "SAE" is "Severe Adverse Event".
I feel so sorry for these foolish people. I know many good, kind and blind people who took the shot. I have a friend who is the nicest person and I sent her info on not taking the shot if pregnant since she was considering it. I didn’t ask & I truly hope I scared her more than fauci, msm and etc. into not doing something so detrimental to an unborn child. It’s easy to not care about the karens & kens who are pious and fearful but when you know people, it breaks your heart. I don’t even puzzle over their blind faith any longer. I just feel bad for them. We are moving on and I’m not sure they’re coming but I’m over it. Just sad about it.
Have there been ANY babies who have died of this prior to covid? If none have ever died, it would indicate a potential connection, but if only one has died after a mother had the covid shot, then it could indicate a cause/effect relationship, although one case is still a VERY small sample to indicate correlation. The 6 who developed the clotting after the covid shots is such a small number that it was almost laughable that they halted the shots because of it. (From what I read, that halt seemed to be politically motivated) Don't get me wrong, I'm highly against the covid shots, except perhaps for the VERY high risk people, but the tendency to view everything as a sign of something is a dangerous thing.
Every time this story crops up, my heart breaks just a little bit more.
I am nearly 100% sure that the unrelenting "Get your vaccine; it's safe and tested!" BS spewing from the MSM is responsible for this baby's death. They seriously need to be held accountable, as well as those behind them issuing their paychecks.
Rest in peace, little one. You definitely deserved better.
My wife and I are expecting our first within the next couple weeks. We are both vax free - and have been avoiding close contact with those vaccinated.
Her sister has been struggling for years and is now going through IVF. Unfortunately, her and her hubby are hardcore libs and both got their vax ASAP. The future is very bleak for them. This is what happens when you don’t do your due diligence. This is a lesson to all - question the narrative, do your research, put trust ONLY in God, be a free-thinker.
My wife is a nurse, and she was pregnant when her coworkers started getting the jab. She miscarried at 12wks and had abnormally heavy bleeding for 6 strait weeks afterwards. We have not been able to get pregnant again so far.
My wife, 2 year old, 5 month old, and myself all got "covid" after flights back and forth for a weekend trip to Washington to see my sister and her family. The news that the vaccine was basically contagious, and more dangerous than actual covid, hadn't hit yet. My 2 year old had a pretty severe allergic skin reaction that has lasted over a month now (though is 99% better). We are all healthy now, but I pray that there is no long term damage to her or my wife, or my baby's fertility. I pray that the perpetrators of this evil upon mankind face justice soon.
Possible, but we take D regularly, and were only there for a weekend. I was around people that had actual corona last year, never got it. Generally never get sick at all. Went to CA to visit mother in law this past weekend, went to a restaurant no doubt full of vaccinated people and we all have light symptoms again today. I am 100% sure that the "vaccinated" people are exhaling spike proteins in large amounts.
Your body now generates and distributes the spike protein of the virus indefinitely, which is present in saliva -- so why wouldn't it be present in other bodily fluids? Very sad that these people are being brainwashed into this. Keep praying for the ignorant!
I've been reading through all these deaths for the past couple of weeks. It's amazing how many people drop dead hours after the shot and their families comment they don't believe the vax had anything to do with the death. ?
The mother almost certainly believed this was the best way to stay healthy and protect her baby. The government and media have spent a year and a fortune on this psyop and months pushing these vaccines. Many doctors are recommending them and some jobs and schools are strongly encouraging them.
Skeptics know better, but the majority of people still trust our government agencies, media, and their own doctors. Losing a child causes the worst pain a parent can experience, and learning too late that your own actions caused your child's death must be agonizing. I feel very sorry for this mother.
Yeah I'm with you. I still cry over a miscarriage I suffered 11 years ago. I can't even fathom having had the baby, held it in my arms, and then ended up finding that something I did ended that baby's life; having to bury him/her. She must be literally pulling her hair out and screaming at the sky. This isn't just horrible, it's horrific.
How many times has the therapy shot changed due to variants? There was ONE option trump talked about, now we got three companies releasing infinite trials.
Please provide proof President Trump advised us to take the mRNA vaccine.
Otherwise you're more full of shit than my toilet could be.
Deportation canons are hungry
Misinformation is abundant w this fool . Misidentifying the therapeutics as mRNA.
Shill be gone . Scumbag
Spot on - how ignorant can the mother be in this situation. People need to wake up. This vaccine push is not doing us any good.
Unfortunately most people have outsourced their critical thinking to the "experts".
Families have outsourced raising their kids to public schools.
People have outsourced health information to doctors and "experts" like the CDC.
Many have outsourced their geo-political and current affairs beliefs to the MSM.
We said and accurate, unfortunately.
Yeah, it's really difficult for me to feel bad for these people. They're making really, really, really, reckless, careless and absolutely stupid decisions when it comes to their health.
If a person is under 70, they're virtually immune from dying from COVID. Yet, they incur unnecessary risks to innoculate themselves from it... Some of those risks appear to be something like this. It's experimental and we don't fucking know all the damage it can cause... People need to be questioning the doctors pushing this shit! Where's the common sense, where's the looking out and caring for others?
Any doctor that pushes this shit is a sellout and not fit to be caring for the well-being of others. There are zero excuses for it.
This is tragic. I cant even imagine and I will pray for her
People are fucking retarded.
WTF! The science is right there. These stupid vax are causing blood clots and fucking killing people. Stop taking these fucking stupid shots you fucking idiots... yeah I know I'm preaching to the choir.
Look at the bottom.
I was reading that TTP is considered pretty rare normally. But it also comes up easily if you search for TTP from Covid vaccine. Meaning there must be enough people searching that. What a sad way to die. Basically causing your blood to clot within your veins. What are people doing???
The symptoms of TPP seem to match up exactly with all the vaccine blood cloth cases I've read about.
It also seems from the wiki (I'm not a doctor) that many cases are latent and need a trigger. So it seems likely that only some people can get this reaction, but when it DOES happen it goes ballistic and deadly very quickly. Problem is there's no way of knowing who is susceptible or not.
Its so much worse than we might imagine. When the blood clots cut off the blood flow the tissue dies but its still attached so as it dies the nerves die with it. Thus you feel it die over a long period of time. Many people believe burning to death is the worst way to go. Truth is in a hot fully covering fire the nerve endings in the skin are burned up. Its hurts a lot for a very short time then you feel nothing. The nerve is destroyed.
Dying from TTP like this baby would be the opposite. It would be a long agonizing never ending painful, miserable death. The people pushing this poison should be executed in public. IMHO they should be injected with blood clotting drugs on a drip so they die the exact same way as their victims... slowly and painfully.
RiP lil person send us some help when you get home.
Things that make you go hmmmm.
Death is just a minor side effect.
Well if death isn't a threat to life, then what the hell is?
Bill Gates is.
Can't have your life threatened if you're dead.
Same here brother. Scary as fuck.
Congratulations! :) God bless you and your family!!
Congratulations! If you have time to answer...Did she have baby in a hospital? Did you have to get tested? Did they make her wear a mask?
Nice, nice. I'm due soon and hoping they aren't going to try and swab me. Thanks for the feedback and congratulations!
My sister-in-law (who I love very much but she’s so ignorant) got the j&j vaccine a month ago and is still breastfeeding my nephew who is seven months old. I’m so angry at her but she just won’t listen. When I asked her why she got it while she was still breastfeeding, she said “well I read that it was safe.” I am just shocked at the number of supposedly smart people that refuse to think critically about this. Conspiracy or not, there is no way for them to know it’s safe in such a short time frame! It makes me sad, mad, frustrated as all hell. I just don’t get it. Last time I saw them, I held my nephew and just prayed over him and his health the whole time. It’s not his fault his parents are complete idiots.
What a fucking idiot. Seriously, if it were my sister I would say it’s on her if the baby dies. Worthless mother as so many women of today..
I watched an old friend get the second dose the other day after running into her at the store. She is 8 months pregnant. She told me they have a family member they are protecting because they are at risk and have been very careful. All I could do is scream inside. If I had known before. If there was any chance they would snap out of it I would have bombarded them with information. Who knows what birth defects will result. Women are miscarrying. So much wrong with this stupid non vaccine. I'm devistated with the lack of concern and stunned to see such trust of the government and doctors. The heartbreak will be so severe from all of this. I really need things to .......I'm so depressed. I feel like I'm just putting one foot in front of the other each day....waiting. waiting on Jesus and for the world to wake up. The waiting and watching is so hard. For now we all need to prioritize our lives. Spend time with those who matter most, pray and get close to our Savior.
so the unborn baby is not a vulnerable person to be protected??
I would agree that e.g. a grandparent would put the baby first!
Not boomers. Egotistical bunch.
Not all by any means.
The exception proves the rule.
The boomers I know are mostly prolife.
You’re link has gone dead. When I read about it, sounded much more horrific than blood clots. Platelet loss, bruising and bleeding out internally. Horrific way to die.
Sounds like rat poison, doesn't it?
I have heard that comparison before, a very good analogy turns out.
Lord have mercy! What an absolutely irresponsible thing to do, these people are sick because of their propaganda a mother killed her child and she will forever blame herself for this.
You can search for yourself here:
Use VAERS ID as in the screenshot: 1166062
If someone won't accept the medalert website as good enough, here is the dot gov link. If it's dot gov then it HAS to be true. To them anyway.;jsessionid=E4F70F694F25DE5D5A09275F1775
Edit: link doesn't go direct to report. Have to "agree" then go to report details and enter the ID 1166062
And here is the "factcheck" wherein they say it didn't happen. They can't prove that it didn't happen, but it didn't happen, so get your shot! (took me less than a minute to pull up the VAERS report)
The direct link is
Sounds like poisoned to death literally.
Plain awful.
This is sickening
Pfizer's protocols for the COVID mRNA testing, Nov 2020. Read section 8.3.5. There's a whole section on "EDP", "Exposure during pregnancy". "SAE" is "Severe Adverse Event".
No words...
This is just the beginning
Snap the fuck out of it people.
I believe. Although it's stupid AF that the write-up (mistakenly?) mentions that the events happened in March 2020.
Probably done one purpose. That way the "fact checkers" won't "find" it.
I feel so sorry for these foolish people. I know many good, kind and blind people who took the shot. I have a friend who is the nicest person and I sent her info on not taking the shot if pregnant since she was considering it. I didn’t ask & I truly hope I scared her more than fauci, msm and etc. into not doing something so detrimental to an unborn child. It’s easy to not care about the karens & kens who are pious and fearful but when you know people, it breaks your heart. I don’t even puzzle over their blind faith any longer. I just feel bad for them. We are moving on and I’m not sure they’re coming but I’m over it. Just sad about it.
Have there been ANY babies who have died of this prior to covid? If none have ever died, it would indicate a potential connection, but if only one has died after a mother had the covid shot, then it could indicate a cause/effect relationship, although one case is still a VERY small sample to indicate correlation. The 6 who developed the clotting after the covid shots is such a small number that it was almost laughable that they halted the shots because of it. (From what I read, that halt seemed to be politically motivated) Don't get me wrong, I'm highly against the covid shots, except perhaps for the VERY high risk people, but the tendency to view everything as a sign of something is a dangerous thing.
Every time this story crops up, my heart breaks just a little bit more.
I am nearly 100% sure that the unrelenting "Get your vaccine; it's safe and tested!" BS spewing from the MSM is responsible for this baby's death. They seriously need to be held accountable, as well as those behind them issuing their paychecks.
Rest in peace, little one. You definitely deserved better.
My wife and I are expecting our first within the next couple weeks. We are both vax free - and have been avoiding close contact with those vaccinated.
Her sister has been struggling for years and is now going through IVF. Unfortunately, her and her hubby are hardcore libs and both got their vax ASAP. The future is very bleak for them. This is what happens when you don’t do your due diligence. This is a lesson to all - question the narrative, do your research, put trust ONLY in God, be a free-thinker.
My wife is a nurse, and she was pregnant when her coworkers started getting the jab. She miscarried at 12wks and had abnormally heavy bleeding for 6 strait weeks afterwards. We have not been able to get pregnant again so far.
I’m so sorry for your loss, fren. We’ve had losses, too. May the Lord bless you again very soon with new life.
thank you.
Maybe this will benefit you and wife somehow? - Difficulty Getting Pregnant?
Fucking hell on Earth.
Rest in peace, little one. Baby is looking at the face of God now.
Since we're on the topic of elevated liver enzymes:
High Liver Enzymes: What Do They Mean? -
What causes high liver enzymes? -
These people must not care about their children, cunts
My wife, 2 year old, 5 month old, and myself all got "covid" after flights back and forth for a weekend trip to Washington to see my sister and her family. The news that the vaccine was basically contagious, and more dangerous than actual covid, hadn't hit yet. My 2 year old had a pretty severe allergic skin reaction that has lasted over a month now (though is 99% better). We are all healthy now, but I pray that there is no long term damage to her or my wife, or my baby's fertility. I pray that the perpetrators of this evil upon mankind face justice soon.
You all probably got low vitamin D from WA...that's what this place is good for...low vitamin D levels.
Possible, but we take D regularly, and were only there for a weekend. I was around people that had actual corona last year, never got it. Generally never get sick at all. Went to CA to visit mother in law this past weekend, went to a restaurant no doubt full of vaccinated people and we all have light symptoms again today. I am 100% sure that the "vaccinated" people are exhaling spike proteins in large amounts.
Your body now generates and distributes the spike protein of the virus indefinitely, which is present in saliva -- so why wouldn't it be present in other bodily fluids? Very sad that these people are being brainwashed into this. Keep praying for the ignorant!
Does that look like a pedo symbol at top left?
I've been reading through all these deaths for the past couple of weeks. It's amazing how many people drop dead hours after the shot and their families comment they don't believe the vax had anything to do with the death. ?
Sheep die first. If that idiot was its mum the baby would have been a liberal sheep too. Idiots die first. This is an IQ test on a global scale.
you've never, in your entire life, seen a normal person with sheep parents?
normies are just as bad