Here's what all three of these practices have in common:
- They are all practiced by the elites in our society.
- They all promote deviant and depraved sexual activity as "acceptable" and "normal".
- They all involve sodomy.
- They all destroy the family unit.
- We have been/are being brain-washed to accept these practices as "new normals" in our society. The cabal's tireless promotion has reached saturation levels! Rampant homosexuality, rainbow flags everywhere, trannies in Hollywood & politics, drag queen story time in public schools, pressure to lower age of consent, pedo symbols everywhere, love is love regardless of age, the kids "enjoy" it/it's not harmful, etc.
- All three of these practices erode and undercut our relationship with God (our creator), His Son Jesus Christ (our Saviour) and the Holy Spirit (the Comforter). We cannot serve two masters. We need to reject these practices as the sins that they are and turn back to Jesus as our salvation from sin. He is the only Way to rid us from this bondage of sin.
Repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and follow Him.
Mary, I can always count on you for an Amen. Good bless you.
Amen. Transgender would potentially be addressed in 1 Corinthians 11:14, and I know the OT law banned cross dressing. But at the root, transgenderism comes from a heart standing in defiance of God the creator, basically being discontent (which Scripture addresses countless times) with who He made us to be, it stands questioning God (the Potter, see Isaiah) and at it's heart is anti-God. I'll look for some more Scriptures bit this was just a quick search. Paul also addresses all kinds of sexual perversions of which trans would fall into today. They would not have had the medical "expertise" to remove and alter ones "gender" during Bible times, but the perverse nature is the same.
Transgenderism is luciferian and places man above God. A tool of the devil.
☝?This n that☝?
And that is one of the most objectionable aspects of the covid shots; they alter every cell that God has made!
When I objected to the flu vax at work I said something to the effect of God made my immune system for a reason and if I received a vax I would be going against my belief in that. They approved it immediately. Now, I don't work on site so it was ridiculous that they were forcing this on us, remote workers. Last year they modified their rules on that and no longer require us to submit paperwork under religious exemptions or get the flu vax.
Amen, right back at you sister. See you in heaven.
We can finally have our GAW reunion THERE ?
Transgenderism is transhumanism. AS IN THE DAYS BEFORE NOAH...
Abominations abounded then. Those pics of mixed species creatures weren’t just artistic freedom. That’s WHY God flooded Earth, to rid the abominations.
There's a law in Leviticus, I believe, that says a man where not wear a woman's garment, nor a women a man's.
Looking it up... no, it's in Deuteronomy, 22:5.
There's another law that says a man without his "Stones" will not be allowed in the congregation... Deuteronomy 23:1.
New International Version: "No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the Lord."
Regarding transgenderism being condemned in the Bible...It's a sin for a man to be effeminate. Romans 1 also talks about the progression of sin in a society, with homosexuality escalating to being turned over to a reprobate mind.
Why are you giving a troll your personal information. FFS just report.
ffs = for fuck sake
click the "deport" link under the text body.
They had a handshake icon, they're new. If you clicked their profile you would have seen the few previous comments they made deleted. Nobody wants your life story, don't volunteer such information.
My mother is Presbyterian and you have never seen such a leftist. Pro abortion. Encourages my nephew in being gay and cross dressing. Pro communism. She was so upset when I decided to join a Baptist congregation where we actually read and believe the Bible rather than the anctidotes of a liberal Presbyterian pastor.
Just read an article featuring Archbishop/Venerable Fulton Sheen and how to recognize the Antichrist. Written over 60 years ago and just as meaningful today. Communism, secularism are among the creeds of the Ac. The sheep and the goats are definitely being separated. I know Whose Side I’m on, how the Story ends and Who Wins.
I love Fulton Sheen. I’ll have to go find that article. Thanks for mentioning it.
Check out Pinterest. Put Fulton Sheen and the Antichrist in the search and that should take you to it. Servant of God Sheen is a prophet for our times.
Satan sold Eve on sin by questioning the Word of God, "Hath God really said..."? He slightly altered God's word, promising secret knowledge, promoted the beauty of the apple, and divine power. The lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life.
Some imagine Satan as a dark, red devil with horns, openly evil. However, he is an angel of light, among the most beautiful creatures, whose job was to create worship music for God before falling in sin.
Praise the Lord for His Word and Holy Spirit, guarding us from the deceptions and lies of the devil.
Pedophiles are Leading the LBGTQ Movement // Transgender Brainwashing is Sexual Abuse of Children:
' Pedophiles are Hiding Behind the LBGTQ Movement and Exploiting Liberal Adoption Laws and Norms to Gain Access to Children / ie. THEY WANT TO F*CK KIDS !!
Blackmailed with Pedophilia / Obama: 'We're going to fundamentally TRANS-form America' / Pedophiles are using LBGTQ as a cover to adopt, abuse and sex traffic children
You've got that right. Very easy to see.
I used to be tolerant of people's choices - live and let live. And it's not my place to judge - that is the Lord's role.(Let those without sin cast the first stone.) However, these things are not in harmony with God's teachings, and I can only pray that people come around from their path of sin. Some will eventually.
If you care about the collective well-being of society then you can't just "live and let live," these people will just keep pushing their degeneracy further and further, and onto schoolchildren as they have already done. Slippery slope is no fallacy.
Also homosexuals are anything but "wholesome" as they are depicted in Hollywood and TV. 28% of them have had more than 1000 different sexual partners. 43% have had 500 or more, and 83% 50 or more different sexual partners. And that was from a study conducted in 1978.
80% of homosexuals say over half their sexual partners are strangers.
Right - which is why I said I used to ... no more.
And I know more than a few hetero people with similar numbers of partners. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.
Doubtful unless you are talking about porn stars which are a tiny percentage of the population, not 28% of all homosexuals in the year 1978.
So you know "more than a few" straights with more than 1000 different sexual partners (yeah right), that's totally the same thing as more than a quarter of homosexuals.
That’s where I’m at as well. Theres a log in all of our eyes so beyond gently telling someone “this is what the Bible says” it is not my place to admonish anyone for what they do.
All of the above practices violate God's law as laid down on record in the Bible. I am so sick of hearing that I am a biggot for listening to and beleiving the Word. Fornication is a sin. Period. I will continue to love sinners and hate the sin by spreading the Gospel. That is true love.
this is so wrong and divisive amongst this movement. one of my closest friends is a anti taxer, christ loving, trump voting gay man. And guess what, I love him for who he is, not what he does with his penis.
Christ is the way the truth and the light, and guess what??? The God he spoke of was NOT the god of the old testament.
Jesus said that the creator loved his creation. He came to tell his people that they were all loved, regardless of their sin. When Jesus died on the cross, who was saved that died next to him? A stone cold killer. Jesus loved this man and saw no difference between him and the people who followed him willingly. The killer understood Jesus and his message of love and that was all it took.
So i find it ironic that a "christian" man like yourself is here telling us the "evils" of homosexuality, but if christ was here, he would willingly converse, love, and be around homosexuals who loved him and also God.
How can the God Jesus spoke of be the same as the God of the Old Testament? How can God hate or abhor anything, IF IT ALL COMES FROM THE SAEM CREATOR.
Stop with this bullshit, the only thing that matter is whats in a mans heart, not what he does with his sexual life.
This is some hateful, divisive, fear mongering BS. If you were to live in love, you'd would understand what i mean.
Keep throwing your stones tho, I think maybe Jesus had something to say about that as well.....
Love the person hate the sin - quite simple. God (not me) has said sodomy is a sin.
God told you that?
The only message I adhere to is the message of love. This is the message Jesus preached. If your convictions are not based on love, but rather on a God who is vengeful and should be feared, your convictions are not surrounded by Christs teachings.
Love everything, hate nothing.
I would consider you comb through the Bible (written by man) and choose the sections that preach love for all, rather than the verses that teach us to live in a state of fear.
What about the Nicolatians? Do you think we are to hate them or love them?
Any hole's a goal mate lol.
Agreed, 100%. They want us divided, and even some of the religious are willing to divide us if they can in order to further their own agendas.
They want us divided, and I refuse to see good men and women as anything but that.
Fucking Christ.... do we seriously need to go all Jehovah here. I was born and raised roman catholic, believe in christ and follow the law of one... but even i know that half the bible is full of shit. Think logically... if the first known bible on record is the codex sinaiticus which is estimated to have been written around 300 AD... more than 200yrs post christ, you are looking at passages written 5+ generations after... stories upon stories, passed down from generation to generation. So you all want to buy into the fact that all the history books written from 50 years ago are mostly shit, but cling on to every word of the buble written 100’s of years post christ..... really! Now, i will agree with you... pedo’s need to be stoned... transgender people need medical help... but leave the gays alone... by your logic, if you fuck your wife in the ass... and i know you do... you are to be placed in the same category as they are, you dirty sadomasochist you... here is the hard truth that many need to swallow. Christ forgave everyone, even those who nailed him to the cross...when all this shit goes down and all these satanists are round up to face justice... you too will also need to show them mercy and forgive them for their sins... for that is what christ would have done... and if you dont... your as good as they are, a hypocrite!!! See how that works?
The New Testament contains separate documents and letters that circulated widely. “The Bible” was just putting the accepted letters together with the accepted Jewish scriptures. Plenty to argue about process-wise, but the books are clearly not written at the time of “the first Bible”. That’s just the compilation! The purpose of the Bible was mainly to fix which books would be standard and universally recognized as inspired. Nothing was written in 300 - it was just bound together in a single volume.
wasn't the bible also word of mouth for a thousand years before any of it was scribed? seems like what God told someone thousands of years ago might have just applied to them at that very moment, like "eating shellfish is an abomination", probably doesn't mean eaing shellfish is a sin today
that's why I think prayer is so important, its not just asking God for gifts, but also guidance on a very personal level that only He can understand
The 5 books of Moses were written and kept in the Ark of the Covenant for a time, stored there while the Israelites had the Ark.
I think you and I have fundamentally different views. You seem to defend sodomy, claim the Bible is 1/2 wrong and that we should just accept sin.
For the record, God and God alone will be the Judge of everyone. As for me, I will work to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and to call out the sin nature of man. I sincerely hope that God blesses you.
I am not a Catholic and I certainly do not defend the Catholic church. It is largely run by pedophiles.
this divisive bullshit was all over here a month or two ago too, they latched it on right as the George News stuff exploded. real annoying prick who made the original post "but some people upvoted it and I declare all downvotes as shill upvotes so therefore everybody here agrees with me" couldn't be a more obvious shill
I thought we were way past this, same with flat earth and faked moon landing stuff here. People want to be believe dudes buggering each other is a sin, fine. But don't push this shit to the front page, it's the last thing we need is division by telling people they are wrong because their pastor told them so.
Oral sex is sodomy... is the one you are looking for
this is
what does this have to do with Q except for time he said "God wins"?
"They want you divided."
We need to divide ourselves from some people to save our children and preserve our future.
pedos and trannies sure, but throwing normal gay people in there is wrong. Does nothing good for our movement
You don’t define what “our movement” is
neither do you mate
Correct, Q had defined it, and you and your attempts to co-opt it and turn it into something divisive makes you a hypocrite.
Attempts to divide will fail, wwg1wga.
Shut that shit up
I get that you are a self admitted "gay pede". Gay people don't like it when Christians refer to sodomy as sin. Then people like you want to banish me, censor me, belittle me and bully me. Well, I for one am sick and tired of a small minority trying to impose its will and lifestyle on the vast majority who want nothing to do with it. Check the upvotes +336 to -3 (at the time I wrote this).
I am posting on a Q board because there are 142 Q drops that reference "evil", 12 Q drops that reference "satan" and 240 references to "God". We have a right to talk about these things because they are a part of the Q dialogue.
A significant part of the Great Awakening is that through these trying and difficult times, many will be brought into a salvation relationship with Jesus. It is a spiritual awakening too.
It is not just about reversing course on political corruption, it is also about reversing the moral decay and reverting back to "one nation under God".
We certainly do not need to be divided within the Q movement. But that does mean that I need to be censored because you don't agree with me. Downvote what you disagree with and block those that you don't want to hear from - I do.
At any rate, God bless you.
also downvotes dont mean crap when its hard to downvote, i dont even know how to downvote posts
the fact is most posts on the front page dont get downvotes at all, so yes your post is divisive and does not belong here
you clearly just came here to preach and not do any Q research and you dont want to have a conversation about it, just passive aggressive put downs like what an effeminate gay person would say, I bet God just loves watching you do that
unless you can point to me where Q says "being gay is evil" this is extremely off topic and looks like forum sliding
stop with this smug "everybody agrees with me, but also everybody is bullying me" attitude
I didn't say everyone is bullying me. I said homos don't like hearing that sodomy is sin. Then triggered homos try to bully me. But even they know that butt sex with other men is wrong.
Most people agree with this posting - read what they say. Maybe it is you that belongs in a gay chatroom.
Any way, I've wasted too much time on you. Arguing with homos is not why I post here. God bless you for the final time.
I read it, most people disagree with this post, read what they say.
Clearly you cannot be saved, you think too highly of yourself and look down on your fellow man like you are better than them. May God save you from your God complex. God bless you and God save us all.
Nice switcharoo. It’s still wrong
You forgot to log back into your main account
Dumb comment, weak and lazy. I don’t even know the op, just agree with him.
I'm praying for you, bro
Who is trying to force you to have a gay relationship or practice gay intimacy? In reality its the opposite, its been you and others like you that has tried to force your will and lifestyle on them.
Stop playing the victim when it is you that is actually the oppressor and divider.
I never said I was being forced to have butt sex with other men. Nor have I forced any gay men to stop having butt sex with each other in the bath-house.
It is not Christians hijacking the school curriculum by pushing mandatory Bible reading in public school. It is not Christians advocating a Christian flag flying everywhere paid for out of property tax money. We do not have Christian Pride Week and parade celebrating our Lord Jesus Christ (although that sounds like a great idea LOL).
It is the LBGT community pushing reading material like "Johnny has two Mommies", drag queen story time, gender confusion, promiscuity, masturbation, anal sex, etc.. It's the LBGT folks that weren't happy with Pride Day, it's now Pride Week and soon it will be Pride Month with half naked homo drag queens flaunting their depravity for all to see. Sickos.
We don't have to play the victims - we are the victims of all your sick garbage. You are not happy with just having butt sex with other men, you want us to accept it. Christians don't accept sodomy. It is sin. Keep you sin to yourselves. And leave the children alone.
God bless you. We don’t need to be lectured by degenerates; accepting that crap was our first mistake.
The rainbow is a symbol of God’s covenant and promise to us that He will never abandon us. They STOLE the rainbow from us and DEFILED it in the way satanists do- by inverting what we know as right.
You're right, we should approach the rainbow truthfully.
"Nice rainbow hat! I'm also thankful that God won't destroy the world consumed with sexual sin with water again."
"What do you think of God's other promise about judging the world in fire?"
If they get mad, tell them they brought it up.
Let he without sin throw the first stone.
There is a difference between people who are born gay and celebrity satanists pushing it on our society. If you want to judge your brothers entire lives based off two verses in the bible, pray God does not judge you just as harshly.
No one is born into sexual sin. People are abused sexually as kids and that leeches into adulthood.
I know people who have been abused sexually and it’s very sad how they see themselves after. Like they brought it on or something but it’s because of another’s sin against them that opens up the door for the enemy to use it against them.
ITA. And I keep reading quotes if pedophiles that say it doesn’t “harm” kids, etc.
Show me one person who had sexual contact of any kind with an adult — who thinks it was a great experience for them. I’m not talking 16 with an adult, but 13, 12 and under. Has anyone said it improved their lives? I haven’t ever heard testimony to that fact. I’ve heard about pain, fear, confusion, Shame.
There is no difference. Sinful behavior is Sinful behavior. We all face our own unique temptations and are all expected to overcome them though faith in Jesus to change our ways. I'm still working on it.
The elites think of themselves as gods. The have all the money and power they could ever want. When the materialism they desire fails to provide them with lasting satisfaction they then turn to lust to satisfy their hunger. They destroy the innocence of children. In their minds it is they who the children should come to. In so doing they pervert the words of Jesus in Matthew 19:14. "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me"
I like to watch "The Price is Right" (because I like to see people win, no matter what the competition; I even found that curling in the winter olympics is fun to watch once you understand the game :) ), but in recent years, they have gone out of their way to get the homosexual contestant on stage. It's so obvious! I guess they think if they have them in view, people will think, "Well, he seemed like a decent guy, I guess homosexuality isn't so bad".
Whatever two consenting adults do on their own time is none of my business. Just dont push it in my face and I could care less.
Besides being anti-Christian, the large majority of homosexuals are pedophiles. It should absolutely be your business when our children aren’t safe around them. My daughter is struggling to understand why she can’t play with her friend Megan at Megan’s house, but I won’t let her anywhere near Megan’s “two dads.”
What about a Christian homosexual?
Yeah, this is something else, yall are regressing. Unfocused. What fuckin year is it to be spitting this garbage? ?♂️ Clearly the best way to get as many people as possible on board with Q and the plan. if I prayed it would be for you people.
You COULD care less?? The phrase is couldnt care less surely?
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing.
Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
The rectal damage is something you rear rarely hear about, but it's serious and life-altering. Ask any doctor, especially a proctologist. Let's just say that makers of adult diapers stand to gain from this trend.
I'm a survivor of pedophilia.
Here's my story:
Mom needed to go back to work when my brother was about 1 1/2. I was around 7. He and I had a babysitter in Miami. This was around '83. Nice lady originally from Trinidad & Tobago. Her family had immigrated over here (the right way) back in the '60's. Mom grew up with her and I was classmates with her daughter. I'll call the daughter, "R." R had 3 older brothers. One of them had a friend who lived down the street. This "friend" was a boy, about 15, or so. He preyed on both me and "R." Would offer to take us on walks around the neighborhood, just to be "nice." Of course we would follow. He was older, a family friend, and was trusted. He would walk us over to a house that was under construction but was left abandoned and unfinished. He would force us to do all kinds of shit, both to each other and to him. If we refused, he's beat the crap out of me, choke me near to death, etc, always making sure he didn't leave any visible marks. What marks were left on me, he would say were because I was clumsy. I was a clumsy kid growing up, so it gave him the perfect cover. He would threaten us with more violence. One time, we refused and told him we were going to tell R's mom, and he started choking R til she passed out. I thought he was going to really kill her, so I relented and let him have "his way" with me. When she woke up, he turned his attention on her. Told us if we ever talked, no one would believe us, and he would then kill one of us. When you're 7, scared shitless for your life and your friend's life, you'll do and say anything to "survive." When you're 7, you also won't talk about it or tell anyone about it, ESPECIALLY when you're threatened with your life. So, in order to keep this from happening to my brother, I acted out in every way I could while we were at the babysitter's, hoping she would get tired of me and quit watching us. It worked. Dad was an abusive drunk back then, so I caught Hell at home, but it was worth it if it meant my baby brother was protected. I felt horrible for leaving R like that, but I had to make sure my brother would be ok. Her and I never spoke to each other about anything that happened. I think it was because we were too ashamed and scared. Eventually, that boy ended up going to jail for pot possession at school, so we didn't see him around much after that. To this day, I don't know what happened to him, and I lost contact with R, so I don't know if she ever said anything to anyone. I know I didn't, until I was in my 20's and married. It's so embarrassing, degrading, and makes you feel ashamed to have to even think about it, much less talk about it. I'm 44, almost 45 now. And it still haunts me. That boy wasn't the only pedo abuser in my life. But that's for a different time.
I'm a father of 5, grandfather of 1, now. I do what I do for them. Not for you, me, or anyone else. I do what I do for the children of this world. Back then, I thought it was something about R and I that caused all that pain and suffering, and couldn't even fathom that pedophilia is a world wide scourge. I could feel the evil in that boy's heart and soul. And I can feel it now. It's everywhere.
I vowed to myself back then, that I would never let another "man" hold that much power over me, ever again. So I made sure I got trained. And it worked. It worked to control my anger, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and boosted my confidence that I would be able to protect myself, since no one was around to protect me when I needed them most. What I couldn't learn in a dojo, I found in the Navy.
Time and distance has helped heal the physical wounds. I still struggle with the mental wounds. The Spiritual wounds have been given to God and He has blessed me by rewarding me with an awesome set of children.
I can't imagine what it would be like to be raised in such a way that you accept it as normal and condone the behavior and even participate in it later in life.
When the time comes, I will do what needs to be done to make sure we rid the Earth and Humanity of this evil. You can be sure of that. It needs to end, and it needs to end BECAUSE of us. WE NEED TO END THIS. NOW.
Same experiences as a child... that’s why I don’t ignore what I know is child abuse and homosexuality is not normal and never should be.
God bless you in a special way. Prayer said for you.
Apart from the brainwashing of new normals, the rest of the list is equally if not more so rife amongst the overwhelming majority heterosexual population. To a more or lesser degree around the world depending where one is and under which doctrine. Sadly, they are part of a wider more ingrained societal malaise that has been tightening its grip since the late 60s. And so well written about and publicised in books, media and 'academia' by marauding satanists it's hard to believe we could now be in a position of being 'surprised' by the results.
However, the 'rainbow' could and should have stopped at LG, with it left to those individuals to privately reach their personal understanding with God. I question the validity of even 'B' which just seems to my admittedly cynical self, carnal greed. Up until the 2010s, perfectly equitable tolerance and non-discrimination levels had been reached in The West. But then along comes 'T', T for Tavistock interestingly enough, and within the space of a decade sets everything back to zero again, riding so roughshod over all the decades of previous progress in what I've no doubt it an ultimate push for the 'P' (one letter away from Q I might note, more mocking). Just like BLM and Antifa have now set back the causes of black and ethnic races, and 'social justice' back decades, likely irreversibly at this point save a minor miracle, movements with good intentions always end up infiltrated and flipped repercussively on their heads by demonic forces.
Everything was going so well until OBASTURD came along and deliberately stirred up the pot, on the gay marriage, race relations and woke fronts respectively. Just reinforces my believe that that thing is more than just a 'thin smoker from Honolulu' as Michael Savage likes to fondly call him.
Gay is fine, LGBTQIA+ is cancer.
Christianity and loving God is fine, loving God by putting others down is wrong.
As much as I don't like Family Guy, there is a good and funny quote, "what you do with your penis is between you and God"
I couldn't agree more. Like I've said before, the right just wants to live our lives privately, respectfully to others within society, within the bounds of the law of the land. Reconciling matters for the atonement is a private matter since none of us truthfully avoid sin in some shape or form. The left however cannot leave the right live their lives in peace; everything they do stems from inversion, coercion, the wallowing in abomination and most perverse forms of masochistic bondage. It's a cancer of the mind that I'm not even sure is 'nurture over nature' since they love their enslavement and debauchery so much. The trouble for right-leaning gays who just want the quiet life and will sort matters of judgement out when the time comes, of course, is that only the left-leaning depictions of us are 'allowed' in the MSM, in political parties, in demonstrations and celebrations, in education, in entertainment, ad nauseum. But we do exist.
Also there are these people on the right who seem to care how much people touch their penis in privacy more than lefty Karen's who are furious others won't take the shot.
Really authoritarianism is cancer, people need to mind their own business.
I'd also put it like the word "jogger" going around, I know it is to make fun of the guy breaking in to stuff "jogging" who got shot but really it has turned to "call every black person a jogger" and they defend it because of some inner city thugs acting like thugs. Just because there are some pedophile faggots doesn't mean every gay man is a degenerate but people defend it because a relatively few people act like degenerates. Generalizations are make us look retarded just as equally as they make leftists look retarded
Exactly, people can leave Bible thumping stuff on I want to hear diversity of opinion from all patriots and not just the Catholic ones, but posts like these I feel are designed to push people away whether it is posted by an atheist pretending to be a bible thumper to forum slide or a legit Church Karen who wants to talk Q but only around people they don't find deplorable.
fact is you cant be trans without aligning yourself with lucifer, lucifer is genderless, lucifer rejected gods plan for him. Nothing could be more of a rejection of God than rejecting your name, gender, and refusing to multiply.
Ypur parents name you. And are you saying you go to hell for not having kids??
If so that is me screwed lol
According to your personal beliefs and interpretations of what other humans claim god said.
I get that people are passionate about God, I am too. But can we please end these "REPENT, SINNERS!" type posts? They never lead to anything good and just cause division and make us look like bible thumpers.
Our faith literally compels us to teach people the good news of forgiveness through repentant faith in Jesus Christ. Some may choose different words, but this is why Christ lived, died, and rose again. The wages of sin is death. The gift of God is eternal life. It's freely available to everyone who believes. God wants all mankind to come to repentance and receive salvation; Christians are just trying to make that happen to the largest degree possible. However, since most people don't want to contemplate their own unholiness (be it of a sexual nature, monetary nature, unhealthy pride in oneself, etc.) our message is more often than not rejected. We can try gentler ways or more urgent ways of warning people of judgment to come and the saving grace that's available to avoid it, but there's no one way of saying it that will bring in all who are willing to come to Jesus. Nothing wrong with telling sinners to repent except that people don't like it. If it's the truth, though, it ought to be said. The consequences are eternal. Calling people Bible thumpers is not the worst insult in the world, but it can also be divisive.
I agree with you on calleling people "Bible Thumpers"
but how is sexual stuff a sin if it doesn't hurt anybody?
but what if it truly isn't hurting anyone? I put lust in the same boat as greed. Is it greedy to accept 5 dollars to run a delivery for someone? Probably not. Is it greedy to rob someone at gunpoint? Most definitely.
Lust and sodomy I believe have been misinterpreted, God doesn't give a shit if two consenting adults do whatever to each other and willingly accept whatever comes from it, at least not what he has told me through prayer. God cares about people forcing others to do things they don't want to. These people forcing vaccines on us are guilty of lust because it tickles their perversions and they don't want to give us a choice in the matter.
Why don't you tell us about your passion for God? Better yet, you can tell God on Judgement Day why you thought telling others to repent and turn to Jesus "never leads to anything good".
The only division will be that believers in heaven will be separated from non-believers in hell. I'll be with the "bible thumpers". God bless you.
Bless you as well, you sure seem like you need a backrub, staying awake at night for hours because people might be thinking naughty thoughts. I'm sure God is just thrilled that you are going around judging others and calling them wrong.
I've prayed on it and God says sex and masturbation is fine as long as I don't let it control me like an addiction. Are you telling me God is wrong?
I post here on GA to proclaim the Good News that Jesus loves you and that He died for your sins. You seem to have a different agenda so I'll use the block function on you so I don't have to read your garbage. Others should know that the block function is great when you encounter users that you just don't want to hear from any more.
This shit isn't good news.
This garbage is an excuse for shitty religious parents to disown their kids or keep them in the closet.
The LGBTQ movement is dumb, but you are exactly the kind of garbage that gives Christianity a bad wrap.
I'm sure God is smiling on him, since apparently being gay is the only sin he knows and pride is apparently rewarded when he gets the special VIP spot in heaven
Either an insecure teenager who made the literal word of the Bible his entire personality, or a lefty atheist who only knows about God from what TV told them.
Yeah, sometimes I get angry by these people.
*I wish all Christians acted like Mike Lindell, a man with integrity and love, who follows his conscience, but never cast judgment.
But thanks for giving me more faith in Christians, because I don't want religious fundamentalists dividing the movement
shills* I've made up my mind, this guy is the same shill that tried and failed to try this a couple months ago
u/2820928 tried the exact same thing with the same wording and the same excuse "im just sharing the love of God bro" except the only love of God they apparently know is that God dislikes sodomy, according to them. It seems like they are more obsessed with sodomy than anyone else here lol
Same defense too, almost like an atheist Redditor who doesn't know how this site works or a dude plainly in denial that his post could not be liked by some other people, they must be heathens. "Dude, it has a 300 upvotes and only 5 downvotes, how is that divisive? clearly the majority of people agree with me. Read the comments bro, overwhelming majority agree with me." Except most posts get zero downvotes, and also thats clearly not the case since half of the comments are negative towards this post, aka very divisive. Plus, I tried to downvote and it wouldn't register, and that's after finally figuring out how to do it, so who knows what the real count is.
Only difference is the last iteration had this fucking line they constantly used on multiple posts, "Haha my flair says 'every shill downvote is an upvote' so this post actually has 310 upvotes and literally everyone agrees with me."
There is no fucking way someone is THAT obsessed with turning this site into a gay stoning "for the love of God and Jesus Christ" and isn't here to forum slide or distract us (and it's kinda working).
I just hope OP knows that it's one of the Ten Commandments to not use the Lord's name in vain, so they better be careful with how much they say "God bless your heart. I hope you learn to love God someday" with an insincere tone, since other people "sinning" means oh so much to them. Also pride, like believing God has a special spot in heaven just for them for judging others, while professing that God loves everyone equally. It's Matthew 7:22+23, but apparently they only know the one verse from Leviticus. (I would also add that the whole "I hope you learn to be a good person some day" is 100% Reddit leftist talk, for what its worth)
I'm sorry to make you read all that stuff if you did lol it's just such an obvious forum sliding tactic disguised as "harmless off topic preaching" that I have a hard time believing it got to the front page, though it was apparently posted in the middle of the night when mods were asleep so it makes more sense.
Nice dodge.
Are you sure I'm the one with the agenda? I just want to stop seeing people try to turn GA into their own private sect circle where only their bible study group is allowed.
Pro tip to anyone reading this: anyone online who loudly says they are going to block you instead of just doing it isn't actually blocking you.
Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.
You mean where people raped each other daily like it was nothing? yep totally comparable
Anal sex with wife = pedophilia to you apparently
Let's not judge them. They're losing their influence and power. We don't need to judge or guilt them. Once they connect to God, their sins are revealed to them and the desire to change divinely happens. Lets pray for their awakening to God's love which will guide them back on the narrow path. And let us be the shining light of love that God wants us to be.
This is EXACTLY where we all need to be. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE for our fellow man.
Love doesn’t mean accepting evil or sin. But it means connecting to the humanity in us all. We all share this earth at this time, together.
I am very hopeful that the days ahead will see homosexuals find out that they were made to believe homosexuality was a good thing by child-murdering, child-torturing, profoundly evil Satanists. That they'll learn they were lied to on purpose - for their own eternal destruction.
You could add that they are a tenant of the Luciferian religion. Their Baphomet idol is transgender.
Love the sinner and hate the sin.
Judgement is the Lord's and its his alone.
Well said! Amen!
Amen to this based post.
Man...GAW has been rockin da houze lately. There’s so many redpills all normies should have to go to school here.
If they put 1/2 the focus on God as they do gender & sexuality they would not be such tortured souls.
If Christ were physical at this moment of time, he would be conversing, loving, and hanging around any gay man who had love in his heart. The ignorance of your post is truly astounding.
Try loving people regardless of who they are, thats what Christ did. Maybe Christs message isn't for you
I think it might be the guy who tried this last time, though the last "shill" was really whiny. They can't keep it on and have to "get the word out" here as if we don't believe in God enough.
Your "last guy" wasn't me.
I have to admit that I struggle with these things internally. In my family, my niece is "married" to her "wife". They had a child by IVF a year ago. (which incenses me bc my son and his wife have been trying via IVF with no success), but I digress. While I love my niece, and her "wife" is a nice woman, I really have a hard time accepting this relationship. They live in Seattle...."surprise" so I don't see them often. I have friends that have children in a "same sex" relationship as well. I've known these "kids" since they were born and really care about them. My biggest issue is while I love/like these individuals, I can't accept their lifestyle. I know, It's not my life or place to to judge, but it seems "society" has allowed these lifestyles to be "normal", and we are expected to just agree with it. I know...this probably sounds my rant is over for now.
I hear you and no you don't sound disjointed to me. You sound conflicted between your love and affection for these people and your internal code of right and wrong.
I'm a Christian so when I get in a jam, I try to think of what would Jesus do. He would love your niece and her wife and your friends children regardless of their situation. He loves us all in spite of our sin. That's the beautiful thing about salvation. He lived a sinless life and yet He died for all our sin. Quite remarkable really.
I hope you find internal peace and are able to show love for the person but still maintain the strength of your convictions. I've said a prayer for you and I sincerely hope that God blesses you. He loves you and I encourage you to follow Him. It has made a tremendous difference for me.
And I could give two fucks about your downvotes, you all live in an echo chamber seeking confirmation bias while maintaining your cognative dissonance.
Sound familiar, Q.