I think we are not capable of understanding the true nature of the world. Science tells us that the universe was created in the Big Bang, and before that there was no space or time. Try imagining nothingness. No passage of time, no space and nothing exists until boom. I cannot. What does the word 'until' mean if there is no time?
That makes no sense to us. Also, if God in omnipotent, can he create stone so heavy he cannot lift it? I.E. if God is all powerful and good, how can he allow innocent children to be raped and tortured, which happens every fucking day?
I think we have to give up and realize we have limitations. We cannot understand everything. We play our roles and do the best we can. And maybe we can rise to the challenge and step out of safe space when we are called upon.
The answer to your second points about innocent children being harmed is not because of God. It is because he gave us free will. It is humans harming other humans by choice. Free will is one of the most fundamental forces in our universe. We all have the choice to do good or bad, it's up to us at the end of the day. God will not interfere with our free will that he gave us.
But if god is omnipotent, why would he give us free will? Surely he knows everything before we do and knows the decisions we will make before they happen. And if he knows all of this then we don’t have free will.
But you “knowing” is simply an assumption that isn’t necessarily true. Your kid could surprise you and heed your word. This community preaches about critical thinking and it is something we should apply even in religious context even if it goes against the beliefs we were raised on (just like Q challenged the life of illusion we were living prior. We now know the truth despite it seeming unrealistic). Not trying to raise hostilities, just pursuing the truth.
This is up for debate though. The words free will is never once said in the Bible...but “pre-destined” and the concept appears numerous times. Thats not to say I’m saying some sort of free agency definitely doesnt exist, I’m simply saying that its not definitive. At a minimum theres an interplay between Gods plans being uninterruptible and our choices that cant be fully grasped by us yet
The words free will don't need to be in the Bible. It is self-evident. Humans are not God. And humans act. There is no conceivable understanding of God that explains many - most? - of human decisions to act.
Conversely, there is ample evidence in the Bible which teaches, praises and warns about human decisions to act in this way or that way. Obviously, God has ceded decision-making to us.
Finally, neither are the words strawberry or cell tower in the Bible. Yet they exist.
I didnt point out it not being in the bible to say that is proof it doesnt exist...just that the opposite being in the bible and it not making the case for free will not as cut and dry as people make it out to be.
Certainly our choices at a minimum APPEAR free. But whether they are truly free or being guided in some way is not conclusive. Certainly God holds people responsible for their actions but theres also biblical evidence that God is predestining certain events (which could not have occurred absent certain choices by people). So it can get pretty complicated when you really start trying to explain it all. Im not saying i know the answer, I’m simply saying its not as simple as you make it out to be. This debate has been going on for centuries and even exists in Islam. We wont be able to solve it but certainly worth exploring
Deut. 30:19, Joshua 24:15, 1 Kings 18:23, Job 34:4, Job 34:33, Ps. 25:12 and there are more. The Jewish people (at least the sages) say "All is foreseen, yet
free will is given." Without at least some degree of 'free will' there is no choice.
I struggle with the human suffering part. Why would a JUST God allow it? Especially with children. One of the more horrific examples of this is the case of a little girl, Emma Thompson in TX, who was being badly beaten on a daily basis by her mother’s boyfriend. She was 4. She was being raped repeatedly by him and the last day she was alive, she suffered over 80 bruises, a fractured skull, a ruptured pancreas and vagina, had genital herpes and her mother attempted to cover it all up and leave her in a creek. A human rag doll. The most beautiful child you could ever imagine. Why.
But I enjoyed this video because it does show hope for humanity. There are very bright, articulate, positive people out there. I’d just like to know why this would happen. Why horrible things never seem to happen to horrible people?
God gave people free will. He wants us to choose Him on our own, not from programming like little robots. The universe was created for his pleasure. Robots wouldn't be much fun. Having free will means that some people will choose to act badly.
"...seem to happen..." We don't see everything that goes on with these people. And we won't see them in their eternal punishment at death. We have faith that God will punish one way or another.
I love seeing the youth of our world understanding truth.. there are only two possibilities for creation .. disprove one and you prove the other.. good on her for understanding that and being bold sharing the truth it reveals !!!!!???
"Now we see how the astronomical evidence supports the biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy."
Robert Jastrow (1925–2008), a leading figure in NASA’s Apollo program
Pulled from this website, looks like an interesting website to sharpen your knowledge against anyone debating with you
1 Peter 3:15 but honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you
“Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He takes the wise in their own craftiness.”
1 Corinthians 3:18-19
See this is Christian stuff that belongs here, no shaming others or "I'm here to save you from yourself, sinners" by holier than thou sealions. No obsession over sins while ignoring other sins. No phony "I'm just doing this out of love" stuff only to turn around and start hurling insults to those who refuse to join their little sect. No leftists atheists dressing up as Christians despite only knowing one Bible verse with intent to divide the site.
Just pure facts and true preaching of gospel through actual love and a willingness to spread God's word.
Gerald Schroeder, Hugh Ross, Norman Geisler, Lee Strobel, William Craig, J.P. Moreland, Michael Behe, and Francis S. Collins.
Go read the books and articles written by these men. If you can look at all the evidence they present and still claim there is no God then you have a volitional objection and not an intellectual one.
Well said. Other proofs of god exist as well in science btw.. My favourite is the Casimir effect, where two metal plates in a vacuum are moved apart due to something creating and destroying matter within that vacuum.
Creates and destroys from nothing, alpha and omega.
So I’m an atheist and I find her arguments to be flawed. Saying things must have a beginning and somehow a magical god is exempt from this rule because “magic” isn’t very convincing.
Science says that the universe had a beginning. Philosophy says that any beginning has to have a pre-existing cause. Since there was no space, time, or matter before the beginning of the universe, the cause had to be outside of all three. We choose to call that cause God.
That is the proof of the existence of God. Only that, not anything else about God.
But the answer of “we don’t really know” to me is a much more honest answer.
Call it God if you want, but that it doesn’t tell us anything about “god”.
Still begs the question, what created “god”. It’s an unanswerable question. Everything needs a beginning except for something we say doesn’t because again “magic” of some sort. I can come up with a different theory about how the universe expands and contracts and upon contracting that resets the universe and it’s been doing this “forever”. It doesn’t mean that this is at all true or accurate and that’s why I like the answer of “we don’t know”.
Here is the logic:
The universe had a beginning, as evidenced by the detection of the Big Bang.
Anything that begins to exist must have a cause.
Therefore, something caused the Big Bang. (and thus the universe)
Abstract things like numbers may be unchangeable and eternally the same, but they can't create anything. Only a personality can
If God is uncaused, (exists by nature), and is a personality
then God is eternal, timeless. and the creator.
You can read more about the logical steps here in William Lane Craig's book, On Guard.
And Einstein, who was not even the inventor of general relativity, and being a Askenazim Jehudi, was a deist. Not a theist. To start an argument with Einstein, being a fraud and perpetuating a fraud, is not helpful.
E=mc² does make predictions, which relate to what happens to a star falling into a blackhole, creating a singularity. Clearly, her Chupa Chup has not been able to give understanding of what a singularity actually is.
And E=mc² is not the end of the physics class or Astronomy class.
The way she is using this argument is pointing to irreducible complexity and therefor it MUST be ..... which is another logical fallacy she employed.
This idea of irreducible complexity has already legally been shown to be unscientific. See Dover schoolboard 2004 court case.
The cause and effect argument, at least the way she uses it, is another logical fallacy concerning the prime mover.
However, if people wish to think like this, that is ok. I just hope to never ever have to be subject to superimposed views just because people have a problem with the uncertainty principle.
Because, all in all, all these arguments blend into one argument: I know what God is and let me tell you.....
Perhaps it is because He reveals Himself to those who seek Him...and once have been the recipient of this divine revelation, it is counted as pure joy to share.
Something bigger than anything we can understand, with the tools we possess exists. Something far far beyond all the intellectual/scientific psychobabble non adherents like to throw at us. Some want to explore that mystery - some don't. Those who do like to explore it also like to congregate in discussion forums to discuss their findings/views. Who do you think God is?
He created the universe and people for his pleasure. He wants us to choose Him. If everyone automatically chose Him like little robots, where would the fun be?
Perfection does not logically preclude a demand for respect or being angry when people disobey.
Concentrate on the New Testament more than the Old Testament.
Why would "perfection" obviate any desire for pleasure? He isn't lacking in pleasure, because He created it.
We were created with free will so that we can choose Him freely. A bunch of robots would not be fun for very long.
God can know everything that will happen, but does He choose to know? We are less than God and can never fully understand. That is one of the reasons for faith. We know God exists and created the universe. We must have faith that whatever has been stated to have been revealed to men actually was.
Great question. I suspect our understanding of 'worship' is a bit dull. I struggled with this also. Our understanding is corrupted and incomplete. It is more than we know, and perhaps the time to truly understand it is not yet. That's the best I can do, although I am confident it does not embody vain repetitions or many of the current forms of worship. I'm not so confident it is well taught in mainstream Christianity. I suppose, on this matter, I feel a bit like the child who constantly says "are we there yet". I have no idea on the length of the journey, nor the twists in the road. I have faith aplenty that this is the road I should be on, because a time or two, I took my feet off the path and spiritual darkness hounded me.
I suspect He loves us and seeks our love in return. Desiring our love is not a flaw. It is an intrinsic part of our nature, and we are created in His image.
You are trying too hard to impose your own limited understanding of perfection on a God you can't possibly grasp. If God indeed is as those in this thread are believing him to be, then it is folly for you to expect to grasp the notion of God's true character, powers, desires, whatever.
Those who insist on grasping God will never be satisfied because we just don't have the tiniest fraction of mental capacity required to create all of existence. I would argue that the chasm is greater than asking an ant to grasp humanity.
Well, in all honesty - it was a two minute video. She might be quite detailed in other videos. This was the first I have seen of her.
As to the age of existence? We are only informed about earths creation with a timeline [six days]. I agree, Father has 'always been' and He hasn't 'always been' in a vacuum. There has to be 'location '- whatever that entails, associated with His existence.
What if it isn't a lack, rather a desire to share the bliss? Could you embrace that possibility? I enjoy giving far more than I enjoy receiving, and I suspect most of us do. A gift received is a fleeting pleasure, but a gift well given is a lasting joy.
Perfect doesn't have to mean without need. He has a continual unchanging expectation for us to know Him. After all if you were perfect, wouldn't you kind of just expect people to acknowledge it and praise you for what you've given to them? What he asks for isn't for HIM. it's for US. To save OUR souls because He loves us despite all our flaws.
Jesus got angry. God can be upset. Why does anger imply a lack of perfection? We have free will to disobey a perfect creator. When we sinned agaisnt God in Eden, God has already known what was going to happen, but is still allowed to show anger. His gift to us was the choice to deny him if we so wish. We still have plenty of plausible deniability to do so. In exchange when people choose to follow God, it can mean that much more to him.
What I do know is what my own experience is. Some people would call it God. I do not. Some things, in their grandness, should not be named at all.
Naming it, is assigning frequency to it. And frequency creates reality, which frequency is always lower through the naming, as you cannot frequent on a higher level than you are now. (the use of are is intentional, as it is not a place)
So, when it comes to experience, I'd rather have the experience than talk about it. And use that experience to grow.
When it comes to logical deduction on matters, we would do well to understand that our language does not deal with fact and truth, but with fiction. Our language is a description of experience, not the experience itself. A bit akin to the platonic cave and the shadows on the wall.
This is the thrust in our society at large, as we are presented with one solution after another, that drags us deeper into artificiality.
e.g. You are watching a movie. The covid vaccine is the gateway vaccine to be part of the Internet of Bodies (IoB) in addition to the internet of Things, which actually encompasses bodies.
What St. Paul, in my view at least, describes when he describes his ascension to the 7th heaven, and when he writes that we do not walk through seeing, but through faith, or through spirit is exactly the issue. It is his experience, that drives his manifestation. Compare the writings of other Apostles and you will see a glaring difference: the need for validation.
When I comb through the New Testament, I find many good things in there, that pertain to spirituality, albeit within a context of a lot of noise.
e.g.: When Paul writes about the fruit of the spirit, he mixes the soul state with behavior: Love, peace and joy are the soul state. The other things mentioned as kindness, long suffering, patience, etc are behaviors.
He inserts things pertaining to manifestation, thereby garbling the actual message, setting a bar, instead of focusing on the soul state and allowing each one to come to their own (re)cognition of how to manifest it.
It would have been a divine miracle had he written after the first three, a question to ponder.
You have no knowledge regarding her lollipop....you know nothing of it at except it is red. You see dimly on the matter. Now, if you pursue knowledge and gain it, then come back and speak of high fructose corn syrup suckers. Do you treat your spiritual journey with the same level of flippancy?
I see what you did there with the possible 'balls out physics' reference. Did you watch the video?
I watched the video and didn't see any evidence of God. Just assumptions since we don't completely understand how it all began. This is textbook "god of the gaps" theory. Kinda like people used to think the sun was being carried across the sky by a chariot until we learned it wasn't (and which was also driven by religion).
Saying, "we don't know, so it had to be God," is both intellectual laziness and convenient.
You are talking to a massive amount of people on this forum who have traveled far past the point of doubt you are possibly speaking of. We have, individually had such an interpersonal relationship with God we are past any point of doubt. We have sought - and He has answered in ways that leave us with no doubt, and often tangible evidence of His existence. Once that divine assurance is secured, we are blessed with the opportunity to grow in our knowledge of him. No one can understand all the ways of God, but the journey we are on is about our efforts to ponder upon Him and reflect back onto mankind a similitude of His Image. There is not a droplet of intellectual laziness involved in this process.
You're wrong...factual experiences are 'proofs'. They are the ultimate acceptable metric, depending on whose measuring stick you're using. Don't decry our system as inferior to your known system. Perhaps that;s what this all boils down to. If the science is wrong -- just how wrong is it, all the way down to it's foundation wrong? I personally no longer accept scientism as facts.
Not this again. I had a massive barney last night with a twitter person who kept saying this was proves God yadda yadda yadda.
There is no getting around the fact that SOMETHING must have created "God" - using her own logic, something cant come from nothing. God himself must be an effect of something else.
All I got back was "well, God is eternal" like that means anything. It had to have a starting point. If it just came into existence randomly then so can the Big Bang.
Nothing in this video convinces me any proof of God.
"You have to want to."
Powerful words.
Truth. It has to be personal.
Imagine if most young people were this wonderful!
She makes some great points.
I think we are not capable of understanding the true nature of the world. Science tells us that the universe was created in the Big Bang, and before that there was no space or time. Try imagining nothingness. No passage of time, no space and nothing exists until boom. I cannot. What does the word 'until' mean if there is no time?
That makes no sense to us. Also, if God in omnipotent, can he create stone so heavy he cannot lift it? I.E. if God is all powerful and good, how can he allow innocent children to be raped and tortured, which happens every fucking day?
I think we have to give up and realize we have limitations. We cannot understand everything. We play our roles and do the best we can. And maybe we can rise to the challenge and step out of safe space when we are called upon.
The answer to your second points about innocent children being harmed is not because of God. It is because he gave us free will. It is humans harming other humans by choice. Free will is one of the most fundamental forces in our universe. We all have the choice to do good or bad, it's up to us at the end of the day. God will not interfere with our free will that he gave us.
But if god is omnipotent, why would he give us free will? Surely he knows everything before we do and knows the decisions we will make before they happen. And if he knows all of this then we don’t have free will.
I know my kid is going to try to sneak the chocolate even tho I told him not to. Kid still had the choice. Same with us.
But you “knowing” is simply an assumption that isn’t necessarily true. Your kid could surprise you and heed your word. This community preaches about critical thinking and it is something we should apply even in religious context even if it goes against the beliefs we were raised on (just like Q challenged the life of illusion we were living prior. We now know the truth despite it seeming unrealistic). Not trying to raise hostilities, just pursuing the truth.
This is up for debate though. The words free will is never once said in the Bible...but “pre-destined” and the concept appears numerous times. Thats not to say I’m saying some sort of free agency definitely doesnt exist, I’m simply saying that its not definitive. At a minimum theres an interplay between Gods plans being uninterruptible and our choices that cant be fully grasped by us yet
The words free will don't need to be in the Bible. It is self-evident. Humans are not God. And humans act. There is no conceivable understanding of God that explains many - most? - of human decisions to act.
Conversely, there is ample evidence in the Bible which teaches, praises and warns about human decisions to act in this way or that way. Obviously, God has ceded decision-making to us.
Finally, neither are the words strawberry or cell tower in the Bible. Yet they exist.
Just because he knows doesn't mean we didn't have the choice. He's watching a game he already saw. It doesnt mean he was playing.
This is incredibly on point and gets at the true nature of time. Wise words.
I didnt point out it not being in the bible to say that is proof it doesnt exist...just that the opposite being in the bible and it not making the case for free will not as cut and dry as people make it out to be.
Certainly our choices at a minimum APPEAR free. But whether they are truly free or being guided in some way is not conclusive. Certainly God holds people responsible for their actions but theres also biblical evidence that God is predestining certain events (which could not have occurred absent certain choices by people). So it can get pretty complicated when you really start trying to explain it all. Im not saying i know the answer, I’m simply saying its not as simple as you make it out to be. This debate has been going on for centuries and even exists in Islam. We wont be able to solve it but certainly worth exploring
Deut. 30:19, Joshua 24:15, 1 Kings 18:23, Job 34:4, Job 34:33, Ps. 25:12 and there are more. The Jewish people (at least the sages) say "All is foreseen, yet free will is given." Without at least some degree of 'free will' there is no choice.
Yes, like i said there is evidence for both positions throughout...but neither position is iron clad
The tortures of this world don't compare to the bliss or torment of the next. It's all relative, and temporary in this world.
I struggle with the human suffering part. Why would a JUST God allow it? Especially with children. One of the more horrific examples of this is the case of a little girl, Emma Thompson in TX, who was being badly beaten on a daily basis by her mother’s boyfriend. She was 4. She was being raped repeatedly by him and the last day she was alive, she suffered over 80 bruises, a fractured skull, a ruptured pancreas and vagina, had genital herpes and her mother attempted to cover it all up and leave her in a creek. A human rag doll. The most beautiful child you could ever imagine. Why.
But I enjoyed this video because it does show hope for humanity. There are very bright, articulate, positive people out there. I’d just like to know why this would happen. Why horrible things never seem to happen to horrible people?
God gave people free will. He wants us to choose Him on our own, not from programming like little robots. The universe was created for his pleasure. Robots wouldn't be much fun. Having free will means that some people will choose to act badly.
"...seem to happen..." We don't see everything that goes on with these people. And we won't see them in their eternal punishment at death. We have faith that God will punish one way or another.
Things are so much easier to explain and understand if you start with the idea that all gods are fictional inventions of man.
I like to think "eternity in heaven/hell" was just ancient humans best attempt to understand a timeless realm such as heaven or hell.
karma. yes hell is on earth defo
Both heaven & hell are on earth
There are people I want in my foxhole when the time comes... this is one of them.
Hopefully she reaches many! Very smart woman... Blessings are hers!
A very well spoken and intelligent young woman. May God keep her safe and keep her faith strong.
I love seeing the youth of our world understanding truth.. there are only two possibilities for creation .. disprove one and you prove the other.. good on her for understanding that and being bold sharing the truth it reveals !!!!!???
Now this young lady gives me faith in the next generation. God Bless her!
"Now we see how the astronomical evidence supports the biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy."
Robert Jastrow (1925–2008), a leading figure in NASA’s Apollo program
Pulled from this website, looks like an interesting website to sharpen your knowledge against anyone debating with you
1 Peter 3:15 but honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you
“Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He takes the wise in their own craftiness.” 1 Corinthians 3:18-19
Galatians 4:16
So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?
or, Ephesians 6:19
And also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel,
Have you actually checked this quote? Quote mining is a real thing, you know, not to mention, quote framing after mining.
I didn't buy his books to find out, but this book of his is the one where this quote is attributed to.
Let me know if it's in there
See this is Christian stuff that belongs here, no shaming others or "I'm here to save you from yourself, sinners" by holier than thou sealions. No obsession over sins while ignoring other sins. No phony "I'm just doing this out of love" stuff only to turn around and start hurling insults to those who refuse to join their little sect. No leftists atheists dressing up as Christians despite only knowing one Bible verse with intent to divide the site.
Just pure facts and true preaching of gospel through actual love and a willingness to spread God's word.
What she said
God made lollipops!
God invented the refrigerator
WOW - smart lady!
It's a great explanation.
Gerald Schroeder, Hugh Ross, Norman Geisler, Lee Strobel, William Craig, J.P. Moreland, Michael Behe, and Francis S. Collins.
Go read the books and articles written by these men. If you can look at all the evidence they present and still claim there is no God then you have a volitional objection and not an intellectual one.
Absolutely love this.
Well said. Other proofs of god exist as well in science btw.. My favourite is the Casimir effect, where two metal plates in a vacuum are moved apart due to something creating and destroying matter within that vacuum.
Creates and destroys from nothing, alpha and omega.
Now I have to look that up.
Big Bang is fake.
just great
So I’m an atheist and I find her arguments to be flawed. Saying things must have a beginning and somehow a magical god is exempt from this rule because “magic” isn’t very convincing.
Science says that the universe had a beginning. Philosophy says that any beginning has to have a pre-existing cause. Since there was no space, time, or matter before the beginning of the universe, the cause had to be outside of all three. We choose to call that cause God.
That is the proof of the existence of God. Only that, not anything else about God.
But the answer of “we don’t really know” to me is a much more honest answer.
Call it God if you want, but that it doesn’t tell us anything about “god”.
Still begs the question, what created “god”. It’s an unanswerable question. Everything needs a beginning except for something we say doesn’t because again “magic” of some sort. I can come up with a different theory about how the universe expands and contracts and upon contracting that resets the universe and it’s been doing this “forever”. It doesn’t mean that this is at all true or accurate and that’s why I like the answer of “we don’t know”.
It's confirmation bias and religion is full of it. They can't explain something so it must be their deity is an argument of convenience.
Here is the logic: The universe had a beginning, as evidenced by the detection of the Big Bang. Anything that begins to exist must have a cause. Therefore, something caused the Big Bang. (and thus the universe) Abstract things like numbers may be unchangeable and eternally the same, but they can't create anything. Only a personality can If God is uncaused, (exists by nature), and is a personality then God is eternal, timeless. and the creator.
You can read more about the logical steps here in William Lane Craig's book, On Guard.
She appears to be a thinker...and thinkers aren't parrots.
I guess she was never working for Disney haha
Lovely young lady who knows Faith is Truth. Sampling this for sure. ?
yep, she never seen a bubble.
And Einstein, who was not even the inventor of general relativity, and being a Askenazim Jehudi, was a deist. Not a theist. To start an argument with Einstein, being a fraud and perpetuating a fraud, is not helpful.
E=mc² does make predictions, which relate to what happens to a star falling into a blackhole, creating a singularity. Clearly, her Chupa Chup has not been able to give understanding of what a singularity actually is.
And E=mc² is not the end of the physics class or Astronomy class.
The way she is using this argument is pointing to irreducible complexity and therefor it MUST be ..... which is another logical fallacy she employed.
This idea of irreducible complexity has already legally been shown to be unscientific. See Dover schoolboard 2004 court case.
The cause and effect argument, at least the way she uses it, is another logical fallacy concerning the prime mover.
However, if people wish to think like this, that is ok. I just hope to never ever have to be subject to superimposed views just because people have a problem with the uncertainty principle.
Because, all in all, all these arguments blend into one argument: I know what God is and let me tell you.....
Perhaps it is because He reveals Himself to those who seek Him...and once have been the recipient of this divine revelation, it is counted as pure joy to share.
Something bigger than anything we can understand, with the tools we possess exists. Something far far beyond all the intellectual/scientific psychobabble non adherents like to throw at us. Some want to explore that mystery - some don't. Those who do like to explore it also like to congregate in discussion forums to discuss their findings/views. Who do you think God is?
He created the universe and people for his pleasure. He wants us to choose Him. If everyone automatically chose Him like little robots, where would the fun be?
Perfection does not logically preclude a demand for respect or being angry when people disobey.
Concentrate on the New Testament more than the Old Testament.
Why would "perfection" obviate any desire for pleasure? He isn't lacking in pleasure, because He created it.
We were created with free will so that we can choose Him freely. A bunch of robots would not be fun for very long.
God can know everything that will happen, but does He choose to know? We are less than God and can never fully understand. That is one of the reasons for faith. We know God exists and created the universe. We must have faith that whatever has been stated to have been revealed to men actually was.
Great question. I suspect our understanding of 'worship' is a bit dull. I struggled with this also. Our understanding is corrupted and incomplete. It is more than we know, and perhaps the time to truly understand it is not yet. That's the best I can do, although I am confident it does not embody vain repetitions or many of the current forms of worship. I'm not so confident it is well taught in mainstream Christianity. I suppose, on this matter, I feel a bit like the child who constantly says "are we there yet". I have no idea on the length of the journey, nor the twists in the road. I have faith aplenty that this is the road I should be on, because a time or two, I took my feet off the path and spiritual darkness hounded me.
I suspect He loves us and seeks our love in return. Desiring our love is not a flaw. It is an intrinsic part of our nature, and we are created in His image.
You are trying too hard to impose your own limited understanding of perfection on a God you can't possibly grasp. If God indeed is as those in this thread are believing him to be, then it is folly for you to expect to grasp the notion of God's true character, powers, desires, whatever.
Those who insist on grasping God will never be satisfied because we just don't have the tiniest fraction of mental capacity required to create all of existence. I would argue that the chasm is greater than asking an ant to grasp humanity.
Well, in all honesty - it was a two minute video. She might be quite detailed in other videos. This was the first I have seen of her.
As to the age of existence? We are only informed about earths creation with a timeline [six days]. I agree, Father has 'always been' and He hasn't 'always been' in a vacuum. There has to be 'location '- whatever that entails, associated with His existence.
What if it isn't a lack, rather a desire to share the bliss? Could you embrace that possibility? I enjoy giving far more than I enjoy receiving, and I suspect most of us do. A gift received is a fleeting pleasure, but a gift well given is a lasting joy.
Perfect doesn't have to mean without need. He has a continual unchanging expectation for us to know Him. After all if you were perfect, wouldn't you kind of just expect people to acknowledge it and praise you for what you've given to them? What he asks for isn't for HIM. it's for US. To save OUR souls because He loves us despite all our flaws. Jesus got angry. God can be upset. Why does anger imply a lack of perfection? We have free will to disobey a perfect creator. When we sinned agaisnt God in Eden, God has already known what was going to happen, but is still allowed to show anger. His gift to us was the choice to deny him if we so wish. We still have plenty of plausible deniability to do so. In exchange when people choose to follow God, it can mean that much more to him.
Yes times 3.
I do not pretend to know or even know.
What I do know is what my own experience is. Some people would call it God. I do not. Some things, in their grandness, should not be named at all.
Naming it, is assigning frequency to it. And frequency creates reality, which frequency is always lower through the naming, as you cannot frequent on a higher level than you are now. (the use of are is intentional, as it is not a place)
So, when it comes to experience, I'd rather have the experience than talk about it. And use that experience to grow.
When it comes to logical deduction on matters, we would do well to understand that our language does not deal with fact and truth, but with fiction. Our language is a description of experience, not the experience itself. A bit akin to the platonic cave and the shadows on the wall.
This is the thrust in our society at large, as we are presented with one solution after another, that drags us deeper into artificiality.
e.g. You are watching a movie. The covid vaccine is the gateway vaccine to be part of the Internet of Bodies (IoB) in addition to the internet of Things, which actually encompasses bodies.
What St. Paul, in my view at least, describes when he describes his ascension to the 7th heaven, and when he writes that we do not walk through seeing, but through faith, or through spirit is exactly the issue. It is his experience, that drives his manifestation. Compare the writings of other Apostles and you will see a glaring difference: the need for validation.
When I comb through the New Testament, I find many good things in there, that pertain to spirituality, albeit within a context of a lot of noise.
e.g.: When Paul writes about the fruit of the spirit, he mixes the soul state with behavior: Love, peace and joy are the soul state. The other things mentioned as kindness, long suffering, patience, etc are behaviors.
He inserts things pertaining to manifestation, thereby garbling the actual message, setting a bar, instead of focusing on the soul state and allowing each one to come to their own (re)cognition of how to manifest it.
It would have been a divine miracle had he written after the first three, a question to ponder.
You have no knowledge regarding her lollipop....you know nothing of it at except it is red. You see dimly on the matter. Now, if you pursue knowledge and gain it, then come back and speak of high fructose corn syrup suckers. Do you treat your spiritual journey with the same level of flippancy?
I see what you did there with the possible 'balls out physics' reference. Did you watch the video?
I support neither theory. #Scientism
I watched the video and didn't see any evidence of God. Just assumptions since we don't completely understand how it all began. This is textbook "god of the gaps" theory. Kinda like people used to think the sun was being carried across the sky by a chariot until we learned it wasn't (and which was also driven by religion).
Saying, "we don't know, so it had to be God," is both intellectual laziness and convenient.
You are talking to a massive amount of people on this forum who have traveled far past the point of doubt you are possibly speaking of. We have, individually had such an interpersonal relationship with God we are past any point of doubt. We have sought - and He has answered in ways that leave us with no doubt, and often tangible evidence of His existence. Once that divine assurance is secured, we are blessed with the opportunity to grow in our knowledge of him. No one can understand all the ways of God, but the journey we are on is about our efforts to ponder upon Him and reflect back onto mankind a similitude of His Image. There is not a droplet of intellectual laziness involved in this process.
That's fine, but implying the video proves God is inaccurate.
Personal experiences aren't proof to others, either. If that were an acceptable metric, Elvis is alive and Bigfoot is real.
You're wrong...factual experiences are 'proofs'. They are the ultimate acceptable metric, depending on whose measuring stick you're using. Don't decry our system as inferior to your known system. Perhaps that;s what this all boils down to. If the science is wrong -- just how wrong is it, all the way down to it's foundation wrong? I personally no longer accept scientism as facts.
You're hallucinating.
Or you are.
That is all
Not this again. I had a massive barney last night with a twitter person who kept saying this was proves God yadda yadda yadda.
There is no getting around the fact that SOMETHING must have created "God" - using her own logic, something cant come from nothing. God himself must be an effect of something else.
All I got back was "well, God is eternal" like that means anything. It had to have a starting point. If it just came into existence randomly then so can the Big Bang.
Nothing in this video convinces me any proof of God.
and back and back and back we go until we get to the ultimate...God. We have very limited understanding of this concept.
yep which is why i just live my life the best i can and dont worry about this kind of thing.
Love her!
A pink haired liberal just went Reeeeeeeeeeee! lol
Amen! No truer words have ever been spoken.