My wife and I both are cancer survivors, me in 2013 and her in 2019. At her last followup meeting with her oncologist, he strongly pushed the idea of getting vaccinated, which she strongly declined. We are both refusing to take any vaccine associated with covid. I am sorry to hear about your co-worker, I know what a kick in the stomach a diagnosis like that can be. If we begin to see current predictions of widespread deaths from the vaccines occur, there should be a Nuremberg type trials and punishments doled out, starting with Fraudci.
There are 2 great resources that I recommend. As much as I loathe FB, the groups are amazing.
Joe Tippins has a FB group, but you have to read the blog post for a PW.
Jane Mclelland developed the metabolic approach wherein drugs and herbs/supplements are used to block the pathways that cancer uses to feed. She has an excellent book called "How to Starve Cancer Without Starving Yourself".
There is a FB group that she ran. It's still there, but I think it went inactive.
Also groups about artemisinin, Rick Simpson Oil, Essiac Tea, etc.
The experimental injection produces "spike proteins", which your immune system has to work hard to fight. While it's doing that, it's less effective at fighting anything else. So, if you are already on a knife-edge fighting cancer, guess what happens?
Oncologists are regularly pitched experimental drugs, I don't see anything nefarious in just that. The onco is probably used to recommending drugs in trial. They do it more than other docs.
I totally agree. I'm in the same boat. Cancer free for almost 6 years now and I'm not willing to take that crap, no how no way. Last year I had both part A and B of the Shingles vax, the pneumonia vax and the flu vax. That untested mRNA vax is a bridge too far, especially when there's HCQ and Ivermectin, the latter I now have in my medicine cabinet should I start feeling Covid like symptoms. I feel really bad for the people who trust their doctors, the media and fall in line with the crowd.
Did anyone mention the downside potential of the Vaxx? It was buried in the fine print but the messaging only touted the benefits. As an experimental drug with emergency use authorization only, by law informed consent was required before it could be given to each person. Who can honestly say the were informed of anything unsafe or of things like your cancer may return? This is definitely the crime of the century and justice needs to occur. The truth needs exposed about Covid and the vax and suppressed drugs. Otherwise, this country can never get back to normal. We will always question health professionals and the motives behind any new treatment.
There are many safe alternative therapies for shingles, pneumonia and flu. Those shots you had are not safe either. Check out L-LYSINE for shingles or herpes. I have successfully used a blend of essential oils from the book "Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy" by Dr. Scott A. Johnson. For pneumonia there are great herbs, homeopathies and essential oils to choose from. The go to homeopathic for flu is oscillicosinum which is available pretty much everywhere. For that you don't have to take the whole tube...just a few pellets under the tongue 15 minutes apart and space it out more and more until you have no symptoms and stop.
I am 70 and don't do any vaxes and treat myself holistically. It can be done but there is study involved. God has given us so much knowledge of natural healing it is just amazing. God bless your family.
Save yourself some money. One pellet is the same dose as the whole tube...put about 5-10 pellets in the cap=a dose.
"Potency & Dosing (Frequency vs Quantity)
With homeopathy's micro-dosing, the dose won't change much at all if you take 3 pills or 10. The quantity of pills is less important beyond making sure there is plenty of access to the surface under the tongue. What is important is the frequency."
I always felt the directions on oscillo...was misleading. And it is not all that cheap. But this is why you generally can't overdose on homeopathies. A word of caution...NEVER use a 3X or 6X or 12X of belladonna on children. There were deaths from the teething remedy which for some reason used these lower amounts of belladonna. It is a brilliant children's remedy but must be used properly. I was flabbergasted because of that because evidently in the lower remedies the actual amount in the tablets was toxic when given too frequently. Even natural things need to be researched and respected.
I read on here (not sure who posted) a very astute observation, that all the drug commercials on tv / radio list a bunch of possible side affects... but all these "get the jab" ads don't mention a single thing. It's just "get the jab to help society" or "get the jab so we can return to normal"... not one word about it being experimental or NOT FDA approved - not one word about blood clots or spike proteins, unknown fertility outcomes - nothing.
The fact that they are pushing this thing so hard (win a million dollars!) and there is no "informed consent" is really frightening.
I heard something interesting today at the end of a drug commercial. The usual, “should not be taken if blah, blah, blah, etc.” they ended with tell your doctor if you’ve been vaccinated. Found that odd
Both... 35 rounds of radiation and four 6-hour chemo drips. Similar for my wife. But we have both been pronounced "cured" and all our followup scans were good until we were released. Thanks for asking.
We are both back to full time enjoying life. We hit the gym 5 days a week, are involved in ministry work through music, and are grateful for our lives.
Also, a close friend (who believes this whole covid crap is a lie) got it along with her husband ...when mentioning the effects I was seeing of it messing with fertility etc, she said her teenagers have all had it too and my jaw hit the floor. She said "whatever it takes to get on with things and out of this mess, I'm in! ??♀️ Do people just think it's just like the yearly flu shot? I don't even get those myself because every time I did in the past I would get sicker than a dog right after. We have an immune system for a reason.
They are continually moving the goal posts, as we all know and can see. No way "whatever it takes to get on with things and out of this mess"'s not 'one and done' or 'two and done''s boosters ad infinitum.
That "Whatever it takes" mentality is what will lead a number of them to attack non-vaxxers, in the name of getting things back to normal. Yes, attacking normal people who have done nothing to anyone will get things back to normal. I have news for them. There is no normal after taking that shot. You will NEVER be normal again, and it's your own damn fault, not mine. Only the cultists drank the koolaid. This shot is the new koolaid.
That's so sad! It kills me that our military are so disrespected and experimented on. I have a lot of military in my family tree and I'm grateful for service men and women who protect and serve. I want them to be paid more... My brother could barely makes ends meet taking care of a family on military wages. Also, our veterans deserve better than tent camps on the street. They need ptsd therapy and rehabilitation. They have so much to offer and they are just thrown away. ?
The VA is full of turds who don't do their jobs. I can't get in person counseling for my ptzd or depression because i won't Vax. These scared puzzies didn't seem to mind when we swallowed our fear and did our duty. Most VA caretakers are cowards and lazy fucks including many veterans who work there.. It's shameful. They wanted to give me a Chinese doctor and I mean Chinese. The guy barely spoke English. Don't tell me that guy loveS America or its veterans
You are right, military personnel don’t get paid much at all, especially the lower rank you are, as you climb the rank ladder it gets a bit better, but that’s probably because we were so use to not having money so it seemed like a big bonus each time, it’s like giving us some breathing room, you know? I know from experience when husband was in the army (veteran now), talking about rubbing two pennies together, hell we didn’t have two pennies left after bills & food for our family. Stretching meals was an exercise in frugality. Left over rice mixed with anything else left over or some canned or frozen vegs, and a cut up hot dog for dinner. Or spam with some tomato sauce with leftover rice. We always made extra rice just so we could stretch it another meal.
I have heard the exact same here! In fact one of my vet friends who was first in line to get the vax, is very bitter toward the government for some of the things they did to him. After the jab, he was down for three days. I was praying like crazy for him! The disconnect is just astonishing to me! We even discussed the reasons why I am not getting it and he brushed it off, convinced that IF he ever got The Rona, he would die. Seriously. So messed up.
I'm highly suspicious of that Gardasil 9 HPV vaccine. To prevent cervical cancer, both teen boys and girls need it?!?!?! FDA says they approved it, but since when should we blindly trust government.
My wife is a nurse and was onboard with our oldest getting it, but given what we've learned the past 6 months, not anymore.
My spouse is a medical scientist. My daughter a nurse. Nurses are not experts in the chemistry and bio effects of vaccines. My wife would not allow any of my daughters to have that shot. My sister and sister in law both 30 yezr veterans of nursing took the bothbshots both have been sick since, neither admits why. It was so bad mybsister was in the er 4 times in 2 weeks.
My son is the same way after getting the flu shot. But military says it’s mandatory. It pisses me off! If someone gets sick every single time he gets the flu shot, they should be exempt from having to take it. He was active duty, now he’s NG, and also a police officer.
They told him he had to get it. I told him next time tell them he can’t take it, it makes him sick, said same thing if they push the cov-vax on him, he said they have stopped pushing on the cov-vax.
My mom has leukemia and is potentially high risk. Her doctor wants her to get it and I've sent her all the info I can to persuade her not to. Hopefully she listens, but unfortunately we all know that doctors have told us they know what's best and we believe them. I've lost my faith in the PRACTICE of medicine anymore.
It is a useful skill that comes in handy and will save you money. I have practiced alternative medicine for years on myself, family and pets, friends have benefited too. That being said, I do not dismiss modern medicine, for example my dad is diabetic and needs his insulin to live.
I have practiced alternative healing therapies since about 1970 and have learned so much. I had 5 kids and I have so many alternative protocols I have accumulated over the years. I used to go to the doctor to find out what was wrong (if I wasn't sure) then I would come home and treat it naturally. It takes time, money and resources but it is so rewarding. I have a wonderful reference library and many of the healing modalities are timeless like herbs, homeopathics and essential oils. God has always given me the info I needed if it was something new and I feel like I have seen so much. It has been a blessing at the very least.
It is very rewarding and it does take resources. I'm into the 100% pure essential oils which are pricey but well worth it. Herbs, spices, flowers , trees all play a role. God bless you .
I'll check it out. One of my go to books is Modern Essentials because it touches on a bit of the whole picture. It has the Auricular and reflex therapy charts in it, very handy. Using EOs can get complicated, I had to change the recipe for my dad's pain lotion because he was put on blood thinners and I was using cypress which helps with nerve pain but also increases blood flow and thins the blood. He was upset because I changed it but I had no choice safely first.
If type 1 then yes. If type 2 then probably not - just correct the diet.
Problem with type 1 is that the immune system kills the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. There's currently no known way to fix that. (Not public, anyway.) With type 2 the pancreas produces plenty of insulin but the cells are resistant to it. So cut out all refined carbohydrates.
He has type 2, been using insulin for over 30 years now, he's 80 and at a healthy weight only because he eats very little of the wrong things. He will not listen, I have tried.
Yep, 100% all of our institutions have been infiltrated and corrupted, including medical, doctors are just pill pushers now, there are some good ones but they're fighting a losing battle against the corrupt institutions that control them.
So true! My doc just retired so I have to get a new one. I was thinking about going to the same doc as my spouse, but he just sent out a COVID newsletter that shows he is profiting from the jabs and promoting them as safe. So nope.
Should have asked your doctor for a referral to another doctor he trusts before he retired, especially if you trusted him/her. That way you’d at least have a starting point. Wishing you luck finding another doctor, I know it’s hard to find one. We’ve moved a lot with hubby’s work after military (moved a few times with military but always had military docs, which sucked big time, they don’t give a shit about anyone, but couldn’t afford health insurance or outside doctors). It’s always hard to find a doctor you like & trust.
I know someone who had leukemia in remission thank God. But she was told to get the vax by doctor. I hope she will be ok and it won’t come back. But as this vax affects the blood I am getting nervous for her.
I can relate. My daughter in law has been in remission from hodgkins lymphoma and took the vax thinking she will be protected. I’m very nervous for her too. I pray your friend remains cancer free.
Such a cruel twist. I always called out the commenters early on when people would say, don’t take the vaccine unless your in the danger group than you need it. Those designated in the “need it group” are all the more likely to fall victim to the killer bioweapon. I know calling them murders was harsh but this is a perfect example case of why.
Neither can I, but that is exactly what my brother has done. So far, so good, but I'm terrified for him. He got the vax as soon as it was available in his state.
I have recently lost 2 friends for this very reason.
I gave them the info and the actual protocols (I get Fenbendazol and Ivermectin in bulk). They only trusted their doctors until the end.
It was so hard to beg a friend to just look into it and then to hear him completely deflate when he found out that his doctor had not been honest about the severity of his condition. Especially when I had researched and sent him the grim survival stats, which he completely ignored...
My mother in law called my husband and I “anti-vaxxers” cause we don’t want to get experimental “medicine”. I’ve told him that of something happens to either of his parents, we will know exactly what caused it.
She already knows I reject all pharmaceuticals (I’m allergic to them) and use homeopathic medicine for myself and my husband. I’ve actually had immense healing so far but all she thinks about is “professionals and pharmaceuticals”. If THEY don’t sign off on something, it’s garbage.
She’s a RN and has been for decades. She doesn’t live in my body though and doesn’t have to deal with side effects from EVERYTHING pharma. She also can’t handle that I don’t mind having hard debates/discussions. It’s not something she is used to in her “passive” family ?
Who cares if she considers you anti-vaxxers? Own it, make her think it’s a good thing. Tell her thank you that it’s a compliment, lol. Flip the narrative on her and don’t let her get you pissed, laugh or smile like she gave you a compliment. That should piss her off, lol. And if she’s not use to people who speak their minds then do more of it, maybe she will eventually shut up. My aunt was a nurse and so was my step mother but they got the vaxx along with my uncle & father. They think their smarter than the rest of us that know not to get it, but they will learn the lesson the hard way, and I’m just a bitch enough to say I told ya so, especially if they acted all know it all to me. ? sorry I’ve never had to many filters but they are less as I get older ?♀️
Oh, she knows my personal stance on vaccines.
I am the second oldest of six and the last of my siblings to receive ANY vaccines (age 2/3 was my last).
My mother did her research in the 90’s and started doing more homeopathic remedies during the course my childhood. She also homeschooled all six of us, so we’re all more based than my husbands side :P
Hmm not true. Depends how much you care. My dad was being a snob and said he was going to get it; I banged everything in the house and screamed in his face that I'd never respect him again and only a fucking retard would inject themselves with AIDS when they otherwise healthy. He been passed at me a couple weeks but he didn't get it. He'll thank me someday.
Find James Corbett podcast on Rockefeller medicine. This is part of the cabal that rules the med colleges, the courses to become a MD, big pharma etc etc. Like for 160 years they have screwed us. I did not mention the FDA and how they got world hooked on crap processed food and altered the food pyramid to get more rich.
There has been a reproducibility crisis in science. So that would make it hard to pin down causes if different researchers can’t even produce the same results doing the same experiment.
I’ve had cancer twice so I don’t lightly recommend this, tell him to go to He has a protocol (food, supplements, etc.) that he used to heal his stage 3 colon cancer - that was 15 years ago. He tells you exactly what he did to flood his body with nutrition and help it heal. There are a lot of survivor stories on his website too, they really helped me rally when I was struggling and depressed.
I would say thats true, MOST of the time. If the insult to the organism is overwhelming enough, i.e radiation or chemical, then, is what it is.
Be careful there. He had a stage of cancer with a very high survival rate and a plan to build a business. He was grateful for his cancer because it allowed him a platform to profit with.
Many people (including those he featured in his videos) have died because they had worse cancer and relied upon his diet only.
There are much better protocols for tackling cancer and getting into remission. Diet is good, but inadequate for many types and stages.
Their "programming" took. I am saddened because they are victims in that this was done to them.
At the same time I see this as a result of a character deficit which allowed susceptibility. The character deficit produced by the programming. Viscous circle.
Programmed naiveté, superficiality, gullibility, suggestibility, misguided trust, laziness, conformity, cowardice.
And do they even track this as a thing in the reaction databases? Probably not. So if not then if cancers come back in people in remission they will counted as cancer deaths but not on the vax deaths count. Which in the vaers system is already over 4K. More than the last 20 years combined. And that is not capturing all of them just the reported ones
My cousin had cancer and just gone into remission, got the Vax and within a week she was in the hospital. Cancer was back and back even more than before. She died a week later.
I was thinking about why the f this could cause this kind of reaction. So I thought about it and started with; what is cancer? What is remission?
At the most basic, cancer is a group of diseases that cause cells to grow uncontrollably. Remission is the reduction or disappearance of symptoms. When someone goes into remission it doesn't mean they are cured, it just means that symptoms have fallen below a threshold.
My cousin and anyone else who had/has cancer has these cells still in their body floating around. Now, what happens when the mRNA enters a cancerous cell? Well it tell it to start producing these spike proteins. Could it be that this mRNA does something unexpected as well? I think so. If you have mRNA telling cancerous cells to start producing then it seems highly likely they will start over producing and spread all over the body. I think this might be why we're seeing such aggressive resurgence in people who have gone into remission.
Hardly a surprise. The spike proteins attack the pancreas, which produces the enzymes necessary for fighting cancer, plus the vax also attacks the type 2 macrophages. So his immune system took a big hit after the vax. It's sad to see these people kinda sorta committing suicide through ignorance.
This makes me wonder about a good friend. She has stage four but was in “remission”. Whatever that means for stage four? But it suddenly spread to her brain. The entire family was vaccinated so they could return to normal life. It’s awful seeing someone you care about dying right in front of you and to think it could have been quickened by this experimental shot.
Thank you for your words. I know those who believe Jesus died for us and rose from the dead will be in heaven with Him and we will see each other again. But it’s sad losing ones you love. Especially if the end was hastened by ignorance in the individual’s part and evil on the other end.
97% of people who have cancer and got chemotherapy will die of another cancer a few years down the road. Chemotherapy is a poison and yes it kills cancer cells but it also kills cells you need which causes a worst cancer. It may not be from the vax. The vax is for sure going to cause cancer but in people that never had cancer before.
Vaxx connection can not be excluded with confidence, but it is quite likely the proximate cause. Cancer is ultimately in the DNA. More and more credible sources have concluded that synthetic, stabilized mRNA has the potential to alter DNA in host cells.
My neighbor's cancer is back with and way worse. He's been too sick to have cancer treatment. He's still at the hospital. I don't know if he had the vax or not.
I've seen a few people recover from advanced cancer by combining the 'Gerson Diet' (basically pressed vegetables juices for 6 months) and the Beck Protocol (ozonated water, micropulsing the blood with electricity, colloidal silver...). It can be done but there are just too many people worshiping the men in white coats.
Apparently the chemicals inside the poison turn your own body against you. Sorry to hear about the coworker. Too bad he didn't stop after having a bad reaction from the first one.
My wife and I both are cancer survivors, me in 2013 and her in 2019. At her last followup meeting with her oncologist, he strongly pushed the idea of getting vaccinated, which she strongly declined. We are both refusing to take any vaccine associated with covid. I am sorry to hear about your co-worker, I know what a kick in the stomach a diagnosis like that can be. If we begin to see current predictions of widespread deaths from the vaccines occur, there should be a Nuremberg type trials and punishments doled out, starting with Fraudci.
i would strongly consider CHANGING your oncologist ... he/she/it does not have your best interest in mind .../!
Yeah, thinking about it.
I fired my oncologist and went full off-label and repurposed drugs and natural substances.
I'll die before I let them put a port in me again.
☝?THIS n THAT ☝?
You should share some of hours known herbs and repurposed drugs. Lots of people need data just in case
There are 2 great resources that I recommend. As much as I loathe FB, the groups are amazing. Joe Tippins has a FB group, but you have to read the blog post for a PW.
Jane Mclelland developed the metabolic approach wherein drugs and herbs/supplements are used to block the pathways that cancer uses to feed. She has an excellent book called "How to Starve Cancer Without Starving Yourself".
There is a FB group that she ran. It's still there, but I think it went inactive.
Also groups about artemisinin, Rick Simpson Oil, Essiac Tea, etc.
The experimental injection produces "spike proteins", which your immune system has to work hard to fight. While it's doing that, it's less effective at fighting anything else. So, if you are already on a knife-edge fighting cancer, guess what happens?
Oncologists are regularly pitched experimental drugs, I don't see anything nefarious in just that. The onco is probably used to recommending drugs in trial. They do it more than other docs.
I totally agree. I'm in the same boat. Cancer free for almost 6 years now and I'm not willing to take that crap, no how no way. Last year I had both part A and B of the Shingles vax, the pneumonia vax and the flu vax. That untested mRNA vax is a bridge too far, especially when there's HCQ and Ivermectin, the latter I now have in my medicine cabinet should I start feeling Covid like symptoms. I feel really bad for the people who trust their doctors, the media and fall in line with the crowd.
Did anyone mention the downside potential of the Vaxx? It was buried in the fine print but the messaging only touted the benefits. As an experimental drug with emergency use authorization only, by law informed consent was required before it could be given to each person. Who can honestly say the were informed of anything unsafe or of things like your cancer may return? This is definitely the crime of the century and justice needs to occur. The truth needs exposed about Covid and the vax and suppressed drugs. Otherwise, this country can never get back to normal. We will always question health professionals and the motives behind any new treatment.
There are many safe alternative therapies for shingles, pneumonia and flu. Those shots you had are not safe either. Check out L-LYSINE for shingles or herpes. I have successfully used a blend of essential oils from the book "Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy" by Dr. Scott A. Johnson. For pneumonia there are great herbs, homeopathies and essential oils to choose from. The go to homeopathic for flu is oscillicosinum which is available pretty much everywhere. For that you don't have to take the whole tube...just a few pellets under the tongue 15 minutes apart and space it out more and more until you have no symptoms and stop. I am 70 and don't do any vaxes and treat myself holistically. It can be done but there is study involved. God has given us so much knowledge of natural healing it is just amazing. God bless your family.
Wow...just added oscillicoccinum to my list. TY!!! ?
Save yourself some money. One pellet is the same dose as the whole tube...put about 5-10 pellets in the cap=a dose.
"Potency & Dosing (Frequency vs Quantity) With homeopathy's micro-dosing, the dose won't change much at all if you take 3 pills or 10. The quantity of pills is less important beyond making sure there is plenty of access to the surface under the tongue. What is important is the frequency."
I always felt the directions on oscillo...was misleading. And it is not all that cheap. But this is why you generally can't overdose on homeopathies. A word of caution...NEVER use a 3X or 6X or 12X of belladonna on children. There were deaths from the teething remedy which for some reason used these lower amounts of belladonna. It is a brilliant children's remedy but must be used properly. I was flabbergasted because of that because evidently in the lower remedies the actual amount in the tablets was toxic when given too frequently. Even natural things need to be researched and respected.
Ka-ching!!! ????
I read on here (not sure who posted) a very astute observation, that all the drug commercials on tv / radio list a bunch of possible side affects... but all these "get the jab" ads don't mention a single thing. It's just "get the jab to help society" or "get the jab so we can return to normal"... not one word about it being experimental or NOT FDA approved - not one word about blood clots or spike proteins, unknown fertility outcomes - nothing.
The fact that they are pushing this thing so hard (win a million dollars!) and there is no "informed consent" is really frightening.
I heard something interesting today at the end of a drug commercial. The usual, “should not be taken if blah, blah, blah, etc.” they ended with tell your doctor if you’ve been vaccinated. Found that odd
Chem or radiation?
Chemo followed by surgery
Please read and share.
Bless you both ?
How did you get over your cancer? Chemo or radiation?
Both... 35 rounds of radiation and four 6-hour chemo drips. Similar for my wife. But we have both been pronounced "cured" and all our followup scans were good until we were released. Thanks for asking.
We are both back to full time enjoying life. We hit the gym 5 days a week, are involved in ministry work through music, and are grateful for our lives.
I can't imagine why on earth someone battling cancer would even think about taking the vax.
Also, a close friend (who believes this whole covid crap is a lie) got it along with her husband ...when mentioning the effects I was seeing of it messing with fertility etc, she said her teenagers have all had it too and my jaw hit the floor. She said "whatever it takes to get on with things and out of this mess, I'm in! ??♀️ Do people just think it's just like the yearly flu shot? I don't even get those myself because every time I did in the past I would get sicker than a dog right after. We have an immune system for a reason.
They are continually moving the goal posts, as we all know and can see. No way "whatever it takes to get on with things and out of this mess"'s not 'one and done' or 'two and done''s boosters ad infinitum.
That "Whatever it takes" mentality is what will lead a number of them to attack non-vaxxers, in the name of getting things back to normal. Yes, attacking normal people who have done nothing to anyone will get things back to normal. I have news for them. There is no normal after taking that shot. You will NEVER be normal again, and it's your own damn fault, not mine. Only the cultists drank the koolaid. This shot is the new koolaid.
That's so sad! It kills me that our military are so disrespected and experimented on. I have a lot of military in my family tree and I'm grateful for service men and women who protect and serve. I want them to be paid more... My brother could barely makes ends meet taking care of a family on military wages. Also, our veterans deserve better than tent camps on the street. They need ptsd therapy and rehabilitation. They have so much to offer and they are just thrown away. ?
The VA is full of turds who don't do their jobs. I can't get in person counseling for my ptzd or depression because i won't Vax. These scared puzzies didn't seem to mind when we swallowed our fear and did our duty. Most VA caretakers are cowards and lazy fucks including many veterans who work there.. It's shameful. They wanted to give me a Chinese doctor and I mean Chinese. The guy barely spoke English. Don't tell me that guy loveS America or its veterans
Isnt it strange you are actually better off by not getting their help/vax. I hope you find the depression help from somewhere else.
You are right, military personnel don’t get paid much at all, especially the lower rank you are, as you climb the rank ladder it gets a bit better, but that’s probably because we were so use to not having money so it seemed like a big bonus each time, it’s like giving us some breathing room, you know? I know from experience when husband was in the army (veteran now), talking about rubbing two pennies together, hell we didn’t have two pennies left after bills & food for our family. Stretching meals was an exercise in frugality. Left over rice mixed with anything else left over or some canned or frozen vegs, and a cut up hot dog for dinner. Or spam with some tomato sauce with leftover rice. We always made extra rice just so we could stretch it another meal.
That’s kinda how we feel right now.
I have heard the exact same here! In fact one of my vet friends who was first in line to get the vax, is very bitter toward the government for some of the things they did to him. After the jab, he was down for three days. I was praying like crazy for him! The disconnect is just astonishing to me! We even discussed the reasons why I am not getting it and he brushed it off, convinced that IF he ever got The Rona, he would die. Seriously. So messed up.
This is trauma based mind control, and it's worked for a long time.
Daughter changed career paths when informed that commissioning would require a vax.
I'm highly suspicious of that Gardasil 9 HPV vaccine. To prevent cervical cancer, both teen boys and girls need it?!?!?! FDA says they approved it, but since when should we blindly trust government.
My wife is a nurse and was onboard with our oldest getting it, but given what we've learned the past 6 months, not anymore.
Anyone know anything concrete about it?
My spouse is a medical scientist. My daughter a nurse. Nurses are not experts in the chemistry and bio effects of vaccines. My wife would not allow any of my daughters to have that shot. My sister and sister in law both 30 yezr veterans of nursing took the bothbshots both have been sick since, neither admits why. It was so bad mybsister was in the er 4 times in 2 weeks.
omg I’m SO sorry!!! WHY didn’t they listen?!!
There are lots of adverse reactions. Good search term.
They pushed for both my teens and the Np outright lied abt the research findings (4 years ago) so no, became a hell No.
The research has been consistent in that the immune system's response to vaccines is "poorly understood."
And here's the thing, monogamy (few or 1 partner who does the same) comes with a lot more benefits and less risk than the alternative.
I refused it also for both my kids.
Whatever it takes..... so if they told her to set herself and her kids on fire, she'd do that too?
My son is the same way after getting the flu shot. But military says it’s mandatory. It pisses me off! If someone gets sick every single time he gets the flu shot, they should be exempt from having to take it. He was active duty, now he’s NG, and also a police officer.
It's not mandatory. I have a daughter in the army who refused and they said ok. Only 40 percent of the military has gotten it.
They told him he had to get it. I told him next time tell them he can’t take it, it makes him sick, said same thing if they push the cov-vax on him, he said they have stopped pushing on the cov-vax.
My mom has leukemia and is potentially high risk. Her doctor wants her to get it and I've sent her all the info I can to persuade her not to. Hopefully she listens, but unfortunately we all know that doctors have told us they know what's best and we believe them. I've lost my faith in the PRACTICE of medicine anymore.
Yes I’m halfway thinking of getting a hobby of studying herbal medicines. Seems to be better than all the drugs they shove into us.
It is a useful skill that comes in handy and will save you money. I have practiced alternative medicine for years on myself, family and pets, friends have benefited too. That being said, I do not dismiss modern medicine, for example my dad is diabetic and needs his insulin to live.
I have practiced alternative healing therapies since about 1970 and have learned so much. I had 5 kids and I have so many alternative protocols I have accumulated over the years. I used to go to the doctor to find out what was wrong (if I wasn't sure) then I would come home and treat it naturally. It takes time, money and resources but it is so rewarding. I have a wonderful reference library and many of the healing modalities are timeless like herbs, homeopathics and essential oils. God has always given me the info I needed if it was something new and I feel like I have seen so much. It has been a blessing at the very least.
It is very rewarding and it does take resources. I'm into the 100% pure essential oils which are pricey but well worth it. Herbs, spices, flowers , trees all play a role. God bless you .
Best book ever..."Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy" by Dr. Scott A Johnson
I'll check it out. One of my go to books is Modern Essentials because it touches on a bit of the whole picture. It has the Auricular and reflex therapy charts in it, very handy. Using EOs can get complicated, I had to change the recipe for my dad's pain lotion because he was put on blood thinners and I was using cypress which helps with nerve pain but also increases blood flow and thins the blood. He was upset because I changed it but I had no choice safely first.
I went on his website, out of stock. I'll have to look for his books elsewhere. There was an Amazon link but no, I'll find it eventually.
If type 1 then yes. If type 2 then probably not - just correct the diet.
Problem with type 1 is that the immune system kills the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. There's currently no known way to fix that. (Not public, anyway.) With type 2 the pancreas produces plenty of insulin but the cells are resistant to it. So cut out all refined carbohydrates.
He has type 2, been using insulin for over 30 years now, he's 80 and at a healthy weight only because he eats very little of the wrong things. He will not listen, I have tried.
Not a hobby, food is our medicine.
Check out The Lost Ways. Great book by a prepper :)
Yep, 100% all of our institutions have been infiltrated and corrupted, including medical, doctors are just pill pushers now, there are some good ones but they're fighting a losing battle against the corrupt institutions that control them.
lmao yea no shit.
I have to be shoot 25 times before Ill ever even thinking about calling a doctor
So true! My doc just retired so I have to get a new one. I was thinking about going to the same doc as my spouse, but he just sent out a COVID newsletter that shows he is profiting from the jabs and promoting them as safe. So nope.
Should have asked your doctor for a referral to another doctor he trusts before he retired, especially if you trusted him/her. That way you’d at least have a starting point. Wishing you luck finding another doctor, I know it’s hard to find one. We’ve moved a lot with hubby’s work after military (moved a few times with military but always had military docs, which sucked big time, they don’t give a shit about anyone, but couldn’t afford health insurance or outside doctors). It’s always hard to find a doctor you like & trust.
My husband and I -- for now anyway, are the family docs.
Barring actual surgery or dental issues (love my Asian dentist!), we're it. He's doing any stitches tho!
I know someone who had leukemia in remission thank God. But she was told to get the vax by doctor. I hope she will be ok and it won’t come back. But as this vax affects the blood I am getting nervous for her.
I can relate. My daughter in law has been in remission from hodgkins lymphoma and took the vax thinking she will be protected. I’m very nervous for her too. I pray your friend remains cancer free.
Such a cruel twist. I always called out the commenters early on when people would say, don’t take the vaccine unless your in the danger group than you need it. Those designated in the “need it group” are all the more likely to fall victim to the killer bioweapon. I know calling them murders was harsh but this is a perfect example case of why.
Neither can I, but that is exactly what my brother has done. So far, so good, but I'm terrified for him. He got the vax as soon as it was available in his state.
Can't believe a doctor would recommend it.
Take ivermectin. There is some data that it can help cancer.
That's the problem. Suggesting something like Ivermectin (cheap, safe, been around forever) is viewed as crackpot by normies.
They wouldn't try it even if they had nothing to lose from doing so.
I have recently lost 2 friends for this very reason.
I gave them the info and the actual protocols (I get Fenbendazol and Ivermectin in bulk). They only trusted their doctors until the end.
It was so hard to beg a friend to just look into it and then to hear him completely deflate when he found out that his doctor had not been honest about the severity of his condition. Especially when I had researched and sent him the grim survival stats, which he completely ignored...
That's how I feel when I share important info and the people don't have time to read it but spend hours on Facebook or watching sports...argh-r-r-r.
It's maddening! I have another friend now doing the exact same thing.
"For now I am just going to do what my doctors say."
His cancer has a 33% 5 year survival and he's posting on FB like it's all looking great.
Guess, I'll be watching it happen again.
Blessings to you for trying. Prayers that the scales will fall from their eyes that they may see the Truth before it’s too late.
Thank you! ❤
Its amazing how things that can treat covid are also anti-cancer. Quercetin also has promising anti-cancer properties.
This is why I don't argue with folks who want to take the vac. Even if it's family members.
You cannot talk someone out of something. IF they think it's best for their own body.
That's the issue friends.
It's their own body. You cannot reason with someone.
If they are scared something will happen to their own body.
I just pray and hope my family members will be ok. That's all I can do at this point.
My mother in law called my husband and I “anti-vaxxers” cause we don’t want to get experimental “medicine”. I’ve told him that of something happens to either of his parents, we will know exactly what caused it.
I would respond.
Why would being skeptical of injecting drugs/chemicals in your body. When it hasn't been tested enough.
A bad thing?
Tell them to sell you on why your point of view is being bad?
She already knows I reject all pharmaceuticals (I’m allergic to them) and use homeopathic medicine for myself and my husband. I’ve actually had immense healing so far but all she thinks about is “professionals and pharmaceuticals”. If THEY don’t sign off on something, it’s garbage. She’s a RN and has been for decades. She doesn’t live in my body though and doesn’t have to deal with side effects from EVERYTHING pharma. She also can’t handle that I don’t mind having hard debates/discussions. It’s not something she is used to in her “passive” family ?
Who cares if she considers you anti-vaxxers? Own it, make her think it’s a good thing. Tell her thank you that it’s a compliment, lol. Flip the narrative on her and don’t let her get you pissed, laugh or smile like she gave you a compliment. That should piss her off, lol. And if she’s not use to people who speak their minds then do more of it, maybe she will eventually shut up. My aunt was a nurse and so was my step mother but they got the vaxx along with my uncle & father. They think their smarter than the rest of us that know not to get it, but they will learn the lesson the hard way, and I’m just a bitch enough to say I told ya so, especially if they acted all know it all to me. ? sorry I’ve never had to many filters but they are less as I get older ?♀️
Oh, she knows my personal stance on vaccines. I am the second oldest of six and the last of my siblings to receive ANY vaccines (age 2/3 was my last). My mother did her research in the 90’s and started doing more homeopathic remedies during the course my childhood. She also homeschooled all six of us, so we’re all more based than my husbands side :P
Oh, an RN. They work them to death in school.both primes them and weeds out the "willful "
Hmm not true. Depends how much you care. My dad was being a snob and said he was going to get it; I banged everything in the house and screamed in his face that I'd never respect him again and only a fucking retard would inject themselves with AIDS when they otherwise healthy. He been passed at me a couple weeks but he didn't get it. He'll thank me someday.
Find James Corbett podcast on Rockefeller medicine. This is part of the cabal that rules the med colleges, the courses to become a MD, big pharma etc etc. Like for 160 years they have screwed us. I did not mention the FDA and how they got world hooked on crap processed food and altered the food pyramid to get more rich.
"They" are hidng this.
Rockafeller Medicine
There has been a reproducibility crisis in science. So that would make it hard to pin down causes if different researchers can’t even produce the same results doing the same experiment.
I’ve had cancer twice so I don’t lightly recommend this, tell him to go to He has a protocol (food, supplements, etc.) that he used to heal his stage 3 colon cancer - that was 15 years ago. He tells you exactly what he did to flood his body with nutrition and help it heal. There are a lot of survivor stories on his website too, they really helped me rally when I was struggling and depressed.
I would say thats true, MOST of the time. If the insult to the organism is overwhelming enough, i.e radiation or chemical, then, is what it is.
Be careful there. He had a stage of cancer with a very high survival rate and a plan to build a business. He was grateful for his cancer because it allowed him a platform to profit with.
Many people (including those he featured in his videos) have died because they had worse cancer and relied upon his diet only.
There are much better protocols for tackling cancer and getting into remission. Diet is good, but inadequate for many types and stages.
Their "programming" took. I am saddened because they are victims in that this was done to them.
At the same time I see this as a result of a character deficit which allowed susceptibility. The character deficit produced by the programming. Viscous circle. Programmed naiveté, superficiality, gullibility, suggestibility, misguided trust, laziness, conformity, cowardice.
We must be careful what -- and WHO -- we put our faith in. And, let me give you a hint: it isn't the jab and mankind.
Happened to a friend of mine as well. Back in chemo, after years without a problem.
And do they even track this as a thing in the reaction databases? Probably not. So if not then if cancers come back in people in remission they will counted as cancer deaths but not on the vax deaths count. Which in the vaers system is already over 4K. More than the last 20 years combined. And that is not capturing all of them just the reported ones
My cousin had cancer and just gone into remission, got the Vax and within a week she was in the hospital. Cancer was back and back even more than before. She died a week later.
I was thinking about why the f this could cause this kind of reaction. So I thought about it and started with; what is cancer? What is remission?
At the most basic, cancer is a group of diseases that cause cells to grow uncontrollably. Remission is the reduction or disappearance of symptoms. When someone goes into remission it doesn't mean they are cured, it just means that symptoms have fallen below a threshold.
My cousin and anyone else who had/has cancer has these cells still in their body floating around. Now, what happens when the mRNA enters a cancerous cell? Well it tell it to start producing these spike proteins. Could it be that this mRNA does something unexpected as well? I think so. If you have mRNA telling cancerous cells to start producing then it seems highly likely they will start over producing and spread all over the body. I think this might be why we're seeing such aggressive resurgence in people who have gone into remission.
This is insane.
Hardly a surprise. The spike proteins attack the pancreas, which produces the enzymes necessary for fighting cancer, plus the vax also attacks the type 2 macrophages. So his immune system took a big hit after the vax. It's sad to see these people kinda sorta committing suicide through ignorance.
This makes me wonder about a good friend. She has stage four but was in “remission”. Whatever that means for stage four? But it suddenly spread to her brain. The entire family was vaccinated so they could return to normal life. It’s awful seeing someone you care about dying right in front of you and to think it could have been quickened by this experimental shot.
Thank you for your words. I know those who believe Jesus died for us and rose from the dead will be in heaven with Him and we will see each other again. But it’s sad losing ones you love. Especially if the end was hastened by ignorance in the individual’s part and evil on the other end.
The Sheep are sheep for a reason. good fucking dumb can people be?
97% of people who have cancer and got chemotherapy will die of another cancer a few years down the road. Chemotherapy is a poison and yes it kills cancer cells but it also kills cells you need which causes a worst cancer. It may not be from the vax. The vax is for sure going to cause cancer but in people that never had cancer before.
My uncle got the vax and I swear he died within a 2 months after taking it. Found out he had cancer and he went very quickly. I found it strange.
Main reason I won’t take it. Fought too hard getting rig of cancer to put poison back in me. People are stupid.
Vaxx connection can not be excluded with confidence, but it is quite likely the proximate cause. Cancer is ultimately in the DNA. More and more credible sources have concluded that synthetic, stabilized mRNA has the potential to alter DNA in host cells.
My neighbor's cancer is back with and way worse. He's been too sick to have cancer treatment. He's still at the hospital. I don't know if he had the vax or not.
I've seen a few people recover from advanced cancer by combining the 'Gerson Diet' (basically pressed vegetables juices for 6 months) and the Beck Protocol (ozonated water, micropulsing the blood with electricity, colloidal silver...). It can be done but there are just too many people worshiping the men in white coats.
I hate hitting the uproot on this. To admit one drank the poisoned kool aid would cause great dissonance.
Tell him to alkaline the shit out of his body and take HQC in large doses with all the vitamins. Also, ask God for healing.
A cure maybe!
What if the cure for the vaccine is ivermectin, which also coincidentally turns out to cure cancer?
Guy at church's mother as well
Apparently the chemicals inside the poison turn your own body against you. Sorry to hear about the coworker. Too bad he didn't stop after having a bad reaction from the first one.
tell him to water fast.
if he wants medical supervision he can contact dr alan goldhamer at the true north health clinic.
if he doesn't want to do that tell him to get a slow juicer and drink 5 lbs (it's not much) of carrot juice a day.
He needs to get his ass to a Tachyeon medical chamber.
Fenbendazole cures MANY types of cancer.
It's cheap, safe, and you can get it easily through some sneaky ways.
I wonder about organic wormwood or black walnut as well?
He needs to take Ivermectin
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like my parents.
What if I told you there's a connection with red meat. Iron. And cancers?
So go on lol