Term limits sound wonderful. But we all subconsciously know the jerks in congress are not smart enough to read or write a bill. They are morons. We all know they are puppets. And yet we still focus all our anger at them.
The last piece of legislation written by congress was sometime around the mid 1990’s. Modern legislation is written on K-Street. K-Street Lobbyists write the laws. Congress morons sell the laws. Lobbyists then pay congress critters huge commissions for passing their laws. That’s modern legislative business in DC.
Pass term limits all you want. Pretend "voting" matters. And then be shocked when the new guys stroll down K-Street to see who will offer them the most cash to pass their self-serving bills... just like the old guys.
The problem is the front people - the congressional official - has to field knowledge over an area that is 10 miles wide, but the depth of their knowledge is like, 10 inches. It has gotten way too big and the fact they spend a great deal of time fundraising to stay in office means it falls to the minions who remain anonymous. And it is the opposite problem - the congressional official is too old, and much of the staff is too young and inexperienced. But it is definitely a resume builder ' I worked for so and so' can get you into 1) powerful jobs up the food chain or 2) much more lucrative paying jobs. Consider the fact that Mike Flynn's law firm pre Sidney Powell was $1K/hour. You can't say with a straight face they would command that kind of money if they didn't have the political connections.
I read a book a few years ago by doctor who worked a fellowship for one of the senator offices from either WY or MT when Obamacare was being written. He made an observation to a couple of people that the people actually doing the physical writing of the legislation, while bright young eager beavers, knew very little about the topics they were tasked to write about. For example, he was in a meeting and he and another doctor were discussing coronary artery bypass grafts and referring to it by its acronym CABG (medical field loves its acronyms as much as the military loves theirs). The staff lawyer, who is basically in his first job out of law school interrupts to ask why they are talking about vegetables? I get you can't expect someone to know everything about everything, but if you are writing the rules the rest of us have to live by, you should damn well have some knowledge of the topic. When the doctor tells his colleagues this and his frustration, they soberly look at him and reply 'who do you think writes all the legislation now?'
Agreed. Without term limits we will always have the swamp. We also need to do away with corporate donations, corporate lobbying, and PACs in my opinion. Donations should only come from citizens then the people will start to matter again. We should also vote to decide if congress gets a pay increase. They don't follow the peoples will then no pay increase.
I wish more people cared about this stuff because this is one of the few issues that literally everybody I've ever talked to agrees on. It's so blatantly corrupting our government and by extension country...
Yes! We should vote on all increases they get instead of them increasing their wages as well as adding perks in the middle of the night, attached to other bills they push thru. I think first responders should get automatic wage increases if anyone is going to get that.
And no retirement or health insurance coverage paid for by the taxpayers. If they want those things they must pay out of their salary like the rest of us do. There should be no automatic retirement just because you serve in congress.
Age isn't the issue. It's the fact that they've spent 40+ years turning what is supposed to be a public service position into a personal opportunity for incredible financial gain, making their political decisions on the basis of their own wealth and not on what's best for the citizenry. That problem can be fixed with term limits and a voting system that isn't rigged.
Nah. With age comes wisdom. Look at everything Trump's done, and he's in his 70's. He'll be late 70's by the end of his presidency. Age is not the issue, it's career politicians. We need term limits. Trump didn't decide to become President until he was 70 years old and he's accomplished more in his 4 years than any other President in history. If other qualified people want to run for office in their 70's or 80's then by all means let them. But they shouldn't be in office for 20-40 years like some of these CROOKS and TRAITORS.
Term limits and nobody holding a dual citizenship shouldn't be able to run for office at any level as they have loyalty to other places oter that these United States.
Also this might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think immigrates should be able to vote because they come from countries that for the most part don't understand why we have things like free speech or the 2nd amendment. There could be some sort of history class or something so they realize what truly makes America great
Immigrants who become naturalized US citizens DO take a citizenship test.
"Perhaps one of the most intimidating components of the naturalization process is the citizenship test, which gauges applicants' knowledge and understanding of United States history, government, and the legal system. The test often contains information that many native born U.S. citizens don't even know, believe it or not. Proper preparation is essential to passing this important part of the citizenship application process. This section provides resources to help applicants prepare for the citizenship test, including a list of typical citizenship examination questions and an overview of what to expect on the test."
Age alone doesn’t necessarily bother me but they should have to disclose if they have gotten any sort of dementia diagnosis. And once we fix our election process I think the rest is going to take care of itself. I bet we find that the public actually voted clowns like them out YEARS ago
I do not believe in term limits. Term limits are just a band-aid solution to a much deeper problem, and could even be the wrong method of fixing the system. The reason why you get corrupt politicians in office for obscene amounts of time is because their lies, corruption and election fraud have been far too successful, and there are people whom consistently vote them in and whom have no business voting in the first place. Certainly in the short term, limiting the term limits could oust these politicians, but in the long run it would cut short the terms of good men and women who really can do so much good in four terms or more.
What we need instead is to fix the corruption and the fraudulent elections, and work on spreading truth and red pills to our fellow citizens.
I don't think problems are solved with term limits. Given the current structure of the House and Senate + voting trends, all you'd see is "party selected" people running for the seats. I think you'd also see a lot of families running to keep a seat ripe for corruption. I suspect we'd have the same problems with new faces.
What needs to be done is making it as hard to corrupt these fuckers as possible.
Growing the House would be a good start. If the number of Reps were quadrupled, scum would have a harder time corrupting ~ 850 people. Right now, corrupting ~215 is pretty frigging easy. You need to make half of the size of the House = a larger number.
They also need to add members after each census like they used to. The size of the House was frozen back in the early 1900s. The House is supposed to grow after each Census. They stopped growing it for a reason, and it wasn't in our best interest. Your voice is diluted as the population grows. Remember, the House is for the rabble rousers ... it is not supposed to be a calm, orderly place where legislation is easy to pass. Each law that is passed = removal of liberty. Individual States can pass all the laws they want if liberals need to get off passing stuff. Passing a law in DC should be extremely difficult.
On top of growing the House, many of those perks those scumbags get need to go. Being a Representative isn't a frigging career move. It's supposed to be a civic duty. It is not supposed to be this mini-Senate that they've created where each Rep brings pork back to their little dominion while living a life of luxury the entire time they occupy that seat. Their current salary could remain the base rate these goons earn, but instead of a guaranteed yearly salary, make pay an hourly rate based on that salary. "Representative" should be a part time job. It shouldn't be a pathway to financial independence.
Finally, assuming security is in place that isn't controlled by some DS corporation, let the House vote remotely. If we need a formal House where they can meet up, move it to the center of the USA (along with the Senate and WH). That way DC can become disbanded and distributed between MD and VA (don't worry, if the corruption isn't concentrated in that area, both states would become less "blue"). What we don't need are these Reps crammed into a little territory where they can become all buddy-buddy over the years and work to fuck everyone over. That keeps Representatives in their districts more often than not ... they'd have no excuses when it comes to facing constituents.
What we have right now is engineered to be bought. Changes need to be made. If we can win this fight, get rid of the existing corruption, and have an opportunity to overhaul the Federal Government via something like a Convention of States, implementing the ideas proposed above would be a big step forward in making DC much harder to corrupt.
Yeah my post kind of assumes that the system isn't rigged. But at the same time if the system is rigged enough that we can't vote out a candidate then there's no way we are going to get legislation passed to kick out that same candidate for being old.
How about being bonded to fulfilling their campaign promises. All services that I think of are bonded. Even a car mechanic is. Much better than waiting for them to stumble around and screw up so bad they get sued ( it would be city, county etc. being sued and your tax dollars paying). The above is a step in the right direction but I’d rather see a criminal charge on negligent homicide ( minimum) when a mayor orders police to “stand down”.
They are deepstate commies, age has nothing to do with it. The propaganda machine wants us to think old people are outdated, but they hold the wisdom. Stop falling into their trap.
I don’t really care about age (I’ll take Grassley any day over AOC), but term limits are a must
Agreed, term limits are a must. Too many career politicians who do nothing but have friends in the right circles to keep them in power.
Term limits sound wonderful. But we all subconsciously know the jerks in congress are not smart enough to read or write a bill. They are morons. We all know they are puppets. And yet we still focus all our anger at them.
The last piece of legislation written by congress was sometime around the mid 1990’s. Modern legislation is written on K-Street. K-Street Lobbyists write the laws. Congress morons sell the laws. Lobbyists then pay congress critters huge commissions for passing their laws. That’s modern legislative business in DC.
Pass term limits all you want. Pretend "voting" matters. And then be shocked when the new guys stroll down K-Street to see who will offer them the most cash to pass their self-serving bills... just like the old guys.
Sad but true...
The problem is the front people - the congressional official - has to field knowledge over an area that is 10 miles wide, but the depth of their knowledge is like, 10 inches. It has gotten way too big and the fact they spend a great deal of time fundraising to stay in office means it falls to the minions who remain anonymous. And it is the opposite problem - the congressional official is too old, and much of the staff is too young and inexperienced. But it is definitely a resume builder ' I worked for so and so' can get you into 1) powerful jobs up the food chain or 2) much more lucrative paying jobs. Consider the fact that Mike Flynn's law firm pre Sidney Powell was $1K/hour. You can't say with a straight face they would command that kind of money if they didn't have the political connections.
I read a book a few years ago by doctor who worked a fellowship for one of the senator offices from either WY or MT when Obamacare was being written. He made an observation to a couple of people that the people actually doing the physical writing of the legislation, while bright young eager beavers, knew very little about the topics they were tasked to write about. For example, he was in a meeting and he and another doctor were discussing coronary artery bypass grafts and referring to it by its acronym CABG (medical field loves its acronyms as much as the military loves theirs). The staff lawyer, who is basically in his first job out of law school interrupts to ask why they are talking about vegetables? I get you can't expect someone to know everything about everything, but if you are writing the rules the rest of us have to live by, you should damn well have some knowledge of the topic. When the doctor tells his colleagues this and his frustration, they soberly look at him and reply 'who do you think writes all the legislation now?'
Agreed. Without term limits we will always have the swamp. We also need to do away with corporate donations, corporate lobbying, and PACs in my opinion. Donations should only come from citizens then the people will start to matter again. We should also vote to decide if congress gets a pay increase. They don't follow the peoples will then no pay increase.
I think the money is a bigger problem than the time myself. If we actually had someone who wasn't corruptible, then the longer the better.
I wish more people cared about this stuff because this is one of the few issues that literally everybody I've ever talked to agrees on. It's so blatantly corrupting our government and by extension country...
Yes! We should vote on all increases they get instead of them increasing their wages as well as adding perks in the middle of the night, attached to other bills they push thru. I think first responders should get automatic wage increases if anyone is going to get that.
And no retirement or health insurance coverage paid for by the taxpayers. If they want those things they must pay out of their salary like the rest of us do. There should be no automatic retirement just because you serve in congress.
I'd take Sarah Jessica Parker or the severed horse head from The Godfather before I'd take Donkey Cortez.
Joe Biden. Born November 20, 1942.
Senate in January 3, 1973. 48 years of loyal service to the Deep State.
That is kinda the point I had in mind lol. I didn’t think this (reddit repost) through.
You fucking idiot. Trump was born in the 40s.
1946 to be exact.
Depends on the individual, not the age. Socrates at 70 would be magnitudes better than any of the politicians in congress regardless of age.
But muh age. AOC says, hold my beer.
Crenshaw says, hold my beer
Socrates was a degenerate. No thanks.
Age isn't the issue. It's the fact that they've spent 40+ years turning what is supposed to be a public service position into a personal opportunity for incredible financial gain, making their political decisions on the basis of their own wealth and not on what's best for the citizenry. That problem can be fixed with term limits and a voting system that isn't rigged.
President Trump turns 75 on June 14, just sayin...
Nah. With age comes wisdom. Look at everything Trump's done, and he's in his 70's. He'll be late 70's by the end of his presidency. Age is not the issue, it's career politicians. We need term limits. Trump didn't decide to become President until he was 70 years old and he's accomplished more in his 4 years than any other President in history. If other qualified people want to run for office in their 70's or 80's then by all means let them. But they shouldn't be in office for 20-40 years like some of these CROOKS and TRAITORS.
We need wise men and wise men take time to develop. 65 ain’t old. Careful who you vote for.
It's not their age that is the problem so much as how LONG they've been in politics -- and have done nothing else.
No, but term limits will work fine. ALSO NO MORE LIFETIME RETIREMENT FOR THEM.
Term limits are a trap under the current system.
Imagine all conservative politicians only get two terms but the two terms are wasted in fake scandals and fake news. Nothing would get done
Term limits aren't necessary when the people elected are not corrupt and have the greater good in mind
Term limits are ALWAYS necessary.
Term limits and nobody holding a dual citizenship shouldn't be able to run for office at any level as they have loyalty to other places oter that these United States.
Also this might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think immigrates should be able to vote because they come from countries that for the most part don't understand why we have things like free speech or the 2nd amendment. There could be some sort of history class or something so they realize what truly makes America great
Immigrants who become naturalized US citizens DO take a citizenship test.
"Perhaps one of the most intimidating components of the naturalization process is the citizenship test, which gauges applicants' knowledge and understanding of United States history, government, and the legal system. The test often contains information that many native born U.S. citizens don't even know, believe it or not. Proper preparation is essential to passing this important part of the citizenship application process. This section provides resources to help applicants prepare for the citizenship test, including a list of typical citizenship examination questions and an overview of what to expect on the test."
Examples of test questions: https://www.findlaw.com/immigration/citizenship/typical-citizenship-examination-questions.html
I think trump was born in the 40s
Trump was born in the 40’s. this is stupid
Age alone doesn’t necessarily bother me but they should have to disclose if they have gotten any sort of dementia diagnosis. And once we fix our election process I think the rest is going to take care of itself. I bet we find that the public actually voted clowns like them out YEARS ago
I do not believe in term limits. Term limits are just a band-aid solution to a much deeper problem, and could even be the wrong method of fixing the system. The reason why you get corrupt politicians in office for obscene amounts of time is because their lies, corruption and election fraud have been far too successful, and there are people whom consistently vote them in and whom have no business voting in the first place. Certainly in the short term, limiting the term limits could oust these politicians, but in the long run it would cut short the terms of good men and women who really can do so much good in four terms or more.
What we need instead is to fix the corruption and the fraudulent elections, and work on spreading truth and red pills to our fellow citizens.
That's weird, Fauci was also born in 1940
I don't think problems are solved with term limits. Given the current structure of the House and Senate + voting trends, all you'd see is "party selected" people running for the seats. I think you'd also see a lot of families running to keep a seat ripe for corruption. I suspect we'd have the same problems with new faces.
What needs to be done is making it as hard to corrupt these fuckers as possible. Growing the House would be a good start. If the number of Reps were quadrupled, scum would have a harder time corrupting ~ 850 people. Right now, corrupting ~215 is pretty frigging easy. You need to make half of the size of the House = a larger number.
They also need to add members after each census like they used to. The size of the House was frozen back in the early 1900s. The House is supposed to grow after each Census. They stopped growing it for a reason, and it wasn't in our best interest. Your voice is diluted as the population grows. Remember, the House is for the rabble rousers ... it is not supposed to be a calm, orderly place where legislation is easy to pass. Each law that is passed = removal of liberty. Individual States can pass all the laws they want if liberals need to get off passing stuff. Passing a law in DC should be extremely difficult.
On top of growing the House, many of those perks those scumbags get need to go. Being a Representative isn't a frigging career move. It's supposed to be a civic duty. It is not supposed to be this mini-Senate that they've created where each Rep brings pork back to their little dominion while living a life of luxury the entire time they occupy that seat. Their current salary could remain the base rate these goons earn, but instead of a guaranteed yearly salary, make pay an hourly rate based on that salary. "Representative" should be a part time job. It shouldn't be a pathway to financial independence.
Finally, assuming security is in place that isn't controlled by some DS corporation, let the House vote remotely. If we need a formal House where they can meet up, move it to the center of the USA (along with the Senate and WH). That way DC can become disbanded and distributed between MD and VA (don't worry, if the corruption isn't concentrated in that area, both states would become less "blue"). What we don't need are these Reps crammed into a little territory where they can become all buddy-buddy over the years and work to fuck everyone over. That keeps Representatives in their districts more often than not ... they'd have no excuses when it comes to facing constituents.
What we have right now is engineered to be bought. Changes need to be made. If we can win this fight, get rid of the existing corruption, and have an opportunity to overhaul the Federal Government via something like a Convention of States, implementing the ideas proposed above would be a big step forward in making DC much harder to corrupt.
We need to audit their financials rather than their age.
Sounds good, but you do realize that would eliminate Trump from holding office ever again?
Daaaang! That adrenochrome really holding them together!! I see RAPID declines coming soon!!!
Just arrest the treasonous crooks.
It's not about age, it's about term limits.
"We should force politicians to retire at 65" by not voting for them. Would be silly to actually pass a law for this.
Yeah, we see what happens when we don’t vote for someone.
Yeah my post kind of assumes that the system isn't rigged. But at the same time if the system is rigged enough that we can't vote out a candidate then there's no way we are going to get legislation passed to kick out that same candidate for being old.
As long as they're qualified and in good health, I would actually prefer some solid life experience.
So much detail-managing of shitty rules instead of just selecting good people for the job and removing bad ones.
I mean, how old is Trump?! Ron Paul?! If they want, they should not be limited by retarded collectivist rules.
They are supposed to represent the states and citizens interests against the federal government, THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO MAKE DECISIONS "FOR US"
How old is Obama?
Oh, he's only 59? Let's let him run again.
Boy, I love making decisions with only one variable. Makes life so much easier.
Career criminals
How about being bonded to fulfilling their campaign promises. All services that I think of are bonded. Even a car mechanic is. Much better than waiting for them to stumble around and screw up so bad they get sued ( it would be city, county etc. being sued and your tax dollars paying). The above is a step in the right direction but I’d rather see a criminal charge on negligent homicide ( minimum) when a mayor orders police to “stand down”.
They are deepstate commies, age has nothing to do with it. The propaganda machine wants us to think old people are outdated, but they hold the wisdom. Stop falling into their trap.
Literally everyone on this site insults “boomers,” but somehow you’re all okay with 80 year olds running the country. Ok then.
I am not "everyone". You sound like a sheep, brother.
"Everyone insults boomers therfor you should hate boomers".