I'm ready for it to pop off now. Let's get this motherfucking party started. We The People got your back Q. Time to restore this Republic to greatness and remove the commies and destroy marxism.
me too. love it here, but qrv was something special. really taught me a lot about this world, and how to 'discern'. sure glad I was paying attention when Q posted the link.
On the 4th of July, Los Angeles is a war zone for about 20 square city blocks even when we're not kicking the Deep State's ass. I'm look forward to this year.
Can’t wait. This Summer will be a Blockbuster! Grab some popcorn ?
I prefer Showtime after midnight, very exciting detective tales and soft core porn mixed.
Now that's my idea of a Friday night...
We buy popcorn by the 50lb bag!!
Not shitting on your hope, but there was also a big Mayweather fight on Showtime last night so it’s possible it’s a coincidence.
And the quality of the main event was not good lmao. Piracy is king.
Excellent plausible deniability. xD
I believe in a lot of things, but coincidences ain't one of them.
How did that go? I wasnt about to stay up to watch two dudes hug for an hour, or one to hit the canvas in 60 seconds.
It was pathetic…Logan Paul was gassed by the 2nd, and Floyd had no power for a KO. The USA soccer game was more entertaining.
boxing has taken a major dive over the past decade. Hugfests galore. They just take the money for nothing
Yeah . . they still kinda do, but they let it go on a lot longer than they should. I fault the boxers AND the referees . . . .
so just as i thought then. thanks.
Mayweather let that go on and you know it. He tried a couple of frustrated shots but he even says he's not a boxer anymore but am entertainer.
He left it open for a rematch.
There are no coincidences.
“ And everything has meaning “
true but not everything is a comm. Dude has a life too lol
Agreed! Good point.
I'm ready for it to pop off now. Let's get this motherfucking party started. We The People got your back Q. Time to restore this Republic to greatness and remove the commies and destroy marxism.
Dan must really like a Good Movie on SHOWTIME!!!! ? ?
Showtime baby.
On the same day as a "drill" done in DC....interesting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T7TtnBj70w 6/7/21 Richard Citizen Journalist DC Update- "Training Exercise" in DC today!-Part One
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFPf4iHSVgM 6/7/21 Richard Citizen Journalist DC Update- "Training Exercise" in DC- Part Two
Get free popcorn at AMC for shareholders!
I’m in!!!
What's on showtime?
A couple of days ago DC police said there will be helicopters etc Monday today, due to exercises or something. Mighty fishy.
I'd get some popcorn, but don't hold your breath.
Now, all we need is some pedes from DC to report if anything is up.
Similar drill was done in Melbourne Australia today.
Just a dry run.
Apparently the last time exercises were held 9/11 happened. Someone said the same thing about the OKC bombing.
Interesting. The white hats are doing a good job of plausible deniability. Nobody really knows for sure what's going to happen or when. Suits me fine.
That's why I am not holding my breath.
Well then maybe it was just exercises
It's never "just" exercises.
That being said, people that think we are gonna see tac-teams swinging from and storming buildings in DC are in for some serious disappointment.
Of course it is. I’ve got buddies in the military. Exercises happen constantly.
This wasnt military, it was capital police. And they havent done exercises like this (publicly) before.
NO the Biden's rely on plausible deniability. Remember.?
All white hat or black hat intel do plausible deniability.
If you are completely honest and open to the other party, you lose all advantages if the other party is not a friendly.
Why should white hats tell everyone when they are going to strike in public comms?
You're watching a movie. Q
It is Showtime.
Yesterday DoD Tweeted “Green Light” too...??
It's showtime!
it was "their day" yesterday, 6th day of the 6th month.
Does it show a follow date besides a joined 2014 date?
Cause the fight last night had major issues.
Cheers to a Goat Pede ! Miss that place
me too. love it here, but qrv was something special. really taught me a lot about this world, and how to 'discern'. sure glad I was paying attention when Q posted the link.
Ah. Another Goat Pede. Much Agreed on QRV. Learned a lot there.
Same :/ the herd is here now.
Everyone, grab some popcorn!
Oh hellz yes!!
5:5, Sir.
Buckle up!
Gonna be a HAWT summer!
That's awesome. Let's go!
On the 4th of July, Los Angeles is a war zone for about 20 square city blocks even when we're not kicking the Deep State's ass. I'm look forward to this year.
Maybe he's going to offer us a refund if we don't like the show? lol
Joined November 2014?