Me too. I have been an avid reader of for many years and happened to come across something they "stickied" on their website which was a link to a story here. Now I spend way more time here than I do there, and usually find that everything I read there is just a repeat of what I learn here each day.
Amen, sister! :) And knowing it's Him is half the battle - to me, it's sad to see how many don't believe, don't want to acknowledge or see His messages, and coast through life without His guidance and love. My faith has kept me from losing my mind this year. Getting closer to God has been so comforting in the wake of what happened with the election - I was a blubbering mess on Jan. 7th. Nobody could calm me down. What's going on in this country is literally good v. evil and good will win. :)
Right?? What really gets me is democrats who claim to be Christians - how exactly do they square that? When the left is running around with their transgenders and their lying and cheating, trying to implement socialism here (which is demonstrably unChristian - we're supposed to work for a living and earn our prosperity in life), none of it is right with the Bible. When the "president"/impostor in chief promotes abortion (or as they call it, "reproductive rights", what a joke) but turns around and says he's Catholic - puhleeeeeze. I just hope they can get right with their Creator before it's too late. Every week in church I request a prayer for our country, on so many levels.
They're the most fun to tear apart. They never know what they're talking about so they're easy to shut down. You are right that they are the most vile! I suppose we should pray for them.
The atheist says: In the beginning there was nothing. Nothing is nothing and it can do nothing. Then, nothing acted upon itself and turned itself into everything.
and they even smugly claim they are the logical ones lol
Ok. Whether one is a theist or an atheist is a question of belief. Do you believe or do you not believe. Whether an agnostic or gnostic is a question of knowledge. Do you know or do you not know. I don't believe in the claim that there is a God, I admit I don't know whether I'm right or wrong about that, so I'm an agnostic atheist.
Stop being a coward. Your attempt to dodge in 2 directions simultaneously is pathetic.
The question you are dodging is - do you believe the universe created itself, and you can't even answer that simple question, despite your belief that it did. You are being wormy.
In my experience it seems it’s academia (professors philosophers ) that is atheist but the common person that say something they’re atheist are agnostic
Praise the Lord. This makes my heart happy to hear. 1 by 1 the whole world is coming back to God. Keep turning to him. I'm here if u ever need a fren to talk to. Much love God bless
I am very happy that you are a part of this community. You lift people up and spread love. This world needs you and more people like you so much. Those of us here with you are very fortunate indeed. :)
Thanks fren. Through christ I gain my stregth without him I am just sinful flesh that is just a broken as the rest. What u see is not me its Christ shining his light thru me. This concept helped me see that in others so I just do my best to help others see there potential. All glory goes to God.
That is so humble of you to say. And I won't argue because I know that's what He wants, for us to be humble and not proud or boastful. But I would be remiss if I didn't point out how many people ignore or completely miss His messages, His callings, His guidance and His involvement in our daily lives. You don't. You acknowledge them and open yourself to His use. And for that, I am thankful. :)
I would be lying If I said I didn't Have a huge smile on my face and heart right now. Thank you for you love and light you are passing on to me. This a group effort no one person is bigger or more important. WE ARE FAMILY NOW
Right back at ya, Fren! :) It's so good to be here with like minded people. It gives me hope that you're all out there when there is so much craziness in the world.
One of the most fascinating things about the Bible is that it is written by multiple authors, in multiple languages, from multiple regions of the world, and with its pieces separated by centuries, even millenia, yet it maintains a consistent narrative. It is so consistent that even texts recently discovered align with old texts long studied. That is proof the Bible is God's word.
Proof of God is simpler. We exist. Despite all the entropic forces in the world, we still exist. There is order in the chaos. We are not the result of a pair of infinitely sided dice being tossed for perfect rolls an infinite number of times. We were created by an all powerful being who is good because the world is good. We aren't good but this creation certainly is.
This is awesome. I'll add another neat bit on the Bible being supernatural...
The Bible is demonstrably from outside our time domain because of prophecy. Most are explicit, but some are hidden. Check out first 10 generations and their Hebrew meaning:
Adam - Man
Seth - Is Appointed
Enos - Mortal
Cainan - Sorrow
Mahalaleel - The glory of God
Jared - (shall) Come down
Enoch - Teaching
Methuselah - His death shall bring (died the year the flood started...)
Lamech - (the) despair(ing)
Noah - Comfort/rest
So the Christian gospel was hidden in a lineage in the Jewish Old Testament, yet the Jews delivered Jesus to be killed, proving they wouldn't have done it intentionally. Also interesting is these 10 generations are the only ones everyone today has in common, so we all have the gospel in our ancestry.
Exactly. We are to show the love of God to everyone and pray for all of them. I pray that all see the light of God's love thru His son Jesus and His people here on Earth.
You are VERY right.
Censorship and character killing is not new ideas or concepts, and as soon as Jesus gained some traction in his truth telling, the controlling forces of the time did as best as they could to undermine his message. This is exactly the same method as used on truth tellers of today. It's right in front of our very eyes.
The great awakening IS the 'second coming'. We're damn close right now!
My teenage daughter once asked me if we really had a soul. I asked her a very simple question. Do you feel like you ARE your body? Or do you feel like you are INSIDE your body? She said she felt like she was inside her body. I told her she just answered her own question. She got it.
"They teach us to be atheists in accept evolution, the "big bang" and "primordial ooze"...but the people who run the world's governments and put out that curriculum for schools clearly worship a deity...hey wait a minute..."
Also...buildings are proof of a builder. Buildings do not build themselves. The same goes for creation. Creation has a creator.
I just feel it. I've been presented with many strange situations and solutions. He has always been there to guide me, even when my family and those around me fall into darkness.
That's beautiful :) I'll take that a step further by looking into my child's eyes, and my child's child's eyes, knowing He allowed me to create one, that she'd create another, and my blood runs through both their veins. The love you feel for your children and grandchildren is so powerful, I don't know where else it could come from. Only God could make that.
Like my boys, that/those souls made the choice to come to me. I feel so bless when I look into their eyes. I only created a place for them to come into.
No, there is not, I can’t even think of something to compare it to. I feel sorry for those who do not know this feeling. This must be how God feels when he looks at all of us. Imagine how he feels when we serve him, and not our own greed.
Raised in an atheist home, I wasn't even searching when GOD found me. I have absolutely no doubts about the existence of GOD, but I'm very weary of the Bible and other so called holy scriptures. Even though they contain many truths, they have been edited, rewritten and promoted by forces with the agenda of controlling people's minds, habits and behaviours for centuries. Just like the globalists of today.
I know this may seem provoking to some, maybe many, but GOD is (among so many other things) sanity, and knowing this, we should use our given common sense to navigate this world, and not only blindly trust the teachings of priests and their like, threatening us with damnation, purgatory and hell for our sins of simply being born.
The 'second coming' will occur the instant many enough of us realize the true and complete presence of GOD and how this power is for all to harness. Then humanity, and all living beings will rise and excel to levels of existence few, if any, are able to imagine.
GOD is awesome, and MAN am I lucky to experience exactly that.
Love to this forum and to all.
There is a lot of wisdom is other parts of the bible, but to me, the absolute most important part is Jesus's teachings. Those really don't seem manipulated, or like there is anything in there that the powers that be inserted to control us. I see the old testament as containing the rigidly religious aspects along with much wisdom, but I see Jesus's words as the ultimate truth.
I have a personal anecdote on this matter. I believe that god proves he's real on occasion but you have to be paying attention to see it.
I used to be pretty agnostic when I was younger. My stepson is disabled and can't move around, and spends most of his day in his recliner. He likes video games though, as do I, but he can't play some of the more complicated ones so I would end up having to play them 'for' him. One such game was called "Boom Blox" and it was on the Wii.
Well, he grew bored of it and it spent several months on a shelf behind where he could even see. Its kind of a rare game so its trade-in value at places like Gamestop was actually pretty high, and at one point there was a game I really wanted but didn't have the money for. So, I took a bunch of my games, and still needed a bit more.. and I wickedly decided to take that game. He didn't seem to care, so how would he notice?
Well, the VERY DAY I took it, traded it in, and got the game I wanted, he asked to play it. I had to explain to him, and my new wife, that we didn't have it any more and that I had traded it in. My wife was justifiably furious, and I had to buy a new copy of that game so he could play it. The kicker? Once I did replace it, he NEVER ONCE ASKED ABOUT IT AGAIN. EVER.
I choose to see that as a sign from god to 'Be a better person. Hell awaits the wicked."
Many people including myself offer testimony of their personal experience and proof of God's existence. If you are in doubt, seek and you will find. The material world but itself cannot prove God to a materially-minded person any more than the ocean's movements can prove the moon's existence to a clam. But seek and you will find.
Why do we feel love? Dogs, cats, birds all feel it, anyone who has been around animals know this. Why? It's not required for reproduction. Why do we think, imagine and have the capability to create things - we are unique in this. Again, this is not a requirement for reproduction and survival.
We simply look around us, from the simple marvel of a sunrise, and as we look deeper we see a fantastic world of physics, Quantium Physics, interactions that are so technical, it baffles the imagination - and only a fool would say "it's all only a coincidence".
Despite what we have learned, over the existence of humanity - we cannot create even the simplest of lifeforms, without first starting with something living.
Romantic love leads to sex meaning the chance of reproduction is much higher. If you love your children you'll be more likely to fight to protect them and care about what happens to them. A child with parents who love them has a higher chance of surviving and reproducing. Love for others also makes you likely to protect them which could increase their chance of reproducing which would help the species as a whole.
If thinking, imagining, and creating things isn't a big enough detriment to survival then there's no mechanism for lifeforms who do those things to be wiped out as a result of those traits. The same could go for love if not for the reasons I wrote above.
Being born with a 6th finger isn't beneficial to reproduction or survival, either, but apparently 1 in 500 babies are born with that mutation. Evolution doesn't make decisions, it does shit at random and whatever works sticks. Whatever doesn't work turns into dinner. If it makes no difference then it also sticks.
People trying to create life is much like people thinking they can control the climate; mother nature doesn't give a rat's ass what you think you can do and is way beyond our tiny monkey brains. And especially in the case of creating life, it's way out of our league anyway. It took millions of years to get this advanced, and while I don't know about the future, I'm not surprised we haven't figured it out in the past several thousand (really much less than that since we can't really count the years we didn't have the knowhow or tech for it).
The first mover problem is the most compelling argument. Particularly when you combine it with the 2nd law of thermo dynamics. How did DNA self assemble without a first mover?
Define 'self' (-assemble) and the size of it. It's a rather difficult task, but looking beyond the dogmas of modern society and which ever technique i.e. faith people use in order to make sense of it, will guide your questioning and provide answers (which generates a whole lot of other questions). We are amazing beings connected to GOD, capable of so much more than any preacher will ever let one know.
I think the point being made is that many come to believe that God is not just the answer to a specific question, God is the answer to all our questions contingent on seeking His guidance and having faith answers will come when the timing is right for them. The bible contains many lessons and may help in building a relationship with God. The testimonies in this post are individual personal accounts of how God has graced them.
Luke 11:9-10. "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
I understand... But many do not believe that and downvoting my perfectly rational and factual statement because of religious beliefs doesn't do the religion any favors from an outsider's perspective...
If truth is paramount, it should be paramount even if it conflicts with arguments based in an individuals favored religion.
If a person can say God is real because someone believes in and worships Satan and then someone exposes that faulty way of thinking by stating that people also believe in an worship beings the Christian doesn't believe is real and yet I get downvoted. It just goes to show that the religions adherents only embrace logical reasoning when it favors their position and it should not work that way. Truth is truth, is it not?
Among other things, here's a good one. I would occasionally hear someone (a male voice) call my name. Just my 1st name. I would look around and no one was there. Weird. For some reason I started reading the Bible, New Testament. i got to the verse where Jesus says "My sheep hear my voice and I call them by their name, and they follow me". Or very similar wording. Wow, it hit me! Haven't heard that since then, and it was over 15 years ago.
Wow, same here. I heard a male voice way louder and forceful than any of my inner dialogue ever gets. It only said my first name. It startled me so much, that I didn't hear anything else, and that was several years ago. I'd love to hear Him again.
Isn’t that something. I was just sitting there quietly a felt the need to write this post, the results from the comments speak wonders. The amount of love here is grand. wwg1wga is a good way to describe it. I feel like I am right where I am today, in so many ways, here included. I barely found Voat and that “forced” me here as a refugee.
Nobody actually knows; that's the whole point of having faith. If you could KNOW, like actually see, hear, and touch a deity, then you wouldn't have faith; you would instead have knowledge.
Like, I don't have faith that there is a stapler here at my desk. I don't "believe" in the stapler. I have actual knowledge of it. I can see and touch it.
Another thing is, we can observe that nothing creates itself, ever. So, logically there must be some primal creative force that did not itself need to be created, because it is eternal and infinite; and this creator did all the creating of everything else, bringing about the entire universe of energy and matter, light and antimatter, dark matter and dark energy, out of literally nothing.
Why is there an assumption that outside the universe, exists nothing? We don't know what is outside of it. We could be a glass jar on someone's lab table.
Why is there an assumption that outside the universe, exists nothing?
Your question is interesting because to my mind, the universe encompasses everything. I use the word to mean "the universe of all that there is." So I can't conceive of anything outside that.
Okay, well, as long as you're okay with recognizing this is just an assumption and you're basing your argument off of that, then that's strictly your view of things.
The universe is in fact expanding... What's it expanding into? What's outside of it? Clearly, there's something (a void in the most elementary of terms) that exists outside of it... Is that nothing?
This also doesn't even account for the valid multiverse theory.
LOL lots of people define the universe as everything there is...I would even guess that's a majority viewpoint
Nothing wrong with other concepts though, I love philosophy and epistemology and things like that
People talk about multiverses, I just consider that whole conglomerate of things as existing within a larger space I call the universe...I don't know how else to think about it LOL
But it's true, spacetime itself is expanding and accelerating - into what? Great question!
Because otherwise, for matter to come to be, something would have to have come from nothing, with no cause.
The only way something can come from nothing, which violates the laws of physics, is if there is some prime mover or force that is not subject to, or is outside of, the laws of physics.
The Scientific evidence for space, time, universe coming into existence at a finite point in the past is overwhelming.
That which comes into existence needs a cause for its existence (metaphysics and the uncertainty principle does not disprove this scientific fact)
God did not come into existence, therefor God does not need a cause.
Furthermore, it is impossible to traverse an infinite. For example, If there were an infinite number of days between today and the infinite past, then we would have never arrived at today. Therefore, the universe is finite and needs a cause.
Whatever caused Space, Time, Matter an Energy to come into existence, must not, itself, be bound by any of those characteristics. I.E Timeless, Immaterial, Extremely Powerful, Etc...We’re getting awfully close to the Judeo-Christian description of God here without bringing up a single Bible verse! Lol
Why? Because the idea that every thing that exists has a cause is as far as we have been able to go in the entirety of human thinking. Our current understanding of physics is what we know. You are implying that there is more to know, that is not known. If it can not be known, it can not be proven, so we have to infer it through its absence in our ability to observe it. So you believe in something you cannot prove to be true, and you do so in order to argue that God must not exist because we can not prove God exists. Start by getting out of your head the idea of God as an old bearded man in the sky - that is the first step. I could from here leave you with the burden of showing through logic why you must necessarily prove your assertion that we do not know enough about physics to positively state that everything has a cause and you would in turn be forced essentially to make the same argument for the existence of this unknown basis for physics as an argument for the existence of God, but I will instead change tack.
So you have to go with the most likely possibility.
If existence is caused by something outside the laws which govern physics...
What is the nature of that thing? What would you call it?
You quoted me saying there myst be a prime mover or source, and then asked why, and then attempted to show that there are things we don’t know yet about physics and in that way you were arguing against the existence of God, so I showed how the two things are the same logic with different names for the end result.
We do know that according to the laws of physics (laws, not theories, so in fact we do know them and it is very unlikely that our understanding of the laws are wrong), something can not come from nothing.
Therefore if it did come from nothing, it happened outside the laws of physics, not within them.
I'm not Christian and was an atheist for most of my life (born in a non-religious country). However, when you start looking at the fringes of reality, it gets weird.
Quantum mechanics basically tells us we're in an artificial space constructed to be experienced by consciousness and science has got good enough to where we can see the game engine with all its limits and glitches.
Neurologists and cognitive scientists have started constructing theories that the brain is a receiver, not a generator of consciousness, because a century of research into the latter has made little progress.
There's also the UFO phenomenon with strange objects flying around our skies, seemingly ignoring all known laws of physics and even manipulating witnesses' consciousness. Researchers like Jacques Vallee have proposed that's it's actually an extradimensional intelligence that's been toying with us for thousands of years to make us question our reality.
It's also clear this world is being ruled by an evil not of human origin. It's like we're purposefully being abused by some higher force so life is always a struggle.
There's a lot of strange stuff going on and dumb particles doing their thing doesn't quite convince me anymore, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was all a big game created by some vast underlying intelligence trying to understand itself through our experiences.
Faith itself is the proof. I'm not talking the feign faith of 2 billion but genuine faith that produces fruits. Man cannot, himself, fake or muster such faith.
Yep, made an argument why I thought the main post is illogical and just got downvoted and told to "read the comments" to find my answer so long as I was "open-minded".
How does this tell non-believers "everything they need to know" exactly? So atheists who think religious people are crazy for believing in what they see as an imaginary "sky daddy" are going to be convinced he's real based on the existence of a group of evil people who believe in and worship someone else they also think is imaginary?
Atheists don't think God is real as a result of people worshipping him so why would they think he's real as a result of people worshipping Satan?
Typical non-answer. And none of the comments have anything to do with how a group of people believing in Satan would prove that God is real to a group of people who don't believe in God or Satan.
I had your perspective at one point in my life so I can empathize with the defensive attitude. When you look and listen you will feel it there. If you want to explain everything into existence in our measly minds, you won’t. Do you agree there is a yin and a yang?
The point in the main post is a logical one. That the existence of God is proven by the fact that an evil group of people worships Satan and that, that in and of itself tells you everything you need to know regarding the existence of God. I made an argument for why I thought this was incorrect.
And defensive? I asked for an explanation of your main point and got sent on a wild goose chase into a comment section (which I had already read much of in the first place) that doesn't once mention the point/idea I was presenting an argument against.
I was simply pointing out the specific claim you made in the OP and why I thought it was weak. There are many, many better arguments in favor of God than "evil people worshipping Satan".
That's how I realized God really does exist. Even before that, I believed there had to be some higher power out in the universe. Once I learned of the great evil that has been happening, it was hard not to turn to God as a way to make sense of it all.
If you've ever seen that long ass video of Altiyan Childs expose on Freemasonry he makes that same point.
The main reason they have to hide that they worship satan is because: if [they] believe there's a devil then its just more proof that God is real and that Jesus is Lord. And they don't want people to realize this simple truth, they can't have that.
Me too. I have been an avid reader of for many years and happened to come across something they "stickied" on their website which was a link to a story here. Now I spend way more time here than I do there, and usually find that everything I read there is just a repeat of what I learn here each day.
Amen, sister! :) And knowing it's Him is half the battle - to me, it's sad to see how many don't believe, don't want to acknowledge or see His messages, and coast through life without His guidance and love. My faith has kept me from losing my mind this year. Getting closer to God has been so comforting in the wake of what happened with the election - I was a blubbering mess on Jan. 7th. Nobody could calm me down. What's going on in this country is literally good v. evil and good will win. :)
Right?? What really gets me is democrats who claim to be Christians - how exactly do they square that? When the left is running around with their transgenders and their lying and cheating, trying to implement socialism here (which is demonstrably unChristian - we're supposed to work for a living and earn our prosperity in life), none of it is right with the Bible. When the "president"/impostor in chief promotes abortion (or as they call it, "reproductive rights", what a joke) but turns around and says he's Catholic - puhleeeeeze. I just hope they can get right with their Creator before it's too late. Every week in church I request a prayer for our country, on so many levels.
On that note; leftists who use our religion as a weapon against us, are some of the most vile demons around.
"If you were REALLY a Christian, you would / wouldn't do this / say this / etc"
Fucking drives me insane. ?????
They're the most fun to tear apart. They never know what they're talking about so they're easy to shut down. You are right that they are the most vile! I suppose we should pray for them.
I don't think that's true. I think god wins in the end, and it's generally traumatic, because evil has ruled and won the day for so long.
(((They))) put themselves ahead of God and therefore doomed to losing for eternity.
I agree u/VoatAnon1984! We are destined to be here fighting the good fight!
Welcome fren. The water is quite fine here.
There's a beautiful meme floating around;
"God woke you up for a reason"
KIND of like this, but not:
This one above is more like "God woke you up from sleep / got you out of bed."
The meme I'm referring to is like God opened your eyes to all this stuff / Great Awakening.
Anyway.....yeah.....there's a reason.....
Well hi and welcome! That's really awesome!
The atheist says: In the beginning there was nothing. Nothing is nothing and it can do nothing. Then, nothing acted upon itself and turned itself into everything.
and they even smugly claim they are the logical ones lol
Don't dismiss the atheists that make no claims about how it all began, just because they don't believe yours.
No, you have made a claim. The claim is: it did it itself.
Or to put it another way: the universe is its own creator
"It did it itself" is a claim. I said those that make no claims about how it all began.
You made that claim, not me. My claim is I don't know how it all began. Is that so hard to understand?
You claimed to be an atheist. Remind me how that word differs from agnostic..
Ok. Whether one is a theist or an atheist is a question of belief. Do you believe or do you not believe. Whether an agnostic or gnostic is a question of knowledge. Do you know or do you not know. I don't believe in the claim that there is a God, I admit I don't know whether I'm right or wrong about that, so I'm an agnostic atheist.
Stop being a coward. Your attempt to dodge in 2 directions simultaneously is pathetic.
The question you are dodging is - do you believe the universe created itself, and you can't even answer that simple question, despite your belief that it did. You are being wormy.
That's easy. I don't believe the universe created itself.
They love speaking for atheists here. It's a straw-man argument buffet.
In my experience it seems it’s academia (professors philosophers ) that is atheist but the common person that say something they’re atheist are agnostic
We dismiss their logic. Atheism brought 100+ horrible million deaths in the 20th century between Mao/Stalin
And not related to atheism.
Turns out nothing is as it seems.
The same people who want you to believe tigers came from rocks.
That is true. Big Bang doesnt make sense. Neither does God because then you have to try to fathom how He was created and it never ends.
Nothing makes sense.
Amen so true we are all here for a divine reason. God bless you fren. Keep being the light
Very true! Hello, fren! :) My son and I are getting baptized this Sunday. I wanted to share that with you. I'm very happy about it!
Praise the Lord. This makes my heart happy to hear. 1 by 1 the whole world is coming back to God. Keep turning to him. I'm here if u ever need a fren to talk to. Much love God bless
I am very happy that you are a part of this community. You lift people up and spread love. This world needs you and more people like you so much. Those of us here with you are very fortunate indeed. :)
Thanks fren. Through christ I gain my stregth without him I am just sinful flesh that is just a broken as the rest. What u see is not me its Christ shining his light thru me. This concept helped me see that in others so I just do my best to help others see there potential. All glory goes to God.
That is so humble of you to say. And I won't argue because I know that's what He wants, for us to be humble and not proud or boastful. But I would be remiss if I didn't point out how many people ignore or completely miss His messages, His callings, His guidance and His involvement in our daily lives. You don't. You acknowledge them and open yourself to His use. And for that, I am thankful. :)
I would be lying If I said I didn't Have a huge smile on my face and heart right now. Thank you for you love and light you are passing on to me. This a group effort no one person is bigger or more important. WE ARE FAMILY NOW
Amen, my Fren :) With that I agree 100%!
I love you guys!!!
We love you to my friend. ?????☝️
Right back at ya, Fren! :) It's so good to be here with like minded people. It gives me hope that you're all out there when there is so much craziness in the world.
Hallelujah!! My eyes are teary with excitement for you! Beautiful!
Thank you :) It's such a blessing to be able to share things like that with good people like you!
Thank you, fren. I am just holding my candle.
Thanks all we can do. One candle can light the world. Much love and light WWG1WGA
One of the most fascinating things about the Bible is that it is written by multiple authors, in multiple languages, from multiple regions of the world, and with its pieces separated by centuries, even millenia, yet it maintains a consistent narrative. It is so consistent that even texts recently discovered align with old texts long studied. That is proof the Bible is God's word.
Proof of God is simpler. We exist. Despite all the entropic forces in the world, we still exist. There is order in the chaos. We are not the result of a pair of infinitely sided dice being tossed for perfect rolls an infinite number of times. We were created by an all powerful being who is good because the world is good. We aren't good but this creation certainly is.
This is awesome. I'll add another neat bit on the Bible being supernatural...
The Bible is demonstrably from outside our time domain because of prophecy. Most are explicit, but some are hidden. Check out first 10 generations and their Hebrew meaning:
Adam - Man
Seth - Is Appointed
Enos - Mortal
Cainan - Sorrow
Mahalaleel - The glory of God
Jared - (shall) Come down
Enoch - Teaching
Methuselah - His death shall bring (died the year the flood started...)
Lamech - (the) despair(ing)
Noah - Comfort/rest
So the Christian gospel was hidden in a lineage in the Jewish Old Testament, yet the Jews delivered Jesus to be killed, proving they wouldn't have done it intentionally. Also interesting is these 10 generations are the only ones everyone today has in common, so we all have the gospel in our ancestry.
This is true....however, this lead me to realize a whole lot more. These 50 year old studies are incredible.
and the reason we are here is to save souls, like Jesus did, just like your post will do for some GOD BLESS
Exactly. We are to show the love of God to everyone and pray for all of them. I pray that all see the light of God's love thru His son Jesus and His people here on Earth.
You are VERY right. Censorship and character killing is not new ideas or concepts, and as soon as Jesus gained some traction in his truth telling, the controlling forces of the time did as best as they could to undermine his message. This is exactly the same method as used on truth tellers of today. It's right in front of our very eyes.
The great awakening IS the 'second coming'. We're damn close right now!
Bless you, fren! ?
Bless you also fren
Thank you for that, I felt those words.
My teenage daughter once asked me if we really had a soul. I asked her a very simple question. Do you feel like you ARE your body? Or do you feel like you are INSIDE your body? She said she felt like she was inside her body. I told her she just answered her own question. She got it.
I am not a body.
I am a mind piloting a bone-mech wearing meat armor.
Wow, awesome. I like the view of thoughts. “Do you think your own thoughts or do they come to you?” From where? Are you only hearing your thoughts?
That was my wake up call!
"They teach us to be atheists in accept evolution, the "big bang" and "primordial ooze"...but the people who run the world's governments and put out that curriculum for schools clearly worship a deity...hey wait a minute..."
Also...buildings are proof of a builder. Buildings do not build themselves. The same goes for creation. Creation has a creator.
Rachel madcow, is that you?
Ashkenazi Jewess at your service, goy.
I just feel it. I've been presented with many strange situations and solutions. He has always been there to guide me, even when my family and those around me fall into darkness.
You can literally feel with your Heart if you don’t let your mind explain it away.
It's funny you say that. I originally wanted to write "I just feel it", but felt it was too simple of a response. ?
I looked into the face of my first child; my newborn baby girl, and I saw God.
Children are a miracle and a blessing.
Look into a child's eyes and you know there is a Creator of Heaven & Earth..
That's beautiful :) I'll take that a step further by looking into my child's eyes, and my child's child's eyes, knowing He allowed me to create one, that she'd create another, and my blood runs through both their veins. The love you feel for your children and grandchildren is so powerful, I don't know where else it could come from. Only God could make that.
Like my boys, that/those souls made the choice to come to me. I feel so bless when I look into their eyes. I only created a place for them to come into.
It's wonderful, isn't it? No better feeling on earth. :)
No, there is not, I can’t even think of something to compare it to. I feel sorry for those who do not know this feeling. This must be how God feels when he looks at all of us. Imagine how he feels when we serve him, and not our own greed.
Beautiful ! Very true words spoken ?
Raised in an atheist home, I wasn't even searching when GOD found me. I have absolutely no doubts about the existence of GOD, but I'm very weary of the Bible and other so called holy scriptures. Even though they contain many truths, they have been edited, rewritten and promoted by forces with the agenda of controlling people's minds, habits and behaviours for centuries. Just like the globalists of today.
I know this may seem provoking to some, maybe many, but GOD is (among so many other things) sanity, and knowing this, we should use our given common sense to navigate this world, and not only blindly trust the teachings of priests and their like, threatening us with damnation, purgatory and hell for our sins of simply being born.
The 'second coming' will occur the instant many enough of us realize the true and complete presence of GOD and how this power is for all to harness. Then humanity, and all living beings will rise and excel to levels of existence few, if any, are able to imagine.
GOD is awesome, and MAN am I lucky to experience exactly that. Love to this forum and to all.
In order to really know Jesus, you must really know yourself. Bless you Fren ?
Awesome. Crowder - Red Letters:
There is a lot of wisdom is other parts of the bible, but to me, the absolute most important part is Jesus's teachings. Those really don't seem manipulated, or like there is anything in there that the powers that be inserted to control us. I see the old testament as containing the rigidly religious aspects along with much wisdom, but I see Jesus's words as the ultimate truth.
Exactly the point of this post ?
I have a personal anecdote on this matter. I believe that god proves he's real on occasion but you have to be paying attention to see it.
I used to be pretty agnostic when I was younger. My stepson is disabled and can't move around, and spends most of his day in his recliner. He likes video games though, as do I, but he can't play some of the more complicated ones so I would end up having to play them 'for' him. One such game was called "Boom Blox" and it was on the Wii.
Well, he grew bored of it and it spent several months on a shelf behind where he could even see. Its kind of a rare game so its trade-in value at places like Gamestop was actually pretty high, and at one point there was a game I really wanted but didn't have the money for. So, I took a bunch of my games, and still needed a bit more.. and I wickedly decided to take that game. He didn't seem to care, so how would he notice?
Well, the VERY DAY I took it, traded it in, and got the game I wanted, he asked to play it. I had to explain to him, and my new wife, that we didn't have it any more and that I had traded it in. My wife was justifiably furious, and I had to buy a new copy of that game so he could play it. The kicker? Once I did replace it, he NEVER ONCE ASKED ABOUT IT AGAIN. EVER.
I choose to see that as a sign from god to 'Be a better person. Hell awaits the wicked."
Haha, that’s call a nudge. You have to be looking and listening to find one. I had one recently.
Those with eyes to see and ears to hear. As an adult, I've found we basically get away with nothing.
Many people including myself offer testimony of their personal experience and proof of God's existence. If you are in doubt, seek and you will find. The material world but itself cannot prove God to a materially-minded person any more than the ocean's movements can prove the moon's existence to a clam. But seek and you will find.
Logic. Why do we feel love? Dogs, cats, birds all feel it, anyone who has been around animals know this. Why? It's not required for reproduction. Why do we think, imagine and have the capability to create things - we are unique in this. Again, this is not a requirement for reproduction and survival. We simply look around us, from the simple marvel of a sunrise, and as we look deeper we see a fantastic world of physics, Quantium Physics, interactions that are so technical, it baffles the imagination - and only a fool would say "it's all only a coincidence".
Despite what we have learned, over the existence of humanity - we cannot create even the simplest of lifeforms, without first starting with something living.
Very true. We are creators because we were created in his image-the creator. That’s why we love, as he does.
Romantic love leads to sex meaning the chance of reproduction is much higher. If you love your children you'll be more likely to fight to protect them and care about what happens to them. A child with parents who love them has a higher chance of surviving and reproducing. Love for others also makes you likely to protect them which could increase their chance of reproducing which would help the species as a whole.
If thinking, imagining, and creating things isn't a big enough detriment to survival then there's no mechanism for lifeforms who do those things to be wiped out as a result of those traits. The same could go for love if not for the reasons I wrote above.
Being born with a 6th finger isn't beneficial to reproduction or survival, either, but apparently 1 in 500 babies are born with that mutation. Evolution doesn't make decisions, it does shit at random and whatever works sticks. Whatever doesn't work turns into dinner. If it makes no difference then it also sticks.
People trying to create life is much like people thinking they can control the climate; mother nature doesn't give a rat's ass what you think you can do and is way beyond our tiny monkey brains. And especially in the case of creating life, it's way out of our league anyway. It took millions of years to get this advanced, and while I don't know about the future, I'm not surprised we haven't figured it out in the past several thousand (really much less than that since we can't really count the years we didn't have the knowhow or tech for it).
The first mover problem is the most compelling argument. Particularly when you combine it with the 2nd law of thermo dynamics. How did DNA self assemble without a first mover?
Define 'self' (-assemble) and the size of it. It's a rather difficult task, but looking beyond the dogmas of modern society and which ever technique i.e. faith people use in order to make sense of it, will guide your questioning and provide answers (which generates a whole lot of other questions). We are amazing beings connected to GOD, capable of so much more than any preacher will ever let one know.
Obviously, the ONLY answer is a deity from an ancient book, did it.
I think the point being made is that many come to believe that God is not just the answer to a specific question, God is the answer to all our questions contingent on seeking His guidance and having faith answers will come when the timing is right for them. The bible contains many lessons and may help in building a relationship with God. The testimonies in this post are individual personal accounts of how God has graced them.
Luke 11:9-10. "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
I understand... But many do not believe that and downvoting my perfectly rational and factual statement because of religious beliefs doesn't do the religion any favors from an outsider's perspective...
If truth is paramount, it should be paramount even if it conflicts with arguments based in an individuals favored religion.
If a person can say God is real because someone believes in and worships Satan and then someone exposes that faulty way of thinking by stating that people also believe in an worship beings the Christian doesn't believe is real and yet I get downvoted. It just goes to show that the religions adherents only embrace logical reasoning when it favors their position and it should not work that way. Truth is truth, is it not?
No one will ever have scientific proof of god.
Among other things, here's a good one. I would occasionally hear someone (a male voice) call my name. Just my 1st name. I would look around and no one was there. Weird. For some reason I started reading the Bible, New Testament. i got to the verse where Jesus says "My sheep hear my voice and I call them by their name, and they follow me". Or very similar wording. Wow, it hit me! Haven't heard that since then, and it was over 15 years ago.
Wow, same here. I heard a male voice way louder and forceful than any of my inner dialogue ever gets. It only said my first name. It startled me so much, that I didn't hear anything else, and that was several years ago. I'd love to hear Him again.
Praise God, just finished watching a video from Todd White, "Step into your calling". And then this comment popped up here! God is Great!
Isn’t that something. I was just sitting there quietly a felt the need to write this post, the results from the comments speak wonders. The amount of love here is grand. wwg1wga is a good way to describe it. I feel like I am right where I am today, in so many ways, here included. I barely found Voat and that “forced” me here as a refugee.
Nobody actually knows; that's the whole point of having faith. If you could KNOW, like actually see, hear, and touch a deity, then you wouldn't have faith; you would instead have knowledge.
Like, I don't have faith that there is a stapler here at my desk. I don't "believe" in the stapler. I have actual knowledge of it. I can see and touch it.
Another thing is, we can observe that nothing creates itself, ever. So, logically there must be some primal creative force that did not itself need to be created, because it is eternal and infinite; and this creator did all the creating of everything else, bringing about the entire universe of energy and matter, light and antimatter, dark matter and dark energy, out of literally nothing.
Why is there an assumption that outside the universe, exists nothing? We don't know what is outside of it. We could be a glass jar on someone's lab table.
Your question is interesting because to my mind, the universe encompasses everything. I use the word to mean "the universe of all that there is." So I can't conceive of anything outside that.
Okay, well, as long as you're okay with recognizing this is just an assumption and you're basing your argument off of that, then that's strictly your view of things.
The universe is in fact expanding... What's it expanding into? What's outside of it? Clearly, there's something (a void in the most elementary of terms) that exists outside of it... Is that nothing?
This also doesn't even account for the valid multiverse theory.
LOL lots of people define the universe as everything there is...I would even guess that's a majority viewpoint
Nothing wrong with other concepts though, I love philosophy and epistemology and things like that
People talk about multiverses, I just consider that whole conglomerate of things as existing within a larger space I call the universe...I don't know how else to think about it LOL
But it's true, spacetime itself is expanding and accelerating - into what? Great question!
Maybe the universe is everything there is, maybe it isn't? Nobody seems to know.
OK, so how DO you know god exists?
Depends on what you mean by "know."
Are you using some kind of bot to auto post?
Because otherwise, for matter to come to be, something would have to have come from nothing, with no cause.
The only way something can come from nothing, which violates the laws of physics, is if there is some prime mover or force that is not subject to, or is outside of, the laws of physics.
So what came before God? Seems like you've just added one more step in the chain of events.
There is nothing "before" God. God is the Uncaused Cause of all that has been brought into existence. He always was. He had no beginning.
So why can't that happen without God? If there doesn't need to be a cause for God why does there need to be one for anything else?
The Scientific evidence for space, time, universe coming into existence at a finite point in the past is overwhelming.
That which comes into existence needs a cause for its existence (metaphysics and the uncertainty principle does not disprove this scientific fact)
God did not come into existence, therefor God does not need a cause.
Furthermore, it is impossible to traverse an infinite. For example, If there were an infinite number of days between today and the infinite past, then we would have never arrived at today. Therefore, the universe is finite and needs a cause.
Whatever caused Space, Time, Matter an Energy to come into existence, must not, itself, be bound by any of those characteristics. I.E Timeless, Immaterial, Extremely Powerful, Etc...We’re getting awfully close to the Judeo-Christian description of God here without bringing up a single Bible verse! Lol
No, that’s the idea:
There must be some prime mover or source
God is that prime mover or source
What you’re saying is that it has no beginning
The idea of a source with no beginning is unprovable in physics
This is the idea of God
Our current understanding of physics isn't all there is to know. And even if it was, unprovable doesn't mean wrong.
Why? Because the idea that every thing that exists has a cause is as far as we have been able to go in the entirety of human thinking. Our current understanding of physics is what we know. You are implying that there is more to know, that is not known. If it can not be known, it can not be proven, so we have to infer it through its absence in our ability to observe it. So you believe in something you cannot prove to be true, and you do so in order to argue that God must not exist because we can not prove God exists. Start by getting out of your head the idea of God as an old bearded man in the sky - that is the first step. I could from here leave you with the burden of showing through logic why you must necessarily prove your assertion that we do not know enough about physics to positively state that everything has a cause and you would in turn be forced essentially to make the same argument for the existence of this unknown basis for physics as an argument for the existence of God, but I will instead change tack.
So you have to go with the most likely possibility.
If existence is caused by something outside the laws which govern physics...
What is the nature of that thing? What would you call it?
I never argued that God doesn't exist or I knew the answer.
You quoted me saying there myst be a prime mover or source, and then asked why, and then attempted to show that there are things we don’t know yet about physics and in that way you were arguing against the existence of God, so I showed how the two things are the same logic with different names for the end result.
We do know that according to the laws of physics (laws, not theories, so in fact we do know them and it is very unlikely that our understanding of the laws are wrong), something can not come from nothing.
Therefore if it did come from nothing, it happened outside the laws of physics, not within them.
I'm not Christian and was an atheist for most of my life (born in a non-religious country). However, when you start looking at the fringes of reality, it gets weird.
Quantum mechanics basically tells us we're in an artificial space constructed to be experienced by consciousness and science has got good enough to where we can see the game engine with all its limits and glitches.
In the past few decades scientists have started looking more seriously into subjects like near death experiences and confirmed cases of reincarnation and come up with some pretty interesting evidence.
Neurologists and cognitive scientists have started constructing theories that the brain is a receiver, not a generator of consciousness, because a century of research into the latter has made little progress.
There's also the UFO phenomenon with strange objects flying around our skies, seemingly ignoring all known laws of physics and even manipulating witnesses' consciousness. Researchers like Jacques Vallee have proposed that's it's actually an extradimensional intelligence that's been toying with us for thousands of years to make us question our reality.
It's also clear this world is being ruled by an evil not of human origin. It's like we're purposefully being abused by some higher force so life is always a struggle.
There's a lot of strange stuff going on and dumb particles doing their thing doesn't quite convince me anymore, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was all a big game created by some vast underlying intelligence trying to understand itself through our experiences.
Wow, awesome comment. Ever explore the thought of the different forms of “aliens” actually being Gods of other religions, including Satan.
God told me. Directly.
That's not proof of God.
You can have faith, but faith means believing something no matter the lack of proof.
Proof of God would not having people telling me that my 20's and half of my 30s so far were ruined by communists for "a plan"
Proof of God would be having people not actively trying to ruin the lives of single people.
God spoke to me very directly once, and very often since.
What a fabulous thread. I would humbly suggest the book or movie: The Case for Christ.
And if Christ is real, God - whatever this omnipotent being is, well..... it's a great story.
Faith itself is the proof. I'm not talking the feign faith of 2 billion but genuine faith that produces fruits. Man cannot, himself, fake or muster such faith.
People worship Allah too... Is he real?
For every religion there are 'salesmen' and the tactics they use in order to monopolize the experience of life and death.
LOL @ the downvotes despite me pointing out a simple, yet very real, fact.
Truth isn't important people! It's your feelings! This entire thread is based off a logical fallacy.
Humans are doomed.
Yep, made an argument why I thought the main post is illogical and just got downvoted and told to "read the comments" to find my answer so long as I was "open-minded".
This is the only problem with this place... They're all about open dialogue and uncovering truths, until their religion is brought into it.
Sacred cows and all of that...
Are Atheists real?
Is planet Serpo real?
God cannot exist without the Devil and vice versa.
God created all things, including the angel who fell and became Satan.
Well aware.
People are missing my fucking point. What I'm trying to say is that good CANNOT exist without evil.
So he can't do anything then.
How does this tell non-believers "everything they need to know" exactly? So atheists who think religious people are crazy for believing in what they see as an imaginary "sky daddy" are going to be convinced he's real based on the existence of a group of evil people who believe in and worship someone else they also think is imaginary?
Atheists don't think God is real as a result of people worshipping him so why would they think he's real as a result of people worshipping Satan?
The answer(s) can be found in the comments for starters, be willing to “hear” them.
Typical non-answer. And none of the comments have anything to do with how a group of people believing in Satan would prove that God is real to a group of people who don't believe in God or Satan.
I had your perspective at one point in my life so I can empathize with the defensive attitude. When you look and listen you will feel it there. If you want to explain everything into existence in our measly minds, you won’t. Do you agree there is a yin and a yang?
The point in the main post is a logical one. That the existence of God is proven by the fact that an evil group of people worships Satan and that, that in and of itself tells you everything you need to know regarding the existence of God. I made an argument for why I thought this was incorrect.
And defensive? I asked for an explanation of your main point and got sent on a wild goose chase into a comment section (which I had already read much of in the first place) that doesn't once mention the point/idea I was presenting an argument against.
I was simply pointing out the specific claim you made in the OP and why I thought it was weak. There are many, many better arguments in favor of God than "evil people worshipping Satan".
That's how I realized God really does exist. Even before that, I believed there had to be some higher power out in the universe. Once I learned of the great evil that has been happening, it was hard not to turn to God as a way to make sense of it all.
If you've ever seen that long ass video of Altiyan Childs expose on Freemasonry he makes that same point.
The main reason they have to hide that they worship satan is because: if [they] believe there's a devil then its just more proof that God is real and that Jesus is Lord. And they don't want people to realize this simple truth, they can't have that.