DeSantis signs bill requiring schools to provide a moment each morning for prayer. ?
"It’s something that’s important to be able to provide each student the ability, every day, to be able to reflect and to be able to pray as they see fit," DeSantis said during a Monday press conference. "The idea that you can just push God out of every institution, and be successful — I'm sorry, our founding fathers did not believe that."
DeSantis signs bill requiring schools to provide loudspeaker use for calls to prayer
Somethings are ok remaining secular.
There's a difference between ending schools teaching secularism, and schools simply being secular. The seperation between chuirch and state is the guard on on both sides. It's tempting to see schools trying to indoctrinate childrten to abandon faith and think to swing the pendulum in the opposite direction, because it makes sense to imagine there being an opposite direction.
But there isn't. There is only one wrong and one direction that both errors fall in: injecting belief. Be that belief in this god, that god, no god, and the dogma that surrounds each competing theocracy. Schools aren't the place for this. And while guard against secular theism is critical, that guard does not take the form of alternative theocracy.
The bill doesn't force kids to pray nor does it have the teachers leading a prayer session. It literally just provides students the opportunity to pray if they so choose. There's nothing wrong with that nor does it violate the separation of church and state.
People have rights and there is nothing wrong with providing a moment for people to pray if they choose. Your reasoning would also include not saying the pledge of allegiance. WHY are they allowed to teach evolution which takes more faith to believe in than a Creator?
That right lies in the explicit restriction of government in denying or establishing of religion. A bill signed to require time for prayer is literal establishment, which violates our rights.
Religion is not the role of government, adn the founding fathers who themselves were all religious recognized this. They saw what happened when governing bodies took a role in religion. You approve today, but the precedant this sets allows for shit you wouldn't approve of tomorrow. That's why government is supposed to completely stay out of it.
Evolution is demonstrateable. Schools teach that which is falsifiable. You can not prove god does not exist, so they do not teach about god. But you can prove that evolution is not true (it simply hasn't been not be done) which why like gravity, math, and grammar, they teach those. By being flasiable, but unfalsified, we arrive at our best picture of truth, and school exists to teach truth as best we know. If 1+1 didn't equal 2, you could show that. Since iot can't be show, we teach that 1+1=2. The same applies to evolution.
If you think evolution has nothing backing it, you're embarassingly wrong and have very poorly informed people bringing you up. There isn't a single line of criticism against evolution that refutes it's premise, despite every prediction that such evidence ought to exist and be easily found.
Yeah, you keep believing what the government teaches, I personally did not come from monkeys. You want proof of God? 2600 years ago the Bible states that God would bring Israel back to be a nation----this happened in 1948. You can prove God is real and what he says is real but I regress, not to cast pearls before swine. Have a nice day!
I'm a research scientist. No one had to 'tell me' anything about evolution. It's written evidenced in the data I work with all the time.
You did not come from monkeys, but both you and monkeys came from the same precursor who was less fit for their enviornment than the incremental versions that replaced them across the enviornmental niches both we and monkeys spread.
And guess what? None of that is incompatible with god. Anyone telling you that it's one or the other is as fucking retarded as the clergy that felt heliocentrism was incompatible with god.
Schools are facilities that are paid for, and supported by, local taxes. They're exactly the place where this should happen. Classrooms should be available early on school days. Each flavor of religion could have its own classroom for thirty minutes. Local clergy could lead and missions teams could provide breakfast for the children. A determined citizenry could make this happen if it took control of its school board.
Right, they are government facilities, this makes them NOT the place for this. The seperation between church and state isn't some modern interpretation from some activist retard liberal judge, it is the explicit original intent of the founders who wrote the constiution.
Religion is on you, the government doesn't exist to touch it in any way. Not to deny it, not to facilitate it, nothing.
Signing a bill is literally in opposition to "shall pass no law..."
Morality is not the exclusive domain of theology. How arrogant must you be to think theology has a monopoly on morality. If the founders felt the government had a place using the power of government to empower religion, they wouldn't have explicitly denied the government that role, and repeatedly made their position clear on the matter.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State
-Thomas Jefferson
Kindly piss off. My government has no business injecting itseld into the domain of religion. Not in denying it, not in supporting it, not in making a space for it, nothing, zero, nada. It passes laws and enforces them. It doesn't decide there needs to be more or less religion in this space or that.
I believe this IS constitutional. Freedom of religion and the free exercise there of. When I first heard this story they said moment of silence to be able to reflect. That does not interfere with any religious preference. Could also be a reaction to those graduation speeches that mocks the Pledge.
Wanna make an atheist really mad? point out that non-belief in God is jus as much an act of faith as belief in God, since one cannot prove God doesn't exist either.
(Read everything I typed thoroughly. If you still disagree then down-vote me, but if you down-vote me without reading this you are part of the problem.)
Okay, this is stupid. This blatantly violates separation of church and state. You can't use government to mandate prayer.
Yes, I'm an atheist, but I support Christians having a fair shake. The crazy ass things these Marxist do needs to be stopped. This FL law isn't how to stop it.
STEP ONE - Marxism is a religion. Its a theocratic system of government in which nothing is held higher than the state. The state IS GOD!!! Thus they are NOT atheists. They have a god... the state... the party.
STEP TWO -- Reread step one and fully understand it because once you grasp that step two is obvious. Ban Marxism and Islam both. Theocracies BY DEFAULT are incompatible with the constitution of the USA. The constitution needs to be amended to ban both of them explicitly so they can not use our own 1st amendment against us.
You do realize separation of church and state for one, is no where in the constitution, it was from an 1802 letter that Jefferson wrote to the Danbury baptist association. And two, it was never to keep God out of government, but to prevent the government from endorsing a federal church like the Roman Catholics.
They've been pushing that separation of church and state my whole life. After reading the constitution, I now see that the founding fathers wanted us to freely exercise our religion. It feels like the government sometimes wants to do quite the opposite and stamp it out. Look at the little girl that wore the, "Jesus loves me" mask.
When I was in fifth grade, our teacher would have us line up before going to lunch. Then she would let someone say a prayer before heading out. I always looked forward to that. I wanted to be chosen. :) It was just a simple, God is good, God is great, thank you for this food we eat.
Exactly... but by writing a law that mandates prayer in a public school you are doing exactly that... you are saying that the government supports Christian prayer. Its the wrong way to deal with the problem.
The short answer is that questions like the ten commandments being in the courthouse or prayer in the school should always be left up to the local people to decide for themselves. If a majority of that county votes in a referendum to leave the ten commandments up or have prayer in the schools then you violate nothing. THE GOVERNMENT didn't decide jack shit... THE PEOPLE DID. When you expand it out to the whole state and make it a law voted on by a state legislature that is government playing favorites one religion over another. That is exactly what they 1st was designed to stop.
Hell, forget the voters in that county voting on whether there is prayer in a school. HAVE THE DAM STUDENTS VOTE ON IT! Its their school. THAT should be the standard. The students decide. Its a good lesson in self governance. Every year first thing they have a vote... student body pres etc etc.. and are we praying or not... etc.
I've written other posts about this and don't really have time to rewrite it all. This is classic curing a symptom not the disease. These Marxists are banning Christians from praying in school and using the 1st as a club to do it. You shouldn't need to make this law. You should recognize that Marxists removing prayer violates the 1st because it is Marxism installing itself as the state religion... which violates the 1st.
I agree with most of that except the part about letting kids decide. Letting kids decide too many things that should be a parents decision have made too many entitled brats in this world. Most kids don’t know what’s good for them and need direction. They crave being led and most don’t even know it. They need structure and direction in their lives and not left to decide things for themselves. Getting that direction and instruction from moral adults in the first place is what sets them up for success later in life. Kids left to do and decide whatever the hell they want when young grow up to be adults with no direction or grounding in their lives. Many turn to crime, drugs, depression, etc because of this. We need moms and dads being leaders in the home and parents first, not friends with their kids first.
To be clear I'm talking about high school mostly. Young children yes it should be more about the parents. At high school age it builds kids up to give them these sorts of choices. It teaches them responsibility and empowers them. Forcing them to do what idiotic adults want is what cause them to rebel and turn to drugs etc etc.
This also stamps out one of the lefts biggest weapons that is the REAL problem. Everyone doesn't always get a dam trophy. There are winners and losers. Don't like it tough shit that's reality. Make a better argument next time and maybe you win.
I don’t think prayer or a period of reflection is the root of the issue. I think GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SCHOOLING is the problem. When we call schools part of the state...there Ya go. But when state=school we got a problem fren.
I agree but now add to that the hard truth that Marxism views all schools as their churches. They want everyone indoctrinated into the church of Marxism whether its a public or private school doesn't matter. Private schools are just more difficult but not impossible to infiltrate. Add in to the equation that most certified teachers are trained at a Marxist university(temple)... So even in a private school Marxists nuns are teaching your children.
Public schools are just another symptom. Still not curing the disease. Getting rid of public schools could be a good step though if done right.
Hey good points, but first I suggest you read the actual bill and also read the article not just the headline from the Associate Press — you know, the AP that is owned by a certain ultra elite cabal family.
Once done going through the content, then come back here and let’s continue this line of reasoning and discuss.
I didn't see the article linked. And it doesn't matter. Even if this law has some layers to it where it doesn't force kids to pray blah blah... then that just means its a hollow do nothing bill purely for show. The things I'm talking about would actually have some teeth to it and would solve real problems. It wouldn't some fake do nothing bill that just gets struck down by a liberal judge giving the Marxist yet another win.
In some states, Critical Race Theory has been mandated to be taught in schools.
And for most schools in left/blue districts, they (students, teachers, parents) would happily vote 'YES' to that.
Setting aside the 'prayer' topic (fren, you have to read the article!) ... would you be OK with government mandating CRT in schools? How would you solve it? Remember ... the propaganda machine is strong, the students would happily vote for that because they've been programmed to not-think.
I'll find the article tomorrow. And no I 100% don't approve of CRT being taught to anyone because 90% of it is lies. I guess that is part of my point... this is addressing a symptom not the cause. We need to be pushing back at the heart of this Marxist drivel not picking at the edges.
A moment of silence is not endorsing any faith. It is a break in the busy day for reflection. You can reflect in whatever way suits you. You can spend the time counting to 100 if that is what you want to do with it.
No its not "hurting anyone", and a school is more than welcome to do so of their own accord if the students agree to it. HAVING THE GOVERNMENT MANDATE A MOMENT OF SILENCE IS NOT THE WAY TO DO THIS!!!
Okay... I'm Muslim... I'd like the government to mandate a call to prayer like they do in the middle east. Same thing. Doesn't really hurt anyone. Christian get their silence I want my chanting.
Look I'm on your side, but there is a right and wrong way to solve problems like this. This is NOT the way.
So I'm an atheist. What am I supposed to do while everyone else prays?
You are using the power of government to mandate a religious activity. I get that its partly defensive because the Marxist are trying to stop you from practicing your religion. This isn't not the way to fix the problem. Read my other posts.
I had an american teacher in high school in nz, and he would say a prayer evey morning with those who wanted to.
I wasnt religious, but it was no imposition to anyone who wasn't joining in. He was the best teacher I ever had by a long shot.
I grew up in Florida. The population is now 4x what it was in the 1970's, but the roads aren't much more extensive than then. Traffic down there is on par with Long Island, NY! (south of the I-4 corridor) If you are going to move there, I think the FL panhandle is still somewhat liveable, but you might want to be inland quite a ways, to have some protection from the hurricanes :) Definitely visit down there before you decide to move there.
There is power in group prayer. “When two or more pray I am with you”. Bringing Truth back into schools while marxist indoctrinators and administrators run the show...that’s another animal entirely. Ok class, enough of that praying stuff let’s start talking about why white Timothy here is a threat to our various colored classmates? Every last marxist indoctrinator HAS TO GO.
We had this in my county growing up. "Moment of silence" is what they called it. It's pointless. You have to teach kids how to pray, not just give them a moment and hope they do.
Until he separates the schools from state control and permits parents to send their kids to schools that upholds their values and teaches their traditions I won't be impressed.
Unless there is someone who actually narrates a Prayer like we used to do when I was at school(not a moment of silence)because as you say that's meaningless...The first thing every morning at the assembly where all the students gathered was the Lord's prayer( by the Principal) followed by any important announcements...
Not the above user, but also one with a disconnect from Christianity: apart from spending most of my young life in some form of Catholic education (the leading way to create non-believers), my general disdain for Christianity comes from the real idea of a church (and how the Catholic Church has been).
In my experience, religion is something that can only be truly understood in a personal way: everyone’s experience with the divine can only be understood by them. I personally believe in a god (in the sense of a higher power, not abrahamic) who created our universe and left us to our devices.
I don’t have a problem with a fair amount of the morality of Christianity (especially the Law of Love), but at the same time a fair few of the teachings can be so horribly regressive.
I believe the Catholic Church is a purposeful aberration of what Jesus and His disciples taught. I urge you not to examine Christianity through Catholic Church lens! If you haven't done so, try reading the book of John, the book of Acts, and the book of Romans; those three books summarize pretty well what true Christianity is all about.
Have read the Bible, Old and New Testament, for school. I don’t have an issue with Christianity as a concept, it’s just not how I understand religion on a personal level. My disdain for the Church isn’t leveled at their belief system.
It's important to note that I'm not associated with the page in the link but I'm in full agreement, having grown up in the church and involved in the ministry.
I didn't read through the whole article, but I agree that many Christians aren't good ambassadors of Christ. However, if certain people in a given church are used as an excuse not to go to that church, then you would never go to church, because there is no perfect church, since all churches are inhabited by less-than-perfect people. There are some churches, that are full of the people discussed in the article though (smile and shake your hand, and then talk down about you when you go sit somewhere; I've visited those kinds of churches), so they are best avoided. I'm sorry if you've had bad experiences with Christians in the past, but I hope you will give Christianity another chance. If you visit a church that is mostly comprised of people who try to live up to Christ's ideals, I think you will have a different conclusion.
You say there's no perfect church, yet Christ requires a spotless bride. My friend, the church, as you know it, isn't the church at all. His true children do not go to church but ARE the church, 24/7.
The Scriptures refer to your places of worship as "high places" and those in these systems of men bear the mark of Cain (mark of the beast) already.
It may have served you better had you been diligent enough to read it in full. At the very least, it serves to answer the points that you are trying to make.
No church that I've ever walked into expresses the unadulterated ideals of Christ. Paul warned us about these "churches" and the heresies being pushed.
As I said, there is no perfect church. If you find one, let me know :) But seriously, it is dangerous to try to be a "good Christian" independent of other Christians and a church of fellow believers. There are dangers of being around "fake Christians" yes, but if you look, I'm sure you can find a church that is comprised of good, honest, true believers who strive to be like Christ, and hopefully led by a pastor who preaches the unadulterated word of God. My best to you.
Fren, I understand your thought process because I've been there but I need to go by the Word and counsel of God. I'm not here to convince or attempt to sway. Only the Lord can move the heart accordingly. I'm only here to inform.
I will say that I greatly appreciate your candor and the fact that we can have this discussion in a civil manner. The typical response here to my content has always been met with venom and vehemence by the Christian community.
Despite our differences on the matter, I think we can both agree on the following:
If God is truly leading you in a path that avoids conventional churches, then who am I to say you are wrong? Take care, and see you on the other side :)
Nothing stops people from silently praying on the way to school, in the restroom, at recess, at lunch, during gym class, during boring lectures and assemblies, during fire drills, after school, in the evenings, in church on Sundays, at night before bed, upon arising, etc.
Don't flame me, I guess I don't get the whole purpose of stopping class to make a show of it when you can do it so much more than that of you want and nobody can stop you
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
I do not believe this is constitutional
Establishment of religion? Nope.
Prohibiting the free exercise thereof? Nope.
Abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press? Nope.
Abridging the right of the people to peaceably assemble, or to petition the government for a redress of grievances? Nope.
DeSantis signs bill requiring schools to provide a moment each morning for prayer. ?
"It’s something that’s important to be able to provide each student the ability, every day, to be able to reflect and to be able to pray as they see fit," DeSantis said during a Monday press conference. "The idea that you can just push God out of every institution, and be successful — I'm sorry, our founding fathers did not believe that."
We need a bigger scale to measure the unmatched based levels Ron is consistently reaching.
Somethings are ok remaining secular.
There's a difference between ending schools teaching secularism, and schools simply being secular. The seperation between chuirch and state is the guard on on both sides. It's tempting to see schools trying to indoctrinate childrten to abandon faith and think to swing the pendulum in the opposite direction, because it makes sense to imagine there being an opposite direction.
But there isn't. There is only one wrong and one direction that both errors fall in: injecting belief. Be that belief in this god, that god, no god, and the dogma that surrounds each competing theocracy. Schools aren't the place for this. And while guard against secular theism is critical, that guard does not take the form of alternative theocracy.
The bill doesn't force kids to pray nor does it have the teachers leading a prayer session. It literally just provides students the opportunity to pray if they so choose. There's nothing wrong with that nor does it violate the separation of church and state.
Call it a moment for 'self-reflection' if the word' prayer' is troublesome. It hurts no-one.
Why not have an adjoined chapel? You don't have to use it if you don't want to.
Making one for every single religion observed in the school might be expensive.
People have rights and there is nothing wrong with providing a moment for people to pray if they choose. Your reasoning would also include not saying the pledge of allegiance. WHY are they allowed to teach evolution which takes more faith to believe in than a Creator?
That right lies in the explicit restriction of government in denying or establishing of religion. A bill signed to require time for prayer is literal establishment, which violates our rights.
Religion is not the role of government, adn the founding fathers who themselves were all religious recognized this. They saw what happened when governing bodies took a role in religion. You approve today, but the precedant this sets allows for shit you wouldn't approve of tomorrow. That's why government is supposed to completely stay out of it.
Evolution is demonstrateable. Schools teach that which is falsifiable. You can not prove god does not exist, so they do not teach about god. But you can prove that evolution is not true (it simply hasn't been not be done) which why like gravity, math, and grammar, they teach those. By being flasiable, but unfalsified, we arrive at our best picture of truth, and school exists to teach truth as best we know. If 1+1 didn't equal 2, you could show that. Since iot can't be show, we teach that 1+1=2. The same applies to evolution.
If you think evolution has nothing backing it, you're embarassingly wrong and have very poorly informed people bringing you up. There isn't a single line of criticism against evolution that refutes it's premise, despite every prediction that such evidence ought to exist and be easily found.
Yeah, you keep believing what the government teaches, I personally did not come from monkeys. You want proof of God? 2600 years ago the Bible states that God would bring Israel back to be a nation----this happened in 1948. You can prove God is real and what he says is real but I regress, not to cast pearls before swine. Have a nice day!
I'm a research scientist. No one had to 'tell me' anything about evolution. It's written evidenced in the data I work with all the time.
You did not come from monkeys, but both you and monkeys came from the same precursor who was less fit for their enviornment than the incremental versions that replaced them across the enviornmental niches both we and monkeys spread.
And guess what? None of that is incompatible with god. Anyone telling you that it's one or the other is as fucking retarded as the clergy that felt heliocentrism was incompatible with god.
Schools aren't the place for this.
Schools are facilities that are paid for, and supported by, local taxes. They're exactly the place where this should happen. Classrooms should be available early on school days. Each flavor of religion could have its own classroom for thirty minutes. Local clergy could lead and missions teams could provide breakfast for the children. A determined citizenry could make this happen if it took control of its school board.
Right, they are government facilities, this makes them NOT the place for this. The seperation between church and state isn't some modern interpretation from some activist retard liberal judge, it is the explicit original intent of the founders who wrote the constiution.
Religion is on you, the government doesn't exist to touch it in any way. Not to deny it, not to facilitate it, nothing.
Signing a bill is literally in opposition to "shall pass no law..."
That would be beautiful.
Morality is not the exclusive domain of theology. How arrogant must you be to think theology has a monopoly on morality. If the founders felt the government had a place using the power of government to empower religion, they wouldn't have explicitly denied the government that role, and repeatedly made their position clear on the matter.
Kindly piss off. My government has no business injecting itseld into the domain of religion. Not in denying it, not in supporting it, not in making a space for it, nothing, zero, nada. It passes laws and enforces them. It doesn't decide there needs to be more or less religion in this space or that.
Don't call Thomas Jefferson a retard. I guarantee you he was a smarter more considerate man than you.
Imagine being presented a quote from one of our greatest founders, and being angered by it. Imagine being indistiguishable from a leftist.
The Satanists won't like this - good job. This is ultimately the war between good and evil. Let's get it on.
you're right, anon.
WTF, I love Florida now!
together, we shall raise the vibration of the Earth and ascend... LOVE LOVE LOVE
Sound like new age garbage.
Prayer has been around a very long time - new age? WTF? you must not understand the power of GOD … I will pray for you
Sounds like Simon.
Amazing. Bring back the pledge of allegiance also.
Now...he's just trolling the hell out of the pinkos. It's epic. :)
I believe this IS constitutional. Freedom of religion and the free exercise there of. When I first heard this story they said moment of silence to be able to reflect. That does not interfere with any religious preference. Could also be a reaction to those graduation speeches that mocks the Pledge.
Even the atheists can use the minute to reflect on...whatever atheists reflect on.
Their genitalia.
They reflect on their mirrored reflections. They are narcissistic promethians who have deluded themselves into believing they are their own God
Wanna make an atheist really mad? point out that non-belief in God is jus as much an act of faith as belief in God, since one cannot prove God doesn't exist either.
I love this comment. Honest.
Oh man, love him more than ever now. God will bless him for that move.
(Read everything I typed thoroughly. If you still disagree then down-vote me, but if you down-vote me without reading this you are part of the problem.)
Okay, this is stupid. This blatantly violates separation of church and state. You can't use government to mandate prayer.
Yes, I'm an atheist, but I support Christians having a fair shake. The crazy ass things these Marxist do needs to be stopped. This FL law isn't how to stop it.
STEP ONE - Marxism is a religion. Its a theocratic system of government in which nothing is held higher than the state. The state IS GOD!!! Thus they are NOT atheists. They have a god... the state... the party.
STEP TWO -- Reread step one and fully understand it because once you grasp that step two is obvious. Ban Marxism and Islam both. Theocracies BY DEFAULT are incompatible with the constitution of the USA. The constitution needs to be amended to ban both of them explicitly so they can not use our own 1st amendment against us.
Understand now?
You do realize separation of church and state for one, is no where in the constitution, it was from an 1802 letter that Jefferson wrote to the Danbury baptist association. And two, it was never to keep God out of government, but to prevent the government from endorsing a federal church like the Roman Catholics.
They've been pushing that separation of church and state my whole life. After reading the constitution, I now see that the founding fathers wanted us to freely exercise our religion. It feels like the government sometimes wants to do quite the opposite and stamp it out. Look at the little girl that wore the, "Jesus loves me" mask.
When I was in fifth grade, our teacher would have us line up before going to lunch. Then she would let someone say a prayer before heading out. I always looked forward to that. I wanted to be chosen. :) It was just a simple, God is good, God is great, thank you for this food we eat.
Lovin this ☝?
Exactly... but by writing a law that mandates prayer in a public school you are doing exactly that... you are saying that the government supports Christian prayer. Its the wrong way to deal with the problem.
The short answer is that questions like the ten commandments being in the courthouse or prayer in the school should always be left up to the local people to decide for themselves. If a majority of that county votes in a referendum to leave the ten commandments up or have prayer in the schools then you violate nothing. THE GOVERNMENT didn't decide jack shit... THE PEOPLE DID. When you expand it out to the whole state and make it a law voted on by a state legislature that is government playing favorites one religion over another. That is exactly what they 1st was designed to stop.
Hell, forget the voters in that county voting on whether there is prayer in a school. HAVE THE DAM STUDENTS VOTE ON IT! Its their school. THAT should be the standard. The students decide. Its a good lesson in self governance. Every year first thing they have a vote... student body pres etc etc.. and are we praying or not... etc.
I've written other posts about this and don't really have time to rewrite it all. This is classic curing a symptom not the disease. These Marxists are banning Christians from praying in school and using the 1st as a club to do it. You shouldn't need to make this law. You should recognize that Marxists removing prayer violates the 1st because it is Marxism installing itself as the state religion... which violates the 1st.
I agree with most of that except the part about letting kids decide. Letting kids decide too many things that should be a parents decision have made too many entitled brats in this world. Most kids don’t know what’s good for them and need direction. They crave being led and most don’t even know it. They need structure and direction in their lives and not left to decide things for themselves. Getting that direction and instruction from moral adults in the first place is what sets them up for success later in life. Kids left to do and decide whatever the hell they want when young grow up to be adults with no direction or grounding in their lives. Many turn to crime, drugs, depression, etc because of this. We need moms and dads being leaders in the home and parents first, not friends with their kids first.
To be clear I'm talking about high school mostly. Young children yes it should be more about the parents. At high school age it builds kids up to give them these sorts of choices. It teaches them responsibility and empowers them. Forcing them to do what idiotic adults want is what cause them to rebel and turn to drugs etc etc.
This also stamps out one of the lefts biggest weapons that is the REAL problem. Everyone doesn't always get a dam trophy. There are winners and losers. Don't like it tough shit that's reality. Make a better argument next time and maybe you win.
I don’t think prayer or a period of reflection is the root of the issue. I think GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SCHOOLING is the problem. When we call schools part of the state...there Ya go. But when state=school we got a problem fren.
I agree but now add to that the hard truth that Marxism views all schools as their churches. They want everyone indoctrinated into the church of Marxism whether its a public or private school doesn't matter. Private schools are just more difficult but not impossible to infiltrate. Add in to the equation that most certified teachers are trained at a Marxist university(temple)... So even in a private school Marxists nuns are teaching your children.
Public schools are just another symptom. Still not curing the disease. Getting rid of public schools could be a good step though if done right.
Hey good points, but first I suggest you read the actual bill and also read the article not just the headline from the Associate Press — you know, the AP that is owned by a certain ultra elite cabal family.
Once done going through the content, then come back here and let’s continue this line of reasoning and discuss.
I didn't see the article linked. And it doesn't matter. Even if this law has some layers to it where it doesn't force kids to pray blah blah... then that just means its a hollow do nothing bill purely for show. The things I'm talking about would actually have some teeth to it and would solve real problems. It wouldn't some fake do nothing bill that just gets struck down by a liberal judge giving the Marxist yet another win.
In some states, Critical Race Theory has been mandated to be taught in schools.
And for most schools in left/blue districts, they (students, teachers, parents) would happily vote 'YES' to that.
Setting aside the 'prayer' topic (fren, you have to read the article!) ... would you be OK with government mandating CRT in schools? How would you solve it? Remember ... the propaganda machine is strong, the students would happily vote for that because they've been programmed to not-think.
I'll find the article tomorrow. And no I 100% don't approve of CRT being taught to anyone because 90% of it is lies. I guess that is part of my point... this is addressing a symptom not the cause. We need to be pushing back at the heart of this Marxist drivel not picking at the edges.
I finally exhaled upon reading your correct response.
A moment of silence is not endorsing any faith. It is a break in the busy day for reflection. You can reflect in whatever way suits you. You can spend the time counting to 100 if that is what you want to do with it.
No its not "hurting anyone", and a school is more than welcome to do so of their own accord if the students agree to it. HAVING THE GOVERNMENT MANDATE A MOMENT OF SILENCE IS NOT THE WAY TO DO THIS!!!
Okay... I'm Muslim... I'd like the government to mandate a call to prayer like they do in the middle east. Same thing. Doesn't really hurt anyone. Christian get their silence I want my chanting.
Look I'm on your side, but there is a right and wrong way to solve problems like this. This is NOT the way.
The way is to get rid of state-run schooling.
Nobody in the scenario is forcing children to pray. It's for the one's who want it and the other children can daydream or be a kid.
So I'm an atheist. What am I supposed to do while everyone else prays?
You are using the power of government to mandate a religious activity. I get that its partly defensive because the Marxist are trying to stop you from practicing your religion. This isn't not the way to fix the problem. Read my other posts.
The real problem is that the schools are part of the state.
I had an american teacher in high school in nz, and he would say a prayer evey morning with those who wanted to. I wasnt religious, but it was no imposition to anyone who wasn't joining in. He was the best teacher I ever had by a long shot.
DAMN! He's unstoppable!! He will handily win the presidency when Trump's term is finished.
I now have a 2 year plan to move to florida.
DeSantis is that dude. Himothy. I hope to see Trump with DeSantis as VP.
I grew up in Florida. The population is now 4x what it was in the 1970's, but the roads aren't much more extensive than then. Traffic down there is on par with Long Island, NY! (south of the I-4 corridor) If you are going to move there, I think the FL panhandle is still somewhat liveable, but you might want to be inland quite a ways, to have some protection from the hurricanes :) Definitely visit down there before you decide to move there.
Well, he certainly is moving the right direction.
Going to need God to fix the country, absolutely no question on this.
This should be the headline: Ron DeSantis signs bill mandating moment of silence in schools
^^ someone digs into the material instead of go off on some msm manufactured headline.
If they have moments of silence for BLM and shit like that, why not?
There is power in group prayer. “When two or more pray I am with you”. Bringing Truth back into schools while marxist indoctrinators and administrators run the show...that’s another animal entirely. Ok class, enough of that praying stuff let’s start talking about why white Timothy here is a threat to our various colored classmates? Every last marxist indoctrinator HAS TO GO.
Absolutely...its enough of their Evil...
We had this in my county growing up. "Moment of silence" is what they called it. It's pointless. You have to teach kids how to pray, not just give them a moment and hope they do.
Until he separates the schools from state control and permits parents to send their kids to schools that upholds their values and teaches their traditions I won't be impressed.
Parents who choose to, will have already taught there children how to pray, so no loss there.
Unless there is someone who actually narrates a Prayer like we used to do when I was at school(not a moment of silence)because as you say that's meaningless...The first thing every morning at the assembly where all the students gathered was the Lord's prayer( by the Principal) followed by any important announcements...
Some clown will say that they have to scream to satan during the whole moment of prayer.
Allaaaaaahu Akbar!
Pretty soon a poor leftist indoctrinator is going to struggle to find the time to teach kids communism 101.
I'm not a fan of Christianity but I'm all for this if it enrages the left. Bravo.
What is it about Christianity that offends you? (not a rhetorical question)
Not the above user, but also one with a disconnect from Christianity: apart from spending most of my young life in some form of Catholic education (the leading way to create non-believers), my general disdain for Christianity comes from the real idea of a church (and how the Catholic Church has been).
In my experience, religion is something that can only be truly understood in a personal way: everyone’s experience with the divine can only be understood by them. I personally believe in a god (in the sense of a higher power, not abrahamic) who created our universe and left us to our devices.
I don’t have a problem with a fair amount of the morality of Christianity (especially the Law of Love), but at the same time a fair few of the teachings can be so horribly regressive.
I believe the Catholic Church is a purposeful aberration of what Jesus and His disciples taught. I urge you not to examine Christianity through Catholic Church lens! If you haven't done so, try reading the book of John, the book of Acts, and the book of Romans; those three books summarize pretty well what true Christianity is all about.
Have read the Bible, Old and New Testament, for school. I don’t have an issue with Christianity as a concept, it’s just not how I understand religion on a personal level. My disdain for the Church isn’t leveled at their belief system.
Fair question and you deserve an answer that isn't bullshit. I can't manage to sum it up better than this:
It's important to note that I'm not associated with the page in the link but I'm in full agreement, having grown up in the church and involved in the ministry.
I didn't read through the whole article, but I agree that many Christians aren't good ambassadors of Christ. However, if certain people in a given church are used as an excuse not to go to that church, then you would never go to church, because there is no perfect church, since all churches are inhabited by less-than-perfect people. There are some churches, that are full of the people discussed in the article though (smile and shake your hand, and then talk down about you when you go sit somewhere; I've visited those kinds of churches), so they are best avoided. I'm sorry if you've had bad experiences with Christians in the past, but I hope you will give Christianity another chance. If you visit a church that is mostly comprised of people who try to live up to Christ's ideals, I think you will have a different conclusion.
You say there's no perfect church, yet Christ requires a spotless bride. My friend, the church, as you know it, isn't the church at all. His true children do not go to church but ARE the church, 24/7.
The Scriptures refer to your places of worship as "high places" and those in these systems of men bear the mark of Cain (mark of the beast) already.
It may have served you better had you been diligent enough to read it in full. At the very least, it serves to answer the points that you are trying to make.
One last thing that may help explain my position:
No church that I've ever walked into expresses the unadulterated ideals of Christ. Paul warned us about these "churches" and the heresies being pushed.
As I said, there is no perfect church. If you find one, let me know :) But seriously, it is dangerous to try to be a "good Christian" independent of other Christians and a church of fellow believers. There are dangers of being around "fake Christians" yes, but if you look, I'm sure you can find a church that is comprised of good, honest, true believers who strive to be like Christ, and hopefully led by a pastor who preaches the unadulterated word of God. My best to you.
Fren, I understand your thought process because I've been there but I need to go by the Word and counsel of God. I'm not here to convince or attempt to sway. Only the Lord can move the heart accordingly. I'm only here to inform.
I will say that I greatly appreciate your candor and the fact that we can have this discussion in a civil manner. The typical response here to my content has always been met with venom and vehemence by the Christian community.
Despite our differences on the matter, I think we can both agree on the following:
"In the end, God wins "
Take care.
If God is truly leading you in a path that avoids conventional churches, then who am I to say you are wrong? Take care, and see you on the other side :)
The criers will scream "no state religion!" without realizing its a moment for prayer, but prayer isn't required
Nothing stops people from silently praying on the way to school, in the restroom, at recess, at lunch, during gym class, during boring lectures and assemblies, during fire drills, after school, in the evenings, in church on Sundays, at night before bed, upon arising, etc.
Don't flame me, I guess I don't get the whole purpose of stopping class to make a show of it when you can do it so much more than that of you want and nobody can stop you
The structure encourages more of it. Like you get a better workout at the gym because everyone else around you is also doing it.
"One nation under God"
It's a moment of silence. Not a moment of prayer. Big difference.
He's not forcing kids to pray to God. He's giving them the chance to if they desire. They're free to pray to any god, or no god at all.
Honest question.
Why do we need this moment in school with so many moments between school, breakfast, and waking up out of bed?
Honest answer...Why Not...??? "In God we trust".....
Because school is a place for learning, like how a job is a place for working, a road is a place for driving, and water is a place for swimming.
A child has far more time before and after school for prayer, and places far more conducive for healthy prayer than a school...
No prayer is being read aloud by the teacher expecting the children to follow. It's literally just 2 minutes of silence.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
I do not believe this is constitutional
Establishment of religion? Nope.
Prohibiting the free exercise thereof? Nope.
Abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press? Nope.
Abridging the right of the people to peaceably assemble, or to petition the government for a redress of grievances? Nope.
How about now?
"In God We Trust"....Ring a bell...??