You know... that smugness that Nancy had last year seems awfully subdued these days. It brings me great pleasure knowing these people are living in fear. A special kind of purgatory before they drop with a rope tightly around their necks.
Actually those who go to purgatory expiate their sins and eventually make it to heaven. I'm not thinking she will go that route. But I like the "rope tightly around their necks" idea. Has a nice ring to it.
Looking back, if they managed to actually call her to the stand as a witness and starting asking her questions related to a possible laptop, that would have screwed her and a lot of people.
Would explain why they had to drop the impeachment like a hot potato.
I think the laptop is a metaphor. The military took something else much more important. Imagine if Pelosi had all her blackmail material on a flash drive in her safe... in her office. No doubt in my mind that they setup something that day and it blew up in their face though.
Basically this. This CAN’T just end with “well, this just shows that…” or “they are the REAL <whatever>” no. The left and the deep state DO. NOT. CARE. About you pointing out their hypocrisy.
In fact, they frickin’ get off to it. It’s like a crown designating royalty. “Ohhh, I guess it’s bad for me to walk into the royal palace but IT’S JUST FINE FOR YOU, Your Majesty King Leftist” it just doesn’t work.
These people won’t stop until they ARE stopped. This means not relying on them to feel shame in their hypocrisy (they don’t) or to enforce rules on themselves (they won’t). It’s going to mean actually setting up an investigation in congress and then aggressively disciplining the bad actors/whole group. At this point, likely military tribunals.
It's kind of funny, but some of the kinds of criminals FBI is supposed to investigate, serial killers, child rapists, etc., do get a thrill out of flaunting their crimes, almost daring to get caught. Let's hope the sour apples in the FBI barrel are caught and serve the prison time they deserve. Hey, any honest FBI agents out there? How about standing up for what is right for a change, instead of your deep state masters?
We really are ramping up the narrative/exposure of the FBI. Are they starting to normalize the idea of exposing and abolishing the FBI? One can dream...
The FBI staged 'insurrection' on Jan. 6 could be the insurance policy to which Peter Strozk communicated the existence of in the text exchange with Lisa Page.
Nice try but we already know what's NOY going to happen. I wonder what the FBI would do if say, 1000 or so dedicated Patriots decided to walk into FBI HQ and just start confiscating records, phone's, and computers.
I'm glad some of our people in Congress are beginning to ask the right questions. Now they need to ask about Antifa involvement. Especially, with that footage of them coming through the window being released. Not to mention John Sullivan with the CNN reporter.
So all the other good things she's done get tossed out, just because she voted for juunteenth? Maybe there's a reason she did that, that isn't readily apparent.
Ask Nancy she knows..............
Pelosi, McConnell, Schiff, co-conspirators and planners behind it all.
all of them
They wanted civil war, that's why trump didn't give it to them.
WE didnt give it to them.
You know... that smugness that Nancy had last year seems awfully subdued these days. It brings me great pleasure knowing these people are living in fear. A special kind of purgatory before they drop with a rope tightly around their necks.
Actually those who go to purgatory expiate their sins and eventually make it to heaven. I'm not thinking she will go that route. But I like the "rope tightly around their necks" idea. Has a nice ring to it.
Luvin their Purgatory. Purgatory=Purge.
Remember how fast the 2nd impeachment folded when they called her as the first witness.
just proved that they ALL know and are guilty as well.
Looking back, if they managed to actually call her to the stand as a witness and starting asking her questions related to a possible laptop, that would have screwed her and a lot of people.
Would explain why they had to drop the impeachment like a hot potato.
Zaaaactly ?
It’s all on her laptop and we had access on 1/6.
I think the laptop is a metaphor. The military took something else much more important. Imagine if Pelosi had all her blackmail material on a flash drive in her safe... in her office. No doubt in my mind that they setup something that day and it blew up in their face though.
It’s on her laptop. “Laptop”=MIRROR.
I wonder who actually has it
Yes...yes she does. She’s the mastermind behind it, if not the mastermind she gave the orders to make it happen.
Hey FBI (because we know you are here), the people are going to learn that you are little more than the Deep State's secret police.
The truth is coming out.
They won't stop till we stop them
Basically this. This CAN’T just end with “well, this just shows that…” or “they are the REAL <whatever>” no. The left and the deep state DO. NOT. CARE. About you pointing out their hypocrisy.
In fact, they frickin’ get off to it. It’s like a crown designating royalty. “Ohhh, I guess it’s bad for me to walk into the royal palace but IT’S JUST FINE FOR YOU, Your Majesty King Leftist” it just doesn’t work.
These people won’t stop until they ARE stopped. This means not relying on them to feel shame in their hypocrisy (they don’t) or to enforce rules on themselves (they won’t). It’s going to mean actually setting up an investigation in congress and then aggressively disciplining the bad actors/whole group. At this point, likely military tribunals.
It's kind of funny, but some of the kinds of criminals FBI is supposed to investigate, serial killers, child rapists, etc., do get a thrill out of flaunting their crimes, almost daring to get caught. Let's hope the sour apples in the FBI barrel are caught and serve the prison time they deserve. Hey, any honest FBI agents out there? How about standing up for what is right for a change, instead of your deep state masters?
I’d LOVE to see a few flip?!!
Military tribunals. All knowingly treasonous co-conspirators deserve a fair trial, conviction, and the life/death penalty.
Congress is the problem. Military is the only way.
Lol...they never do...
Jack is fake and gay. That little Rasputin pickle kisser.
There was some tabloid photo of Jack on a beach with a "swimsuit model" who made Milla Jovovich look busty, probably yet another tranny.
Saw that. He had the commie star on his leg too.
Daaamn I’d love to see that that pos.
Such a weaselly little jerk.
This made me laugh out loud! Thank you for the giggle.
Got the phrase from a coworker. Pretty funny i thought i would share it.
King Cuckold.
She is a warrior! Love her as well.
True warrior that voted to make Juneteenth a national holiday! Yup. Wolf in sheep's clothing.
No she's not. She's a RINO -
And the whitmer plot. And the white jihadi they honeypotted. And McVey...
The list is looong.
Too long...
Whatever happened to those laptops white hats supposedly took from there?
The FBI after all went all the way to Alaska for Pelosi's laptop and reportedly didn't find it there either.
It’s not under this pile of donuts...
I like where this is going.
We really are ramping up the narrative/exposure of the FBI. Are they starting to normalize the idea of exposing and abolishing the FBI? One can dream...
The FBI staged 'insurrection' on Jan. 6 could be the insurance policy to which Peter Strozk communicated the existence of in the text exchange with Lisa Page.
Nice try but we already know what's NOY going to happen. I wonder what the FBI would do if say, 1000 or so dedicated Patriots decided to walk into FBI HQ and just start confiscating records, phone's, and computers.
Isn’t the Hoover’s FBI building closed? Maybe that has already happened.
Some days I wake up and came remember whether this is real life or a weird cartoon I'm dreaming lol.
Yup she’s a keeper. We need more people like her to represent us, wish we had one in Alabama.
You guys have a solid foundation tho...luv from Tennessee ?
MTG is a badass!
I sent this woman a $50 donation by regular mail thanking her for her patriotism.
Cue the aliens!!!!!!!!!!
Felonious Boneheaded Idiots
Defund the FBI.
She is BASED! Equating FBI with DS. Love her courage!
Natzi style
The FBI is the enemy of the people and they need to be dismantled.
I'm glad some of our people in Congress are beginning to ask the right questions. Now they need to ask about Antifa involvement. Especially, with that footage of them coming through the window being released. Not to mention John Sullivan with the CNN reporter.
MTG 2028!
anyone have any good links/sources I can dig deeper into this? I gotta listen to what x22 said about it too
She's right about that! FBI is Deep State!
It would be easier to take the FBI apart and end them.
It was Pelosi's idea. Bet you.
So all the other good things she's done get tossed out, just because she voted for juunteenth? Maybe there's a reason she did that, that isn't readily apparent.