Yeah this has totally changed my stance on ALL vax's now and I wish my mum never had me jabbed. I developed Graves disease (autoimmune disorder) at age 17 and had to have my whole thyroid out at age 23.
Am now on lifelong tablets - 2 in the morning - to replace the hormone. Big Pharma made me their bitch cos my mum jabbed me as a kid before i could consent.
Many of us got jabbed very young here in the US, still do. As long as I can remember it was required to go to public school. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, having to take pills for life since they took your thyroid out.☹
Thanks. It is what it is and I suppose there are far worse autoimmune diseases i could have developed so i am kind of lucky there. But still, I have to wonder what else these vax's are doing to people that we end up blaming on other things but are actually the result of vaccines given to us as infants.
I figure the blood work done at your annual physical and sent to the lab, that lab is stealing your DNA. Speaking of labs, I noticed there are two national labs buying up all the local guys. My recent blood work was sent to Quest Labs, one of the two, who rolled up all the local labs in my area.
What's their ultimate plan for control/mass extinction was. It all revolves around 23andMe, Big Pharma and Big Tech. And oddly, the answer is contained within the pages of “Snow Crash.” The founder of Google’s favorite sci-fi novel. Re-read Q drops 154, 1167 and 2061... the DNA and vax links are quite evident and the piece of crap book snow crash just blares it all out.
The squeeze is on at my work, but I’m not doing it. Biggest concern I have is schools and my kids being forced. I won’t let them do it either. We may be homeschooling, but not sure how that’ll work exactly.
It's overwhelming at first, but then you catch on. See if there are other homeschooling families in the area, they can point you to books, and suggest activities.Our library had a "homeschool day" and someone lined up meetings periodically to "teach" a lesson to a group of homeschoolers. Ours had band and a soccer team. A lot of ways to teach kids that don't look like traditional school. Like learning science by taking a hike in the woods and identifying bugs, leaves, etc. Learn names of the clouds, while you are outside. You only have to make sure they learn the things appropriate for their grade, but most learn fast and are way ahead of regular schooled kids.
I completely agree. It wasn't always perfect but homeschooling was definitely worth doing. Develop the curiosity in each child to be a life long learner. Surround them with books and opportunities to learn all the time. Manners/respect are pieces missing from the young people I have worked with over the last 10 years. Please and thank you are always useful. Many useful websites now that weren't around 10 years ago. Look at HSLDA. Good luck to you. Don't let the negative people out there keep you from doing what is right for your family.
I'm pretty sure the Covid debacle has shown that our families are definitively NOT safe if anything. That broken promise and the fact that Trump pushes the vaccine are my two biggest causes of doubt.
Only to people without a perspective based in logic and reason. No reasonable person thinks a war of this magnitude would be bloodless. No person can logically conclude that innocents will not suffer. The goal can only be mitigation not elimination.
People who post like yours and the person you are replying to can fuck off. You do the enemies work if you are not outright shills.
Ah yes, the final bastion for those who lack the ability to present a sensible argument or debate in good faith: "shill, shill! Anybody who doesn't think as I do must be a government agent!"
I understand your struggle but hear me out! Check the CDC deaths per yer prior to Covid and check during Covid. All yearly deaths of all illnesses combined have been close in totals cause now it won’t show your yearly deaths of heart disease, flu, pneumonia, cancer etc. they combined all these deaths as Covid.
I have a friend who took it that told me I was the smartest person she knows now because I didn't take it. She was allergic to something in the shot and could have gone into anaphylactic shock. So she waited until she could go see a specialist. I warned her not to but she was so worried about the virus bc she has a partial lung so a doctor talked her into it. Dr. said they could treat her for the reaction if she had it but there was not much they could do once she was hospitalized and on a vent from COVID. That's what convinced her to take the shot.
She told me after her shot she was fine. But recently admitted that after her first shot the capillaries in her hands turned bright red.
Only now is she admitting she wishes she hadn't rushed out to take it. We had a neighbor who took both shots and his wife both come down with COVID. So now she knows the VAX doesn't work.
The key component of that conversation is there's nothing they could do after putting her on a ventilator. The vent is what caused a large majority of early deaths. It's a terrible thing that they forced people onto ventilators because it actually created worse problems than the "virus". I have spoken to many nurses who say that for some reason nurses and doctors were forced to not follow general protocol once someone was diagnosed with covid. They wouldn't give diabetics their medication and if someone was dehydrated from being vented they wouldn't allow liquids even though that would have eased their condition.
That is the correct attitude to have. The next step is to follow a modified version of the scientific method in which you look for proof, verification and corroboration of everything that you believe, always open to the possibly it could be proven false.
Just like real science used to do... (until the global warming scam ruined most of science - turning it all into political advocacy... but that is a different topic)
People who haven't experienced serious negative side effects in the past 3-4 months since they received the shot think the anti or hesitant crowd is full of dumb mouth breathers.
What they don't realize is that the very worst side effects, on a mass scale, won't likely manifest for many, many months or several years.
Big pharma and their political co-conspirators aren't completely stupid. They know that if masses of people instantly started dropping like flies after the shot, or immediately developed some type of malignant tumor, that it would turn everyone into an anti-vaxxer.
No, the evil genius is to have enough of a buffer between the last shot and the development or manifestation of any serious disease or death.
That way, when women were experiencing swollen lymph nodes after the shot and were told, "it's temporary and just means it's working," they won't later connect the dots when a tumor appears 6 months to a year or so later. Because eventually, the swelling went down. So it's easy to think it's not an issue.
Ditto for infertility or ovarian cancer. Watch Bret Weinstein's Dark Horse podcast that youtube demonitized -- the spike protein collects in the ovaries in women. You think that's on accident? It's not a bug, it's a feature in Gates's depopulation world.
It’s pretty crazy how the MSM hides all the vax deaths though. Over 200,000 vax related deaths have been reported on VAERS. They say that less than 10 percent of people make reports on VAERS. That means over 2 million Americans have died from the vax so far—which is a lot more than the msm reported died from Covid.
Wanna do all that?
Thomas Jefferson said:
It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.
His principle applies even more now to both what YOU say and do online as well as what you allow in to damage your DNA - that becomes that of your progeny one day.
I highly doubt you haven't had a single vaccination when you were born, or your family before you.
If you are on this "dying how God made you" thing, you should dig back through your family history as well as your own, because someone probably got vaccinations as an infant.
It is not only this shot that has changed you and your bodily functions.
We don't know the far reaching effects of this vaccine, just like we don't know the far reaching effects of the virus.
Our bodies could metabolize this eventually and resume normal function; but what we do know for a fact is that vaccinations have already changed our bodies, so "dying how God made you" is entirely out of the question.
The covid "vaccination" is not a vaccination! It is an experimental genetic treatment! It alters EVERY cell in your body. No vaccination does that! The media loves to say "It doesn't alter your DNA!", but it DOES ALTER YOUR RNA (of every cell in your body!), and if you do a little research, you will find that DNA and RNA are completely linked, so that if you alter one, it as about the same as altering the other.
I don't even know what is on fb (heavily censored) and tiktok.
Senator Johnson's livestream today with several victims:[0]=AZWPtwSyr4CAqU3tlv21lIHiESyzZs8WURmca-cRvFtYynWDo8ClwR1nauLyRuE5AVO-8GLPJQAkUMnOlWSQBwc-p9ZrCOuZHNbtALbdPByqED6uzoRm_tO3oJL8IQmKlh3HPhs2EhD9r6PUtHEPe_n_qIPL1zT-CtKbDn9GaaSeSA&tn=-UK-R
I can tell you even before I dove down anti Vax rabbit holes i never understood them because when I was active duty we were required to get the flu Vax every year and we all knew half the people on the boat would be sick. I got out of the military and never got it again. Im on year 7 and have gotten the flu once. I know many other service members with the same experience. There is no reason subjecting yourself to almost any vaccine except mayyybeeeee (I don't know the full research) tetanus or rabies if you are directly attacked or affected by an event.
Luckily the military has not forced the Vax on us yet. If they do I would fight and even take a discharge. I can say this for the covid jab, but I wish I did not have to get the flu and others every year.
Dr Paul Thomas MD is a pediatrician and addiction specialist who is (was?) on YouTube and elsewhere. The fact that they keep trying to cancel him, even took away his licence, makes me think he is telling the truth when he talks critically about certain childhood vaccines, or at least the timing and frequency of some of them. He was the only one I felt I could trust when I had to think about which vaccinations, if any, to let them give my kid in exchange for my kid being able to go to school.
Immunisation schedules for schooling is government blackmail.
My parents always try to explain away the adverse reactions such as 'It might be that person's genetics." I just don't buy it. At this point, they'd have to hear it out of the mouths of the public health authorities which would only happen it they were forced intro admitting to lying about the dangers of the COOVID-19 vaccines.
Link em up fren
If you still have the links, search for them using the Wayback Machine on
This article has the whole history of vaccines play by play.
Yeah this has totally changed my stance on ALL vax's now and I wish my mum never had me jabbed. I developed Graves disease (autoimmune disorder) at age 17 and had to have my whole thyroid out at age 23.
Am now on lifelong tablets - 2 in the morning - to replace the hormone. Big Pharma made me their bitch cos my mum jabbed me as a kid before i could consent.
Many of us got jabbed very young here in the US, still do. As long as I can remember it was required to go to public school. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, having to take pills for life since they took your thyroid out.☹
Thanks. It is what it is and I suppose there are far worse autoimmune diseases i could have developed so i am kind of lucky there. But still, I have to wonder what else these vax's are doing to people that we end up blaming on other things but are actually the result of vaccines given to us as infants.
Your organs & blood may be dangerously valuable to Rothschilds {=‘_’=}
I think I get what the camps are for
Yea, so no DNA tests, period.
If you've been to any medical facility in the last few years, they already have your DNA.
I figure the blood work done at your annual physical and sent to the lab, that lab is stealing your DNA. Speaking of labs, I noticed there are two national labs buying up all the local guys. My recent blood work was sent to Quest Labs, one of the two, who rolled up all the local labs in my area.
LabCorp here.
Something's very wrong allowing medical to follow the Walmart and Amazon anti competitive monopoly practices.
What's their ultimate plan for control/mass extinction was. It all revolves around 23andMe, Big Pharma and Big Tech. And oddly, the answer is contained within the pages of “Snow Crash.” The founder of Google’s favorite sci-fi novel. Re-read Q drops 154, 1167 and 2061... the DNA and vax links are quite evident and the piece of crap book snow crash just blares it all out.
Now I’m scared... I have not thought about that aspect before.
Luke 12:4
The squeeze is on at my work, but I’m not doing it. Biggest concern I have is schools and my kids being forced. I won’t let them do it either. We may be homeschooling, but not sure how that’ll work exactly.
It's overwhelming at first, but then you catch on. See if there are other homeschooling families in the area, they can point you to books, and suggest activities.Our library had a "homeschool day" and someone lined up meetings periodically to "teach" a lesson to a group of homeschoolers. Ours had band and a soccer team. A lot of ways to teach kids that don't look like traditional school. Like learning science by taking a hike in the woods and identifying bugs, leaves, etc. Learn names of the clouds, while you are outside. You only have to make sure they learn the things appropriate for their grade, but most learn fast and are way ahead of regular schooled kids.
I completely agree. It wasn't always perfect but homeschooling was definitely worth doing. Develop the curiosity in each child to be a life long learner. Surround them with books and opportunities to learn all the time. Manners/respect are pieces missing from the young people I have worked with over the last 10 years. Please and thank you are always useful. Many useful websites now that weren't around 10 years ago. Look at HSLDA. Good luck to you. Don't let the negative people out there keep you from doing what is right for your family.
Turns out this was a great time to retire.
(your families are safe promise) Q has told us already not to act impulsively out of future fears, We are protected.
I struggle with this because there are people dying solely because of what is happening politically.
I'm pretty sure the Covid debacle has shown that our families are definitively NOT safe if anything. That broken promise and the fact that Trump pushes the vaccine are my two biggest causes of doubt.
Yeah this are two aspects of this that are incredibly disheartening.
Only to people without a perspective based in logic and reason. No reasonable person thinks a war of this magnitude would be bloodless. No person can logically conclude that innocents will not suffer. The goal can only be mitigation not elimination.
People who post like yours and the person you are replying to can fuck off. You do the enemies work if you are not outright shills.
Q said families are safe.
You can go play the fuck in traffic. If you think Q lied about that, how much else is a lie?
That's important, so don't be a blind, non-skeptical, totally unquestioning drone. Don't be the same whore that leftists are.
And millions who would have died otherwise ARE safe because of the actions taken. What dont you get about the fact WE ARE AT WAR? War isnt bloodless.
Ah yes, the final bastion for those who lack the ability to present a sensible argument or debate in good faith: "shill, shill! Anybody who doesn't think as I do must be a government agent!"
Get over yourself.
I understand your struggle but hear me out! Check the CDC deaths per yer prior to Covid and check during Covid. All yearly deaths of all illnesses combined have been close in totals cause now it won’t show your yearly deaths of heart disease, flu, pneumonia, cancer etc. they combined all these deaths as Covid.
I have a friend who took it that told me I was the smartest person she knows now because I didn't take it. She was allergic to something in the shot and could have gone into anaphylactic shock. So she waited until she could go see a specialist. I warned her not to but she was so worried about the virus bc she has a partial lung so a doctor talked her into it. Dr. said they could treat her for the reaction if she had it but there was not much they could do once she was hospitalized and on a vent from COVID. That's what convinced her to take the shot.
She told me after her shot she was fine. But recently admitted that after her first shot the capillaries in her hands turned bright red.
Only now is she admitting she wishes she hadn't rushed out to take it. We had a neighbor who took both shots and his wife both come down with COVID. So now she knows the VAX doesn't work.
No test, no Vax, no Covid, no problems. Turn off your TV and Covid goes away completely.
The key component of that conversation is there's nothing they could do after putting her on a ventilator. The vent is what caused a large majority of early deaths. It's a terrible thing that they forced people onto ventilators because it actually created worse problems than the "virus". I have spoken to many nurses who say that for some reason nurses and doctors were forced to not follow general protocol once someone was diagnosed with covid. They wouldn't give diabetics their medication and if someone was dehydrated from being vented they wouldn't allow liquids even though that would have eased their condition.
Whole thing is fed up on so many levels.
Exactly. But the real thing they were hiding is the CURE. HCQ Pac with Zinc in early stages and Ivermectin.
Yup actively hide the cure and actively promote detrimental treatments to pump up the death count.
i.e., we are THE control group... and what I have seen is a pandemic of sheeple NOT looking up...
Totally agree. A few months ago I would waver every once in a while, but not anymore.
Same here
my distrust of the medical / pharma profession accelarates exponationaly every day
My distrust of everything accelerates daily. I don't believe anything I've been told anymore.
That is the correct attitude to have. The next step is to follow a modified version of the scientific method in which you look for proof, verification and corroboration of everything that you believe, always open to the possibly it could be proven false.
Just like real science used to do... (until the global warming scam ruined most of science - turning it all into political advocacy... but that is a different topic)
Exaaactly ??
People who haven't experienced serious negative side effects in the past 3-4 months since they received the shot think the anti or hesitant crowd is full of dumb mouth breathers.
What they don't realize is that the very worst side effects, on a mass scale, won't likely manifest for many, many months or several years.
Big pharma and their political co-conspirators aren't completely stupid. They know that if masses of people instantly started dropping like flies after the shot, or immediately developed some type of malignant tumor, that it would turn everyone into an anti-vaxxer.
No, the evil genius is to have enough of a buffer between the last shot and the development or manifestation of any serious disease or death.
That way, when women were experiencing swollen lymph nodes after the shot and were told, "it's temporary and just means it's working," they won't later connect the dots when a tumor appears 6 months to a year or so later. Because eventually, the swelling went down. So it's easy to think it's not an issue.
Ditto for infertility or ovarian cancer. Watch Bret Weinstein's Dark Horse podcast that youtube demonitized -- the spike protein collects in the ovaries in women. You think that's on accident? It's not a bug, it's a feature in Gates's depopulation world.
It’s pretty crazy how the MSM hides all the vax deaths though. Over 200,000 vax related deaths have been reported on VAERS. They say that less than 10 percent of people make reports on VAERS. That means over 2 million Americans have died from the vax so far—which is a lot more than the msm reported died from Covid.
I'm sure the numbers are even higher than 200k - because not all vax deaths are reported on VAERS
Where are you getting your information on 200,000 covid vax related deaths on VAERS?
I'm on the VAERS website right now, and it says less than 10,000.
I pulled VAERS a few days ago and COVID deaths were ~5k. What are you seeing that is leading you to the conclusion of ~200k?
I'm gonna steal that!
Amen to this!
Keep Digging.
Wanna do all that?
Thomas Jefferson said:
His principle applies even more now to both what YOU say and do online as well as what you allow in to damage your DNA - that becomes that of your progeny one day.
These vaccines can NOT BE UNDONE.
I'd rather die how God made me.
I highly doubt you haven't had a single vaccination when you were born, or your family before you.
If you are on this "dying how God made you" thing, you should dig back through your family history as well as your own, because someone probably got vaccinations as an infant.
It is not only this shot that has changed you and your bodily functions.
I never claimed my lineage not to have one.
You ascribe claims to me I did not speak.
If one vaccination is okay, why not another?
We don't know the far reaching effects of this vaccine, just like we don't know the far reaching effects of the virus.
Our bodies could metabolize this eventually and resume normal function; but what we do know for a fact is that vaccinations have already changed our bodies, so "dying how God made you" is entirely out of the question.
The covid "vaccination" is not a vaccination! It is an experimental genetic treatment! It alters EVERY cell in your body. No vaccination does that! The media loves to say "It doesn't alter your DNA!", but it DOES ALTER YOUR RNA (of every cell in your body!), and if you do a little research, you will find that DNA and RNA are completely linked, so that if you alter one, it as about the same as altering the other.
EXACTLY!!!! This is the very 1st time an Mrna drug has been used on humans.
False Equivocation does not apply here.
Your logic is akin to “will I already raped a kid so - may as well keep on raping kids.”
I have 3 kids and none have been vaccinated. None will be.
As a child I had only tetanus. Not DTaP - Tetanus. A valent injection.
My kids are healthy As all get out and eat healthy food we provide farm to table. It’s a LOT LF WORK but it’s worth it.
Call me wrong. That’s fine. My choice is to keep these kids healthy with sunlight, exercise, and hygiene.
As a kid I ad measles, chicken pox, everything I could be exposed to. Pertussis etc.
A vaccine doesn’t give you better than natural immunity. That’s the key. It doesn’t work like they say it does.
And these covid injections? They’ve Gene Therapy.
No. Fuck no.
If your understand of God’s Awareness is this limited - I ask you to actually learn.
Or do you think it was God’s Will that Eve ate the Apple?
Adam and Eve was not real so it's irrelevant. It's a parable.
I was you once. May I ask - why are you here?
Because I believe in Q, not God.
Q references putting on the Armor of God.
You just omit that?
I read that as courage.
Not literal armour dude.
Just some victim sites I have been collecting to share with people: Twitter:
Reddit: /r/CovidVaccinated
Odysee: Videos of people with side effects- some crazy stuff
Medscape: A message board for people from the medical profession (though some may not be, some obviously are): scroll thru and see what some of the docs and nurse are saying further down:
Independent website:]-R&c[0]=AT35FN97nk5DKXxIr1TbBz9RQGpzelYxvHAu3wAbU_67UiKnKJ4lTbVvPBCSde3iCCJxWwulMwl_phJIxvl1LfMyhoNeRpezJRPVniiZnSGFwtl2vKFereUNQ18gNmwUf1_ZZv-SboHPkQ6HAMAnnQSpf_fM
Independent website:
Video on miscarriage reports in the VAERS system- I couldn't watch this all the way through. Only got through the first couple he read:
I don't even know what is on fb (heavily censored) and tiktok.
Senator Johnson's livestream today with several victims:[0]=AZWPtwSyr4CAqU3tlv21lIHiESyzZs8WURmca-cRvFtYynWDo8ClwR1nauLyRuE5AVO-8GLPJQAkUMnOlWSQBwc-p9ZrCOuZHNbtALbdPByqED6uzoRm_tO3oJL8IQmKlh3HPhs2EhD9r6PUtHEPe_n_qIPL1zT-CtKbDn9GaaSeSA&tn=-UK-R
I may spend the afternoon lurking/posting throughout. TY ??
I can tell you even before I dove down anti Vax rabbit holes i never understood them because when I was active duty we were required to get the flu Vax every year and we all knew half the people on the boat would be sick. I got out of the military and never got it again. Im on year 7 and have gotten the flu once. I know many other service members with the same experience. There is no reason subjecting yourself to almost any vaccine except mayyybeeeee (I don't know the full research) tetanus or rabies if you are directly attacked or affected by an event.
Luckily the military has not forced the Vax on us yet. If they do I would fight and even take a discharge. I can say this for the covid jab, but I wish I did not have to get the flu and others every year.
Experiment time on Reddit. See how long it takes to get me banned using this
Please Link to your post. I want to get banned too.
This is what I tell people that keep trying to get me to get it. I say the more I read about it the less I want it.
We are all PureBloods
Dr Paul Thomas MD is a pediatrician and addiction specialist who is (was?) on YouTube and elsewhere. The fact that they keep trying to cancel him, even took away his licence, makes me think he is telling the truth when he talks critically about certain childhood vaccines, or at least the timing and frequency of some of them. He was the only one I felt I could trust when I had to think about which vaccinations, if any, to let them give my kid in exchange for my kid being able to go to school.
Immunisation schedules for schooling is government blackmail.
True statement.
Amen to that!
My parents always try to explain away the adverse reactions such as 'It might be that person's genetics." I just don't buy it. At this point, they'd have to hear it out of the mouths of the public health authorities which would only happen it they were forced intro admitting to lying about the dangers of the COOVID-19 vaccines.
I've been pretty much anti-vaxx since the late '80's.